I was reading the AP write-up of the Presidential Dem Debate....

Wrong. Notice that the current situation is the lowest in 13 years. That takes us back to the middle of Bush's first term when oil was already on the rise due to Chinese and Indian economies expanding and increasing demand. Democrats were whining about oil gouging then, too. They were incensed that the price of gas reached $2.
By 2008, after Bush applied exec authority and congress ultimately caved on allowing offshore drilling, the price dropped dramatically. Then in steps obama and his green bullshit and reimplementation of offshore drilling restrictions and up went the price again.
Thanks to fracking, something obama couldn't stop, the price has dropped again.
I don't rely on propagandists for my info the way you obviously do. I just look at my own budget and pay attention to circumstances.

When you are making some bizarre statement that Obama's oil policies are cositng you $10,000, that's just plain fucking nuts.

I commute 50 miles a day, and I am spending maybe $20.00 a week on gasoline. If I were paying the $4.00 gallon rate, it would be maybe $40.00. So I spend maybe $1000 a year more. If that.

But you keep being a shill for big oil, just make sure they give you some vasoline, because they probably don't have the decency to give you a reach around.
Wrong. Notice that the current situation is the lowest in 13 years. That takes us back to the middle of Bush's first term when oil was already on the rise due to Chinese and Indian economies expanding and increasing demand. Democrats were whining about oil gouging then, too. They were incensed that the price of gas reached $2.
By 2008, after Bush applied exec authority and congress ultimately caved on allowing offshore drilling, the price dropped dramatically. Then in steps obama and his green bullshit and reimplementation of offshore drilling restrictions and up went the price again.
Thanks to fracking, something obama couldn't stop, the price has dropped again.
I don't rely on propagandists for my info the way you obviously do. I just look at my own budget and pay attention to circumstances.

When you are making some bizarre statement that Obama's oil policies are cositng you $10,000, that's just plain fucking nuts.

I commute 50 miles a day, and I am spending maybe $20.00 a week on gasoline. If I were paying the $4.00 gallon rate, it would be maybe $40.00. So I spend maybe $1000 a year more. If that.

But you keep being a shill for big oil, just make sure they give you some vasoline, because they probably don't have the decency to give you a reach around.
No shill here. Just a real tight budget made tighter by Obama energy policy. $3400 annually in increased gas prices; $100/week in consumers goods cost increases = $5200 annually and $1500 annual increase in utility costs. That is all a result of increased energy and energy overhead costs and adds up to over $10k annually.
No shill here. Just a real tight budget made tighter by Obama energy policy. $3400 annually in increased gas prices; $100/week in consumers goods cost increases = $5200 annually and $1500 annual increase in utility costs. That is all a result of increased energy and energy overhead costs and adds up to over $10k annually.

Not my fault you chose to drive a big old gas-guzzling SUV, dude.

But you keep pretending Obama is making your life unhappy. That keeps you from blaming the guy really responsible. (There's a picture of him in your bathroom over your sink.)
No shill here. Just a real tight budget made tighter by Obama energy policy. $3400 annually in increased gas prices; $100/week in consumers goods cost increases = $5200 annually and $1500 annual increase in utility costs. That is all a result of increased energy and energy overhead costs and adds up to over $10k annually.

Not my fault you chose to drive a big old gas-guzzling SUV, dude.

But you keep pretending Obama is making your life unhappy. That keeps you from blaming the guy really responsible. (There's a picture of him in your bathroom over your sink.)
You lost money, too. Difference is that I did the math.
You have no idea what you're talking about. What is right wing or faith based about math and budgets?

You mean the party that told us the Iraq War would pay for itself?

Or the party that told us that "Supply Side" economics would erase budget deficits?

You guys have no fucking idea how math works.
That has nothing to do with anything I've posted. Can't you get your head out of the lefty indoctrination box and apply at least a little objectivity?
Start with increased energy costs affecting the cost of all consumer goods and apply that increase against income. Work your way out from there.
That has nothing to do with anything I've posted. Can't you get your head out of the lefty indoctrination box and apply at least a little objectivity?
Start with increased energy costs affecting the cost of all consumer goods and apply that increase against income. Work your way out from there.

Guy, these were things YOUR SIDE actually claimed would happen. They didn't. So when you tell me that your supposed expenses went up because of Obama's energy policies, I have to really question the math by which you got there.
He thinks Hillary is far better than any R...proving he in clueless and a D partisan.

He also very much likes free stuff..so naturally he votes D, but hasn't matured enough to realize, nothing is free.

Isn't a matter of "Free Stuff", it's a matter of fairly distributed stuff.

The 1% that own more than the other 99% did not do half the work in this country to create the half of the wealth they own.
Commie belief
Commie belief

Okay, let's listen to some "commies" on this idea...

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."
Oh, wait, no, that was Abraham Lincoln, that dirty Communist.

Okay, let's try another

*"Workers have a right to organize into unions and to bargain collectively with their employers. And a strong, free labor movement is an invigorating and necessary part of our industrial society."

*"Only a fool would try to deprive working men and women of their right to join the union of their choice."

*"Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things, but their number is negligible and they are stupid."

Oh, no, wait, those were Dwight D. Eisenhower, not Joe Stalin.
I didn't say I used them. I said they could do the job you do.

Since you don't know what job I do, I hardly think you are an expert, Cleetus.

Based on what you post, your job must be dumbass.

The average American household lost an average of over $10k annually through obama's first six years because of his squeeze down on oil. The median income under obama is less than 2008 while everything costs more. It's a simple math issue.
My previous post stands.

You have no idea what you are talking about. HOw about growing a brain and not listening to Hate Radio all day, okay, dude.

You do realize that the oil market was pretty fucked up before Obama got there, right? When Bush's Oil buddies put the screws to us in the mid-oughts.

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