I'd like to have a discussion about the Dixiecrats and the claim that the Democrats come from racism

It's technically accurate that pre-1964 the "Democrats" supported racist policies, particularly a faction of the Democrats called the Dixiecrats. The Dixiecrats were also largely against immigration and social security. Though claiming that pre-1964 Democrats are connected to the modern left wing is dishonest and a perversion of history. It’s actually the Republican party that’s the spiritual successor of the pre-1964 Democratic party. A lot of platforms changed and moved around during that time, and it had the effect of flipping the labels that were being used.

Don't believe me? Go look it up. The "Democrats" were the right wing of the country at that point in history. The right sometimes uses this fact to create the dishonest claim that the left is racist, and that their history proves it. If you actually understand the history though, rather than just focusing on a label that has changed in meaning, you'll realize that that claim is complete nonsense. That's the history of the right, not the left. They have so little shame that they blame the left for their own history in an attempt to save face. I challenge those of you that would disagree to go look up the party platform of the Dixiecrats in the 1950s. I bet you'll find a lot of stuff that you agree with. ;)

It's hardly farfetched to say the Democratic Party of today is much different than that of the pre Civil Rights Movement. You guys continue to look down upon minorities in this country as being too incapable and incompetent to achieve anything on our own without the help of leftist white elitists like yourself. Unfortunately, you've done a good job convincing a lot of minorities that it's true, but there are still plenty of us around who don't buy into your bullshit as anymore legitimate than believing LBJ was actually trying to help blacks in the 60s.
yet the gop is disenfranchising voters in Wisc Ind Miss Ga Tenn .....

My condemnation of leftist views about brown people does not automatically mean I was advocating for conservatives.
It's technically accurate that pre-1964 the "Democrats" supported racist policies, particularly a faction of the Democrats called the Dixiecrats. The Dixiecrats were also largely against immigration and social security. Though claiming that pre-1964 Democrats are connected to the modern left wing is dishonest and a perversion of history. It’s actually the Republican party that’s the spiritual successor of the pre-1964 Democratic party. A lot of platforms changed and moved around during that time, and it had the effect of flipping the labels that were being used.

Don't believe me? Go look it up. The "Democrats" were the right wing of the country at that point in history. The right sometimes uses this fact to create the dishonest claim that the left is racist, and that their history proves it. If you actually understand the history though, rather than just focusing on a label that has changed in meaning, you'll realize that that claim is complete nonsense. That's the history of the right, not the left. They have so little shame that they blame the left for their own history in an attempt to save face. I challenge those of you that would disagree to go look up the party platform of the Dixiecrats in the 1950s. I bet you'll find a lot of stuff that you agree with. ;)

It's hardly farfetched to say the Democratic Party of today is much different than that of the pre Civil Rights Movement. You guys continue to look down upon minorities in this country as being too incapable and incompetent to achieve anything on our own without the help of leftist white elitists like yourself. Unfortunately, you've done a good job convincing a lot of minorities that it's true, but there are still plenty of us around who don't buy into your bullshit as anymore legitimate than believing LBJ was actually trying to help blacks in the 60s.
yet the gop is disenfranchising voters in Wisc Ind Miss Ga Tenn .....

My condemnation of leftist views about brown people does not automatically mean I was advocating for conservatives.
it's probably even money that Kamila Harris will be the 20 nominee
Answer these questions.

Why did Lincoln want to abolish slavery?

What did Lincoln want to do with the slaves after they were free.

The Civil War ended in 1865...The first pro baseball team was the Cincy Redlegs established in 1869. MLB was segregated until 1947. All of MLB
teams, prior to 1947 were in the North. Why was it segregated?

Here are some more ditty's for ya...

The Blacks serving in the Union Army were in segregated units.
Blacks first were used by the Union Army in 1863. The American
Army was segregated until 1948.

The Blacks serving in the Southern Army were in integrated units.
Blacks first fought for the South at Bull Run in 1861.


Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation in November of 1862.
(Under the myth that it was freeing the slaves)
West Virginia was admitted to the Union in June of 1863. It entered
the Union as a Slave State.


Here's one thing that has never changed and it has nothing to do with
Republicans or Democrats.

The North always wanted the Blacks free and the North always wanted their
Black asses to remain in the South.

This was never about party but rather geography
Answer these questions.

Why did Lincoln want to abolish slavery?

What did Lincoln want to do with the slaves after they were free.

The Civil War ended in 1865...The first pro baseball team was the Cincy Redlegs established in 1869. MLB was segregated until 1947. All of MLB
teams, prior to 1947 were in the North. Why was it segregated?

Here are some more ditty's for ya...

The Blacks serving in the Union Army were in segregated units.
Blacks first were used by the Union Army in 1863. The American
Army was segregated until 1948.

The Blacks serving in the Southern Army were in integrated units.
Blacks first fought for the South at Bull Run in 1861.


Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation in November of 1862.
(Under the myth that it was freeing the slaves)
West Virginia was admitted to the Union in June of 1863. It entered
the Union as a Slave State.


Here's one thing that has never changed and it has nothing to do with
Republicans or Democrats.

The North always wanted the Blacks free and the North always wanted their
Black asses to remain in the South.

This was never about party but rather geography

And you don't want to rent to them.
You guys continue to look down upon minorities in this country as being too incapable and incompetent to achieve anything on our own without the help of leftist white elitists like yourself.

I don't even consider myself a Democrat. I was just addressing the whole "the left is racist because they were the ones advocating for blah blah blah" nonsense. I'm a white elitist? Which one of my views led you to that conclusion?

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