I was wrong... the health of the mother is not valid for an abortion.

So quote where I lied. That way I can report you if you quote me incorrectly. Deal?

I already pointed out where you lied. I quoted you making a statement about what an earlier post was in response to, which anyone can go back and see that your later post was a falsehood.

And if you are going to try to drag the moderators into your nonsense, don't be surprised if any action they take turns out to be against you.
No I said quote. Dont link to my post. Quote what I said in reference to what you are claiming. :rolleyes:

Then you should have no problem quoting where I lied then right?
Are those people convicted? If not then it wasnt murder dummy.

So you arent going to show me where these people were convicted?

I've heard that sort of logic before. “It ain't stealin' unless you get caught.” Most people recognize such a claim for the utter bullshit that it is.
Whats bullshit is using a legal term to describe an emotional outburst. Murder is a legal term. If youre not convicted of a crime then it doesnt apply no matter how emotional you get over it. :rolleyes:
No I said quote. Dont link to my post. Quote what I said in reference to what you are claiming. :rolleyes:

Then you should have no problem quoting where I lied then right?

I already showed where you lied. One instance, anyway, out of many more.
If that makes you feel better about having your logical fallacies exposed I will let you have that. :rolleyes:
Whats bullshit is using a legal term to describe an emotional outburst. Murder is a legal term. If youre not convicted of a crime then it doesnt apply no matter how emotional you get over it. :rolleyes:

If that makes you feel better about having your logical fallacies exposed I will let you have that. :rolleyes:

You're full of ineffective logical fallacies.


I think the point has been reached, and well passed, where there can be no better response to you than this…

Whats bullshit is using a legal term to describe an emotional outburst. Murder is a legal term. If youre not convicted of a crime then it doesnt apply no matter how emotional you get over it. :rolleyes:

If that makes you feel better about having your logical fallacies exposed I will let you have that. :rolleyes:

You're full of ineffective logical fallacies.


I think the point has been reached, and well passed, where there can be no better response to you than this…

View attachment 310793
When a person is reduced to logical fallacies to advance their argument thats the only response they deserve. :rolleyes:


The first rule of logical fallacies to bear in mind is that leftist swine don't grasp dick about logical fallacies as every one of their morally and intellectually bankrupt positions are born of ignorance, demoguagery, emotionalism and degeneracy.

The first rule of logical fallacies to bear in mind is that leftist swine don't grasp dick about logical fallacies as every one of their morally and intellectually bankrupt positions are born of ignorance, demoguagery, emotionalism and degeneracy.
Getting emotional doesnt change the fact that you clowns have now become the entire circus. :laugh:
You openly support the MURDER of babies. After 24 weeks it is a HUMAN BEING and you support 13000 murders of babies a year. 13000. That is more babies killed by abortion then are murdered by firearms. Glad we now know what a piece of Human garbage you are.
Youre getting emotional and not making sense. If its not a crime how is it murder? :rolleyes:
By State law in almost every State 24 weeks is cut off. yet 13000 babies are murdered after 24 weeks and here you are DEFENDING IT. Twist and turn all you want YOU DEFEND the slaughter of babies. So I don't EVER want to hear you complain about slavery in the US again. because after all it was the LAW.
So you arent going to show me where these people were convicted? I dont care what you dont ever want to hear. If you dont want to see me say anything regarding slavery then dont read my posts. :rolleyes:
So the law is only RIGHT when you say so? HYPOCRITE, lying two faced clown.
Pretty much. I'm the only one that can tell me if something is wrong or right. However what you are talking about is a logical fallacy.

No it isnt stupid. At 24 weeks a baby is able to live outside the womb. Any abortion after 24 weeks is KILLING a PERSON by any definition you choose. You claim since it is LEGAL to kill these people we have nothing to complain about, THUS since it was legal to own slaves YOU have nothing to complain about after all it was completely LEGAL.
Late term abortions are rare, strictly regulated and almost always for the mother's life, serious health issues, or severe fetal deformities.

What is indefensible about that?
13000 a year? Sure thing, who decided they were medically needed? Why the abortion doctors did of course.
Who should decide? A bunch of strange men who know nothing about them?
A certified Doctor that has no business associated with abortions.

Why would having "no business associated with abortions" be a better candidate? Why would this person be more trusted by a woman? The doctors in Ireland let a woman die. The loss of her life led to the change of law in Ireland.
An abortion doctor has a vested INTEREST in DOING an abortion you know that I know that and it is a conflict of interest. Most states say 24 weeks is cut off yet we have 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year. I wonder how many were because an ABORTION doctor claimed something that simply wasn't true.

This whole discussion makes no sense. The medical profession does not operate along the lines of "vested interests" or "conflict of interest." You are talking as if doctors simply run businesses. There is no such thing as an "abortion doctor." People who are in a condition to need a late-term abortion are in a hospital, where they are cared for by whoever is on duty; medical professionals who monitor the patients and have to make snap decisions when an emergency occurs. Medicine is very different than repairing cars in some garage. If a patient is crashing, they have to go into high gear. The people who staff hospitals are medical professionals, and they work in shifts: 12 to 8, 8 to 4, 4 to 12.

Why do these anti-abortion types pretend to know about medicine and want to interfere with the treatment of patients in a life-or-death situation? We don't need ignorance in our hospitals.
Again, anyone who sincerely felt abortion were murder would confront the situation directly and accept the consequences. Go lie down in front of a clinic where abortions are performed, for example. Those who do not feel that sincerely will not confront the situation and will not accept the consequences of running off at the mouth.
It does not appear true that anyone is for abortion. It is clear that most of us are for education, avoiding unwanted pregnancies, maximum in care for children (such as universal healthcare), not dropping bombs on civilians, not dispensing tiny landmines, ceasing to pollute air, water, soil and, especially, minds.
13000 a year? Sure thing, who decided they were medically needed? Why the abortion doctors did of course.
Who should decide? A bunch of strange men who know nothing about them?
A certified Doctor that has no business associated with abortions.

Why would having "no business associated with abortions" be a better candidate? Why would this person be more trusted by a woman? The doctors in Ireland let a woman die. The loss of her life led to the change of law in Ireland.
An abortion doctor has a vested INTEREST in DOING an abortion you know that I know that and it is a conflict of interest. Most states say 24 weeks is cut off yet we have 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year. I wonder how many were because an ABORTION doctor claimed something that simply wasn't true.

This whole discussion makes no sense. The medical profession does not operate along the lines of "vested interests" or "conflict of interest." You are talking as if doctors simply run businesses. There is no such thing as an "abortion doctor." People who are in a condition to need a late-term abortion are in a hospital, where they are cared for by whoever is on duty; medical professionals who monitor the patients and have to make snap decisions when an emergency occurs. Medicine is very different than repairing cars in some garage. If a patient is crashing, they have to go into high gear. The people who staff hospitals are medical professionals, and they work in shifts: 12 to 8, 8 to 4, 4 to 12.

Why do these anti-abortion types pretend to know about medicine and want to interfere with the treatment of patients in a life-or-death situation? We don't need ignorance in our hospitals.

Once again, you're talking out your ass merely to bolster your disgusting, sociopathic, inhuman, infanticidal filth, and the thing is, you know it; i.e., you know you're talking out your ass about something you really have no solid grasp of. There is never any medical reason to abort a pregnancy for the purpose of saving the mother's life except in the case of ectopic pregnancies. The only other caveat goes to serious complications just prior to viability, and that entails a very complex juncture that may only technically amount to an abortion simply because the developing child is not viable, a situation that amounts to a fraction of one percent of pregnancies, and even in that instance the baby is not aborted as such; rather, the pregnancy is terminated via induced labor. My wife and I know all about this issue in terms of options precisely because we looked at it before attempting to conceive so that we would be armed to make the very best decision that honored God and the sanctity of human life in the event we encountered a problematic pregnancy.
If abortion were about the woman's body who has one, then she'd be the one who dies when an abortion is successfully performed.

Fetuses aren't people.

Women are going to get abortions no matter what the law is.

The kind of police state where you are successfully outlawing abortion, no one but the craziest religious fanatic would want to live in.

Now, on other threads, you've whined about what kind of police state we'd need to live in to ban guns, but you've never thought about the kind of police state we'd need to have to keep women from having abortions?

Do you even think these things through, Mormon Bob?
If abortion were about the woman's body who has one, then she'd be the one who dies when an abortion is successfully performed.

Fetuses aren't people.

Women are going to get abortions no matter what the law is.

The kind of police state where you are successfully outlawing abortion, no one but the craziest religious fanatic would want to live in.

Now, on other threads, you've whined about what kind of police state we'd need to live in to ban guns, but you've never thought about the kind of police state we'd need to have to keep women from having abortions?

Do you even think these things through, Mormon Bob?

We aren't going to do anything about abortion, guns or immigration. All are simply things politicians use to divide people and sadly it works.
Who should decide? A bunch of strange men who know nothing about them?
A certified Doctor that has no business associated with abortions.

Why would having "no business associated with abortions" be a better candidate? Why would this person be more trusted by a woman? The doctors in Ireland let a woman die. The loss of her life led to the change of law in Ireland.
An abortion doctor has a vested INTEREST in DOING an abortion you know that I know that and it is a conflict of interest. Most states say 24 weeks is cut off yet we have 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year. I wonder how many were because an ABORTION doctor claimed something that simply wasn't true.

This whole discussion makes no sense. The medical profession does not operate along the lines of "vested interests" or "conflict of interest." You are talking as if doctors simply run businesses. There is no such thing as an "abortion doctor." People who are in a condition to need a late-term abortion are in a hospital, where they are cared for by whoever is on duty; medical professionals who monitor the patients and have to make snap decisions when an emergency occurs. Medicine is very different than repairing cars in some garage. If a patient is crashing, they have to go into high gear. The people who staff hospitals are medical professionals, and they work in shifts: 12 to 8, 8 to 4, 4 to 12.

Why do these anti-abortion types pretend to know about medicine and want to interfere with the treatment of patients in a life-or-death situation? We don't need ignorance in our hospitals.

Once again, you're talking out your ass merely to bolster your disgusting, sociopathic, inhuman, infanticidal filth, and the thing is, you know it; i.e., you know you're talking out your ass about something you really have no solid grasp of. There is never any medical reason to abort a pregnancy for the purpose of saving the mother's life except in the case of ectopic pregnancies. The only other caveat goes to serious complications just prior to viability, and that entails a very complex juncture that may only technically amount to an abortion simply because the developing child is not viable, a situation that amounts to a fraction of one percent of pregnancies, and even in that instance the baby is not aborted as such; rather, the pregnancy is terminated via induced labor. My wife and I know all about this issue in terms of options precisely because we looked at it before attempting to conceive so that we would be armed to make the very best decision that honored God and the sanctity of human life in the event we encountered a problematic pregnancy.
Great. This is your cult. You and the female you screw.
. What is next for this infant, created by a male who doesn't want to to care for and raise up his child

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