I was wrong.

And whites like you are children.
I run my own business, my employees like me, I am content with my life and reasonably successful. I take responsibility for my life and work, and don't whine all the time about my lot in life by blaming others.

You and I are very different.
Yes and your life experiences are different too. If you grew up in Detroit you have a much different experience than a person who grew up on 6 and evergreen in Detroit. How do I know? I grew up there and then I moved to a nice neighborhood. I see the difference in how a young poor black man in Detroit grows up compared to a middle class white kid in Metro Detroit.

And like me, maybe you got out of poverty and a bad neighborhood. But still, don't forget you were white. That made moving and finding a job much easier. Did your parents help you pay for college? Or are you intelligent like lets say, Ben Carson? It's easy for Ben to tell poor blacks he made it. He also had the brains to become a neurosurgeon. I could never do that. I'm not smart enough. What Ben doesn't realize is not everyone in Detroit is a brain surgeon. How do we improve the lives of the masses, not just our most intelligent and talented citizens. They have no problem getting out of the hole they started out in.
I spent the first 6 years of my life in a small cabin at a logging camp 20 miles from any services. We had electricity and running water, but no t.v., dishwasher or washer and dryer. Everything had to be done by hand .my sister and I both had two or three toys, but not much beyond that.

When I was 6 we moved to a small town and then another soon after that. My father worked hard, did not blame others for anything and gradually moved up the ranks.

I graduated high school with the second highest SAT in a class of 450, which gained me entry to most any University I wanted . I worked fighting fires each summer to earn the money necessary.

Anything more you wish to know, just ask .

A. How many blacks were hired at your daddy's shop? I bet it was all white. And if it wasn't, it was the exception not the norm in America. So your white privileged.

B. You are a Ben Carson. You got the second highest SAT score in the class. How did the other 400 students do? And were they all white? I went to an all white high school. Most of us found good jobs with or without college. Why? Our daddies and neighbors got them jobs. Blacks in poor neighborhoods aren't as privileged as we are. My family is so grateful we left Detroit. No way I would have gone off to college had I went to a Detroit Public School. No way my brother would have got a masters from MSU and become a VP of a fortune 500 company if we stayed in that Detroit Public School.

C. Many blacks work hard and are not moved up in the ranks. Why? Because they aren't white. They aren't part of the good old boys network. Now this, I don't think us whites should have to give this up. If I work at a company, I should be able to hook my son up with a job. But this is why I believe in diversity programs and affirmative action.

Living in a 700 square foot cabin with no t.v., clothes washer or washer and dryer is privileged, now, it it?

I'd bet my bottom dollar that these whiney black racists had a LOT more than I did growing up.

White privilege is not about money. So you lived in a 700 foot cabin naked growing up. There are no whiney black racists here. But you just whined about your childhood. And you have whined about a variety of things. Black privilege, 230 points, black extra advantages, and not one of these things exist.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
You’ve got a pair.

I do because I am a man. But those like you have a pathological need to deny certain thing and that's something you must fix.
Men take responsibility for their lives.

Children do nothing but blame others .

How come so many Mexicans living in Mexico are poor?

You see, like Mexicans in Mexico, black Americans living in inner city ghettos don't have it as good as you do.
you are confusing outcome with opportrinity.

Asians come to this country with little or nothing yes succeed. Their children are more successful and their grandchildren are ahead of the curve when it comes to success. They do this DESPITE being at a disadvantage.

Blacks receive an ADVANTAGE yet pass down dysfunctional attitudes that prevents the same thing happening .
This is a wholesale denial of the success we have seen. More black folks are in the middle class than ever before...because the DISADVANTAGES they suffered and continue to suffer have been remedied.

You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
Join Alveda King and MAGA

Can't do that. I'll remain with MLK 3 and Berniece King. You know, the actual people who were born with MLK's DNA.
Do you stand or kneel before the flag, I stand with Alveda, she stands with me. I am proud, are you

The flag is a graven image. I stand with the people who actually are the legacy of MLK. Alveda is fake news.
You are a fool and coward, because you are fully free to leave. I'll help you pack
I run my own business, my employees like me, I am content with my life and reasonably successful. I take responsibility for my life and work, and don't whine all the time about my lot in life by blaming others.

You and I are very different.
Yes and your life experiences are different too. If you grew up in Detroit you have a much different experience than a person who grew up on 6 and evergreen in Detroit. How do I know? I grew up there and then I moved to a nice neighborhood. I see the difference in how a young poor black man in Detroit grows up compared to a middle class white kid in Metro Detroit.

And like me, maybe you got out of poverty and a bad neighborhood. But still, don't forget you were white. That made moving and finding a job much easier. Did your parents help you pay for college? Or are you intelligent like lets say, Ben Carson? It's easy for Ben to tell poor blacks he made it. He also had the brains to become a neurosurgeon. I could never do that. I'm not smart enough. What Ben doesn't realize is not everyone in Detroit is a brain surgeon. How do we improve the lives of the masses, not just our most intelligent and talented citizens. They have no problem getting out of the hole they started out in.
I spent the first 6 years of my life in a small cabin at a logging camp 20 miles from any services. We had electricity and running water, but no t.v., dishwasher or washer and dryer. Everything had to be done by hand .my sister and I both had two or three toys, but not much beyond that.

When I was 6 we moved to a small town and then another soon after that. My father worked hard, did not blame others for anything and gradually moved up the ranks.

I graduated high school with the second highest SAT in a class of 450, which gained me entry to most any University I wanted . I worked fighting fires each summer to earn the money necessary.

Anything more you wish to know, just ask .

A. How many blacks were hired at your daddy's shop? I bet it was all white. And if it wasn't, it was the exception not the norm in America. So your white privileged.

B. You are a Ben Carson. You got the second highest SAT score in the class. How did the other 400 students do? And were they all white? I went to an all white high school. Most of us found good jobs with or without college. Why? Our daddies and neighbors got them jobs. Blacks in poor neighborhoods aren't as privileged as we are. My family is so grateful we left Detroit. No way I would have gone off to college had I went to a Detroit Public School. No way my brother would have got a masters from MSU and become a VP of a fortune 500 company if we stayed in that Detroit Public School.

C. Many blacks work hard and are not moved up in the ranks. Why? Because they aren't white. They aren't part of the good old boys network. Now this, I don't think us whites should have to give this up. If I work at a company, I should be able to hook my son up with a job. But this is why I believe in diversity programs and affirmative action.

Living in a 700 square foot cabin with no t.v., clothes washer or washer and dryer is privileged, now, it it?

I'd bet my bottom dollar that these whiney black racists had a LOT more than I did growing up.

White privilege is not about money. So you lived in a 700 foot cabin naked growing up. There are no whiney black racists here. But you just whined about your childhood. And you have whined about a variety of things. Black privilege, 230 points, black extra advantages, and not one of these things exist.

IM2, meet reality. reality, this is IM2.

It appears the two of you have never met.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
Join Alveda King and MAGA

Can't do that. I'll remain with MLK 3 and Berniece King. You know, the actual people who were born with MLK's DNA.
Do you stand or kneel before the flag, I stand with Alveda, she stands with me. I am proud, are you

The flag is a graven image. I stand with the people who actually are the legacy of MLK. Alveda is fake news.
You are a fool and coward, because you are fully free to leave. I'll help you pack

I was born here. Therefore I have full constitutional rights. I am not going anywhere. And if you don't like me exercising my rights as an American, pack your bags.
You’ve got a pair.

I do because I am a man. But those like you have a pathological need to deny certain thing and that's something you must fix.
Men take responsibility for their lives.

Children do nothing but blame others .

How come so many Mexicans living in Mexico are poor?

You see, like Mexicans in Mexico, black Americans living in inner city ghettos don't have it as good as you do.
you are confusing outcome with opportrinity.

Asians come to this country with little or nothing yes succeed. Their children are more successful and their grandchildren are ahead of the curve when it comes to success. They do this DESPITE being at a disadvantage.

Blacks receive an ADVANTAGE yet pass down dysfunctional attitudes that prevents the same thing happening .
This is a wholesale denial of the success we have seen. More black folks are in the middle class than ever before...because the DISADVANTAGES they suffered and continue to suffer have been remedied.


I wouldn't exactly say they have been remedied but I will say honest people of all races are working on it.
Join Alveda King and MAGA

Can't do that. I'll remain with MLK 3 and Berniece King. You know, the actual people who were born with MLK's DNA.
Do you stand or kneel before the flag, I stand with Alveda, she stands with me. I am proud, are you

The flag is a graven image. I stand with the people who actually are the legacy of MLK. Alveda is fake news.
You are a fool and coward, because you are fully free to leave. I'll help you pack
Yes and your life experiences are different too. If you grew up in Detroit you have a much different experience than a person who grew up on 6 and evergreen in Detroit. How do I know? I grew up there and then I moved to a nice neighborhood. I see the difference in how a young poor black man in Detroit grows up compared to a middle class white kid in Metro Detroit.

And like me, maybe you got out of poverty and a bad neighborhood. But still, don't forget you were white. That made moving and finding a job much easier. Did your parents help you pay for college? Or are you intelligent like lets say, Ben Carson? It's easy for Ben to tell poor blacks he made it. He also had the brains to become a neurosurgeon. I could never do that. I'm not smart enough. What Ben doesn't realize is not everyone in Detroit is a brain surgeon. How do we improve the lives of the masses, not just our most intelligent and talented citizens. They have no problem getting out of the hole they started out in.
I spent the first 6 years of my life in a small cabin at a logging camp 20 miles from any services. We had electricity and running water, but no t.v., dishwasher or washer and dryer. Everything had to be done by hand .my sister and I both had two or three toys, but not much beyond that.

When I was 6 we moved to a small town and then another soon after that. My father worked hard, did not blame others for anything and gradually moved up the ranks.

I graduated high school with the second highest SAT in a class of 450, which gained me entry to most any University I wanted . I worked fighting fires each summer to earn the money necessary.

Anything more you wish to know, just ask .

A. How many blacks were hired at your daddy's shop? I bet it was all white. And if it wasn't, it was the exception not the norm in America. So your white privileged.

B. You are a Ben Carson. You got the second highest SAT score in the class. How did the other 400 students do? And were they all white? I went to an all white high school. Most of us found good jobs with or without college. Why? Our daddies and neighbors got them jobs. Blacks in poor neighborhoods aren't as privileged as we are. My family is so grateful we left Detroit. No way I would have gone off to college had I went to a Detroit Public School. No way my brother would have got a masters from MSU and become a VP of a fortune 500 company if we stayed in that Detroit Public School.

C. Many blacks work hard and are not moved up in the ranks. Why? Because they aren't white. They aren't part of the good old boys network. Now this, I don't think us whites should have to give this up. If I work at a company, I should be able to hook my son up with a job. But this is why I believe in diversity programs and affirmative action.

Living in a 700 square foot cabin with no t.v., clothes washer or washer and dryer is privileged, now, it it?

I'd bet my bottom dollar that these whiney black racists had a LOT more than I did growing up.

White privilege is not about money. So you lived in a 700 foot cabin naked growing up. There are no whiney black racists here. But you just whined about your childhood. And you have whined about a variety of things. Black privilege, 230 points, black extra advantages, and not one of these things exist.

IM2, meet reality. reality, this is IM2.

It appears the two of you have never met.

You are the one crying about things that don't exist.
You are a fool and coward, because you are fully free to leave. I'll help you pack
Is that code for "go back to Africa"?

I could understand his making an argument that life would be better elsewhere. He didn't. But, as an American, he sure the hell has the right to pipe up when things aren't fair. Why not talk with him about it? Don't just shut him down.

I am only speaking the truth. I am black. That means I grew up black. It means I have spent more time with blacks in every way than you ever will. It means I have had conversations with blacks about whites and racism you will never have. The you don't speak for all blacks argument just doesn't hold water when you hold up the opinion of one black as representative when they validate your racism. So you go find a black non right forum, express your opinions of blacks and see what you get.
You are speaking no truth. In fact, if a white poster who hated blacks were to create a poe for the express purpose of being so obnoxious as to create a backlash against entire black community, they couldn't do a better job than you.

You do NOT speak for all blacks. Not all blacks are aggressive racists who refuse to take any responsibility for anything they do. There are plenty of blacks who are adults, who conduct themselves with dignity, who get along with white people just fine, and who are successful so do not rely on the crutch you rely upon.

heck, the website I referred to is a BLACK website geared towards advancing BLACK people, yet you are so fucking unhinged by your hatred of white people that you STILL accuse it as advancing "lies". No, these are responsible black people encouraging other black people to be responsible so as to better themselves. Unlike you.


You ARE advancing lies. What does single parenthood have to do with public policies that have been made that are detrimental to black communities?


I spent over 30 years taking responsibility. You haven't. I won't be lectured by the likes of you about it. Other blacks here have told you the same things I have. If I don't speak for blacks, certainly your pasty white ass doesn't and no matter how many black sites you cherry pick to use so you can say," lookee here IM2 I have to be right because I found this on a black website", you never will.

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I can prove it and will prove it.

You will see this in time.
is there any problem in the black community that whites are not responsible for ?

Racist whites created the public policy that caused the problems we face. So when you guys start trying your take responsibility crap, you miss the point that our directing you to the root cause is our first responsibility.
so the 1st post you made on this thread was a lie ???
Join Alveda King and MAGA

Can't do that. I'll remain with MLK 3 and Berniece King. You know, the actual people who were born with MLK's DNA.
Do you stand or kneel before the flag, I stand with Alveda, she stands with me. I am proud, are you

The flag is a graven image. I stand with the people who actually are the legacy of MLK. Alveda is fake news.
You are a fool and coward, because you are fully free to leave. I'll help you pack

I was born here. Therefore I have full constitutional rights. I am not going anywhere. And if you don't like me exercising my rights as an American, pack your bags.
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
You are a fool and coward, because you are fully free to leave. I'll help you pack
Is that code for "go back to Africa"?

I could understand his making an argument that life would be better elsewhere. He didn't. But, as an American, he sure the hell has the right to pipe up when things aren't fair. Why not talk with him about it? Don't just shut him down.

Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

If you are living in hate where you are there is absolutely a better place, but for that to be one must have a dream, a real dream of their own, not another mans words
I am only speaking the truth. I am black. That means I grew up black. It means I have spent more time with blacks in every way than you ever will. It means I have had conversations with blacks about whites and racism you will never have. The you don't speak for all blacks argument just doesn't hold water when you hold up the opinion of one black as representative when they validate your racism. So you go find a black non right forum, express your opinions of blacks and see what you get.
You are speaking no truth. In fact, if a white poster who hated blacks were to create a poe for the express purpose of being so obnoxious as to create a backlash against entire black community, they couldn't do a better job than you.

You do NOT speak for all blacks. Not all blacks are aggressive racists who refuse to take any responsibility for anything they do. There are plenty of blacks who are adults, who conduct themselves with dignity, who get along with white people just fine, and who are successful so do not rely on the crutch you rely upon.

heck, the website I referred to is a BLACK website geared towards advancing BLACK people, yet you are so fucking unhinged by your hatred of white people that you STILL accuse it as advancing "lies". No, these are responsible black people encouraging other black people to be responsible so as to better themselves. Unlike you.


You ARE advancing lies. What does single parenthood have to do with public policies that have been made that are detrimental to black communities?


I spent over 30 years taking responsibility. You haven't. I won't be lectured by the likes of you about it. Other blacks here have told you the same things I have. If I don't speak for blacks, certainly your pasty white ass doesn't and no matter how many black sites you cherry pick to use so you can say," lookee here IM2 I have to be right because I found this on a black website", you never will.

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I can prove it and will prove it.

You will see this in time.
is there any problem in the black community that whites are not responsible for ?

Racist whites created the public policy that caused the problems we face. So when you guys start trying your take responsibility crap, you miss the point that our directing you to the root cause is our first responsibility.
so the 1st post you made on this thread was a lie ???
C'mon, you knew it was tongue and cheek.

He is not blaming you personally. White racist motherfuckers in our past created public policy that caused serious lingering disadvantages. Can you at least admit that some white dudes fuck over black dudes in the past?

Not you, personally. But, somebody did.

Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

If you are living in hate where you are there is absolutely a better place, but for that to be one must have a dream, a real dream of their own, not another mans words
It is possible to love America and still want changes. It's still possible for America to be the best in the world, but it still ain't fair.

Instead of shutting down the discussion, and telling him to leave, why not talk to him about it? That's your fellow countryman! Treat him as such. Or is nationalism a bunch of bullshit now?

Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

no hes saying that anyplace where whites have any influence is racist !!...was that to harsh for you ???? do i need to tone it down ???? are you triggered ???? i am trying to be nice and gentle so as not to offend your refined delicate sensibilities >>:26:
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

If you are living in hate where you are there is absolutely a better place, but for that to be one must have a dream, a real dream of their own, not another mans words
It is possible to love America and still want changes. It's still possible for America to be the best in the world, but it still ain't fair.

Instead of shutting down the discussion, and telling him to leave, why not talk to him about it? That's your fellow countryman! Treat him as such. Or is nationalism a bunch of bullshit now?

you get served what you serve .
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

no hes saying that anyplace where whites have any influence is racist !!...was that to harsh for you ???? do i need to tone it down ???? are you triggered ???? i am trying to be nice and gentle so as not to offend your refined delicate sensibilities >>:26:
Who do you think I am?

IM2 and I disagree on things quite frequently. I am simply pointing out the "go back to Africa" bit is completely destructive.

Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

If you are living in hate where you are there is absolutely a better place, but for that to be one must have a dream, a real dream of their own, not another mans words
It is possible to love America and still want changes. It's still possible for America to be the best in the world, but it still ain't fair.

Instead of shutting down the discussion, and telling him to leave, why not talk to him about it? That's your fellow countryman! Treat him as such. Or is nationalism a bunch of bullshit now?

No one who loves America wants medicare for all which will bankrupt the USA and turn it into Venezuela. This country already has the best of EVERYTHING, people are fighting and dying on the way in. So I say again, all Americans are free to leave, the best country on Earth is not changing to suit one fool
You are speaking no truth. In fact, if a white poster who hated blacks were to create a poe for the express purpose of being so obnoxious as to create a backlash against entire black community, they couldn't do a better job than you.

You do NOT speak for all blacks. Not all blacks are aggressive racists who refuse to take any responsibility for anything they do. There are plenty of blacks who are adults, who conduct themselves with dignity, who get along with white people just fine, and who are successful so do not rely on the crutch you rely upon.

heck, the website I referred to is a BLACK website geared towards advancing BLACK people, yet you are so fucking unhinged by your hatred of white people that you STILL accuse it as advancing "lies". No, these are responsible black people encouraging other black people to be responsible so as to better themselves. Unlike you.


You ARE advancing lies. What does single parenthood have to do with public policies that have been made that are detrimental to black communities?


I spent over 30 years taking responsibility. You haven't. I won't be lectured by the likes of you about it. Other blacks here have told you the same things I have. If I don't speak for blacks, certainly your pasty white ass doesn't and no matter how many black sites you cherry pick to use so you can say," lookee here IM2 I have to be right because I found this on a black website", you never will.

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I can prove it and will prove it.

You will see this in time.
is there any problem in the black community that whites are not responsible for ?

Racist whites created the public policy that caused the problems we face. So when you guys start trying your take responsibility crap, you miss the point that our directing you to the root cause is our first responsibility.
so the 1st post you made on this thread was a lie ???
C'mon, you knew it was tongue and cheek.

He is not blaming you personally. White racist motherfuckers in our past created public policy that caused serious lingering disadvantages. Can you at least admit that some white dudes fuck over black dudes in the past?

Not you, personally. But, somebody did.

we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !

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