I was reading the AP write-up of the Presidential Dem Debate....

that's what is amazing and scary to me. I had hoped they had learned after putting in the thing called Obama without questing a thing about him. and look we are in here at home and the world

2015 was the best year of my life financially. Most people I know are better off than they were in 2008 when Bush fucked everything up.

An increase in your food stamp amount? Most people you know live off the government dole. With all the freebies going around, I can believe that. The sad part is you think it's actually your money.
"Why is it that last four Cabinet Level Departments were created by REPUBLICANS?"

It isn't. If you're going to make claim, you should know something about it. The last 4 are Energy under Carter, Education under Carter, Veterans Affairs under Bush I, and Homeland Security under Bush II. That's a tie where I come from.

That's where you'd be displaying your ignorance.

Bush-43 created the Department of National Intelligence as well as Homeland Security - Effectively creating TWO Cabinet level departments.

In addition to elevating Veteran's Affairs to a Cabinet Level Department, Bush -41 also elevated the EPA to a Cabinet Level Department.

So that's FOUR.

But I understand, you are kind of stupid, Cleetus.
An increase in your food stamp amount? Most people you know live off the government dole. With all the freebies going around, I can believe that. The sad part is you think it's actually your money.

I don't know anyone who is on the government dole. Most of the people I know have jobs (I helped a lot of them GET jobs by writing their resumes). I just switched jobs and increased my annual salary by $14,000 a year, and made a record amount of money with my side business.
"Why is it that last four Cabinet Level Departments were created by REPUBLICANS?"

It isn't. If you're going to make claim, you should know something about it. The last 4 are Energy under Carter, Education under Carter, Veterans Affairs under Bush I, and Homeland Security under Bush II. That's a tie where I come from.

That's where you'd be displaying your ignorance.

Bush-43 created the Department of National Intelligence as well as Homeland Security - Effectively creating TWO Cabinet level departments.

In addition to elevating Veteran's Affairs to a Cabinet Level Department, Bush -41 also elevated the EPA to a Cabinet Level Department.

So that's FOUR.

But I understand, you are kind of stupid, Cleetus.

So the cabinet is going to split into two like magic. Maybe the aliens will help the senate leaders to do it. :boohoo:
"Why is it that last four Cabinet Level Departments were created by REPUBLICANS?"

It isn't. If you're going to make claim, you should know something about it. The last 4 are Energy under Carter, Education under Carter, Veterans Affairs under Bush I, and Homeland Security under Bush II. That's a tie where I come from.

That's where you'd be displaying your ignorance.

Bush-43 created the Department of National Intelligence as well as Homeland Security - Effectively creating TWO Cabinet level departments.

In addition to elevating Veteran's Affairs to a Cabinet Level Department, Bush -41 also elevated the EPA to a Cabinet Level Department.

So that's FOUR.

But I understand, you are kind of stupid, Cleetus.

Since The Dept. of National Intelligence isn't a cabinet level position, saying effectively is nothing more than providing inaccurate information. It's not on the list of the cabinet position.

There is no secretary of the EPA. It's also not a cabinet level position.

Here's the list: Show me where the two you say are on it come in. Cabinet of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In case you didn't know, and you likely don't, it's also the line of presidential succession with the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore coming between the VP and Secretary of State. Bet you don't know why they're in that order and why the Speaker and PPT come before the cabinet positions.
"Why is it that last four Cabinet Level Departments were created by REPUBLICANS?"

It isn't. If you're going to make claim, you should know something about it. The last 4 are Energy under Carter, Education under Carter, Veterans Affairs under Bush I, and Homeland Security under Bush II. That's a tie where I come from.

That's where you'd be displaying your ignorance.

Bush-43 created the Department of National Intelligence as well as Homeland Security - Effectively creating TWO Cabinet level departments.

In addition to elevating Veteran's Affairs to a Cabinet Level Department, Bush -41 also elevated the EPA to a Cabinet Level Department.

So that's FOUR.

But I understand, you are kind of stupid, Cleetus.

So the cabinet is going to split into two like magic. Maybe the aliens will help the senate leaders to do it. :boohoo:

It's his dumbass way of twisting things.
An increase in your food stamp amount? Most people you know live off the government dole. With all the freebies going around, I can believe that. The sad part is you think it's actually your money.

I don't know anyone who is on the government dole. Most of the people I know have jobs (I helped a lot of them GET jobs by writing their resumes). I just switched jobs and increased my annual salary by $14,000 a year, and made a record amount of money with my side business.

You have to have a side business to make it? I guess french fry dropper isn't getting it done.
"Why is it that last four Cabinet Level Departments were created by REPUBLICANS?"

It isn't. If you're going to make claim, you should know something about it. The last 4 are Energy under Carter, Education under Carter, Veterans Affairs under Bush I, and Homeland Security under Bush II. That's a tie where I come from.

That's where you'd be displaying your ignorance.

Bush-43 created the Department of National Intelligence as well as Homeland Security - Effectively creating TWO Cabinet level departments.

In addition to elevating Veteran's Affairs to a Cabinet Level Department, Bush -41 also elevated the EPA to a Cabinet Level Department.

So that's FOUR.

But I understand, you are kind of stupid, Cleetus.

So the cabinet is going to split into two like magic. Maybe the aliens will help the senate leaders to do it. :boohoo:

When he used the word effectively that told me he was full of shit. He deals in what he thinks and avoids reality. Those two he said were effectively cabinet level positions will become just that when they make the list.
You have to have a side business to make it? I guess french fry dropper isn't getting it done.

no, I have a side business because when your boy Bush was in, my previous job screwed me on medical treatments. So I had to start that to pay that down. Now it's taken on a life of its own, and it's making me a decent amount of money.

Also, even though it's a concept that is alien to you, I get to help people and have some fun doing it.
You have to have a side business to make it? I guess french fry dropper isn't getting it done.

no, I have a side business because when your boy Bush was in, my previous job screwed me on medical treatments. So I had to start that to pay that down. Now it's taken on a life of its own, and it's making me a decent amount of money.

Also, even though it's a concept that is alien to you, I get to help people and have some fun doing it.

You have a side job because you fast food one isn't getting it done.
You have a side job because you fast food one isn't getting it done.

How low is your life that you have to go out of your way to look down at Fast Food workers?

That tells me your job as "Deputy Possum Catcher" just isn't that prestigious.
When he used the word effectively that told me he was full of shit. He deals in what he thinks and avoids reality. Those two he said were effectively cabinet level positions will become just that when they make the list.

You do realize the reorganization of the Intelligence Community and the Creation of a Director of National Intelligence is a big deal, right?

I would even go so far to say it was probably even a good idea, as you see what happens when you have competing intelligence agencies working against each other.
You have a side job because you fast food one isn't getting it done.

How low is your life that you have to go out of your way to look down at Fast Food workers?

That tells me your job as "Deputy Possum Catcher" just isn't that prestigious.

How low is their life that they have to demand $15/hr for a job a machine can do better than them.

I'm not the one that has to have a side job to survive. Whatever you want to say I do, apparently is makes enough so that doesn't have to be done. Unlike you.
When he used the word effectively that told me he was full of shit. He deals in what he thinks and avoids reality. Those two he said were effectively cabinet level positions will become just that when they make the list.

You do realize the reorganization of the Intelligence Community and the Creation of a Director of National Intelligence is a big deal, right?

I would even go so far to say it was probably even a good idea, as you see what happens when you have competing intelligence agencies working against each other.

It's not about whether or not it was a big deal. The issue at hand is whether or not it's a cabinet level position. Reorganization happens all the time in all sorts of situations. That doesn't mean something becomes what say it is because you say it.

In the end, the creation of cabinet level positions is 2/2 out of the last 4.
How low is their life that they have to demand $15/hr for a job a machine can do better than them.

I'm not the one that has to have a side job to survive. Whatever you want to say I do, apparently is makes enough so that doesn't have to be done. Unlike you.

I'm sure your possum catching job more than pays for your double wide, guy.

And if you like to eat food prepared by machines, more power to you. I personally like to have my food prepared by people if I can't prepare it myself.
It's not about whether or not it was a big deal. The issue at hand is whether or not it's a cabinet level position. Reorganization happens all the time in all sorts of situations. That doesn't mean something becomes what say it is because you say it.

In the end, the creation of cabinet level positions is 2/2 out of the last 4.

No, it's four, guy. Sorry, it really is. The point is, Republicans GROW government, they don't shrink it. The create more departments, more agencies, more bureaucracy. And you keep voting for more of it.
How low is their life that they have to demand $15/hr for a job a machine can do better than them.

I'm not the one that has to have a side job to survive. Whatever you want to say I do, apparently is makes enough so that doesn't have to be done. Unlike you.

I'm sure your possum catching job more than pays for your double wide, guy.

And if you like to eat food prepared by machines, more power to you. I personally like to have my food prepared by people if I can't prepare it myself.

I didn't say I used them. I said they could do the job you do.
That makes you either a liar, moron, parasite or a combination of all of the above.

NO, it makes me an average American. You do realize Bush fucked up EVERYTHING, right? That's why Obama got nearly 70 MILLION votes in 2008.
The average American household lost an average of over $10k annually through obama's first six years because of his squeeze down on oil. The median income under obama is less than 2008 while everything costs more. It's a simple math issue.
My previous post stands.
I didn't say I used them. I said they could do the job you do.

Since you don't know what job I do, I hardly think you are an expert, Cleetus.

The average American household lost an average of over $10k annually through obama's first six years because of his squeeze down on oil. The median income under obama is less than 2008 while everything costs more. It's a simple math issue.
My previous post stands.

You have no idea what you are talking about. HOw about growing a brain and not listening to Hate Radio all day, okay, dude.

You do realize that the oil market was pretty fucked up before Obama got there, right? When Bush's Oil buddies put the screws to us in the mid-oughts.
I didn't say I used them. I said they could do the job you do.

Since you don't know what job I do, I hardly think you are an expert, Cleetus.

The average American household lost an average of over $10k annually through obama's first six years because of his squeeze down on oil. The median income under obama is less than 2008 while everything costs more. It's a simple math issue.
My previous post stands.

You have no idea what you are talking about. HOw about growing a brain and not listening to Hate Radio all day, okay, dude.

You do realize that the oil market was pretty fucked up before Obama got there, right? When Bush's Oil buddies put the screws to us in the mid-oughts.
Wrong. Notice that the current situation is the lowest in 13 years. That takes us back to the middle of Bush's first term when oil was already on the rise due to Chinese and Indian economies expanding and increasing demand. Democrats were whining about oil gouging then, too. They were incensed that the price of gas reached $2.
By 2008, after Bush applied exec authority and congress ultimately caved on allowing offshore drilling, the price dropped dramatically. Then in steps obama and his green bullshit and reimplementation of offshore drilling restrictions and up went the price again.
Thanks to fracking, something obama couldn't stop, the price has dropped again.
I don't rely on propagandists for my info the way you obviously do. I just look at my own budget and pay attention to circumstances.

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