I won the lottery of life, I am English.

Hello to everyone, I’m here t to make new friends and discuss topical political news.
After a career working for the British government i am a tired civil servant. Living in London I think I have a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the U.K.
No Webb Ellis Trophy, NO ASHES,.............................................................I'd say that you get a Participation Trophy but welcome. Brexit is the best thing that could happen to your world.

I lived in London for a short while; loved it.


Me too. Finsbury Park. Where that hook preacher was thrown out of the mosque there.
I lived in Boxmoor near the Grand Union Canal. Fantastic walking and bike riding area.

Hello to everyone, I’m here t to make new friends and discuss topical political news.
After a career working for the British government i am a tired civil servant. Living in London I think I have a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the U.K.
No Webb Ellis Trophy, NO ASHES,.............................................................I'd say that you get a Participation Trophy but welcome. Brexit is the best thing that could happen to your world.

I lived in London for a short while; loved it.


Me too. Finsbury Park. Where that hook preacher was thrown out of the mosque there.
Finsbury Park ? What a shit hole

Wasn't when I lived there.
It's usually from too much testosterone.

It was a party trick of John Bindon a one time lover of Princes Margaret to balance five 1/2 pint beer jars on his manhood. Now I’m not up to that, but I can still balance twenty five 5/8” bolt washers on the end of mine. :)

Leave it to a Brit to not know what it’s really for.

What do you know about Brits?

The basics.
Ok then, how many Brits have you met, and how many did you make friends with, were they from the north or south of Britain?

Probably a hundred or so. One of my best friends is from Manchester.
Hello to everyone, I’m here t to make new friends and discuss topical political news.
After a career working for the British government i am a tired civil servant. Living in London I think I have a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the U.K.
No Webb Ellis Trophy, NO ASHES,.............................................................I'd say that you get a Participation Trophy but welcome. Brexit is the best thing that could happen to your world.

I lived in London for a short while; loved it.


Me too. Finsbury Park. Where that hook preacher was thrown out of the mosque there.
I lived in Boxmoor near the Grand Union Canal. Fantastic walking and bike riding area.


I'd like to do that walk from Regent's Park to Primrose Hill.
I was curious and went online to see which of our two great countries has the best teeth.... sit down whilst I give you the answer!

It is the British who have the best teeth. if you don’t believe me look it up! Don’t he lazy. :)
I believe you. It's that accent.
Hello to everyone, I’m here t to make new friends and discuss topical political news.
After a career working for the British government i am a tired civil servant. Living in London I think I have a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the U.K.
Welcome. I love the UK. How are your teeth?

At the age of 22 my wisdom teeth started to push my bottom front teeth askew, it was murder, at that age I was heavily into eating steaks, socialising, eating out a lot more.
My dentist made me wait until he could take them out, by that time my teeth were terrible.
After the extractions I went to an orthodontist where I wore braces. My teeth are perfectly aligned and I have the smile of Tom Cruise.
Some are just plain ignorant. Plenty of oranges from Spain.
After Brexit you can get some of OUR produce again. That Common Market foray was downright hurtful to us Colonials. It will be good to get an FTA up and running with the Old Dart.

I live in the (former) lemon capital of the world. Ventura County. PS, don't ever wipe your ass with lemon leaves.

True that; gum leaves are a lot better. LVat (another poster who henceforth won't be mentioned in polite company) says they leave a pungent after-aroma. Dunno how he found that out.

Fuck the EU.
I'm not an Englishman waiting to come out.

Did you take the test?

Those DNA Ancestry things.

My hairdresser in the US took one. She was more English than many English people.
Mine was mostly German and Irish. Had some native american/Asian and had an ashkenazi jew as a great great great grandmother.

100% European
I’m a green eyed pale skinned Brit.
I gave my youngest son a few sods to hire a woman to look into our family ancestry.
It’s fascinating stuff. It’s pretty hard to get passed 1600s
Only parish records, and gravestones to tell the tale.
Good new on my German ancestry, we’ve located the church just outside Norwich where his families worshipped. Stay tuned for updates.
Welcome. I love the UK. How are your teeth?

At the age of 22 my wisdom teeth started to push my bottom front teeth askew, it was murder, at that age I was heavily into eating steaks, socialising, eating out a lot more.
My dentist made me wait until he could take them out, by that time my teeth were terrible.
After the extractions I went to an orthodontist where I wore braces. My teeth are perfectly aligned and I have the smile of Tom Cruise.
Some are just plain ignorant. Plenty of oranges from Spain.
After Brexit you can get some of OUR produce again. That Common Market foray was downright hurtful to us Colonials. It will be good to get an FTA up and running with the Old Dart.

I live in the (former) lemon capital of the world. Ventura County. PS, don't ever wipe your ass with lemon leaves.

True that; gum leaves are a lot better. LVat (another poster who henceforth won't be mentioned in polite company) says they leave a pungent after-aroma. Dunno how he found that out.


lol. Lavatoryman.
Hello to everyone, I’m here t to make new friends and discuss topical political news.
After a career working for the British government i am a tired civil servant. Living in London I think I have a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the U.K.
No Webb Ellis Trophy, NO ASHES,.............................................................I'd say that you get a Participation Trophy but welcome. Brexit is the best thing that could happen to your world.

I lived in London for a short while; loved it.


Me too. Finsbury Park. Where that hook preacher was thrown out of the mosque there.
I lived in Boxmoor near the Grand Union Canal. Fantastic walking and bike riding area.


I'd like to do that walk from Regent's Park to Primrose Hill.
I was hoping to get over there this year but the boats have kept me from traveling, but I am determined for next year.

At the age of 22 my wisdom teeth started to push my bottom front teeth askew, it was murder, at that age I was heavily into eating steaks, socialising, eating out a lot more.
My dentist made me wait until he could take them out, by that time my teeth were terrible.
After the extractions I went to an orthodontist where I wore braces. My teeth are perfectly aligned and I have the smile of Tom Cruise.
Some are just plain ignorant. Plenty of oranges from Spain.
After Brexit you can get some of OUR produce again. That Common Market foray was downright hurtful to us Colonials. It will be good to get an FTA up and running with the Old Dart.

I live in the (former) lemon capital of the world. Ventura County. PS, don't ever wipe your ass with lemon leaves.

True that; gum leaves are a lot better. LVat (another poster who henceforth won't be mentioned in polite company) says they leave a pungent after-aroma. Dunno how he found that out.


lol. Lavatoryman.

True that; a font of knowledge that one prefers not to tap.

Hello to everyone, I’m here t to make new friends and discuss topical political news.
After a career working for the British government i am a tired civil servant. Living in London I think I have a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the U.K.
No Webb Ellis Trophy, NO ASHES,.............................................................I'd say that you get a Participation Trophy but welcome. Brexit is the best thing that could happen to your world.

I lived in London for a short while; loved it.


Me too. Finsbury Park. Where that hook preacher was thrown out of the mosque there.
I lived in Boxmoor near the Grand Union Canal. Fantastic walking and bike riding area.


I'd like to do that walk from Regent's Park to Primrose Hill.
I was hoping to get over there this year but the boats have kept me from traveling, but I am determined for next year.


Maybe Covent Garden.

Would love to see Osipova.
Can't you come up with something better than that old tabloid stuff?

You landed us with Meghan Markle.
What happened to Harry's hair? He used to have that mass of reddish air. Soon he'll be balder than a bell pepper.

Lol. Usually it is from the mothers side. His grandfather and great-uncle had full heads of hair. Lol

It's usually from too much testosterone.


Nonsense! I still have thick wavey hair and can balance 23 5/8” bolt washers on the end of my todger just like
Lol. Usually it is from the mothers side. His grandfather and great-uncle had full heads of hair. Lol

It's usually from too much testosterone.

It was a party trick of John Bindon a one time lover of Princes Margaret to balance five 1/2 pint beer jars on his manhood. Now I’m not up to that, but I can still balance twenty five 5/8” bolt washers on the end of mine. :)

They use bolt washers these days?

Man. Your Johnson must have some serious calluses on it.
Fuck the EU.
I'm not an Englishman waiting to come out.

Did you take the test?

Those DNA Ancestry things.

My hairdresser in the US took one. She was more English than many English people.
Mine was mostly German and Irish. Had some native american/Asian and had an ashkenazi jew as a great great great grandmother.

100% European
I’m a green eyed pale skinned Brit.
I gave my youngest son a few sods to hire a woman to look into our family ancestry.
It’s fascinating stuff. It’s pretty hard to get passed 1600s
Only parish records, and gravestones to tell the tale.
Good new on my German ancestry, we’ve located the church just outside Norwich where his families worshipped. Stay tuned for updates.
My wife's into that stuff. I can't be bothered really but evidently I am an all-sorts: Irish, Cornish, French, Bulgarian (Celtic and Slav), Great Great (something or other) Amos, Fresian and who knows what else. No convict that I know of though Great Great Grandma Rochford was best friends with Ned Kelly's mum. She was the one who ran an abusive husband (not her own; her's was OK) out of town with a bullock whip. One tough sheila that!!


Those DNA Ancestry things.

My hairdresser in the US took one. She was more English than many English people.
Mine was mostly German and Irish. Had some native american/Asian and had an ashkenazi jew as a great great great grandmother.

100% European
I’m a green eyed pale skinned Brit.
I gave my youngest son a few sods to hire a woman to look into our family ancestry.
It’s fascinating stuff. It’s pretty hard to get passed 1600s
Only parish records, and gravestones to tell the tale.
Good new on my German ancestry, we’ve located the church just outside Norwich where his families worshipped. Stay tuned for updates.
My wife's into that stuff. I can't be bothered really but evidently I am an all-sorts: Irish, Cornish, French, Bulgarian (Celtic and Slav), Great Great (something or other) Amos, Fresian and who knows what else. No convict that I know of though Great Great Grandma Rochford was best friends with Ned Kelly's mum. She was the one who ran an abusive husband (not her own; her's was OK) out of town with a bullock whip. One tough sheila that!!

Yeah my wife is 87% Brit/Irish she rubs my nose in it but! She is only 99% European... ha ha ha

Those DNA Ancestry things.

My hairdresser in the US took one. She was more English than many English people.
Mine was mostly German and Irish. Had some native american/Asian and had an ashkenazi jew as a great great great grandmother.

100% European
I’m a green eyed pale skinned Brit.
I gave my youngest son a few sods to hire a woman to look into our family ancestry.
It’s fascinating stuff. It’s pretty hard to get passed 1600s
Only parish records, and gravestones to tell the tale.
Good new on my German ancestry, we’ve located the church just outside Norwich where his families worshipped. Stay tuned for updates.
My wife's into that stuff. I can't be bothered really but evidently I am an all-sorts: Irish, Cornish, French, Bulgarian (Celtic and Slav), Great Great (something or other) Amos, Fresian and who knows what else. No convict that I know of though Great Great Grandma Rochford was best friends with Ned Kelly's mum. She was the one who ran an abusive husband (not her own; her's was OK) out of town with a bullock whip. One tough sheila that!!


Speaking of bullock whips, you can guess what's running through my mind.


Those DNA Ancestry things.

My hairdresser in the US took one. She was more English than many English people.
Mine was mostly German and Irish. Had some native american/Asian and had an ashkenazi jew as a great great great grandmother.

100% European
I’m a green eyed pale skinned Brit.
I gave my youngest son a few sods to hire a woman to look into our family ancestry.
It’s fascinating stuff. It’s pretty hard to get passed 1600s
Only parish records, and gravestones to tell the tale.
Good new on my German ancestry, we’ve located the church just outside Norwich where his families worshipped. Stay tuned for updates.
My wife's into that stuff. I can't be bothered really but evidently I am an all-sorts: Irish, Cornish, French, Bulgarian (Celtic and Slav), Great Great (something or other) Amos, Fresian and who knows what else. No convict that I know of though Great Great Grandma Rochford was best friends with Ned Kelly's mum. She was the one who ran an abusive husband (not her own; her's was OK) out of town with a bullock whip. One tough sheila that!!


Speaking of bullock whips, you can guess what's running through my mind.

Hats with corks on the end of strings?
Those DNA Ancestry things.

My hairdresser in the US took one. She was more English than many English people.
Mine was mostly German and Irish. Had some native american/Asian and had an ashkenazi jew as a great great great grandmother.

100% European
I’m a green eyed pale skinned Brit.
I gave my youngest son a few sods to hire a woman to look into our family ancestry.
It’s fascinating stuff. It’s pretty hard to get passed 1600s
Only parish records, and gravestones to tell the tale.
Good new on my German ancestry, we’ve located the church just outside Norwich where his families worshipped. Stay tuned for updates.
My wife's into that stuff. I can't be bothered really but evidently I am an all-sorts: Irish, Cornish, French, Bulgarian (Celtic and Slav), Great Great (something or other) Amos, Fresian and who knows what else. No convict that I know of though Great Great Grandma Rochford was best friends with Ned Kelly's mum. She was the one who ran an abusive husband (not her own; her's was OK) out of town with a bullock whip. One tough sheila that!!


Speaking of bullock whips, you can guess what's running through my mind.

Hats with corks on the end of strings?

I'd better not say. It might ruin you for life.

Greg knows.

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