I Was The Candidate To Be The First Artist In Space

Anonymous posters flaming anyone with an Id for no reason whatsoever. Nice site and over the last 28 years of the net, 1000s like this site were either litigated off the net or closed down when people tired of constantly digitally telling each other "fuck you"., or "you are a liar......"

If this site continues as it is, over time, it too will close down or someone will close it for them.

So, it's a waste of time here. Here is the fact:

As per this NASA release which is posted here, Yes, I was candidate to be first artist in space. STS-51-L stopped that program and many others. 2 years later, my director who was the man behind the Artist in Sapce project, Bob Schulman, died of colon cancer.

And that was that.

NASA released the press op to my home town I grew up in after leaving CA at age 2 to Libby Montana and released it there first. It then went to NASA today and the press beyond picked it upfrom there. But that was 28 years ago.

The Russians have talked of sending an artist up to the ISS, since all great ages of discovery and exploration, has always been documented by artists.

Here is the release, (already sent this to the super mod here) so yes, my claim was true, as all others have been. Posted and verified.

Just a example also that sometimes all things in life are not evil, insulting, pasty faced, angry, rude, cruel, insulting. Sometimes, there are things that are great learning models......




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Are you this Robert Stephens?

Robert Stephens

Navy SEAL wanna' be, lied about working for NASA. Claimed to have insider NASA info about UFOs, got air time from Art Bell [Has Bell ever investigated the background of any of his guests??]. Challenged Richard Hoagland to debate on Bell's show, cut off air by Bell as Hoagland seemed completely sane compared to the disjointed rantings of Stephens...now THAT'S saying something!.........

Yup... this game is over.

Sure, that is how it went. Why is Arty, the porno felon living in the Philippines with his 3rd little teen wife and not in Las Vegas where he ran his porno business. And why did he lose his $60,000,000 law suit he filed against me? Flame that fuckers. The FBI even went after him till he ran off. I won the suit. Wow, what a bunch of fags.

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Are you this Robert Stephens?

Robert Stephens

Navy SEAL wanna' be, lied about working for NASA. Claimed to have insider NASA info about UFOs, got air time from Art Bell [Has Bell ever investigated the background of any of his guests??]. Challenged Richard Hoagland to debate on Bell's show, cut off air by Bell as Hoagland seemed completely sane compared to the disjointed rantings of Stephens...now THAT'S saying something!.........

Yup... this game is over.

Sure, that is how it went. Why is Arty, the porno felon living in the Philippines with his 3rd little teen wife and not in Las Vegas where he ran his porno business. And why did he lose his $60,000,000 law suit he filed against me? Flame that fuckers. The FBI even went after him till he ran off. I won the suit. Wow, what a bunch of fags.


I've posted the same SEAL outing from multiple sources I found online. You're all butthurt because everywhere you go, you get found out for the pathetic little lying freak you are. Well, life's a bitch, and so are you. OUR bitch! :rofl:
Anonymous posters flaming anyone with an Id for no reason whatsoever. Nice site and over the last 28 years of the net, 1000s like this site were either litigated off the net or closed down when people tired of constantly digitally telling each other "fuck you"., or "you are a liar......"

If this site continues as it is, over time, it too will close down or someone will close it for them.

So, it's a waste of time here. Here is the fact:

As per this NASA release which is posted here, Yes, I was candidate to be first artist in space. STS-51-L stopped that program and many others. 2 years later, my director who was the man behind the Artist in Sapce project, Bob Schulman, died of colon cancer.

And that was that.

NASA released the press op to my home town I grew up in after leaving CA at age 2 to Libby Montana and released it there first. It then went to NASA today and the press beyond picked it upfrom there. But that was 28 years ago.

The Russians have talked of sending an artist up to the ISS, since all great ages of discovery and exploration, has always been documented by artists.

Here is the release, (already sent this to the super mod here) so yes, my claim was true, as all others have been. Posted and verified.

Just a example also that sometimes all things in life are not evil, insulting, pasty faced, angry, rude, cruel, insulting. Sometimes, there are things that are great learning models......



did you just threaten this site? Not a smart move, dimwit.
Anonymous posters flaming anyone with an Id for no reason whatsoever. Nice site and over the last 28 years of the net, 1000s like this site were either litigated off the net or closed down when people tired of constantly digitally telling each other "fuck you"., or "you are a liar......"

If this site continues as it is, over time, it too will close down or someone will close it for them.

So, it's a waste of time here. Here is the fact:

As per this NASA release which is posted here, Yes, I was candidate to be first artist in space. STS-51-L stopped that program and many others. 2 years later, my director who was the man behind the Artist in Sapce project, Bob Schulman, died of colon cancer.

And that was that.

NASA released the press op to my home town I grew up in after leaving CA at age 2 to Libby Montana and released it there first. It then went to NASA today and the press beyond picked it upfrom there. But that was 28 years ago.

The Russians have talked of sending an artist up to the ISS, since all great ages of discovery and exploration, has always been documented by artists.

Here is the release, (already sent this to the super mod here) so yes, my claim was true, as all others have been. Posted and verified.

Just a example also that sometimes all things in life are not evil, insulting, pasty faced, angry, rude, cruel, insulting. Sometimes, there are things that are great learning models......



NASA release my left testicle. It's a piece from a local staff writer, who would believe anything you told them if it got them a story. :rofl:@you...again.
Can you verify this, instead of sucking Conservative's penis?

You are not doing so well yourself. Is it because of extreme jealousy, using my real name since 1983 on line, is it tourettes?


'No shit' that motherfucker.


Say aaaaaahhhh....... Bob ....... what I'm wondering is why you would feel the need to come here and convince complete strangers of your identity? You need some sort of validation by strangers to feel complete?

you missed the OP on both subjects. Go back and read. It was exercise in discernment. Nothing more. and it is Yes on both questions.

the point was instead of every single thing is a caustic reflux of attacks on each other.

Why not verify.

In item 1 it was only two clicks away and no even went to the NASA site, the point of my OP claim in the first.

Also, when I joined here, I did not know this was an "anonymous site" whjatever the fuck that means.

I've used my name on the net since the beginning, 1983-84.

Hope that is helpful.

Thank you,


I did, and you claimed I didn't use the search engine properly.

You did a single painting for NASA, back in the 80's and have been blowing that out of all proportion ever since.

Fraud doesn't begin to cover you.


  • $nasa.jpg
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Say aaaaaahhhh....... Bob ....... what I'm wondering is why you would feel the need to come here and convince complete strangers of your identity? You need some sort of validation by strangers to feel complete?

You missed the OP on both subjects. Go back and read. It was exercise in discernment. Nothing more. and it is Yes on both questions.

The point was instead of every single thing is a caustic reflux of attacks on each other.

Why not verify.

In item 1 it was only two clicks away and no even went to the NASA site, the point of my OP claim in the first.

Also, when I joined here, I did not know this was an "anonymous site" whjatever the fuck that means.

I've used my name on the net since the beginning, 1983-84.

Hope that is helpful.

Thank you,


I did, and you claimed I didn't use the search engine properly.

You did a single painting for NASA, back in the 80's and have been blowing that out of all proportion ever since.

Fraud doesn't begin to cover you.

You are a pathological liar.

There are 39 of my works in the NASA Smithsonian Collection, most times they are on tour and they are gone for a few months like right now, the worldwide tour of the NASA Art Collection that started here in Las Cruces, NM





"Traveler On The Voyage", Oil on panel, in the collection of NASA


On the cover of NASA Activities.


And part two, in the collection of NASA-Smithsonian


"Parallax", In the Collection of NASA-JPL


"Earth to Pluto", In the collection of NASA-AMES


"Final Voyage, OV104, Atlantis", in the collection of NASA-Smithsonian. The final flight of the STS System. One of three for the agency, two more underway. 36"x 60" oil on panel.


"The View Of Endeavour", In the Collection of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Photo real image of the look down prowess of STS. Digital, executed in Rederman and Maya, and 3 G5 Mac Towers with 190GB RAM and 34GB of VRAM

I do not know where the rest are but 21 are on tour somewhere, according to NASA and Pam Steele, Nyle Hartly, Ben Jackson, Terry Merical, PA, PIB, NASA-PA.

NOTE: All Art work, both oil and digital, are copyright 2012 and are in the collection of NASA or affiliated Agencies as noted. Robert A.M. Stephens is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.

Robert A.M. Stephens, LLC
Space Borne Digital-FXFX, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scaled Dynamics, Copyright, 2011.

All Rights Reserved.

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You missed the OP on both subjects. Go back and read. It was exercise in discernment. Nothing more. and it is Yes on both questions.

The point was instead of every single thing is a caustic reflux of attacks on each other.

Why not verify.

In item 1 it was only two clicks away and no even went to the NASA site, the point of my OP claim in the first.

Also, when I joined here, I did not know this was an "anonymous site" whjatever the fuck that means.

I've used my name on the net since the beginning, 1983-84.

Hope that is helpful.

Thank you,


I did, and you claimed I didn't use the search engine properly.

You did a single painting for NASA, back in the 80's and have been blowing that out of all proportion ever since.

Fraud doesn't begin to cover you.

You are a pathological liar.

There are 39 of my works in the NASA Smithsonian Collection, most times they are on tour and they are gone for a few months like right now, the worldwide tour of the NASA Art Collection that started here in Las Cruces, NM





"Traveler On The Voyage", Oil on panel, in the collection of NASA


On the cover of NASA Activities.


And part two, in the collection of NASA-Smithsonian


"Parallax", In the Collection of NASA-JPL


"Earth to Pluto", In the collection of NASA-AMES


"Final Voyage, OV104, Atlantis", in the collection of NASA-Smithsonian. The final flight of the STS System. One of three for the agency, two more underway. 36"x 60" oil on panel.


"The View Of Endeavour", In the Collection of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Photo real image of the look down prowess of STS. Digital, executed in Rederman and Maya, and 3 G5 Mac Towers with 190GB RAM and 34GB of VRAM

I do not know where the rest are but 21 are on tour somewhere, according to NASA and Pam Steele, Nyle Hartly, Ben Jackson, Terry Merical, PA, PIB, NASA-PA.

NOTE: All Art work, both oil and digital, are copyright 2012 and are in the collection of NASA or affiliated Agencies as noted. Robert A.M. Stephens is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.

Robert A.M. Stephens, LLC
Space Borne Digital-FXFX, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scaled Dyanmics, Copyright, 2011.

All Rights Reserved.


thank you for admitting you do not work for NASA, but Scaled Dynamics. Perhaps there is hope for you yet. I doubt it. In any case, there is still zero proof that you are this person. FAIL.
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Moon and Stars Align for Performance Artist (washingtonpost.com)

I do know Laurie Anderson was the first in something:

Performance artist Laurie Anderson thought the phone call was a prank.

How would you like to be NASA's artist-in-residence?

and I also knew about the NASA art program:

NASA began its art program in 1963 but never before had it tapped a resident artist, nor had it pushed the aesthetic envelope so boldly by choosing a performer whose large-scale theatrical productions blended "Star Trek" and Melville. Anderson is no Faith Hill.

who first proposed an artist in space, and what makes a proposal credible? Maybe Jules Vern proposed sending his art director in space? No way to possibly prove the statement true, but many possibilities to express statement as ridiculous without a narrower focus. Such a broad and open ended statement is the kind made here all the time.

and then who are you? who is anyone here on an anonymous message board?


The first administrator to promote and institute the NASA
Art Program, was James Webb. He felt that the ages of discovery over time have always been documented by artists.

So, the NASA Art Program began.

When I cam along it was under the directorship of Bob Schulman (deceased). We became friends and so we worked hand in hand and why I ended up with so many art assignments on Shuttle program for documentation. By then I was working as a contractor for NASA on shuttle, working for General Dynamics, Pratt and Whitney, and Rocketdyne, all contracting.

Again, Bob Schulman was the promoter for the "Artist in Space" project and I was picked for the possible trip. Loved it.

It all ended on Jan 28th, 1986, with the destruction of Challenger. And too, as an aside, I had been dating Astronaut Judith Resnik, who died on Challenger.

Other than losing my wife, that was the hardest issue so far. One minute triumph, right at "Challenger, Go For Throttle Up!", at T+73 seconds, then a fireball of unimaginable results.

But, in life, things fall down. Every once upon a time....

Hope that is helpful.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrjMkeXGfGM]My god! Are you STILL talking?! - YouTube[/ame]
Moon and Stars Align for Performance Artist (washingtonpost.com)

I do know Laurie Anderson was the first in something:

Performance artist Laurie Anderson thought the phone call was a prank.

How would you like to be NASA's artist-in-residence?

and I also knew about the NASA art program:

NASA began its art program in 1963 but never before had it tapped a resident artist, nor had it pushed the aesthetic envelope so boldly by choosing a performer whose large-scale theatrical productions blended "Star Trek" and Melville. Anderson is no Faith Hill.

who first proposed an artist in space, and what makes a proposal credible? Maybe Jules Vern proposed sending his art director in space? No way to possibly prove the statement true, but many possibilities to express statement as ridiculous without a narrower focus. Such a broad and open ended statement is the kind made here all the time.

and then who are you? who is anyone here on an anonymous message board?


The first administrator to promote and institute the NASA
Art Program, was James Webb. He felt that the ages of discovery over time have always been documented by artists.

So, the NASA Art Program began.

When I cam along it was under the directorship of Bob Schulman (deceased). We became friends and so we worked hand in hand and why I ended up with so many art assignments on Shuttle program for documentation. By then I was working as a contractor for NASA on shuttle, working for General Dynamics, Pratt and Whitney, and Rocketdyne, all contracting.

Again, Bob Schulman was the promoter for the "Artist in Space" project and I was picked for the possible trip. Loved it.

It all ended on Jan 28th, 1986, with the destruction of Challenger. And too, as an aside, I had been dating Astronaut Judith Resnik, who died on Challenger.

Other than losing my wife, that was the hardest issue so far. One minute triumph, right at "Challenger, Go For Throttle Up!", at T+73 seconds, then a fireball of unimaginable results.

But, in life, things fall down. Every once upon a time....

Hope that is helpful.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrjMkeXGfGM]My god! Are you STILL talking?! - YouTube[/ame]
Check out the other thread. His sock (?) posted an old interview, claiming it was RS, to which RS agreed and claimed it was the German counterpart to NASA. It was a German science fiction fan site! :rofl: He's so fucking stupid, he thinks no one would check on that! He promptly dropped the subject when I showed him what the real website for the German version of NASA was.

Fraud doesn't begin to cover this guy.
I was the candidate to be the first artist in space. True or false. Delusional or fact. The test here is to research and find out for real. unlike so many of our posters who knee jerk and then flame each other into oblivion. Or, get so bad they end up on an ignore list.

All posts welcome.

Thank you all in advance,


"I Was The Candidate To Be The First Artist In Space "

Define the word 'Art'.

Good luck.
The first administrator to promote and institute the NASA
Art Program, was James Webb. He felt that the ages of discovery over time have always been documented by artists.

So, the NASA Art Program began.

When I cam along it was under the directorship of Bob Schulman (deceased). We became friends and so we worked hand in hand and why I ended up with so many art assignments on Shuttle program for documentation. By then I was working as a contractor for NASA on shuttle, working for General Dynamics, Pratt and Whitney, and Rocketdyne, all contracting.

Again, Bob Schulman was the promoter for the "Artist in Space" project and I was picked for the possible trip. Loved it.

It all ended on Jan 28th, 1986, with the destruction of Challenger. And too, as an aside, I had been dating Astronaut Judith Resnik, who died on Challenger.

Other than losing my wife, that was the hardest issue so far. One minute triumph, right at "Challenger, Go For Throttle Up!", at T+73 seconds, then a fireball of unimaginable results.

But, in life, things fall down. Every once upon a time....

Hope that is helpful.

Check out the other thread. His sock (?) posted an old interview, claiming it was RS, to which RS agreed and claimed it was the German counterpart to NASA. It was a German science fiction fan site! :rofl: He's so fucking stupid, he thinks no one would check on that! He promptly dropped the subject when I showed him what the real website for the German version of NASA was.

Fraud doesn't begin to cover this guy.

No thank you. This thread is quite enough. :razz:
I did, and you claimed I didn't use the search engine properly.

You did a single painting for NASA, back in the 80's and have been blowing that out of all proportion ever since.

Fraud doesn't begin to cover you.

You are a pathological liar.

There are 39 of my works in the NASA Smithsonian Collection, most times they are on tour and they are gone for a few months like right now, the worldwide tour of the NASA Art Collection that started here in Las Cruces, NM





"Traveler On The Voyage", Oil on panel, in the collection of NASA


On the cover of NASA Activities.


And part two, in the collection of NASA-Smithsonian


"Parallax", In the Collection of NASA-JPL


"Earth to Pluto", In the collection of NASA-AMES


"Final Voyage, OV104, Atlantis", in the collection of NASA-Smithsonian. The final flight of the STS System. One of three for the agency, two more underway. 36"x 60" oil on panel.


"The View Of Endeavour", In the Collection of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Photo real image of the look down prowess of STS. Digital, executed in Rederman and Maya, and 3 G5 Mac Towers with 190GB RAM and 34GB of VRAM

I do not know where the rest are but 21 are on tour somewhere, according to NASA and Pam Steele, Nyle Hartly, Ben Jackson, Terry Merical, PA, PIB, NASA-PA.

NOTE: All Art work, both oil and digital, are copyright 2012 and are in the collection of NASA or affiliated Agencies as noted. Robert A.M. Stephens is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.

Robert A.M. Stephens, LLC
Space Borne Digital-FXFX, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scaled Dyanmics, Copyright, 2011.

All Rights Reserved.


thank you for admitting you do not work for NASA, but Scaled Dynamics. Perhaps there is hope for you yet. I doubt it.

I own both companies and only contract (for the 11th time) to NASA and have since 1984. Scaled Dynamics is Archaeology and other space vetted work, Space Borne Digital-FXFX is strictly for the arts and movie FXFX, when that work is engaged and I am available to either take said work, or bid on same and get the resulting contract. I have worked on 13 Hollywood movies to date in FXFX. I HAVE, for the 12th time, NEVER WORKED DIRECTLY FOR NASA AS A CIVIL SERVANT-EMPLOYEE WITH A GS DESIGNATION STATUS FOR WORK, SAME.

I am, and will always be, a contractor.

Errata: All Art Bell and associated links are being slowly removed by Google through their "libelous links" campaign. This was instituted in part by NASA, Jacor Entertainment Systems (Bell's old underwriter), Pratt and Whitney, and my own companies through my own attorney's litigation of same, with no charge down or suit amount assessed. Just the offending, untrue, and false links removed from their Dynamic Logrhythm Engine for search.

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You are a pathological liar.

There are 39 of my works in the NASA Smithsonian Collection, most times they are on tour and they are gone for a few months like right now, the worldwide tour of the NASA Art Collection that started here in Las Cruces, NM





"Traveler On The Voyage", Oil on panel, in the collection of NASA


On the cover of NASA Activities.


And part two, in the collection of NASA-Smithsonian


"Parallax", In the Collection of NASA-JPL


"Earth to Pluto", In the collection of NASA-AMES


"Final Voyage, OV104, Atlantis", in the collection of NASA-Smithsonian. The final flight of the STS System. One of three for the agency, two more underway. 36"x 60" oil on panel.


"The View Of Endeavour", In the Collection of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Photo real image of the look down prowess of STS. Digital, executed in Rederman and Maya, and 3 G5 Mac Towers with 190GB RAM and 34GB of VRAM

I do not know where the rest are but 21 are on tour somewhere, according to NASA and Pam Steele, Nyle Hartly, Ben Jackson, Terry Merical, PA, PIB, NASA-PA.

NOTE: All Art work, both oil and digital, are copyright 2012 and are in the collection of NASA or affiliated Agencies as noted. Robert A.M. Stephens is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.

Robert A.M. Stephens, LLC
Space Borne Digital-FXFX, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scaled Dyanmics, Copyright, 2011.

All Rights Reserved.


thank you for admitting you do not work for NASA, but Scaled Dynamics. Perhaps there is hope for you yet. I doubt it.

I own both companies and only contract (for the 11th time) to NASA and have since 1984. Scaled Dynamics is Archaeology and other space vetted work, Space Borne Digital-FXFX is strictly for the arts and movie FXFX, when that work is engaged and I am available to either take said work, or bid on same and get the resulting contract. I have worked on 13 Hollywood movies to date in FXFX. I HAVE, for the 12th time, NEVER WORKED DIRECTLY FOR NASA AS A CIVIL SERVANT-EMPLOYEE WITH A GS DESIGNATION STATUS FOR WORK, SAME.

I am, and will always be, a contractor.

Errata: All Art Bell and associated links are being slowly removed by Google through their "libelous links" campaign. This was instituted in part by NASA, Jacor Entertainment Systems (Bell's old underwriter), Pratt and Whitney, and my own companies through my own attorney's litigation of same, with no charge down or suit amount assessed. Just the offending, untrue, and false links removed from their Dynamic Logrhythm Engine for search.

You're a bigger nutjob than Bell ever was. The sheer number of lies you've told here and on other forums boggles the mind.

The one about dating an astronaut...
the one about Artist in space...
the one about the German counterpart to NASA...
on... and on... and on...

This post has nothing to do with this thread and is off topic, but I am bragging with this, since I really really don't give a shit.

Most will recognize this image, from the wildfires in my old home, Montana, Bitterroot Valley, back in 2000.


"Transitions", in the collection of The National Geographic Society, All Rights Reserved, Copyright, 2000, Robert A.M. Stephens. National Geograpic retains all reproduction rights of said art work. Oil on panel, 32"x52".

This post has nothing to do with this thread and is off topic, but I am bragging with this, since I really really don't give a shit.

Most will recognize this image, from the wildfires in my old home, Montana, Bitterroot Valley, back in 2000.


"Transitions", in the collection of The National Geographic Society, All Rights Reserved, Copyright, 2000, Robert A.M. Stephens. National Geograpic retains all reproduction rights of said art work. Oil on panel, 32"x52".


This post has nothing to do with this thread and is off topic, but I am bragging with this, since I really really don't give a shit.

Most will recognize this image, from the wildfires in my old home, Montana, Bitterroot Valley, back in 2000.


"Transitions", in the collection of The National Geographic Society, All Rights Reserved, Copyright, 2000, Robert A.M. Stephens. National Geograpic retains all reproduction rights of said art work. Oil on panel, 32"x52".


Awesome painting.

But why do you need to brag so much?
I was the candidate to be the first artist in space. True or false. Delusional or fact. The test here is to research and find out for real. unlike so many of our posters who knee jerk and then flame each other into oblivion. Or, get so bad they end up on an ignore list.

All posts welcome.

Thank you all in advance,


"I Was The Candidate To Be The First Artist In Space "

Define the word 'Art'.

Good luck.


This post has nothing to do with this thread and is off topic, but I am bragging with this, since I really really don't give a shit.

Most will recognize this image, from the wildfires in my old home, Montana, Bitterroot Valley, back in 2000.


"Transitions", in the collection of The National Geographic Society, All Rights Reserved, Copyright, 2000, Robert A.M. Stephens. National Geograpic retains all reproduction rights of said art work. Oil on panel, 32"x52".


Awesome painting.

But why do you need to brag so much?

Brag? Really? Because on this nit wit mindless board, I have been assailed of everything i have done over 40 years. See how you would take it. I am quite porud of what I hae accomplised in 40 years since HS.

Don;'read my post then if it bothers you.

Thank you for the kind words on "Transitions". I loved that damn paiting and doing it also.


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