I Went to School in Alabama. We Desperately Needed Critical Race Theory

We have progressed so much. Well we were, now we are regressing...
We haven't progressed enough. There is no regression, the fact is that we have not progressed as much as you imagine.
According to critical racist teaching (CRT) all Whites (Der Juden) are born racist.

See, according to you Nazis, Der Juden are genetically inferior, that racism is in the genes of inferior whites where the superior colored people (POC)

Based on CRT, Der Juden, The Whites, are a lower species than colored people.

You're a mind rapist? The parents of your victims should tar and feather you. What you engage in is child abuse.

Unless they are Der Juden, then you tell them to be ashamed because they are inferior and the cause of every problem in human history.

Can you explain why the Whites you so bitterly hate and Asians do so much better on standardized tests? Is it because math and science are "racist?"

I have a vastly superior education to yours. CRT is nothing but "Mein Kampf" with Whites cast in the role of the Jews.

CRT says nothing about all white people, but it is correct about the system.

Standardized tests are irrelevant and whites don't do better, there are just more whites taking them.
Well, I have no new point. I consider calling Australia 'socialist' a little bit exaggerated, to put it mildly.
Well I consider you Republicans calling us American Democrats socialists a little bit exaggerated, to put it mildly.
CRT says nothing about all white people, but it is correct about the system.

Standardized tests are irrelevant and whites don't do better, there are just more whites taking them.
That's ridiculous. And ironic. We point out all the time when you say whites commit just as much crime as black people that this is true but only because there are a lot more white people. So you get it when it's in your favor.

But this isn't even one of those times. Whites score higher than blacks. That's a fact. Doesn't matter that more whites are taking the test. We see whites do better on the test. Take all the whites and find the average. Then take all the blacks and take the average. Your scores are lower.
Public schools are indeed socialist.

The rest are not, though you don't have the education nor intellect to understand why.
Social Security isn't socialism? That's not what Republicans have told me. Please explain it to me so I will understand why and I'll be able to explain why to them.
Social Security isn't socialism?

Does SS control the means of production? Is it the only form of retirement available?

That's not what Republicans have told me. Please explain it to me so I will understand why and I'll be able to explain why to them.

You mean that's not what the talking points from your hate site on "how to defeat America" say.

You're an idiot with no knowledge of the subject at hand.
Does SS control the means of production? Is it the only form of retirement available?

You mean that's not what the talking points from your hate site on "how to defeat America" say.

You're an idiot with no knowledge of the subject at hand.
Well let's ask you the same thing.

Does public school control the means of production? Is it the only form of education available?
What makes Australia 'socialist?
That's just what Republicans call every other country if we point to a place like Australia and say, "look, it's working over there". Republicans cry socialism.

Or when we try to pass universal healthcare, which Australia has, they call us socialists.

Wow! You just taught me something. We aren't even the most capitalist country. Australia is more capitalist than we are

According to the 2020 Economic Freedom of the World Index, the top 10 capitalist countries (ranked from highest score to lowest):

  1. Hong Kong
  2. Singapore
  3. New Zealand
  4. Switzerland
  5. Australia
  6. United States
  7. Mauritius
  8. Georgia
  9. Canada
  10. Ireland
Or when we try to pass universal healthcare, which Australia has, they call us socialists
That is a good thing in theory. The main question is where needed money should be got to finance that.
That is a good thing in theory. The main question is where needed money should be got to finance that.

Americans spend more on healthcare than any other country and our outcomes are not better on the whole.
That is a good thing in theory. The main question is where needed money should be got to finance that.
Well here in America we pay WAY MORE than we should and don't really get back the value. So, if we re did our healthcare, it's possible we we get better service, for more people, and pay less.

According to a major research company, most Americans are overpaying for health care, and it’s by quite a lot. The study looked at hospital and health care providers in Florida and 24 other states. An FGCU economics professor agrees with the findings.

Rand Corporation discovered people who have private insurance pay more than twice what Medicare pays for the same services.

“There’s a big differential between what Medicare pays for hospital visits and treatment in the hospital and what private insurance companies pay,” said Victor Claar, an economist at FGCU.

Claar agrees with Rand’s finding. The study looked at the prices of more than 1,600 providers in Florida and 24 other states and said they charge based on what the local market would bear, not necessarily the actual price of treatment, costing private insurance patients billions of dollars.

“So it’s not based on the treatment that that patient receives,” Claar said. “It’s based on how the patient is classified.”

Upon learning this, Denise and Raymond Zacharski agreed the change should happen soon.

“That’s why people don’t get chemotherapy or radiation or surgery because they can’t afford it, “Denise said. “And they know that, and they don’t want to bankrupt their family.”

The researchers said the quickest way to make change is for the federal government to pass new regulations to bring prices down.

And that my friend Republicans in America would call Socialism.


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