I was wrong.

Can't do that. I'll remain with MLK 3 and Berniece King. You know, the actual people who were born with MLK's DNA.
Do you stand or kneel before the flag, I stand with Alveda, she stands with me. I am proud, are you

The flag is a graven image. I stand with the people who actually are the legacy of MLK. Alveda is fake news.
You are a fool and coward, because you are fully free to leave. I'll help you pack

I was born here. Therefore I have full constitutional rights. I am not going anywhere. And if you don't like me exercising my rights as an American, pack your bags.
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate

You worship a symbol. I'm about making that symbol represent what it is supposed to symbolize. You want to put up a front. I don't front. Standing or kneeling before a piece of cloth means nothing. A belief without works is an idea. I was born here. I use my constitutional right to air my grievance. There ain't no such thing as love it or leave it. And if you don't like people using their rights as Americans, go find a place where those rights don't exist and fester in your hate.
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

no hes saying that anyplace where whites have any influence is racist !!...was that to harsh for you ???? do i need to tone it down ???? are you triggered ???? i am trying to be nice and gentle so as not to offend your refined delicate sensibilities >>:26:
Who do you think I am?

IM2 and I disagree on things quite frequently. I am simply pointing out the "go back to Africa" bit is completely destructive.

ok ...how is it destructive .
No one who loves America wants medicare for all which will bankrupt the USA and turn it into Venezuela. This country already has the best of EVERYTHING, people are fighting and dying on the way in. So I say again, all Americans are free to leave, the best country on Earth is not changing to suit one fool
Hold on. Why are you talking about Medicare for all? That's not relevant to this topic.

Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

If you are living in hate where you are there is absolutely a better place, but for that to be one must have a dream, a real dream of their own, not another mans words
It is possible to love America and still want changes. It's still possible for America to be the best in the world, but it still ain't fair.

Instead of shutting down the discussion, and telling him to leave, why not talk to him about it? That's your fellow countryman! Treat him as such. Or is nationalism a bunch of bullshit now?

No one who loves America wants medicare for all which will bankrupt the USA and turn it into Venezuela. This country already has the best of EVERYTHING, people are fighting and dying on the way in. So I say again, all Americans are free to leave, the best country on Earth is not changing to suit one fool

Do you stand or kneel before the flag, I stand with Alveda, she stands with me. I am proud, are you

The flag is a graven image. I stand with the people who actually are the legacy of MLK. Alveda is fake news.
You are a fool and coward, because you are fully free to leave. I'll help you pack

I was born here. Therefore I have full constitutional rights. I am not going anywhere. And if you don't like me exercising my rights as an American, pack your bags.
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate

You worship a symbol. I'm about making that symbol represent what it is supposed to symbolize. You want to put up a front. I don't front. Standing or kneeling before a piece of cloth means nothing. A belief without works is an idea. I was born here. I use my constitutional right to air my grievance. There ain't no such thing as love it or leave it. And if you don't like people using their rights as Americans, go find a place where those rights don't exist and fester in your hate.
if people like you had their way you would silence all opposing views and arguments ! proof in point is you report and run to the mods more than anyone on this board when you are offended !! thats why we dont want leftists in power .
You ARE advancing lies. What does single parenthood have to do with public policies that have been made that are detrimental to black communities?


I spent over 30 years taking responsibility. You haven't. I won't be lectured by the likes of you about it. Other blacks here have told you the same things I have. If I don't speak for blacks, certainly your pasty white ass doesn't and no matter how many black sites you cherry pick to use so you can say," lookee here IM2 I have to be right because I found this on a black website", you never will.

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I can prove it and will prove it.

You will see this in time.
is there any problem in the black community that whites are not responsible for ?

Racist whites created the public policy that caused the problems we face. So when you guys start trying your take responsibility crap, you miss the point that our directing you to the root cause is our first responsibility.
so the 1st post you made on this thread was a lie ???
C'mon, you knew it was tongue and cheek.

He is not blaming you personally. White racist motherfuckers in our past created public policy that caused serious lingering disadvantages. Can you at least admit that some white dudes fuck over black dudes in the past?

Not you, personally. But, somebody did.

we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !

Do you really think all this is about 150 years ago?
we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !
Blaming it on all current white people would be my disagreement with IM2, if that is what he has done.

I see automatic defensiveness when there is no cause for such. It's not personal. You are not the immediate target of the allegations of systemic white racism.

But, then you see people respond to it with "go back to Africa, quit raping, and quit murdering." Tell me. Does that racial bigotry label fit?


is there any problem in the black community that whites are not responsible for ?

Racist whites created the public policy that caused the problems we face. So when you guys start trying your take responsibility crap, you miss the point that our directing you to the root cause is our first responsibility.
so the 1st post you made on this thread was a lie ???
C'mon, you knew it was tongue and cheek.

He is not blaming you personally. White racist motherfuckers in our past created public policy that caused serious lingering disadvantages. Can you at least admit that some white dudes fuck over black dudes in the past?

Not you, personally. But, somebody did.

we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !

Do you really think all this is about 150 years ago?
i dont give a damn what its about !! i dont owe you or anybody else jack shit !
Racist whites created the public policy that caused the problems we face. So when you guys start trying your take responsibility crap, you miss the point that our directing you to the root cause is our first responsibility.
so the 1st post you made on this thread was a lie ???
C'mon, you knew it was tongue and cheek.

He is not blaming you personally. White racist motherfuckers in our past created public policy that caused serious lingering disadvantages. Can you at least admit that some white dudes fuck over black dudes in the past?

Not you, personally. But, somebody did.

we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !

Do you really think all this is about 150 years ago?
i dont give a damn what its about !! i dont owe you or anybody else jack shit !
And, this would indicate that you have taken the allegation of systemic white racism as a personal attack on your integrity.

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we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !
Blaming it on all current white people would be my disagreement with IM2, if that is what he has done.

I see automatic defensiveness when there is no cause for such. It's not personal. You are not the immediate target of the allegations of systemic white racism.

But, then you see people respond to it with "go back to Africa, quit raping, and quit murdering." Tell me. Does that racial bigotry label fit?


what do you expect ....nothing pisses people off more than unwarranted guilt trips .....and now we have a whole political wing doing it !
The flag is a graven image. I stand with the people who actually are the legacy of MLK. Alveda is fake news.
You are a fool and coward, because you are fully free to leave. I'll help you pack

I was born here. Therefore I have full constitutional rights. I am not going anywhere. And if you don't like me exercising my rights as an American, pack your bags.
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate

You worship a symbol. I'm about making that symbol represent what it is supposed to symbolize. You want to put up a front. I don't front. Standing or kneeling before a piece of cloth means nothing. A belief without works is an idea. I was born here. I use my constitutional right to air my grievance. There ain't no such thing as love it or leave it. And if you don't like people using their rights as Americans, go find a place where those rights don't exist and fester in your hate.
if people like you had their way you would silence all opposing views and arguments ! proof in point is you report and run to the mods more than anyone on this board when you are offended !! thats why we dont want leftists in power .

I have reported only off topic posts. Learn to post on topic.

Because people like you have silenced people and you want a return to those times.
And a lot of black men, most in fact, raise their children with love, education, and respect. Don't judge any people by the actions of their minority.

The message is that all men, regardless of color or creed, should honor their responsibilities as men and do right by the children they produce.

To not do so makes you less than a man.

There will be a lesson learned here.

Yep, a purpose...I figured as much
but wanted to give you the benefit of doubt

After your last thread
this thread wasn’t logical,

Oh well, back to the reality
of the African thugs killing each other here in Chiraq

I can't learn lessons?
we all can !! i have been wrong in the past also ....we are All Americans ! we can all; work together and stop blaming each other for our problems ....that would really upset the career dividers in government on both sides of the isle !

Im wrong a lot. and race relations is pretty complex and It's also extremely difficult at times to actually express and be understood as to what you believe or are thinking because everyone as a different definition of what is what. Also in the US, being a large country as it is, regional differences, age differences across decades of time are also a bit of a barrier
There is a difference in the races, it is not the same customs between the whites and the blacks, there are also the various religions, but I know by a single experience that shocked me it was when I was teenager,it had several white men who chased me for raping me in broad daylight and you know it was a black man who defended me, a colossal man who said: if you touch this girl, I will break your neck, so I did not understand why all the others around me did not do anything, I was not used to seeing a black man and he was the only one who defended me in my neighborhood.
so the 1st post you made on this thread was a lie ???
C'mon, you knew it was tongue and cheek.

He is not blaming you personally. White racist motherfuckers in our past created public policy that caused serious lingering disadvantages. Can you at least admit that some white dudes fuck over black dudes in the past?

Not you, personally. But, somebody did.

we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !

Do you really think all this is about 150 years ago?
i dont give a damn what its about !! i dont owe you or anybody else jack shit !
And, this would indicate that you have taken the allegation of systemic white racism as a personal attack on your integrity.

they aint talking about Asians pal ......and i take it as reverse racism ... as a matter of fact i believe whites today are less racist on average than blacks .
we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !
Blaming it on all current white people would be my disagreement with IM2, if that is what he has done.

I see automatic defensiveness when there is no cause for such. It's not personal. You are not the immediate target of the allegations of systemic white racism.

But, then you see people respond to it with "go back to Africa, quit raping, and quit murdering." Tell me. Does that racial bigotry label fit?



The system continues as current white people exist.
we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !
Blaming it on all current white people would be my disagreement with IM2, if that is what he has done.

I see automatic defensiveness when there is no cause for such. It's not personal. You are not the immediate target of the allegations of systemic white racism.

But, then you see people respond to it with "go back to Africa, quit raping, and quit murdering." Tell me. Does that racial bigotry label fit?



The system continues as current white people exist.
and there it is folks !!! a dog whistle for the extermination of whites ! ...sadly there are millions in this country that believe the same shit !
Racist whites created the public policy that caused the problems we face. So when you guys start trying your take responsibility crap, you miss the point that our directing you to the root cause is our first responsibility.
so the 1st post you made on this thread was a lie ???
C'mon, you knew it was tongue and cheek.

He is not blaming you personally. White racist motherfuckers in our past created public policy that caused serious lingering disadvantages. Can you at least admit that some white dudes fuck over black dudes in the past?

Not you, personally. But, somebody did.

we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !

Do you really think all this is about 150 years ago?
i dont give a damn what its about !! i dont owe you or anybody else jack shit !

We are owed. But the question was

" Do you really think all this is about 150 years ago?"
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

no hes saying that anyplace where whites have any influence is racist !!...was that to harsh for you ???? do i need to tone it down ???? are you triggered ???? i am trying to be nice and gentle so as not to offend your refined delicate sensibilities >>:26:
Who do you think I am?

IM2 and I disagree on things quite frequently. I am simply pointing out the "go back to Africa" bit is completely destructive.

ok ...how is it destructive .
You act just like the fucking commies when you do that. Engage. Don't shout down.

IM2 is not an enemy. He is your fellow countryman. He has a complaint. Where is the nationalism?

C'mon, you knew it was tongue and cheek.

He is not blaming you personally. White racist motherfuckers in our past created public policy that caused serious lingering disadvantages. Can you at least admit that some white dudes fuck over black dudes in the past?

Not you, personally. But, somebody did.

we all know what happened 150 yrs ago !!! a true racist would love the fact that a lot of blacks are blaming every problem in their community on whites !!! as long as they continue that their communities will remain shitholes !

Do you really think all this is about 150 years ago?
i dont give a damn what its about !! i dont owe you or anybody else jack shit !
And, this would indicate that you have taken the allegation of systemic white racism as a personal attack on your integrity.

they aint talking about Asians pal ......and i take it as reverse racism ... as a matter of fact i believe whites today are less racist on average than blacks .

There is no such thing as reverse racism and blacks aren't more racist than whites today. You are just low IQ and unable to understand what's been said to you.
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate
I think you are misunderstanding. He did not say there was a better place.

no hes saying that anyplace where whites have any influence is racist !!...was that to harsh for you ???? do i need to tone it down ???? are you triggered ???? i am trying to be nice and gentle so as not to offend your refined delicate sensibilities >>:26:
Who do you think I am?

IM2 and I disagree on things quite frequently. I am simply pointing out the "go back to Africa" bit is completely destructive.

ok ...how is it destructive .
You act just like the fucking commies when you do that. Engage. Don't shout down.

IM2 is not an enemy. He is your fellow countryman. He has a complaint. Where is the nationalism?

how am i acting like a fucking commie when i ask how ??? he may be my fellow countryman but i am not his ...and weaklings like you are the ones giving these white and black white guilt merchants power !! leftist power .socialist power ,and one day a communist dictatorship ! look at all the shit they are banning in the name of racism !

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