I would like someone's viewpoint on this

my bullshit detector just went off

Yeah well you know what? Forget I even said anything about asking for advice. Some people.....Why would I have to lie? What black people can't go to college and study to be doctors? No, let me guess, to SOME white people - the only things black people study are welfare, TANF, drugs, popping out babies and alcohol right? WRONG, my sister and I both have never been on welfare, drugs, alcohol, never had a baby, never even had sex before. My sister and I both are just good girls trying to get a great education....But right....your bullshit detector is probably detecting I am lying again right? Forget it.....Forget I even posted anything in the first place, I'm not replying to anything else on here again....
My sister and I are black females and we're in our last year of college and we're living in a rooming house with this white guy. We have the entire basement area but the wall that separates our basement room from the laundry room is thin, so we can hear noises very well from the laundry room - because the wall is SO thin. This white guy who lives in the rooming house with us is in his late sixties and from the south and from the time we first got here, this man has been harassing us. The owner told us to clean the house and get it ready for Xmas, we do so and this white guy comes down from his room, turns off the Xmas tree lights, kicks the living room rug around and just messes up the place after we clean it. He'll go into the laundry room and slam the washer and dryer doors so loud our room walls vibrate and he'll do it early in the morning awakening us from sleep. He'll slam the door leading to our downstairs basement so hard, it has broken picture frames hanging on our walls. He has held mail and given it to us a day or so later.

He turns off the water in the house without us knowing about it so we can't use the water at all. He has caused three other tenants before us to move out because they became fed up with him. When this guy sees us, he'll say: "hey girl" and he knows our name but he does this several times on purpose, knowing we do not like it. He is just a problem and he only does it to us (he used to do it to the other black tenant who lives in the house but he stopped doing it to him because the black tenant is a hell of a lot bigger and more built than this white guy is. However tonight the white guy parked his car in the middle of the driveway, so that the black tenant could not be able to park his car in the driveway as well & the landlord said the driveway is for everyone's use and the white guy knows the black tenant always parks his car in the driveway as well) and this has lead us to believe that he's doing this because he's racist because there's a white guy who lives in the house as well and this guys doesn't do the white guy like this....And so my sister and I are planning on telling the landlord (for the second time) about this guy and telling the landlord, either he does something about this guy or we're moving but I just wanted to come here and describe what this guy is doing and ask others if it sounds to them like racial harassment because to us it does. Because the owner is white and lives in the house (but is gone most of all the time), this guy doesn't do it to the owner and he doesn't do it to the other white tenant in the house but he only tries it with us.
I guess he's a racist, isn't that what you wanted an agreement on?
my bullshit detector just went off

Yeah well you know what? Forget I even said anything about asking for advice. Some people.....Why would I have to lie? What black people can't go to college and study to be doctors? No, let me guess, to SOME white people - the only things black people study are welfare, TANF, drugs, popping out babies and alcohol right? WRONG, my sister and I both have never been on welfare, drugs, alcohol, never had a baby, never even had sex before. My sister and I both are just good girls trying to get a great education....But right....your bullshit detector is probably detecting I am lying again right? Forget it.....Forget I even posted anything in the first place, I'm not replying to anything else on here again....

now I understand why he doesn't like you.
my bullshit detector just went off

Yeah well you know what? Forget I even said anything about asking for advice. Some people.....Why would I have to lie? What black people can't go to college and study to be doctors? No, let me guess, to SOME white people - the only things black people study are welfare, TANF, drugs, popping out babies and alcohol right? WRONG, my sister and I both have never been on welfare, drugs, alcohol, never had a baby, never even had sex before. My sister and I both are just good girls trying to get a great education....But right....your bullshit detector is probably detecting I am lying again right? Forget it.....Forget I even posted anything in the first place, I'm not replying to anything else on here again....
Don't let the door whack you in the ass on the way out.
My sister and I are black females and we're in our last year of college and we're living in a rooming house with this white guy. We have the entire basement area but the wall that separates our basement room from the laundry room is thin, so we can hear noises very well from the laundry room - because the wall is SO thin. This white guy who lives in the rooming house with us is in his late sixties and from the south and from the time we first got here, this man has been harassing us. The owner told us to clean the house and get it ready for Xmas, we do so and this white guy comes down from his room, turns off the Xmas tree lights, kicks the living room rug around and just messes up the place after we clean it. He'll go into the laundry room and slam the washer and dryer doors so loud our room walls vibrate and he'll do it early in the morning awakening us from sleep. He'll slam the door leading to our downstairs basement so hard, it has broken picture frames hanging on our walls. He has held mail and given it to us a day or so later.

He turns off the water in the house without us knowing about it so we can't use the water at all. He has caused three other tenants before us to move out because they became fed up with him. When this guy sees us, he'll say: "hey girl" and he knows our name but he does this several times on purpose, knowing we do not like it. He is just a problem and he only does it to us (he used to do it to the other black tenant who lives in the house but he stopped doing it to him because the black tenant is a hell of a lot bigger and more built than this white guy is. However tonight the white guy parked his car in the middle of the driveway, so that the black tenant could not be able to park his car in the driveway as well & the landlord said the driveway is for everyone's use and the white guy knows the black tenant always parks his car in the driveway as well) and this has lead us to believe that he's doing this because he's racist because there's a white guy who lives in the house as well and this guys doesn't do the white guy like this....And so my sister and I are planning on telling the landlord (for the second time) about this guy and telling the landlord, either he does something about this guy or we're moving but I just wanted to come here and describe what this guy is doing and ask others if it sounds to them like racial harassment because to us it does. Because the owner is white and lives in the house (but is gone most of all the time), this guy doesn't do it to the owner and he doesn't do it to the other white tenant in the house but he only tries it with us.
I guess he's a racist, isn't that what you wanted an agreement on?

Honestly, no not really. I feel he's racist but I also think he has serious mental problems. He says he's on meds for his multiple personalities but I think he hasn't been on his meds which is why he's like that. There's three persoanlities to this man - the first personality is the nice, kind one but the second personality is the one we have problems with. He's cruel, mean and vile and the third is like the quiet, child personality. I think the fact that he's racist is one side but I also think he's seriously mentally imbalanced and I guess I came here looking not only for validation that, yes this man is a nut along with having racist behavior but I also came here to discover what I should do about this situation......I did suggest he was racist because of the way he acted but I also think he's very seriously mentally imbalanced with that being the main serious factor......Because I feel if this keeps happening, his mental state will get worst towards his fellow tenants in the house.
My sister and I are black females and we're in our last year of college and we're living in a rooming house with this white guy. We have the entire basement area but the wall that separates our basement room from the laundry room is thin, so we can hear noises very well from the laundry room - because the wall is SO thin. This white guy who lives in the rooming house with us is in his late sixties and from the south and from the time we first got here, this man has been harassing us. The owner told us to clean the house and get it ready for Xmas, we do so and this white guy comes down from his room, turns off the Xmas tree lights, kicks the living room rug around and just messes up the place after we clean it. He'll go into the laundry room and slam the washer and dryer doors so loud our room walls vibrate and he'll do it early in the morning awakening us from sleep. He'll slam the door leading to our downstairs basement so hard, it has broken picture frames hanging on our walls. He has held mail and given it to us a day or so later.

He turns off the water in the house without us knowing about it so we can't use the water at all. He has caused three other tenants before us to move out because they became fed up with him. When this guy sees us, he'll say: "hey girl" and he knows our name but he does this several times on purpose, knowing we do not like it. He is just a problem and he only does it to us (he used to do it to the other black tenant who lives in the house but he stopped doing it to him because the black tenant is a hell of a lot bigger and more built than this white guy is. However tonight the white guy parked his car in the middle of the driveway, so that the black tenant could not be able to park his car in the driveway as well & the landlord said the driveway is for everyone's use and the white guy knows the black tenant always parks his car in the driveway as well) and this has lead us to believe that he's doing this because he's racist because there's a white guy who lives in the house as well and this guys doesn't do the white guy like this....And so my sister and I are planning on telling the landlord (for the second time) about this guy and telling the landlord, either he does something about this guy or we're moving but I just wanted to come here and describe what this guy is doing and ask others if it sounds to them like racial harassment because to us it does. Because the owner is white and lives in the house (but is gone most of all the time), this guy doesn't do it to the owner and he doesn't do it to the other white tenant in the house but he only tries it with us.
I guess he's a racist, isn't that what you wanted an agreement on?

Honestly, no not really. I feel he's racist but I also think he has serious mental problems. He says he's on meds for his multiple personalities but I think he hasn't been on his meds which is why he's like that. There's three persoanlities to this man - the first personality is the nice, kind one but the second personality is the one we have problems with. He's cruel, mean and vile and the third is like the quiet, child personality. I think the fact that he's racist is one side but I also think he's seriously mentally imbalanced and I guess I came here looking not only for validation that, yes this man is a nut along with having racist behavior but I also came here to discover what I should do about this situation......I did suggest he was racist because of the way he acted but I also think he's very seriously mentally imbalanced with that being the main serious factor......Because I feel if this keeps happening, his mental state will get worst towards his fellow tenants in the house.
I got the little subtle color identification hints.
We're black females the continued identifying the guy in the house as a white guy and the landlord as a white guy.
Maybe he's gay and don't like women living in the house, maybe he's just antisocial, or maybe he doesn't like young people.
my bullshit detector just went off

Yeah well you know what? Forget I even said anything about asking for advice. Some people.....Why would I have to lie? What black people can't go to college and study to be doctors? No, let me guess, to SOME white people - the only things black people study are welfare, TANF, drugs, popping out babies and alcohol right? WRONG, my sister and I both have never been on welfare, drugs, alcohol, never had a baby, never even had sex before. My sister and I both are just good girls trying to get a great education....But right....your bullshit detector is probably detecting I am lying again right? Forget it.....Forget I even posted anything in the first place, I'm not replying to anything else on here again....
Didn't take all that long for your racism to surface.

I think this entire story is bull shit too. Just another "HATE WHITEY" thread.

Why do you people come here, brand new, posing as a STUDENT, which is what we hear almost every time, just to stir the pot? I think your real motive is clear as a bell... with what has happened recently in America with blacks rioting, looting and burning, STILL, with the horse shit "hands up, don't shoot" crap, blacks are really hurting themselves, shooting themselves in the foot as it were, so hey, why not find a few internet message boards and start a few WHITEY IS THE BAD GUY stories.

Ya, I don't buy it, at all. Studying to be a doctor... pfft... why not just claim you're a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE?
My sister and I are black females and we're in our last year of college and we're living in a rooming house with this white guy. We have the entire basement area but the wall that separates our basement room from the laundry room is thin, so we can hear noises very well from the laundry room - because the wall is SO thin. This white guy who lives in the rooming house with us is in his late sixties and from the south and from the time we first got here, this man has been harassing us. The owner told us to clean the house and get it ready for Xmas, we do so and this white guy comes down from his room, turns off the Xmas tree lights, kicks the living room rug around and just messes up the place after we clean it. He'll go into the laundry room and slam the washer and dryer doors so loud our room walls vibrate and he'll do it early in the morning awakening us from sleep. He'll slam the door leading to our downstairs basement so hard, it has broken picture frames hanging on our walls. He has held mail and given it to us a day or so later.

He turns off the water in the house without us knowing about it so we can't use the water at all. He has caused three other tenants before us to move out because they became fed up with him. When this guy sees us, he'll say: "hey girl" and he knows our name but he does this several times on purpose, knowing we do not like it. He is just a problem and he only does it to us (he used to do it to the other black tenant who lives in the house but he stopped doing it to him because the black tenant is a hell of a lot bigger and more built than this white guy is. However tonight the white guy parked his car in the middle of the driveway, so that the black tenant could not be able to park his car in the driveway as well & the landlord said the driveway is for everyone's use and the white guy knows the black tenant always parks his car in the driveway as well) and this has lead us to believe that he's doing this because he's racist because there's a white guy who lives in the house as well and this guys doesn't do the white guy like this....And so my sister and I are planning on telling the landlord (for the second time) about this guy and telling the landlord, either he does something about this guy or we're moving but I just wanted to come here and describe what this guy is doing and ask others if it sounds to them like racial harassment because to us it does. Because the owner is white and lives in the house (but is gone most of all the time), this guy doesn't do it to the owner and he doesn't do it to the other white tenant in the house but he only tries it with us.
My sister and I are black females and we're in our last year of college and we're living in a rooming house with this white guy. We have the entire basement area but the wall that separates our basement room from the laundry room is thin, so we can hear noises very well from the laundry room - because the wall is SO thin. This white guy who lives in the rooming house with us is in his late sixties and from the south and from the time we first got here, this man has been harassing us. The owner told us to clean the house and get it ready for Xmas, we do so and this white guy comes down from his room, turns off the Xmas tree lights, kicks the living room rug around and just messes up the place after we clean it. He'll go into the laundry room and slam the washer and dryer doors so loud our room walls vibrate and he'll do it early in the morning awakening us from sleep. He'll slam the door leading to our downstairs basement so hard, it has broken picture frames hanging on our walls. He has held mail and given it to us a day or so later.

He turns off the water in the house without us knowing about it so we can't use the water at all. He has caused three other tenants before us to move out because they became fed up with him. When this guy sees us, he'll say: "hey girl" and he knows our name but he does this several times on purpose, knowing we do not like it. He is just a problem and he only does it to us (he used to do it to the other black tenant who lives in the house but he stopped doing it to him because the black tenant is a hell of a lot bigger and more built than this white guy is. However tonight the white guy parked his car in the middle of the driveway, so that the black tenant could not be able to park his car in the driveway as well & the landlord said the driveway is for everyone's use and the white guy knows the black tenant always parks his car in the driveway as well) and this has lead us to believe that he's doing this because he's racist because there's a white guy who lives in the house as well and this guys doesn't do the white guy like this....And so my sister and I are planning on telling the landlord (for the second time) about this guy and telling the landlord, either he does something about this guy or we're moving but I just wanted to come here and describe what this guy is doing and ask others if it sounds to them like racial harassment because to us it does. Because the owner is white and lives in the house (but is gone most of all the time), this guy doesn't do it to the owner and he doesn't do it to the other white tenant in the house but he only tries it with us.
I guess he's a racist, isn't that what you wanted an agreement on?

Honestly, no not really. I feel he's racist but I also think he has serious mental problems. He says he's on meds for his multiple personalities but I think he hasn't been on his meds which is why he's like that. There's three persoanlities to this man - the first personality is the nice, kind one but the second personality is the one we have problems with. He's cruel, mean and vile and the third is like the quiet, child personality. I think the fact that he's racist is one side but I also think he's seriously mentally imbalanced and I guess I came here looking not only for validation that, yes this man is a nut along with having racist behavior but I also came here to discover what I should do about this situation......I did suggest he was racist because of the way he acted but I also think he's very seriously mentally imbalanced with that being the main serious factor......Because I feel if this keeps happening, his mental state will get worst towards his fellow tenants in the house.
I got the little subtle color identification hints.
We're black females the continued identifying the guy in the house as a white guy and the landlord as a white guy.
Maybe he's gay and don't like women living in the house, maybe he's just antisocial, or maybe he doesn't like young people.

Maybe if they had a daddy in their lives this shit would have stopped after the first incident?
my bullshit detector just went off

Yeah well you know what? Forget I even said anything about asking for advice. Some people.....Why would I have to lie? What black people can't go to college and study to be doctors? No, let me guess, to SOME white people - the only things black people study are welfare, TANF, drugs, popping out babies and alcohol right? WRONG, my sister and I both have never been on welfare, drugs, alcohol, never had a baby, never even had sex before. My sister and I both are just good girls trying to get a great education....But right....your bullshit detector is probably detecting I am lying again right? Forget it.....Forget I even posted anything in the first place, I'm not replying to anything else on here again....
Didn't take all that long for your racism to surface.

I think this entire story is bull shit too. Just another "HATE WHITEY" thread.

Why do you people come here, brand new, posing as a STUDENT, which is what we hear almost every time, just to stir the pot? I think your real motive is clear as a bell... with what has happened recently in America with blacks rioting, looting and burning, STILL, with the horse shit "hands up, don't shoot" crap, blacks are really hurting themselves, shooting themselves in the foot as it were, so hey, why not find a few internet message boards and start a few WHITEY IS THE BAD GUY stories.

Ya, I don't buy it, at all. Studying to be a doctor... pfft... why not just claim you're a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE?

You don't think they can riot against "their black President" for shoving them further to the back of the bus, and burying them deeper in the shitpile, do you?
my bullshit detector just went off

Yeah well you know what? Forget I even said anything about asking for advice. Some people.....Why would I have to lie? What black people can't go to college and study to be doctors? No, let me guess, to SOME white people - the only things black people study are welfare, TANF, drugs, popping out babies and alcohol right? WRONG, my sister and I both have never been on welfare, drugs, alcohol, never had a baby, never even had sex before. My sister and I both are just good girls trying to get a great education....But right....your bullshit detector is probably detecting I am lying again right? Forget it.....Forget I even posted anything in the first place, I'm not replying to anything else on here again....
Didn't take all that long for your racism to surface.

I think this entire story is bull shit too. Just another "HATE WHITEY" thread.

Why do you people come here, brand new, posing as a STUDENT, which is what we hear almost every time, just to stir the pot? I think your real motive is clear as a bell... with what has happened recently in America with blacks rioting, looting and burning, STILL, with the horse shit "hands up, don't shoot" crap, blacks are really hurting themselves, shooting themselves in the foot as it were, so hey, why not find a few internet message boards and start a few WHITEY IS THE BAD GUY stories.

Ya, I don't buy it, at all. Studying to be a doctor... pfft... why not just claim you're a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE?

You don't think they can riot against "their black President" for shoving them further to the back of the bus, and burying them deeper in the shitpile, do you?
It's a complete mystery WHY they don't, Rr.

Unless they're just so entirely blinded by race that they simply can't see the truth. Unfortunately, I think that's the case with the majority of them. Racism and the hatred of whitey runs deeper in blacks than any other race against another on the planet. Makes me wonder why they even chose to stay here. Why not just move back to Africa?

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