I would like someone's viewpoint on this

Nov 25, 2014
My sister and I are black females and we're in our last year of college and we're living in a rooming house with this white guy. We have the entire basement area but the wall that separates our basement room from the laundry room is thin, so we can hear noises very well from the laundry room - because the wall is SO thin. This white guy who lives in the rooming house with us is in his late sixties and from the south and from the time we first got here, this man has been harassing us. The owner told us to clean the house and get it ready for Xmas, we do so and this white guy comes down from his room, turns off the Xmas tree lights, kicks the living room rug around and just messes up the place after we clean it. He'll go into the laundry room and slam the washer and dryer doors so loud our room walls vibrate and he'll do it early in the morning awakening us from sleep. He'll slam the door leading to our downstairs basement so hard, it has broken picture frames hanging on our walls. He has held mail and given it to us a day or so later.

He turns off the water in the house without us knowing about it so we can't use the water at all. He has caused three other tenants before us to move out because they became fed up with him. When this guy sees us, he'll say: "hey girl" and he knows our name but he does this several times on purpose, knowing we do not like it. He is just a problem and he only does it to us (he used to do it to the other black tenant who lives in the house but he stopped doing it to him because the black tenant is a hell of a lot bigger and more built than this white guy is. However tonight the white guy parked his car in the middle of the driveway, so that the black tenant could not be able to park his car in the driveway as well & the landlord said the driveway is for everyone's use and the white guy knows the black tenant always parks his car in the driveway as well) and this has lead us to believe that he's doing this because he's racist because there's a white guy who lives in the house as well and this guys doesn't do the white guy like this....And so my sister and I are planning on telling the landlord (for the second time) about this guy and telling the landlord, either he does something about this guy or we're moving but I just wanted to come here and describe what this guy is doing and ask others if it sounds to them like racial harassment because to us it does. Because the owner is white and lives in the house (but is gone most of all the time), this guy doesn't do it to the owner and he doesn't do it to the other white tenant in the house but he only tries it with us.
That's an interesting 2nd post.

It could be that this man is just an asshole. I would take pictures and show your landlord. If that doesn't work, I'd look for a better place to live.
My sister and I are black females and we're in our last year of college and we're living in a rooming house with this white guy. We have the entire basement area but the wall that separates our basement room from the laundry room is thin, so we can hear noises very well from the laundry room - because the wall is SO thin. This white guy who lives in the rooming house with us is in his late sixties and from the south and from the time we first got here, this man has been harassing us. The owner told us to clean the house and get it ready for Xmas, we do so and this white guy comes down from his room, turns off the Xmas tree lights, kicks the living room rug around and just messes up the place after we clean it. He'll go into the laundry room and slam the washer and dryer doors so loud our room walls vibrate and he'll do it early in the morning awakening us from sleep. He'll slam the door leading to our downstairs basement so hard, it has broken picture frames hanging on our walls. He has held mail and given it to us a day or so later.

He turns off the water in the house without us knowing about it so we can't use the water at all. He has caused three other tenants before us to move out because they became fed up with him. When this guy sees us, he'll say: "hey girl" and he knows our name but he does this several times on purpose, knowing we do not like it. He is just a problem and he only does it to us (he used to do it to the other black tenant who lives in the house but he stopped doing it to him because the black tenant is a hell of a lot bigger and more built than this white guy is. However tonight the white guy parked his car in the middle of the driveway, so that the black tenant could not be able to park his car in the driveway as well & the landlord said the driveway is for everyone's use and the white guy knows the black tenant always parks his car in the driveway as well) and this has lead us to believe that he's doing this because he's racist because there's a white guy who lives in the house as well and this guys doesn't do the white guy like this....And so my sister and I are planning on telling the landlord (for the second time) about this guy and telling the landlord, either he does something about this guy or we're moving but I just wanted to come here and describe what this guy is doing and ask others if it sounds to them like racial harassment because to us it does. Because the owner is white and lives in the house (but is gone most of all the time), this guy doesn't do it to the owner and he doesn't do it to the other white tenant in the house but he only tries it with us.
Black/white has nothing to do with it.

You need to google some dirty tricks, fuck him over, and let him know why.

If he drives, he has tires.

If he slams the dryer doors to piss you off, buy razor blades and super-glue and fuck him up.

You don't have to take that shit.

Hell, you got boyfriends?

Get somebody to BEAT HIS ASS.

Shit, this is the kind of thing a daddy would have taken care of immediately, back in the day.
Yeah I said that if the landlord doesn't do anything, my sister and I were going to move because this guy is just crazy, he said he was on medication once and myself and my sister and the previous two tenants once said we believed he has three personalities - one being the main one - Bob, the second being Robert, the third being Thomas because one moment he identifies himself as Bob and Bob is the nice, sweet and kind personality and Thomas is the kind and quiet one but Robert is the one who is just a total bitch, he is just horrible and cruel.....We were trying not to move because the place where we live is close to our jobs but the landlord has to do something or we will move out because we can not take this....
"My sister and I are black females..."

You'll understand if most, if not all, don't believe you.

I don't care if you believe me or not. Who are you for me to care if you believe me or not??

I sense a cognitive dissonance in the force. You don't care if we believe you, yet we are supposed to take the time to provide our advice. It's clear that you only want comments which reinforce the race baiting insinuations in your OP, so I'll pass.

Have a nice day!
Since you are black the white guy will be believed first and the white cops will take his side be for yours. You can take Roadrunner advice but punishment from black on white crime is death. So forget that. Better move to the north. Like maine or wisconsin. What are you doing with a 60 year old?
"My sister and I are black females..."

You'll understand if most, if not all, don't believe you.

I don't care if you believe me or not. Who are you for me to care if you believe me or not??

It's interesting that you stumbled into possibly one of the most racist forums on the internet. :p

How did you find out about this forum, and what made you decide to join, if you don't mind my asking?
"My sister and I are black females..."

You'll understand if most, if not all, don't believe you.

I don't care if you believe me or not. Who are you for me to care if you believe me or not??

I sense a cognitive dissonance in the force. You don't care if we believe you, yet we are supposed to take the time to provide our advice. It's clear that you only want comments which reinforce the race baiting insinuations in your OP, so I'll pass.

Have a nice day!

No I don't care if YOU believe me or not, I didn't say the nice others who have posted here. Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with race but I thought it was because it's only being directed at the three black people in the home....And this is a white guy. If you do not believe me, why bother replying to my post....
Since you are black the white guy will be believed first and the white cops will take his side be for yours. You can take Roadrunner advice but punishment from black on white crime is death. So forget that. Better move to the north. Like maine or wisconsin. What are you doing with a 60 year old?

Why Maine or Wisconsin? :eek:
"My sister and I are black females..."

You'll understand if most, if not all, don't believe you.

I don't care if you believe me or not. Who are you for me to care if you believe me or not??

It's interesting that you stumbled into possibly one of the most racist forums on the internet. :p

How did you find out about this forum, and what made you decide to join, if you don't mind my asking?

I originally joined because it had a lot of forum categories that interested me, this topic if race relations included. I had no idea this is or was a racist forums.....
Since you are black the white guy will be believed first and the white cops will take his side be for yours. You can take Roadrunner advice but punishment from black on white crime is death. So forget that. Better move to the north. Like maine or wisconsin. What are you doing with a 60 year old?

And the 60 year old has a room in the house, like the other white tenant is 21 and has a room in the house, the other black tenant is in his 30s and has a room in the house and my sister and I are in our late 20s.
"My sister and I are black females..."

You'll understand if most, if not all, don't believe you.

I don't care if you believe me or not. Who are you for me to care if you believe me or not??

It's interesting that you stumbled into possibly one of the most racist forums on the internet. :p

How did you find out about this forum, and what made you decide to join, if you don't mind my asking?

I originally joined because it had a lot of other topics that interested me, this topic if race relations included. I had no idea this is or was a racist forums.....

This is not a Racist Forum. There are a few racists here, as there are in society in general, and there is a subset who engage in a significant amount of race baiting, which also exists in society at large.

It's only Racist if you buy into the blather that America is a racist country.
"My sister and I are black females..."

You'll understand if most, if not all, don't believe you.

I don't care if you believe me or not. Who are you for me to care if you believe me or not??

It's interesting that you stumbled into possibly one of the most racist forums on the internet. :p

How did you find out about this forum, and what made you decide to join, if you don't mind my asking?

I originally joined because it had a lot of other topics that interested me, this topic if race relations included. I had no idea this is or was a racist forums.....

This is not a Racist Forum. There are a few racists here, as there are in society in general, and there is a subset who engage in a significant amount of race baiting, which also exists in society at large.

It's only Racist if you buy into the blather that America is a racist country.

Geez, are you new here?

Maybe I've just lived a sheltered life, because this is the most fucked up, racist forum I've ever posted on.

Come to think of it, most forums I've posted on, don't even allow racist shit, because it discourages good people from joining.

I know several posters here, who I knew from another forum, otherwise I wouldn't be here. I've heard other posters talk about finding other forums, because they are bothered with the amount of racism on this forum.

This is a racist forum. LOL, a few, my ass.
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