I wish we'd had Romney in 2008 but hopefully 2012 won't be too late


Feb 14, 2011
I wish we had had Romney at the helm during 2009 because he would have prioritized economic recovery and not been sidetracked like Obama was. But hopefully we'll get him now. He's our best hope for good change.

That is all.
I wish we'd had Romney in 2008

Republicans did have Romney in 2008 and chose McCan't instead ..... that is all.

Unfortunately, you are right. I personally never liked McCain. But nobody was stopping the O train in 2008. Alas, though, we have 4 years of complete incompetency that we've been force fed and had to digest, so the country just might be in for a change... that is all.
You had Romney in 2008, and McCain didn't pick him after looking at his tax returns!!!
It's been good for the country to see what the democrats can't do.

With the country headed towards another recession (I can't wait to hear who they blame this one on !), we'll see just how stupid America really is.
I wish we'd had Romney in 2008

Republicans did have Romney in 2008 and chose McCan't instead ..... that is all.

Romney could have fought it out and might have pulled it off. But when that appreciable bloc of Huckabee voters decided they'd rather throw their support to the non-conservative McCain than get past their reservations about voting for a Mormon, Romney graciously stepped aside to help unify the party rather than prolonging the chaos.

I was proud of him and very disappointed at the same time.

Nominating McCain was definitely cutting off our collective nose to spite our face.
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I wish we'd had Romney in 2008

Republicans did have Romney in 2008 and chose McCan't instead ..... that is all.

Romney could have fought it out and might have pulled it off. But when that appreciable bloc of Huckabee voters decided they'd rather throw their support to the non-conservative McCain than get past their reservations about voting for a Mormon, Romney graciously stepped aside to help unify the party rather than prolonging the chaos.

I was proud of him and very disappointed at the same time.

Nominating McCain was definitely cutting off our collective nose to spite our face.

I really didn't matter. The GOP was toxic in 2008. Given the wars and the mess Bush had created, we deserved to lose. I am just sorry we didn't have Hillary on the other side. We might actually have an economy worth talking about (in positive terms) now.

Instead, we got Hope And Change (you know...after the Hope....all you have in some Change), was the lie of the day.
I more or less agree.

Hillary would also have been better at prioritizing our national needs than Obama.

Hmmm, no, on 2nd thought I do think it could have made a difference if we had Romney on the ticket. When the economy totally started to tank in the Fall, it is possible that having Romney on the ticket could have made the difference. McCain was totally the wrong person at the time. The nation might have preferred Romney's business experience to Obama's non-experience at that point.
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The NATION will continue to exist, regardless of which man is elected. Be it Romney, we will have four years of idiotic critiques of the LDS church; many forget Reid is also LDS. From MUSLIM TO MORMAN, "information overload" keeps obscuring necessary INFORMATION.
I more or less agree.

Hillary would also have been better at prioritizing our national needs than Obama.

Hmmm, no, on 2nd thought I do think it could have made a difference if we had Romney on the ticket. When the economy totally started to tank in the Fall, it is possible that having Romney on the ticket could have made the difference. McCain was totally the wrong person at the time. The nation might have preferred Romney's business experience to Obama's non-experience at that point.

This country picked Obama because he was black. Pure and simple.

They thought it would look so smart.....I wonder how that is working out for them now ?
I more or less agree.

Hillary would also have been better at prioritizing our national needs than Obama.

Hmmm, no, on 2nd thought I do think it could have made a difference if we had Romney on the ticket. When the economy totally started to tank in the Fall, it is possible that having Romney on the ticket could have made the difference. McCain was totally the wrong person at the time. The nation might have preferred Romney's business experience to Obama's non-experience at that point.

This country picked Obama because he was black. Pure and simple.

They thought it would look so smart.....I wonder how that is working out for them now ?

Well, he got on the ticket because he was black. He likely wouldn't have been in the Senate, and definitely wouldn't have tossed his hat into the ring in the primaries if he didn't have people behind him pushing him because he was -- how did they put it? -- clean and articulate? (*face palm*)

But once he made it to the ticket, and with his proven ability to speechify, he might have beaten McCain anyway --- because of that toxic GOP thing you mentioned earlier. Hard to say. He sure did get a boost by the tide of history, and it's possible that if Obama were white, McCain's military experience could have saved his campaign.

The media sure wouldn't have had so much invested in his candidacy if he were white.
The NATION will continue to exist, regardless of which man is elected. Be it Romney, we will have four years of idiotic critiques of the LDS church; many forget Reid is also LDS. From MUSLIM TO MORMAN, "information overload" keeps obscuring necessary INFORMATION.

IF he's elected, I don't think the Mormon thing will matter much. Mormons are pretty boring in general.

Sorry, Listening, no offense!

I've seen more respectful things said about the LDS church than disrespectful.

Well, anyway ... I hope we have the opportunity to see! Romney-Ryan! :D
ummm..... Obama has done exactly what he campaigned on. Had he not addressed HC immediately, as he did, he would not have been able to get it done. It is/was 17% of GDP and growing to the glee of insurance co's.

true story


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I wish we had had Romney at the helm during 2009 because he would have prioritized economic recovery and not been sidetracked like Obama was. But hopefully we'll get him now. He's our best hope for good change.

That is all.

I’m glad Obama was ‘at the helm’ since 2009 for judicial appointments alone; Romney’s plan is clearly to appoint reactionary extremists to the Supreme Court, and that would make for ‘bad’ change.
I know of a couple people that have made Romney's faith an issue, I hope you correct Amelia, and it will NOT be a focus for all but the most biased in this country.
Romney should quit acting like a "victim" and take "personal responsibility" by showing us his tax returns for the last 12 years.
I more or less agree.

Hillary would also have been better at prioritizing our national needs than Obama.

Hmmm, no, on 2nd thought I do think it could have made a difference if we had Romney on the ticket. When the economy totally started to tank in the Fall, it is possible that having Romney on the ticket could have made the difference. McCain was totally the wrong person at the time. The nation might have preferred Romney's business experience to Obama's non-experience at that point.
:rolleyes: It is the sort of business "experience" that Mitten has that got us into the mess we are in.

A Romney presidency in 2009 would have plunged us into a depression larger and longer lasting than the one in the last century. Mitten's bottom line would have increased but the average American would be in a world of hurt.
Well, we are going to get four more years of President Obama. And a good thing. A tax break for the rich while similtaneously doing away with the social safety net here in the US would have created a reactionary swing to the left that even I would not like.

Unfortunetly, Governor Romney is advocating doubling down on exactly the policies that put us into the economic bind we are in at present. It would never have worked, and those of us out here that work in industry saw the consequences of such actions coming a year before they arrived.

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