I Will Be At the Trump Rally Tomorrow.

Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and become besties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious
Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and become besties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious

The irony is rather striking with someone coalescing around the Trump phenomenon accusing others of being a cult member.
Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and become besties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious

The irony is rather striking with someone coalescing around the Trump phenomenon accusing others of being a cult member.

I'm liking TRUMP for his talking about what it seems the MAJORITY of the citizens in the country is worried about. but you want to go be a jerk who is also some MOD ON HERE, have at it
Trump predicts Hillary could get 'up to 20 years in prison' for deleting more than 30,000 emails – and a federal law that she voted for backs him up!
Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and Thisbesties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious

This coming from a man, who's party has spent the last 8 years disrespecting a black man in the white house, pot meet a old friend, called kettle or better still toilet paper, meet my ****
Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and become besties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious

The irony is rather striking with someone coalescing around the Trump phenomenon accusing others of being a cult member.

I'm liking TRUMP for his talking about what it seems the MAJORITY of the citizens in the country is worried about. but you want to go be a jerk who is also some MOD ON HERE, have at it

Yes, he's telling you what you want to hear, but he's all talk and no substance. He's the 2016 version of Barack Obama and you idiots are falling for the same crap they did eight years ago.
Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and become besties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious

The irony is rather striking with someone coalescing around the Trump phenomenon accusing others of being a cult member.

I'm liking TRUMP for his talking about what it seems the MAJORITY of the citizens in the country is worried about. but you want to go be a jerk who is also some MOD ON HERE, have at it

Yes, he's telling you what you want to hear, but he's all talk and no substance. He's the 2016 version of Barack Obama and you idiots are falling for the same crap they did eight years ago.

You don't know who's falling for what. so stop acting like you do. right now, I'm liking the topics of the debate he's bringing up. we still have a freaking year and half until the Presidential elections. and I'm so sick of these Establishment Career Politicians LYING to us and then turning and stabbing us in our backs. Just like Obama did. and Hillary will. and the majority of these Republicans will. I personally like Cruz and Walker. Would I vote for Trump. MAYBE if he's in there.
They reelected him 2 years ago. The crap they fell far I could kinda understand 8 years ago, he was a cool black dude. But 4 years later he proved himself to be the moron he is today. The true idiots voted for him in 2012.
hey Vastator. come back and let us know how it was. Interested in hearing about it.

People are tired of the politically correct bullshit. People are tired of wetbacks sneaking into the country and stealing from taxpayers. People are tired of ISIS removing the perfectly functioning heads of christians. People are tired of Iran trying to get a nuke. All things Obama has done nothing about. I'd vote for Trump in a second, but he better do what he says he will do.
Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and become besties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious

The irony is rather striking with someone coalescing around the Trump phenomenon accusing others of being a cult member.
save the hyperbole...we get it..you want another career politician in the white house...
Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and become besties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious

The irony is rather striking with someone coalescing around the Trump phenomenon accusing others of being a cult member.
save the hyperbole...we get it..you want another career politician in the white house...

Exactly, they should JUST go vote for the old Corrupted Career old fogies running in the Democrat party and be done with it. like we want to hear their nasty remarks.
Anyone else liking Trump more and more?

And remember, unlike Obama, he's actually accomplished things in his life, like successfully running businesses and earning him billions in profits. Obama was elected Senator for one reason, he's black. He had no accomplishments in his background, so it surely wasn't that. If it wasn't because he was black in a primarily black area of Chicago and the state of Illinois in general, I'd sure like to know what it was. He made president with 98% of the black vote.

What companies has Obama run and made money with? That's right, Obama never worked a private sector job in his life, much less owned a business that was profitable.

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