I'd love to have cons give me their definition of conservative

Most of you calling yourselves 'Conservatives',
If somebody calls himself an airplane, does that make him an airplane?

I identified what a conservative was. You have ignored what I said, which tells me that you had no objection to my definition. And here I find you describing liberal big-govt behavior and saying "conservatives" do it.

You need to get your story straight.
I think 'Conservatism' is about people forcing 'morals' on others based on their own personal religious beliefs and convictions.
Why do you describe that as "thinking"? When all you are doing is quoting liberal talking points?

Most of you calling yourselves 'Conservatives', routinely use Government to force your idea of morals on others. And that isn't 'Small/Less Government.' And you guys do seem to only care about yourselves. That's why i can't call myself a Conservative anymore.

Lol. You do realize that whoever "wins" is forcing their morals on others? If gay marriage is made legal, it is forced upon the rest of us.


Why can't they get married? It's none of Government's business.
I certainly can define CON$ervatism, but you would probably reject it out of hand.

CON$ervatism is a HATE religion, nothing else.
Are you happy now?

"Conservatives thrive on a world filled with mysterious evil and unfathomable hatreds, where good is always on the defensive and time is a precious commodity in the cosmic race against corruption and decline."
- Corey Robin 'The Reactionary Mind'

The stupid runs deep in this one.
"All conservatives are such from personal defects. They have been effeminated by position or nature, born halt and blind, through luxury of their parents, and can only, like invalids, act on the defensive."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

So? Who cares what he thinks? He's been dead for 130+ years.

Who you gonna quote next, Yoda?

No, John Kenneth Galbraith:

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
John Kenneth Galbraith

Read more at John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes at BrainyQuote.com

That isn't conservatism at all.... FAIL.

Oh, and here's another great liberal mind:

Watching both the health care and climate/energy debates in Congress, it is hard not to draw the following conclusion: There is only one thing worse than one-party autocracy, and that is one-party democracy, which is what we have in America today. One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks. But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it can also have great advantages. - Thomas Friedman.

That is exactly conservatism. Conservatives want the least possible obligation for the individual to contribute to the commons, or the common good. That is selfishness. That is conservatism.

Why deny it? Argue for it. Defend it. Justify it. But don't pretend it's not the conservative philosophy.
Well, social security and medicare and even universal health insurance do make us better off. We lack the political will to require politicians to solve the deficits, but they are not unsolvable. If you ask who isn't compromising to enable us to keep programs that benefit us, I don't think you'd like the honest answer.
Government's job isn't to give us things that benefit us.

It's to keep other people from interfering while we work to give ourselves things that benefit us.
Nonsense. Govt has every responsibility to step in and allow society to meet some need that private markets cannot. Universal care is the poster child. Back in the 50s and 60s and even 70s, health insurance was common job benefit. With globalization, employers find it difficult to keep offering it. I don't like the way obamacare did it, but the fact is the way it was originally set up, it did basically do so without more deficit spending.

Jefferson and Madison both helped establish tax supported higher education. Try finding education as an enumerated govt function in the 1776 Virginia constitution.

Until the government started "helping" medical care was more affordable. Isn't it amazing that one of the most affordable treatments today is lasic eye surgery? Know why? Because the government and insurance companies don't fund the procedure.

You have to be one of the most forgetful son of a bitches I know.
Doublethink is the backbone of liberalism.

You have to believe Obamacare will cut costs and improve quality today and that it's optional, and that you can keep your medical plan and your doctor if you want to. Then after it's implemented you must only recite that more people are insured under it. No mention of costs (which went up) or quality (which tanked) , or doctors or medical plans (which mostly went out the window).
Well since you don't know what a conservative is, rag on Obama. If you had a brain, you'd take it out a play with it.
Most of you calling yourselves 'Conservatives',
If somebody calls himself an airplane, does that make him an airplane?

I identified what a conservative was. You have ignored what I said, which tells me that you had no objection to my definition. And here I find you describing liberal big-govt behavior and saying "conservatives" do it.

You need to get your story straight.

Sorry, missed it. Define it again.
I see the usual suspects are making the usual error of mistaking Republicans for conservatives.

How are we making mistakes?

Isnt it you conservatives who keep electing Republicans who represent their voters view of what a conservative is?

It isnt the rest of us who are mistaken. It is you all.

We know what you guys are.
Well, it is all settled then isn't it?

Any bets on how many times this gets rerun before November?
Well, social security and medicare and even universal health insurance do make us better off. We lack the political will to require politicians to solve the deficits, but they are not unsolvable. If you ask who isn't compromising to enable us to keep programs that benefit us, I don't think you'd like the honest answer.
Government's job isn't to give us things that benefit us.

It's to keep other people from interfering while we work to give ourselves things that benefit us.

That's a right wing view.
Well, social security and medicare and even universal health insurance do make us better off. We lack the political will to require politicians to solve the deficits, but they are not unsolvable. If you ask who isn't compromising to enable us to keep programs that benefit us, I don't think you'd like the honest answer.
Government's job isn't to give us things that benefit us.

It's to keep other people from interfering while we work to give ourselves things that benefit us.
Nonsense. Govt has every responsibility to step in and allow society to meet some need that private markets cannot. Universal care is the poster child. Back in the 50s and 60s and even 70s, health insurance was common job benefit. With globalization, employers find it difficult to keep offering it. I don't like the way obamacare did it, but the fact is the way it was originally set up, it did basically do so without more deficit spending.

Jefferson and Madison both helped establish tax supported higher education. Try finding education as an enumerated govt function in the 1776 Virginia constitution.

Until the government started "helping" medical care was more affordable. Isn't it amazing that one of the most affordable treatments today is lasic eye surgery? Know why? Because the government and insurance companies don't fund the procedure.


You guys aren't helping yourselves. You seem to only want Big Government intervenion if it helps those who don't need it. God forbid Government intervene and help those who actually need it. You're losing the People. You're coming off as a bunch of greedy, hateful, bigoted white folks.
conservative ..

Be afraid, crap yer drawers ...
This is probably the thing which pisses me off the most about what has happened to the conservative movement. It has gone from a movement of intelligent solutions and optimism to a bowel movement in the pants.

Conservatives are totally fear-driven these days, and the propaganda outlets of the Gnu Right exploit their fears to the max.

Logic isn't fear. Its logic. Only the left defies logic. It is now "OK" for a man to be a woman, or a black to be a white. Matter of fact, its better than OK, its to be celebrated.

George Orwell had it right. He understood that someday white would be black, and up would be down.

Sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious.
George Orwell

I think 'Conservatism' is about people forcing 'morals' on others based on their own personal religious beliefs and convictions.
Why do you describe that as "thinking"? When all you are doing is quoting liberal talking points?

Most of you calling yourselves 'Conservatives', routinely use Government to force your idea of morals on others. And that isn't 'Small/Less Government.' And you guys do seem to only care about yourselves. That's why i can't call myself a Conservative anymore.

Lol. You do realize that whoever "wins" is forcing their morals on others? If gay marriage is made legal, it is forced upon the rest of us.


Why can't they get married? It's none of Government's business.

You made a statement, and I answered it. Now, answer mine. With the passage of gay marriage has the left imposed their morals on the rest of society?

A simple yes or no will do.

Left-wingers are some stupid mofo's.
What a profound definition of conservative. If you had two brain cells, you could rub them together and start a fire.
You've gotten several good definitions of conservative in response to your question.

You are ignoring them, and using your posts just to smear and belittle.

An expression about casting pearls to swine comes to mind.
Some people seem to believe that being a conservative means believing any lie, no matter how outrageous or ridiculous, if it comes from a right wing source. Without question, without engaging even two seconds of thought, manufactured bullshit should be parroted immediately and defended to the death.

And if someone applies critical thinking to the manufactured bullshit, and exposes it for the lie it is, they must be a liberal.

By calling a truth seeker a liberal, you are saying the opposite about conservatives. The rubes never seem to realize this.

This is not conservatism. This is hack partisanship of the worst kind. It is willful stupidity and blindness which fails to see that integrity and honesty are the most important characteristic of being a conservative.

If you lie, if you parrot lies, and if you refuse to face the truth, you are destroying conservatism.

If you keep going back to the propaganda outlets who have lied to you repeatedly, then you deserve to be lied to, and to be called out as a destroyer of the conservative movement.
? If gay marriage is made legal, it is forced upon the rest of us.

Under that reasoning, anything made legal is being forced onto at least some of us.

Interesting. And do you think that a good thing or a bad thing or does it depend?
You guys aren't helping yourselves. You seem to only want Big Government intervenion if it helps those who don't need it. God forbid Government intervene and help those who actually need it. You're losing the People. You're coming off as a bunch of greedy, hateful, bigoted white folks.
When Donald Trump deports millions of illegal aliens he will be helping the poorest of America's working class who have been dispossessed of jobs for decades. Janitors, construction laborers, hotel maids, landscapers, and other American unskilled workers (MANY of them Black & Hispanic) are the ones hurt the most by illegal immigration. That will be government helping those WHO NEED IT.

Same thing with Trump's plans to restrict Muslim immigration. That keeps ALL of us safe from being blown to bits by ISIS.
I think 'Conservatism' is about people forcing 'morals' on others based on their own personal religious beliefs and convictions.
Why do you describe that as "thinking"? When all you are doing is quoting liberal talking points?

Most of you calling yourselves 'Conservatives', routinely use Government to force your idea of morals on others. And that isn't 'Small/Less Government.' And you guys do seem to only care about yourselves. That's why i can't call myself a Conservative anymore.

You do realize that things like murder an theft are illegal because they are deemed immoral, right?
conservative ..

Be afraid, crap yer drawers ...
This is probably the thing which pisses me off the most about what has happened to the conservative movement. It has gone from a movement of intelligent solutions and optimism to a bowel movement in the pants.

Conservatives are totally fear-driven these days, and the propaganda outlets of the Gnu Right exploit their fears to the max.

Blah blah blah piss shit.

It's always the same with you..... typical leftwing loon.

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