I was wrong.

we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !
Blaming it on all current white people would be my disagreement with IM2, if that is what he has done.

I see automatic defensiveness when there is no cause for such. It's not personal. You are not the immediate target of the allegations of systemic white racism.

But, then you see people respond to it with "go back to Africa, quit raping, and quit murdering." Tell me. Does that racial bigotry label fit?



The system continues as current white people exist.
But, not caused by the racial bigotry of most individuals, even if some in power are working to perpetuate that system.

See, folks. It's easy. Engage. He will respond. Back and forth. No invitations to go back to Africa, etc.

I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

no hes saying that anyplace where whites have any influence is racist !!...was that to harsh for you ???? do i need to tone it down ???? are you triggered ???? i am trying to be nice and gentle so as not to offend your refined delicate sensibilities >>:26:
Who do you think I am?

IM2 and I disagree on things quite frequently. I am simply pointing out the "go back to Africa" bit is completely destructive.

ok ...how is it destructive .
You act just like the fucking commies when you do that. Engage. Don't shout down.

IM2 is not an enemy. He is your fellow countryman. He has a complaint. Where is the nationalism?

how am i acting like a fucking commie when i ask how ??? he may be my fellow countryman but i am not his ...and weaklings like you are the ones giving these white and black white guilt merchants power !! leftist power .
How am I giving power to him by listening? He is giving me equal power.

If you don't think he acts like your fellow countryman, tell him why. I know what he will say about you.

I am only interested in justice and fairness.

I am really only interested in equal liberty. THIS:

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." —Thomas Jefferson

We can't get there if a good chunk of our population is still suffering the effects of NOT following the above principle.

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Reactions: IM2
Everyone, stop assuming that allegations of systemic white racism are personal allegations of racial bigotry toward you.
I just assume it is stupid, childish and whiney, myself .

Especially when the whiney excuse makers actually have a systematic advantage over others as is represented by affirmative action
we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !

Do you really think all this is about 150 years ago?
i dont give a damn what its about !! i dont owe you or anybody else jack shit !
And, this would indicate that you have taken the allegation of systemic white racism as a personal attack on your integrity.

they aint talking about Asians pal ......and i take it as reverse racism ... as a matter of fact i believe whites today are less racist on average than blacks .

There is no such thing as reverse racism and blacks aren't more racist than whites today. You are just low IQ and unable to understand what's been said to you.
thats all the fuck you got !!!! mutherfucker i grew up in an 80% black hood !! and i had to fight because i am white ! i have friends and family of friends that were attacked and killed by blacks.....and over the yrs ive had to fight and defend myself several times against blacks !! now that i am full grown the so called thugs dont fuck with me ,and its not because they have suddenly stopped hating whitey ,theyve learned that this whitey will knock a patch out of their heads and leave the white meat showing .
Everyone, stop assuming that allegations of systemic white racism are personal allegations of racial bigotry toward you.
I just assume it is stupid, childish and whiney, myself .

Especially when the whiney excuse makers actually have a systematic advantage over others as is represented by affirmative action
There's no question that black folks still have a disadvantage caused by discrimination. So, offer a better solution if you don't like affirmative action.

In Texas, we have the Top 10% rule for all public universities. It actually works better for black and Hispanic kids than affirmative action, and nobody can complain about it. Get in the top 10% of your high school graduating class, and the university of your choice will accept you, regardless. There are no limited number of seats to fight over.

In stead of fighting over bullshit, talk about solutions.

no hes saying that anyplace where whites have any influence is racist !!...was that to harsh for you ???? do i need to tone it down ???? are you triggered ???? i am trying to be nice and gentle so as not to offend your refined delicate sensibilities >>:26:
Who do you think I am?

IM2 and I disagree on things quite frequently. I am simply pointing out the "go back to Africa" bit is completely destructive.

ok ...how is it destructive .
You act just like the fucking commies when you do that. Engage. Don't shout down.

IM2 is not an enemy. He is your fellow countryman. He has a complaint. Where is the nationalism?

how am i acting like a fucking commie when i ask how ??? he may be my fellow countryman but i am not his ...and weaklings like you are the ones giving these white and black white guilt merchants power !! leftist power .
How am I giving power to him by listening? He is giving me equal power.

If you don't think he acts like your fellow countryman, tell him why. I know what he will say about you.

I am only interested in justice and fairness.

I am really only interested in equal liberty. THIS:

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." —Thomas Jefferson

We can't get there if a good chunk of our population is still suffering the effects of NOT following the above principle.

think about that the next time you threaten report someone hypocrite .
There will be a lesson learned here.

Yep, a purpose...I figured as much
but wanted to give you the benefit of doubt

After your last thread
this thread wasn’t logical,

Oh well, back to the reality
of the African thugs killing each other here in Chiraq

I can't learn lessons?
we all can !! i have been wrong in the past also ....we are All Americans ! we can all; work together and stop blaming each other for our problems ....that would really upset the career dividers in government on both sides of the isle !

Im wrong a lot. and race relations is pretty complex and It's also extremely difficult at times to actually express and be understood as to what you believe or are thinking because everyone as a different definition of what is what. Also in the US, being a large country as it is, regional differences, age differences across decades of time are also a bit of a barrier
There is a difference in the races, it is not the same customs between the whites and the blacks, there are also the various religions, but I know by a single experience that shocked me it was when I was teenager,it had several white men who chased me for raping me in broad daylight and you know it was a black man who defended me, a colossal man who said: if you touch this girl, I will break your neck, so I did not understand why all the others around me did not do anything, I was not used to seeing a black man and he was the only one who defended me in my neighborhood.

thats a hell of a neighborhood you grew up in. My god!
Who do you think I am?

IM2 and I disagree on things quite frequently. I am simply pointing out the "go back to Africa" bit is completely destructive.

ok ...how is it destructive .
You act just like the fucking commies when you do that. Engage. Don't shout down.

IM2 is not an enemy. He is your fellow countryman. He has a complaint. Where is the nationalism?

how am i acting like a fucking commie when i ask how ??? he may be my fellow countryman but i am not his ...and weaklings like you are the ones giving these white and black white guilt merchants power !! leftist power .
How am I giving power to him by listening? He is giving me equal power.

If you don't think he acts like your fellow countryman, tell him why. I know what he will say about you.

I am only interested in justice and fairness.

I am really only interested in equal liberty. THIS:

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." —Thomas Jefferson

We can't get there if a good chunk of our population is still suffering the effects of NOT following the above principle.

think about that the next time you threaten report someone hypocrite .
When did I threaten to report anyone?

You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

And a lot of black men, most in fact, raise their children with love, education, and respect. Don't judge any people by the actions of their minority.

The message is that all men, regardless of color or creed, should honor their responsibilities as men and do right by the children they produce.

To not do so makes you less than a man.

There will be a lesson learned here.

Yep, a purpose...I figured as much
but wanted to give you the benefit of doubt

After your last thread
this thread wasn’t logical,

Oh well, back to the reality
of the African thugs killing each other here in Chiraq

I can't learn lessons?

If you're serious I commend you.
As I've told you numerous times,I dont think in terms of black and white.
I look at the person. If you're white and act like a punk I'll despise you,same goes for black,brown or yellow.
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

no hes saying that anyplace where whites have any influence is racist !!...was that to harsh for you ???? do i need to tone it down ???? are you triggered ???? i am trying to be nice and gentle so as not to offend your refined delicate sensibilities >>:26:
Who do you think I am?

IM2 and I disagree on things quite frequently. I am simply pointing out the "go back to Africa" bit is completely destructive.

ok ...how is it destructive .
You act just like the fucking commies when you do that. Engage. Don't shout down.

IM2 is not an enemy. He is your fellow countryman. He has a complaint. Where is the nationalism?


Blacks don't get to be part of the nationalism unless we do as whites want. That is what this thread has proven.

When I wrote the OP, people were patting me on the back and cheering because I was saying what they needed to hear. It doesn't matter if it is true or not. But when that changed, suddenly I'm dog whistling for the extermination of white people. You are looking at the Teflon theory Bootney. And in high def.
Census Bureau: Higher Percentage of Black Children Live with Single Mothers | Afro

Here is a link to a small article from afro.com

two days ago, you accused me of dispensing "racist wives tales" for it.

I'm curious as to what you call this piece from afro.com today.
It's a bullshit attempt to deny the fact that single parent homes are not the root cause of our problems. And I know what the cause better than you do because I am black and live through what blacks have to live through. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Period.

And there you have it.....
Dude I really wanted to believe you.
He never left. He had a hunch and his hunch was proven correct.

Correction -- he indulged in a ruse and his ruse was exposed.
No. The only thing that was exposed is the fact that those like you only want blacks to believe we are what you say we are.

I have stated many times that I have lived and worked among black people and they are a diverse group. Some are responsible men and some are like you.

Considering that you don't know what responsible is, lol!

I am black. That means I know what black people are.

And what are black people?
The black people I interact with are no different than I am.
The ones I cant figure out are the ones in Ferguson or Baltimore who destroy their own communities over a thug that got whacked by the cops for good reason.
I'd applaud if the cops dropped some white piece of shit in my neighborhood.
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

no hes saying that anyplace where whites have any influence is racist !!...was that to harsh for you ???? do i need to tone it down ???? are you triggered ???? i am trying to be nice and gentle so as not to offend your refined delicate sensibilities >>:26:
Who do you think I am?

IM2 and I disagree on things quite frequently. I am simply pointing out the "go back to Africa" bit is completely destructive.

ok ...how is it destructive .
You act just like the fucking commies when you do that. Engage. Don't shout down.

IM2 is not an enemy. He is your fellow countryman. He has a complaint. Where is the nationalism?

how am i acting like a fucking commie when i ask how ??? he may be my fellow countryman but i am not his ...and weaklings like you are the ones giving these white and black white guilt merchants power !! leftist power .socialist power ,and one day a communist dictatorship ! look at all the shit they are banning in the name of racism !

Guilt merchant? Wow, you are really a mental case.

Let me put it to you this way:

You want to talk about what you didn't do so you shouldn't be made to feel guilty. But you are here as a result of the past. As you want to deny the current problem, you let it continue. So you are doing exactly what many whites did in the past.

And exactly what has been banned in the name of racism?
ok ...how is it destructive .
You act just like the fucking commies when you do that. Engage. Don't shout down.

IM2 is not an enemy. He is your fellow countryman. He has a complaint. Where is the nationalism?

how am i acting like a fucking commie when i ask how ??? he may be my fellow countryman but i am not his ...and weaklings like you are the ones giving these white and black white guilt merchants power !! leftist power .
How am I giving power to him by listening? He is giving me equal power.

If you don't think he acts like your fellow countryman, tell him why. I know what he will say about you.

I am only interested in justice and fairness.

I am really only interested in equal liberty. THIS:

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." —Thomas Jefferson

We can't get there if a good chunk of our population is still suffering the effects of NOT following the above principle.

think about that the next time you threaten report someone hypocrite .
When did I threaten to report anyone?

Affirmative Action-for whites post #9
Census Bureau: Higher Percentage of Black Children Live with Single Mothers | Afro

Here is a link to a small article from afro.com

two days ago, you accused me of dispensing "racist wives tales" for it.

I'm curious as to what you call this piece from afro.com today.
It's a bullshit attempt to deny the fact that single parent homes are not the root cause of our problems. And I know what the cause better than you do because I am black and live through what blacks have to live through. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Period.

And there you have it.....
Dude I really wanted to believe you.

So you wanted me to deny my personal history and continuing racism caused by public policy to blame myself or blacks for things that have happened to us as a result of those policies.
no hes saying that anyplace where whites have any influence is racist !!...was that to harsh for you ???? do i need to tone it down ???? are you triggered ???? i am trying to be nice and gentle so as not to offend your refined delicate sensibilities >>:26:
Who do you think I am?

IM2 and I disagree on things quite frequently. I am simply pointing out the "go back to Africa" bit is completely destructive.

ok ...how is it destructive .
You act just like the fucking commies when you do that. Engage. Don't shout down.

IM2 is not an enemy. He is your fellow countryman. He has a complaint. Where is the nationalism?

how am i acting like a fucking commie when i ask how ??? he may be my fellow countryman but i am not his ...and weaklings like you are the ones giving these white and black white guilt merchants power !! leftist power .socialist power ,and one day a communist dictatorship ! look at all the shit they are banning in the name of racism !

Guilt merchant? Wow, you are really a mental case.

Let me put it to you this way:

You want to talk about what you didn't do so you shouldn't be made to feel guilty. But you are here as a result of the past. As you want to deny the current problem, you let it continue. So you are doing exactly what many whites did in the past.

And exactly what has been banned in the name of racism?
you are also here from results from the past !! so according to your claims of being successful i guess its because of whitey . ......or do you think you would have done better and achieved i higher status as a cruel tyrannical warlord in Africa !
Yeah excuses kill and you just killed a bunch of people with your post. I really think that you might want to reconsider being white and talking about morals. In 2017 whites had more children out of wedlock than blacks had children. And there are millions of white divorced single mothers raising children with an ex husband refusing to pay alimony. But you all have comments about blacks.

I am black

And so? You're still wrong.

No you’re wrong brotha I’m from New Orleans and the last thing am worried about is a white man. I have a 2000 time more chance of being killed by these crazy XXXXX out here.Just keeping it a 100.

No, I'm not wrong. And whites are 6 times more likely to be killed by another white. So if you're keeping it 100 you understand that and if you are black and intelligent you understand what the confederate flag stands for. Other than that you show me that you suffer from internalized racism.

I’m from the South and live in the country 60 miles outside NOLA. My mother moved us out the city because the neighborhood was running wild. Now it’s a war zone. We live a good life now blacks and whites get along here just fine. Polite towards one another and our community helps one another. Country blacks and city blacks are definitely different and I’m a Conservative and not a slave to the Democrat plantation called the city.

The blacks I grew up were southern to the bone.
We all had the same values and interests. Were there cases of racism? Sure there were but they were few and far between.
Census Bureau: Higher Percentage of Black Children Live with Single Mothers | Afro

Here is a link to a small article from afro.com

two days ago, you accused me of dispensing "racist wives tales" for it.

I'm curious as to what you call this piece from afro.com today.
It's a bullshit attempt to deny the fact that single parent homes are not the root cause of our problems. And I know what the cause better than you do because I am black and live through what blacks have to live through. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Period.

And there you have it.....
Dude I really wanted to believe you.

So you wanted me to deny my personal history and continuing racism caused by public policy to blame myself or blacks for things that have happened to us as a result of those policies.

And what public policy would that be?
Obama was elected twice and there are plenty of blacks in positions of power.
You should really give up on your racist ways,you'd be much happier.
no hes saying that anyplace where whites have any influence is racist !!...was that to harsh for you ???? do i need to tone it down ???? are you triggered ???? i am trying to be nice and gentle so as not to offend your refined delicate sensibilities >>:26:
Who do you think I am?

IM2 and I disagree on things quite frequently. I am simply pointing out the "go back to Africa" bit is completely destructive.

ok ...how is it destructive .
You act just like the fucking commies when you do that. Engage. Don't shout down.

IM2 is not an enemy. He is your fellow countryman. He has a complaint. Where is the nationalism?

how am i acting like a fucking commie when i ask how ??? he may be my fellow countryman but i am not his ...and weaklings like you are the ones giving these white and black white guilt merchants power !! leftist power .socialist power ,and one day a communist dictatorship ! look at all the shit they are banning in the name of racism !

Guilt merchant? Wow, you are really a mental case.

Let me put it to you this way:

You want to talk about what you didn't do so you shouldn't be made to feel guilty. But you are here as a result of the past. As you want to deny the current problem, you let it continue. So you are doing exactly what many whites did in the past.

And exactly what has been banned in the name of racism?
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

no hes saying that anyplace where whites have any influence is racist !!...was that to harsh for you ???? do i need to tone it down ???? are you triggered ???? i am trying to be nice and gentle so as not to offend your refined delicate sensibilities >>:26:
Who do you think I am?

IM2 and I disagree on things quite frequently. I am simply pointing out the "go back to Africa" bit is completely destructive.

ok ...how is it destructive .
You act just like the fucking commies when you do that. Engage. Don't shout down.

IM2 is not an enemy. He is your fellow countryman. He has a complaint. Where is the nationalism?


Blacks don't get to be part of the nationalism unless we do as whites want. That is what this thread has proven.

When I wrote the OP, people were patting me on the back and cheering because I was saying what they needed to hear. It doesn't matter if it is true or not. But when that changed, suddenly I'm dog whistling for the extermination of white people. You are looking at the Teflon theory Bootney. And in high def.
no !! what you originally wrote was the truth !! drinking,drugging t[so called thugging ] absent fathers ect .... and most of all the absolute refusal to take responsibility for your own actions and blaming whitey is the problem with people like you !
Do you really think all this is about 150 years ago?
i dont give a damn what its about !! i dont owe you or anybody else jack shit !
And, this would indicate that you have taken the allegation of systemic white racism as a personal attack on your integrity.

they aint talking about Asians pal ......and i take it as reverse racism ... as a matter of fact i believe whites today are less racist on average than blacks .

There is no such thing as reverse racism and blacks aren't more racist than whites today. You are just low IQ and unable to understand what's been said to you.
thats all the fuck you got !!!! mutherfucker i grew up in an 80% black hood !! and i had to fight because i am white ! i have friends and family of friends that were attacked and killed by blacks.....and over the yrs ive had to fight and defend myself several times against blacks !! now that i am full grown the so called thugs dont fuck with me ,and its not because they have suddenly stopped hating whitey ,theyve learned that this whitey will knock a patch out of their heads and leave the white meat showing .

There is no such thing as reverse racism and talk john wayne shit online is not impressive . Everybody white here grew up in a mostly black neighborhood where they were the only white and every day blacks beat them up only because they are white. Funny how that happens.

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