I wonder how this will impact other websites?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Almost 100 Hate Crime Killings Linked To One Website: Report

A white supremacist site has blood on its hands, according to a new report.

Stormfront.org is linked to close to 100 killings in the last five years, the Southern Poverty Law Center found.

From the Guardian:

The White Nationalist web forum Stormfront.org says it promotes values of “the embattled white minority,” and its users include Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a 2011 massacre in Norway, and Wade Michael Page, who shot and killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012.
The SPLC said ten murderers had links to Stormfront.

"It’s pretty clear that websites like Stormfront are breeding grounds for people who are just enraged at their situation, it’s there that people find the reasons their lives aren’t as they had hoped and Stormfront helps them find the enemy that is standing in their way – whether it be Jews, African Americans, immigrants and so on,” Heidi Beirich, report author and a director at the SPLC’s Intelligence Project told the Guardian. “Unfortunately it’s not very surprising that people who live in this kind of stew of violent racism eventually pick up a gun and do something about it at some point.”

NBC News reports that Frazier Glenn Cross, the man accused of killing three people at two Jewish community sites in suburban Kansas City on April 13, was barred from Stormfront because of disagreements with the site's founder.

The report calls Stormfront the "murder capital of the Internet." SPLC's research shows the site typically only gets about 1,800 visits a day, half of which are people outside the U.S.

But the site has a core group of very active users, and Stormfront's "bias-related murder rate" accelerated significantly after Barack Obama became president, the report found.

Earlier this week, CNN reported that, in America, people who follow far-right wing ideologies have been responsible for more killings than Islamic extremists since September 11.

CNN notes that, according to a count by the New America Foundation, "right wing extremists have killed 34 people in the United States for political reasons since 9/11" whereas "terrorists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology have killed 21 people in the United States since 9/11."
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Almost 100 Hate Crime Killings Linked To One Website: Report

A white supremacist site has blood on its hands, according to a new report.

Stormfront.org is linked to close to 100 killings in the last five years, the Southern Poverty Law Center found.

From the Guardian:

The White Nationalist web forum Stormfront.org says it promotes values of “the embattled white minority,” and its users include Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a 2011 massacre in Norway, and Wade Michael Page, who shot and killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012.
The SPLC said ten murderers had links to Stormfront.

"It’s pretty clear that websites like Stormfront are breeding grounds for people who are just enraged at their situation, it’s there that people find the reasons their lives aren’t as they had hoped and Stormfront helps them find the enemy that is standing in their way – whether it be Jews, African Americans, immigrants and so on,” Heidi Beirich, report author and a director at the SPLC’s Intelligence Project told the Guardian. “Unfortunately it’s not very surprising that people who live in this kind of stew of violent racism eventually pick up a gun and do something about it at some point.”

NBC News reports that Frazier Glenn Cross, the man accused of killing three people at two Jewish community sites in suburban Kansas City on April 13, was barred from Stormfront because of disagreements with the site's founder.

The report calls Stormfront the "murder capital of the Internet." SPLC's research shows the site typically only gets about 1,800 visits a day, half of which are people outside the U.S.

But the site has a core group of very active users, and Stormfront's "bias-related murder rate" accelerated significantly after Barack Obama became president, the report found.

Earlier this week, CNN reported that, in America, people who follow far-right wing ideologies have been responsible for more killings than Islamic extremists since September 11.

CNN notes that, according to a count by the New America Foundation, "right wing extremists have killed 34 people in the United States for political reasons since 9/11" whereas "terrorists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology have killed 21 people in the United States since 9/11."

I wonder how many can be laid at SPLC's doorstep. There's at least one I know of.
CNN notes that, according to a count by the New America Foundation, "right wing extremists have killed 34 people in the United States for political reasons since 9/11" whereas "terrorists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology have killed 21 people in the United States since 9/11."

I never know how much of this sort of reporting is factual and how much is biased. I don't know who Stormfront is but it doesn't sound like my kind of place to hang out but just because a killer may be associated with a particular website doesn't mean the website created the killer. But I'm speculating.

There's one organization that has ended more beating hearts than "rightwing extremists" (of which most liberals would consider me since I like the Tea Party) and Al Qaeda combined. It's called "Planned Parenthood."

According to the Guttmacher Institute, since 1973, roughly 50 million legal induced abortions have been performed in the United States.[47]
Abortion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder how many geniuses died as a result of Planned Parenthood or how many great inventions are lost forever.

Oh well ... sorry for the tangent. I just like to keep things in perspective for my own sake.
How many killings linked to Craigslist? This is nonsense and designed only to shut people up.
Driftingsand....Stormfront is the internet's KKK.

The KKK sucks, horrible people. The report includes those from Anders Breivik overseas as well which was something like 77 people alone.

I think it needs to go, just like NAMBA websites which probably contributes to an unknown amount of child rape. Unfortunately, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has fought for the rights of The KKK and NAMBLA.

From the ACLU website:

ACLU Praises Cleveland Mayor's Support of KKK's First Amendment Right to March


ACLU-EM Defends KKK's Right to Free Speech


From ABC News:

ACLU Represents Man-Boy Love Group

ACLU Represents Man-Boy Love Group - ABC News
The ACLU's views on the 2nd are incompatible with my belief system. Despite this fact, I'd rather have them than not.
CNN notes that, according to a count by the New America Foundation, "right wing extremists have killed 34 people in the United States for political reasons since 9/11" whereas "terrorists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology have killed 21 people in the United States since 9/11."
Rightwing extremists and al Qaeda hate America for the same reason: this Nation’s dedication to protect individual liberty, diversity, dissent, and respect for the rule of law.
CaféAuLait;8958286 said:
Driftingsand....Stormfront is the internet's KKK.

The KKK sucks, horrible people. The report includes those from Anders Breivik overseas as well which was something like 77 people alone.

I think it needs to go, just like NAMBA websites which probably contributes to an unknown amount of child rape. Unfortunately, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has fought for the rights of The KKK and NAMBLA.

From the ACLU website:

ACLU Praises Cleveland Mayor's Support of KKK's First Amendment Right to March


ACLU-EM Defends KKK's Right to Free Speech


From ABC News:

ACLU Represents Man-Boy Love Group

ACLU Represents Man-Boy Love Group - ABC News

Everyone gets their first amendment rights, even racists and child molesters.
Doesn't surprise me. There is free speech, and then there is so called free speech that just goes way too far. The people who belong to that site are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Some less-than-legal type sites have gone underground as much as they can, putting their more diabolical threads in hidden forums and doing a lot of discussion through PMs.

Not that the gubmint can't spy on them anyway. They don't seem to understand that.
LOL...It wouldn't surprise me if ShootSpeeders, Matthew and the rest of the pussy brigade one day cause USMB to hit the international map of discussion forums when they finally go off the deep end and blow up a black daycare center.
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CaféAuLait;8958286 said:
Driftingsand....Stormfront is the internet's KKK.

The KKK sucks, horrible people. The report includes those from Anders Breivik overseas as well which was something like 77 people alone.

I think it needs to go, just like NAMBA websites which probably contributes to an unknown amount of child rape. Unfortunately, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has fought for the rights of The KKK and NAMBLA.

From the ACLU website:

ACLU Praises Cleveland Mayor's Support of KKK's First Amendment Right to March


ACLU-EM Defends KKK's Right to Free Speech


From ABC News:

ACLU Represents Man-Boy Love Group

ACLU Represents Man-Boy Love Group - ABC News

Everyone gets their first amendment rights, even racists and child molesters.

Yes. I despise the white supremacists and child predators but we need to be careful what we wish for.


Its disturbing that the usual rw slime here will always rush to deflect in order to defend the worst in our society.

That is most certainly a big part of the reason Stormfront, KKK, NAMBLA continues.
Driftingsand....Stormfront is the internet's KKK.

Not a fan of the KKK, the Neo-Nazi groups, La Raza, the New Black Panthers, the ADL, the NAACP, or any group that pits race against race.

I did look up "Stormfront" and could immediately see that it's not my kinda place but I still hold to the belief that the website isn't necessarily the cause of a murderer's rampage any more than rock music is the reason for an addict's heroin use.

Whether I like what I hear or not I stand by a person's right to express his or her beliefs. Now if that person actually incites criminal activity then they've crossed a line but stating controversial opinions shouldn't be cause for a government to step in and stifle those verbalized opinions.

I have to embrace the wisdom of America's founders when they protected freedom of speech in the very first amendment of the Constitution. When we remove one of our Constitutional rights then we open a door to a frontal attack upon all of them.
Doesn't surprise me. There is free speech, and then there is so called free speech that just goes way too far. The people who belong to that site are scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Um..some of them post here, Noomi. :eusa_whistle:
It's not about censorship...sites like stormfront are for like minded people. Let them spew their nonsense and hate...they have every right to voice their opinion and rape the minds of the impressionable. If these people are more inclined to incite violence and if members of this group are more than likely to be mass murderers and criminals, then I see no issue with monitoring their speech and actions. If stop and frisk is acceptable for an entire race, then the scrutiny of people who frequent hate sites is the least law enforcement officials should do to protect the innocent.

As for how it relates to the pussy posters on USMB...I think it is the choice of USMB and its members as to how they want to be perceived. At what point does the non-stop pussy posts turn USMB into a hate site? It's sort of like the transvestites who took over one man's bar. He could have stopped it before it happened, but instead he was a dumb ass and let them take over.
Almost 100 Hate Crime Killings Linked To One Website: Report

A white supremacist site has blood on its hands, according to a new report.

Stormfront.org is linked to close to 100 killings in the last five years, the Southern Poverty Law Center found.

From the Guardian:

The White Nationalist web forum Stormfront.org says it promotes values of “the embattled white minority,” and its users include Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a 2011 massacre in Norway, and Wade Michael Page, who shot and killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012.
The SPLC said ten murderers had links to Stormfront.

"It’s pretty clear that websites like Stormfront are breeding grounds for people who are just enraged at their situation, it’s there that people find the reasons their lives aren’t as they had hoped and Stormfront helps them find the enemy that is standing in their way – whether it be Jews, African Americans, immigrants and so on,” Heidi Beirich, report author and a director at the SPLC’s Intelligence Project told the Guardian. “Unfortunately it’s not very surprising that people who live in this kind of stew of violent racism eventually pick up a gun and do something about it at some point.”
NBC News reports that Frazier Glenn Cross, the man accused of killing three people at two Jewish community sites in suburban Kansas City on April 13, was barred from Stormfront because of disagreements with the site's founder.

The report calls Stormfront the "murder capital of the Internet." SPLC's research shows the site typically only gets about 1,800 visits a day, half of which are people outside the U.S.

But the site has a core group of very active users, and Stormfront's "bias-related murder rate" accelerated significantly after Barack Obama became president, the report found.

Earlier this week, CNN reported that, in America, people who follow far-right wing ideologies have been responsible for more killings than Islamic extremists since September 11.

CNN notes that, according to a count by the New America Foundation, "right wing extremists have killed 34 people in the United States for political reasons since 9/11" whereas "terrorists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology have killed 21 people in the United States since 9/11."

Is there a reason that the SPLC doesn't point out the ties of murderers to sites like Think Progress?

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