I was wrong... the health of the mother is not valid for an abortion.

the scope of the discussion is when is it moral to murder an innocent child,,,

I leave morals out of it.

The Constitution is the law of the land.

Therefore the debate should be more about what abortions (if any) can be defended Constitutionally. Or not.

That's my take on it, anyway. I'm not butthurt about it when others disagree.

so if the constitution said we could kill a person up to 5 yrs old you would be OK with it

sorry but the constitution only works for a moral society,,,

Let's work with what we have.

The Constitution is the law of the land.

It says that all persons have a right to their life and to the equal protections of our laws. (pretty fucking inclusive.)

Do you think that needs to be changed?

If so, the onus is on you to change it.
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that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

People are endowed by their creator, even if creation is evolution.
You might want to comprehend this:

any person (citizen or not) of life,

there is no proof evolution exist or happened,,,

Do you think God created Adam and Eve, and who did Cain have sex with, Eve??

when did I say anything about god???

please try and stay on topic,,,

So answer me, who do you mean?
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

I didnt write it,,,
and its irrelevant to the discussion ,,,the point is life from creation not from birth and in this context thats conception since scientifically speaking is when human life starts,,,
the scope of the discussion is when is it moral to murder an innocent child,,,

I leave morals out of it.

The Constitution is the law of the land.

Therefore the debate should be more about what abortions (if any) can be defended Constitutionally. Or not.

That's my take on it, anyway. I'm not butthurt about it when others disagree.

so if the constitution said we could kill a person up to 5 yrs old you would be OK with it

sorry but the constitution only works for a moral society,,,

Let's work with what we have.

The Constitution is the law of the land.

It says that all persons have a right to their life and to the equal protections of our laws. (pretty fucking inclusive.)

Do you think that needs to be changed?

If so, the onus is on you to change it.

and as science tells us life starts at conception,,,
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Alot less conceptions would be a resounding win for the nation, beginning with abortion going away. Contraception is a great thing.
Any significant societal decision to be made in any way regarding abortion should be made by an exclusively female base. Let's put women's choice to the test and let only women vote, in any process that is made by vote.



Male children in the womb are just as entitled to the equal protection of laws as the female children are.
Sorry, where does that state that a fetus is not viable until the 7th month? Don't go calling people names unless you are prepared to back up what was said. This does not.

"viability": Pregnancy: Second Trimester Community - Support Group

That says 23-24 weeks. 23 weeks is even before 6 months.

You do realize that "viable" is a construct to engage in communication of ideas. There is no "viable" time set in stone. It is ALL opinion. Some countries don't consider a fetus to be viable until 27 or 28 weeks because they don't have the neonatal facilities to handle babies born earlier.

So - pick a week or don't - it's all up to you. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion on this issue.

So you heard this in some third world country?

No - it was an opinion piece. All articles that address viability are an opinion piece. There is no "Right" answer.
NO medically a baby can live out side the womb at 24 weeks that is a MEDICAL FACT.
Everyone knows what happens in a late term abortion. The baby is rotated inside the mother's womb to cause a "breach birth" where the feet emerge first. It has to be painful and dangerous and there is no medical reason for it. When Clinton vetoed the late term abortion bill he paraded a lineup of women who claimed that their health was in jeopardy but that can't be true. You don't need to have a medical degree to determine that a "normal" birth would have saved the baby's life and would have been easier and less dangerous for the mother. How can anyone defend the late term abortion procedure from a medical standpoint?

No one has a late term abortion except for a women who really wants to birth a live infant. Also there are few of them.
13K a year doesnt sound like a few

Nearly 13,000 late-term abortions annually is a national disgrace
Don't tell Coyote, she insists that since liberal states all claim 24 weeks none of that happens, the truth is in liberal states the law allows an abortion doctor to determine WHEN it is ok meaning 13000 late term abortions.
That applies to all life, not just white American suburban kids.

And there it is. When someone on the left wrong knows that he's irreparably lost the argument, out comes the race card, even when the argument had nothing whatsoever to do with race.

As it happens a disproportionate number of the innocent victims of abortion are minorities, primarily black, what Planned Parenthood's founder called “human weeds”. This makes your playing of the Race Card in this context particularly absurd.

Abortion isn't the only way lives are taken.
There should be NO abortion past 24 weeks unless a NON abortion doctor certifies that the mothers health is at risk and then if it is found out it wasn't that doctor should be charged with homicide.
Everyone knows what happens in a late term abortion. The baby is rotated inside the mother's womb to cause a "breach birth" where the feet emerge first. It has to be painful and dangerous and there is no medical reason for it. When Clinton vetoed the late term abortion bill he paraded a lineup of women who claimed that their health was in jeopardy but that can't be true. You don't need to have a medical degree to determine that a "normal" birth would have saved the baby's life and would have been easier and less dangerous for the mother. How can anyone defend the late term abortion procedure from a medical standpoint?

No one has a late term abortion except for a women who really wants to birth a live infant. Also there are few of them.
13K a year doesnt sound like a few

Nearly 13,000 late-term abortions annually is a national disgrace
Don't tell Coyote, she insists that since liberal states all claim 24 weeks none of that happens, the truth is in liberal states the law allows an abortion doctor to determine WHEN it is ok meaning 13000 late term abortions.
If youre not going to help pay for the unwanted child then mind your own business.
Again. Provide information for people experiencing an unwanted pregnancy, particularly poor people and people in rural areas, to promptly take action. Also, support organizations like Planned Parenthood that provide necessary services to people who wish to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Me. I had an unwanted pregnancy after a rape when I was 18 years old. I kept track of my cycles and when I missed one...I went to see why because I figured the bastard left a bastard in me. So I had it rmoved. PRONTO. By doctors in Los Angeles. Thru planned parenthood. I was poor, too. So go pound sand.
Watching Schumer threaten SCOTUS judges if they rule against Roe VS Wade made me wonder about my own knowledge regarding my position... abortion OK only in case of health of money, rape or incest.
I am wrong!
Even in 1981, former Surgeon General of the United States Dr. C. Everett Koop said, “The fact of the matter is that abortion as a necessity to save the life of the mother is so rare as to be nonexistent.”

But as former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino has affirmed on the record:
During my time at Albany Medical Center I managed hundreds of such cases by “terminating” pregnancies to save mother’s lives. In all those cases, the number of unborn children that I had to deliberately kill was zero.
What Percentage of Abortions Are Medically Necessary?

But the biased MSM has never shared that with us.
Consequently since 1973 over 61,781,054 lives were destroyed.
Think about that...what baby among those 62 million could have discovered cures for cancer? Or made other fantastic contributions...all because a woman wasn't responsible enough.
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

Just consider that: 46% of all abortions were performed on women who had one or more abortions before!
Think about it... There is an excuse for first timers... but 2nd, or 3 or more previous abortions?

Planned Parenthood Turns 99 Today: Has Killed 7 Million Babies in Abortions

Planned Parenthood has killed no babies.

And why no mention of the man in the equation?

Why no mention that Pol Pot could have been one of the those born children that the right right ignores?

Better yet, how many of the zygotes have you adopted?
Abortion isn't the only way lives are taken.

It is by far the largest cause of death.

There is an organization in Europe that provides drugs over the internet for people who have discovered that they are pregnant and wish to terminate. Why is this service not available in the U.S. and not widely known?

Ever hear of the morning after pill???
Forcing the mother and fetus to undergo the pain and suffering of birth is no answer.
Murdering an innocent child is certainly no answer.

Its illegal in all 50 states to murder a child.

That depends on your definition of 'child'...….. Most mothers & society refer to the 'thing' growing inside them during pregnancy as their baby and/or unborn child. Federal law allows the murder of unborn children up to birth, though all states have their own laws pertaining to which month or stage of pregnancy is legal to murder/abort that child.

So yeah, it is LEGAL to murder a child in all 50 states.
Forcing the mother and fetus to undergo the pain and suffering of birth is no answer.
Murdering an innocent child is certainly no answer.

Its illegal in all 50 states to murder a child.

That depends on your definition of 'child'...….. Most mothers & society refer to the 'thing' growing inside them during pregnancy as their baby and/or unborn child. Federal law allows the murder of unborn children up to birth, though all states have their own laws pertaining to which month or stage of pregnancy is legal to murder/abort that child.

So yeah, it is LEGAL to murder a child in all 50 states.

So your for funding Title X and free condoms and free BC pills for everyone. You must be all for Medicaid, and the health of the mother and child.

You want universal healthcare, I agree, everyone should have health ins. free. Since only healthy parents have healthy children. (maternal morbidity and infant survival is lowest in the US in the developed countries) and its lowest for blacks.

How many republican's have abortion? Have you figured that out, how many rich woman go in and have a D & C and abort?? Have you figured that out yet?

You think its ok to interfere between and the female and the doctor, and infants can live on vents, and when they take the infant home you will provide around the clock care so the mother can then watch her child on a vent. and feeding tubes.

I guess many on this thread are worried about the health of a infant , and they want to pay for them to have free universal care for life, because healthy adults have healthy kids, usually.
I agree, we should have free universal healthcare, and pass about condoms and BC pills freely.

And left to the creator spontaneous abortions happens for the child (as you called it) that are genetically faulty.

And yet tramp and his republicans want to cut Medicaid and ban abortions.
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Forcing the mother and fetus to undergo the pain and suffering of birth is no answer.
Murdering an innocent child is certainly no answer.

Its illegal in all 50 states to murder a child.

That depends on your definition of 'child'...….. Most mothers & society refer to the 'thing' growing inside them during pregnancy as their baby and/or unborn child. Federal law allows the murder of unborn children up to birth, though all states have their own laws pertaining to which month or stage of pregnancy is legal to murder/abort that child.

So yeah, it is LEGAL to murder a child in all 50 states.

So your for funding Title X and free condoms and free BC pills for everyone. You must be all for Medicaid, and the health of the mother and child.

You want universal healthcare, I agree, everyone should have health ins. free. Since only healthy parents have healthy children.

How many republican's have abortion? Have you figured that out, how many rich woman go in and have a D & C and abort?? Have you figured that out yet.

I have no clue what TF you are babbling about there...…...I responded to your comment 'It's illegal in all 50 states to murder a child'.....by explaining that it IS legal.

Has absolutely nothing to do with healthcare, free condoms, Medicaid or just WHO is doing the murdering. If YOU want to know that, YOU figure it out yourself.
Forcing the mother and fetus to undergo the pain and suffering of birth is no answer.
Murdering an innocent child is certainly no answer.

Its illegal in all 50 states to murder a child.

That depends on your definition of 'child'...….. Most mothers & society refer to the 'thing' growing inside them during pregnancy as their baby and/or unborn child. Federal law allows the murder of unborn children up to birth, though all states have their own laws pertaining to which month or stage of pregnancy is legal to murder/abort that child.

So yeah, it is LEGAL to murder a child in all 50 states.

So your for funding Title X and free condoms and free BC pills for everyone. You must be all for Medicaid, and the health of the mother and child.

You want universal healthcare, I agree, everyone should have health ins. free. Since only healthy parents have healthy children.

How many republican's have abortion? Have you figured that out, how many rich woman go in and have a D & C and abort?? Have you figured that out yet.

I have no clue what TF you are babbling about there...…...I responded to your comment 'It's illegal in all 50 states to murder a child'.....by explaining that it IS legal.

Has absolutely nothing to do with healthcare, free condoms, Medicaid or just WHO is doing the murdering. If YOU want to know that, YOU figure it out yourself.
So your for funding Title X and free condoms and free BC pills for everyone. You must be all for Medicaid, and the health of the mother and child.

You want universal healthcare, I agree, everyone should have health ins. free. Since only healthy parents have healthy children. (maternal morbidity and infant survival is lowest in the US in the developed countries) and its lowest for blacks.

How many republican's have abortion? Have you figured that out, how many rich woman go in and have a D & C and abort?? Have you figured that out yet?

You think its ok to interfere between and the female and the doctor, and infants can live on vents, and when they take the infant home you will provide around the clock care so the mother can then watch her child on a vent. and feeding tubes.

I guess many on this thread are worried about the health of a infant , and they want to pay for them to have free universal care for life, because healthy adults have healthy kids, usually.
I agree, we should have free universal healthcare, and pass about condoms and BC pills freely.

And left to the creator spontaneous abortions happens for the child (as you called it) that are genetically faulty.

And yet tramp and his republicans want to cut Medicaid and ban abortions.

It has everything to do with healthcare in the US.
Watching Schumer threaten SCOTUS judges if they rule against Roe VS Wade made me wonder about my own knowledge regarding my position... abortion OK only in case of health of money, rape or incest.
I am wrong!
Even in 1981, former Surgeon General of the United States Dr. C. Everett Koop said, “The fact of the matter is that abortion as a necessity to save the life of the mother is so rare as to be nonexistent.”

Maybe we need to stop letting men tell women what to do with their bodies... that would be awesome.

Abortion on demand and paid for by the government.

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