I was wrong... the health of the mother is not valid for an abortion.

13000 a year? Sure thing, who decided they were medically needed? Why the abortion doctors did of course.
Who should decide? A bunch of strange men who know nothing about them?
A certified Doctor that has no business associated with abortions.

Why would having "no business associated with abortions" be a better candidate? Why would this person be more trusted by a woman? The doctors in Ireland let a woman die. The loss of her life led to the change of law in Ireland.
An abortion doctor has a vested INTEREST in DOING an abortion you know that I know that and it is a conflict of interest. Most states say 24 weeks is cut off yet we have 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year. I wonder how many were because an ABORTION doctor claimed something that simply wasn't true.

The reason is - there is no 100% cut off. If abortion became illegal after 24 weeks, women could die or be forced to carry to term fetus' with severe (life ending) birth defects. That is the fundamental reason why it should not be ILLEGAL, but restricted. Few states allow elective abortion after viability without good reason such as I stated. And I have no problem with that. I fully support easy access to birth control and early abortion if needed, and restrictions on late term. But always - the mother's life should be most important.
There is NO way 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year are medically needed. and you can not prove they are either.
Who should decide? A bunch of strange men who know nothing about them?
A certified Doctor that has no business associated with abortions.

Why would having "no business associated with abortions" be a better candidate? Why would this person be more trusted by a woman? The doctors in Ireland let a woman die. The loss of her life led to the change of law in Ireland.
An abortion doctor has a vested INTEREST in DOING an abortion you know that I know that and it is a conflict of interest. Most states say 24 weeks is cut off yet we have 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year. I wonder how many were because an ABORTION doctor claimed something that simply wasn't true.

The reason is - there is no 100% cut off. If abortion became illegal after 24 weeks, women could die or be forced to carry to term fetus' with severe (life ending) birth defects. That is the fundamental reason why it should not be ILLEGAL, but restricted. Few states allow elective abortion after viability without good reason such as I stated. And I have no problem with that. I fully support easy access to birth control and early abortion if needed, and restrictions on late term. But always - the mother's life should be most important.
There is NO way 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year are medically needed. and you can not prove they are either.
Until conservatives prove that they are 100% on board with caring for and carrying to term unwanted children you dont qualify as someone that should have something proven to you.
A certified Doctor that has no business associated with abortions.

Why would having "no business associated with abortions" be a better candidate? Why would this person be more trusted by a woman? The doctors in Ireland let a woman die. The loss of her life led to the change of law in Ireland.
An abortion doctor has a vested INTEREST in DOING an abortion you know that I know that and it is a conflict of interest. Most states say 24 weeks is cut off yet we have 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year. I wonder how many were because an ABORTION doctor claimed something that simply wasn't true.

The reason is - there is no 100% cut off. If abortion became illegal after 24 weeks, women could die or be forced to carry to term fetus' with severe (life ending) birth defects. That is the fundamental reason why it should not be ILLEGAL, but restricted. Few states allow elective abortion after viability without good reason such as I stated. And I have no problem with that. I fully support easy access to birth control and early abortion if needed, and restrictions on late term. But always - the mother's life should be most important.
There is NO way 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year are medically needed. and you can not prove they are either.
Until conservatives prove that they are 100% on board with caring for and carrying to term unwanted children you dont qualify as someone that should have something proven to you.
So using your logic..... we should put to death all mentally incompetent people needing care, all the Homeless with out Jobs, all the old people that are sick and of course since you claim someone else must care for a child other then its parents or it will be murdered you MUST support the idea that anyone on welfare must be put to death.
Why would having "no business associated with abortions" be a better candidate? Why would this person be more trusted by a woman? The doctors in Ireland let a woman die. The loss of her life led to the change of law in Ireland.
An abortion doctor has a vested INTEREST in DOING an abortion you know that I know that and it is a conflict of interest. Most states say 24 weeks is cut off yet we have 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year. I wonder how many were because an ABORTION doctor claimed something that simply wasn't true.

The reason is - there is no 100% cut off. If abortion became illegal after 24 weeks, women could die or be forced to carry to term fetus' with severe (life ending) birth defects. That is the fundamental reason why it should not be ILLEGAL, but restricted. Few states allow elective abortion after viability without good reason such as I stated. And I have no problem with that. I fully support easy access to birth control and early abortion if needed, and restrictions on late term. But always - the mother's life should be most important.
There is NO way 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year are medically needed. and you can not prove they are either.
Until conservatives prove that they are 100% on board with caring for and carrying to term unwanted children you dont qualify as someone that should have something proven to you.
So using your logic..... we should put to death all mentally incompetent people needing care, all the Homeless with out Jobs, all the old people that are sick and of course since you claim someone else must care for a child other then its parents or it will be murdered you MUST support the idea that anyone on welfare must be put to death.
Thats not my logic. Thats yours. Not to mention its very stupid logic. Youre talking about people that are not inside a woman you fucking idiot
No. I'm 100% accurate. Which is more important - the mother's life? Or the child's?

False dichotomy. Circumstances in which the mother's life is in plausible danger, that can only be mitigate by killing her child, are extremely rare.

Again, you're being willfully dishonest. But then it would be foolish to assume that someone who has no scruples against murdering innocent children would have any scruples about lying about it.
So using your logic..... we should put to death all mentally incompetent people needing care, all the Homeless with out Jobs, all the old people that are sick and of course since you claim someone else must care for a child other then its parents or it will be murdered you MUST support the idea that anyone on welfare must be put to death.

I say start with those who make this excuse in the first place. Those who think that the world is overpopulated, and that people need to die to reduce this excess population, should certainly be the very first ones to go.
I still think there need to be exceptions even in the third trimester - the mother's life/serious health complications, fatal birth defects.

See my post above. The notion that any pregnancy besides ectopic pregnancies must be aborted to safeguard the mother's life is a myth, a lie, the political hysteria, the demagoguery of the infanticidal left. Perhaps in the near future medical technology will advance to the point where we can safely and successfully transplant a fertilized ovum lodged in the fallopian tubes, but we're not there yet. An ectopic pregnancy cannot come to term, and must be terminated via a chemically induced abortion.. It is the only pregnancy that must be aborted for the sake of the mother's health, to save her life. The baby cannot be saved.

Is it a lie? Can you prove it? Are you willing to make all late term abortions illegal based on it? Are you willing the say the woman's life is LESS THAN the fetus? Cause that is what it sounds like.

And...um...since you anti-choices want zero abortions I assume you are lining up to adopt all these kids, implant embryo's into your uterus's and take on the unwanted lives you insist must be saved? You'll help the teen mother finish school, provide child care help and parental education? You will insist that her employer not fire her for needing time off for a baby and you'll also pay for her health insurance and associated birth costs if she has none, right? Or...umh...does your concern end at birth?

"Problematic pregnancies" of the second or third trimester, which are rare, are typically due to complications set off by the pregnancy or by viral or bacterial infections acquired during pregnancy. In every instance, it is actually safer, certainly for the child, but also for the mother, to end the pregnancy via C-section or induced labor, wherein the more developed the baby, the better chance it has to survive outside the womb. You save the life of the mother, the baby may or may not survive. It is never necessary to kill it.

Which is exactly why the so-called claim by the right that leftist support abortion up to birth is false. Once the fetus is viable, 24 weeks and up - the most common IS woman's life, severe health risks or severe fetal deformities (as in they will likely die at or soon after birth). This is EXACTLY why politicians have no business in this.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) refuted that idea in a statement released this week, stating that pregnant women may experience conditions such as “premature rupture of membranes and infection, preeclampsia, placental abruption, and placenta accreta” late in pregnancy that may endanger their lives.

“Women in these circumstances may risk extensive blood loss, stroke, and septic shock that could lead to maternal death. Politicians must never require a doctor to wait for a medical condition to worsen and become life-threatening before being able to provide evidence-based care to their patients, including an abortion,” the ACOG said.

Yes, I'm absolutely certain. Late-term terminations of pregnancies for health reasons do not entail abortions at all even though the premi may not survive. The goal is to save the lives of both the child and the mother. There's no such thing as late-term abortions for health reasons. Late-term abortions require several hours of prep in terms of dilation and removal; they involve the use of toxins, invasive, time-consuming procedures. If there is an immediate threat to the life of the mother, you don't walk her into an abortion clinic. She's not walking anywhere. She's in trama, and a hospital sure as hell is not going to wait to perform an abortion! If necessary the physician will either immediately induce labor if possible--the safest, least intrusive option--or immediately perform a C-section. But in most cases, you don't even get to this sort of drama as the very first and safest option is going to involve treatment to stabilize/neutralize the condition and safely bring the pregnancy to term, ending in outpatient treatment and monitoring.
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As it should be. The world is already over crowded.
Those who would make that claim in defense of murdering others, if they were honest, would volunteer to reduce the excess population by themselves instead.
That sounds stupid even for you. :rolleyes:


You want other people, innocent people, to be put to death, because you think the world is overpopulated, and you think it's “stupid” for me to suggest that if that's what you think, perhaps you should give up your own life first, before demanding that other's lives be taken?

Perhaps basic ethics, decency, and common sense seem “stupid” to a soulless sociopath. I guess that should not be surprising.
As it should be. The world is already over crowded.
Those who would make that claim in defense of murdering others, if they were honest, would volunteer to reduce the excess population by themselves instead.
That sounds stupid even for you. :rolleyes:


You want other people, innocent people, to be put to death, because you think the world is overpopulated, and you think it's “stupid” for me to suggest that if that's what you think, perhaps you should give up your own life first, before demanding that other's lives be taken?

Perhaps basic ethics, decency, and common sense seem “stupid” to a soulless sociopath. I guess that should not be surprising.
Youre the one that said people should be put to death. Whats stupid is you making the claim that abortion is murder when you obviously have no idea that in order to be murder you have to be convicted of a crime. Youre a fool and a hypocrite to boot. :rolleyes:
Youre the one that said people should be put to death. Whats stupid is you making the claim that abortion is murder when you obviously have no idea that in order to be murder you have to be convicted of a crime. Youre a fool and a hypocrite to boot. :rolleyes:

Abortion is the killing of innocent human beings. And it was you who suggested that “overpopulation” is a valid excuse for putting innocent people to death. I do not think that any sane person could possibly agree with you that innocent people should be killed to mitigate “overpopulation”. But if you think people should be killed for this purpose, then what is so special about you, that you shouldn't be at the front of the line, setting the example to support your position?
Youre the one that said people should be put to death. Whats stupid is you making the claim that abortion is murder when you obviously have no idea that in order to be murder you have to be convicted of a crime. Youre a fool and a hypocrite to boot. :rolleyes:

Abortion is the killing of innocent human beings. And it was you who suggested that “overpopulation” is a valid excuse for putting innocent people to death. I do not think that any sane person could possibly agree with you that innocent people should be killed to mitigate “overpopulation”. But if you think people should be killed for this purpose, then what is so special about you, that you shouldn't be at the front of the line, setting the example to support your position?
Fetuses arent people. That misunderstanding right there is the basis of faulty and stagnant logic.
An abortion doctor has a vested INTEREST in DOING an abortion you know that I know that and it is a conflict of interest. Most states say 24 weeks is cut off yet we have 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year. I wonder how many were because an ABORTION doctor claimed something that simply wasn't true.

The reason is - there is no 100% cut off. If abortion became illegal after 24 weeks, women could die or be forced to carry to term fetus' with severe (life ending) birth defects. That is the fundamental reason why it should not be ILLEGAL, but restricted. Few states allow elective abortion after viability without good reason such as I stated. And I have no problem with that. I fully support easy access to birth control and early abortion if needed, and restrictions on late term. But always - the mother's life should be most important.
There is NO way 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year are medically needed. and you can not prove they are either.
Until conservatives prove that they are 100% on board with caring for and carrying to term unwanted children you dont qualify as someone that should have something proven to you.
So using your logic..... we should put to death all mentally incompetent people needing care, all the Homeless with out Jobs, all the old people that are sick and of course since you claim someone else must care for a child other then its parents or it will be murdered you MUST support the idea that anyone on welfare must be put to death.
Thats not my logic. Thats yours. Not to mention its very stupid logic. Youre talking about people that are not inside a woman you fucking idiot
A human ehh? So at 24 weeks a "fetus" is able to live outside the womb making it a baby. So anything after 24 weeks is murder and using YOUR logic if a person of any age is not able to care for themselves or needs assistance according to you we should be free to just kill them.
Youre the one that said people should be put to death. Whats stupid is you making the claim that abortion is murder when you obviously have no idea that in order to be murder you have to be convicted of a crime. Youre a fool and a hypocrite to boot. :rolleyes:

Abortion is the killing of innocent human beings. And it was you who suggested that “overpopulation” is a valid excuse for putting innocent people to death. I do not think that any sane person could possibly agree with you that innocent people should be killed to mitigate “overpopulation”. But if you think people should be killed for this purpose, then what is so special about you, that you shouldn't be at the front of the line, setting the example to support your position?
Fetuses arent people. That misunderstanding right there is the basis of faulty and stagnant logic.
At 24 weeks a "fetus" IS a person by all medical definitions.
The reason is - there is no 100% cut off. If abortion became illegal after 24 weeks, women could die or be forced to carry to term fetus' with severe (life ending) birth defects. That is the fundamental reason why it should not be ILLEGAL, but restricted. Few states allow elective abortion after viability without good reason such as I stated. And I have no problem with that. I fully support easy access to birth control and early abortion if needed, and restrictions on late term. But always - the mother's life should be most important.
There is NO way 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year are medically needed. and you can not prove they are either.
Until conservatives prove that they are 100% on board with caring for and carrying to term unwanted children you dont qualify as someone that should have something proven to you.
So using your logic..... we should put to death all mentally incompetent people needing care, all the Homeless with out Jobs, all the old people that are sick and of course since you claim someone else must care for a child other then its parents or it will be murdered you MUST support the idea that anyone on welfare must be put to death.
Thats not my logic. Thats yours. Not to mention its very stupid logic. Youre talking about people that are not inside a woman you fucking idiot
A human ehh? So at 24 weeks a "fetus" is able to live outside the womb making it a baby. So anything after 24 weeks is murder and using YOUR logic if a person of any age is not able to care for themselves or needs assistance according to you we should be free to just kill them.
I already told you not to push your faulty logic and then claim I made it up. :rolleyes:
Youre the one that said people should be put to death. Whats stupid is you making the claim that abortion is murder when you obviously have no idea that in order to be murder you have to be convicted of a crime. Youre a fool and a hypocrite to boot. :rolleyes:

Abortion is the killing of innocent human beings. And it was you who suggested that “overpopulation” is a valid excuse for putting innocent people to death. I do not think that any sane person could possibly agree with you that innocent people should be killed to mitigate “overpopulation”. But if you think people should be killed for this purpose, then what is so special about you, that you shouldn't be at the front of the line, setting the example to support your position?
Fetuses arent people. That misunderstanding right there is the basis of faulty and stagnant logic.
At 24 weeks a "fetus" IS a person by all medical definitions.
Most people dont get an abortion after 24 weeks dingle berry. :rolleyes:
Fetuses arent people. That misunderstanding right there is the basis of faulty and stagnant logic.

There was a time in our country's history when a lot of Americans thought that blacks were not people.

They were as wrong as you are—no more, no less.
Fetuses arent people. That misunderstanding right there is the basis of faulty and stagnant logic.

There was a time in our country's history when a lot of Americans thought that blacks were not people.

They were as wrong as you are—no more, no less.
There you go again mixing up fetuses with people walking around breathing air. Thats horrible logic. :rolleyes:

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