I'd love to have cons give me their definition of conservative

Conservatism discards Prescription, shrinks from Principle, disavows Progress; having rejected all respect for antiquity, it offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future.
- Benjamin Disraeli
In other words, you couldn't form your own thoughts. You must be a liberal.
I certainly can define CON$ervatism, but you would probably reject it out of hand.

CON$ervatism is a HATE religion, nothing else.
Are you happy now?

"Conservatives thrive on a world filled with mysterious evil and unfathomable hatreds, where good is always on the defensive and time is a precious commodity in the cosmic race against corruption and decline."
- Corey Robin 'The Reactionary Mind'

The stupid runs deep in this one.
The truth really gives you butt hurt....like the bloody piles.

Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs
Compiled by the Editors. Copyright 2005 (revised 2010) StudentNewsDaily.com.

We all want the same things in life. We want freedom; we want the chance for prosperity; we want as few people suffering as possible; we want healthy children; we want to have crime-free streets. The argument is how to achieve them…

Liberals believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need. Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems.

believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.
Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs
Neither group believes in those platforms, that's why so many from the GOP and the DNC are becoming Independents.
Liberals don't want the government taking over their lives any more than cons.
Cons are extremist hypocrite bigots that don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. Greed and hate is their motivation.
It's true that both "ideas" are hijacked by pols and tend to sway with events of the day.

And, in reality, there may not be a lot of difference. Conservatism in the US could be traced back to Locke. The reason for govt is to allow people to exercise as much free choice as possible, because most often their choices will result in the most individual and societal benefit.

Yet, even the founding fathers who were more or less libertarians, found it necessary to not allow their fellow Americans to exercise their choice to be Englishmen.

And liberalism in the US can also be traced back to Locke. When society acts to not allow individuals to exercise free choice in ways that don't impact upon others exercising free choice, govt should force a change.
Not American values, right wing values. The constitution says that Americans have the right to the pursuit of happiness, yet cons deny other Americans the right to love who they want. They deny others the right to smoke pot, yet get drunk themselves. And cigarettes have killed more than all the wars in American history, and cons keep that legal. The constitution says that we have the right to privacy, yet cons want to be in everybody's bedroom.

The Constitution says that we have the right to freedom of speech, ...cons say freedom of speech is only for those that have money.

Cons don't conserve the constitution....they destroyed it.
Liberals have called for hate speech laws against those who speak out against Islam. Denying same sex marriage is controlling mental illness. Liberals have always been in favor of that. They only allow this mental illness to suck up for VOTES, just as they do with immigrants, Muslims, Blacks, criminals, etc

And cons want to be in everybody's bedroom ? Whaaat ??

And cons have the values of PROTECTING the American people from harm, while liberals do the opposite (ex. immigration, Syrian refugees, ISIS, death penalty, gun-free zones, etc)
What is it to be conservative? What is it that cons conserve?
There is social conservatism, and there is fiscal conservatism. I am mostly a fiscal conservative. Socially, I am fairly libertarian.

Because I am socially libertarian, I believe gay marriages should be provided the exact same government gifts the rest of us get. But at the very bottom of that is my personal belief that government should stay the hell out of marriage as much as possible.

However, if the government decides to give married people cash and prizes, then everyone should have equal protection of the laws which bestow those gifts.

My libertarianism also carries over into my fiscal philosophy. Everyone here knows that I hate tax expenditures. Those are also government gifts which are used to transfer wealth from the pockets of the common man and redistribute them up the food chain. The rubes have been led to believe in the lie that a deduction means "I get to keep more of my money", and that lie absolutely depends on their ignorance and innumeracy to succeed. They are being robbed of $1.2 trillion a year, and paying higher tax rates as a result of tax expenditures. It is also the leading cause of why we are so in debt.

Where I break with capital L libertarians is on government entitlements like Social Security and Medicare. I don't want to do away with these programs, nor privatize them. The mass number of rubes on this forum are empirical evidence that most people would be swindled blind by hucksters and end up dead broke in their golden years, and then they would be demanding the government take care of them without ever having contributed a cent to the Treasury for that purpose.

Social Security is not broke. Social Security actually makes money by investing in AAA government securities. The reason the hope chest is empty is because Congress has stolen that money for other purposes, such as tax expenditures.

The solution to Social Security and Medicare is to raise the eligibility age to 70, and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living decades longer than our ancestors who established SS, we should be working longer than they did. This is common sense and bedrock conservatism.

Next, defense. We are paying for the defense of our allies. This is how they are able to afford the social safety nets they and our liberals brag so much about. So let's take away OUR safety net that has been subsidizing them, and see how loudly they are bragging then.
We can significantly cut defense spending this way.

These three things alone, (banning tax expenditures, increasing retirement age, cutting defense spending) would put our government budget well over a trillion dollars a year in surplus.

That means we could significantly lower everyone's tax rates and pay down the debt. Once the debt is paid off, we could lower everyone's tax rates even more.

Even crazier than that, people who earn identical incomes would be paying identical taxes. This is not the case today. We have a grossly unlevel playing field.

And finally, I am pro-life and pro-gun.
To be pro life, you have to be against the death penalty....I think we need to thin the herd of rabid animals. I have a conceal and carry permit to protect myself from the next right wing nut job with an assault weapon that's out to kill as many liberals as he can.
I was complaining about the national debt when Raygun was tripling it...and when the Shrubs doubled it, as the cons were claiming to be fiscally responsible.
Not American values, right wing values. The constitution says that Americans have the right to the pursuit of happiness, yet cons deny other Americans the right to love who they want. They deny others the right to smoke pot, yet get drunk themselves. And cigarettes have killed more than all the wars in American history, and cons keep that legal. The constitution says that we have the right to privacy, yet cons want to be in everybody's bedroom.

The Constitution says that we have the right to freedom of speech, ...cons say freedom of speech is only for those that have money.

Cons don't conserve the constitution....they destroyed it.
Liberals have called for hate speech laws against those who speak out against Islam. Denying same sex marriage is controlling mental illness. Liberals have always been in favor of that. They only allow this mental illness to suck up for VOTES, just as they do with immigrants, Muslims, Blacks, criminals, etc

And cons want to be in everybody's bedroom ? Whaaat ??

And cons have the values of PROTECTING the American people from harm, while liberals do the opposite (ex. immigration, Syrian refugees, ISIS, death penalty, gun-free zones, etc)
I see Trump in my bedroom, bullets be striking him dead! (-:
Not American values, right wing values. The constitution says that Americans have the right to the pursuit of happiness, yet cons deny other Americans the right to love who they want. They deny others the right to smoke pot, yet get drunk themselves. And cigarettes have killed more than all the wars in American history, and cons keep that legal. The constitution says that we have the right to privacy, yet cons want to be in everybody's bedroom.

The Constitution says that we have the right to freedom of speech, ...cons say freedom of speech is only for those that have money.

Cons don't conserve the constitution....they destroyed it.
Liberals have called for hate speech laws against those who speak out against Islam. Denying same sex marriage is controlling mental illness. Liberals have always been in favor of that. They only allow this mental illness to suck up for VOTES, just as they do with immigrants, Muslims, Blacks, criminals, etc

And cons want to be in everybody's bedroom ? Whaaat ??

And cons have the values of PROTECTING the American people from harm, while liberals do the opposite (ex. immigration, Syrian refugees, ISIS, death penalty, gun-free zones, etc)
People like you, that have mental illness, point their finger at others and claim they are. You are sexual deviate....and a bigot.
conservative ..

Be afraid, crap yer drawers ...
This is probably the thing which pisses me off the most about what has happened to the conservative movement. It has gone from a movement of intelligent solutions and optimism to a bowel movement in the pants.

Conservatives are totally fear-driven these days, and the propaganda outlets of the Gnu Right exploit their fears to the max.

Blah blah blah piss shit.

It's always the same with you..... typical leftwing loon.
When you shit your pants, it stinks up the place. It isn't rude to ask you to change your pants and to stop shitting in them.

If you want to cower in the fetal position in the corner, go right ahead. Just don't go out and shit your pants in public, okay?

What is it with you? You need help, like Vienna style help.

What is it to be conservative? What is it that cons conserve?
There is social conservatism, and there is fiscal conservatism. I am mostly a fiscal conservative. Socially, I am fairly libertarian.

Because I am socially libertarian, I believe gay marriages should be provided the exact same government gifts the rest of us get. But at the very bottom of that is my personal belief that government should stay the hell out of marriage as much as possible.

However, if the government decides to give married people cash and prizes, then everyone should have equal protection of the laws which bestow those gifts.

My libertarianism also carries over into my fiscal philosophy. Everyone here knows that I hate tax expenditures. Those are also government gifts which are used to transfer wealth from the pockets of the common man and redistribute them up the food chain. The rubes have been led to believe in the lie that a deduction means "I get to keep more of my money", and that lie absolutely depends on their ignorance and innumeracy to succeed. They are being robbed of $1.2 trillion a year, and paying higher tax rates as a result of tax expenditures. It is also the leading cause of why we are so in debt.

Where I break with capital L libertarians is on government entitlements like Social Security and Medicare. I don't want to do away with these programs, nor privatize them. The mass number of rubes on this forum are empirical evidence that most people would be swindled blind by hucksters and end up dead broke in their golden years, and then they would be demanding the government take care of them without ever having contributed a cent to the Treasury for that purpose.

Social Security is not broke. Social Security actually makes money by investing in AAA government securities. The reason the hope chest is empty is because Congress has stolen that money for other purposes, such as tax expenditures.

The solution to Social Security and Medicare is to raise the eligibility age to 70, and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living decades longer than our ancestors who established SS, we should be working longer than they did. This is common sense and bedrock conservatism.

Next, defense. We are paying for the defense of our allies. This is how they are able to afford the social safety nets they and our liberals brag so much about. So let's take away OUR safety net that has been subsidizing them, and see how loudly they are bragging then.
We can significantly cut defense spending this way.

These three things alone, (banning tax expenditures, increasing retirement age, cutting defense spending) would put our government budget well over a trillion dollars a year in surplus.

That means we could significantly lower everyone's tax rates and pay down the debt. Once the debt is paid off, we could lower everyone's tax rates even more.

Even crazier than that, people who earn identical incomes would be paying identical taxes. This is not the case today. We have a grossly unlevel playing field.

And finally, I am pro-life and pro-gun.
To be pro life, you have to be against the death penalty....

The Catholic Church is very consistent about this.

I have mixed feelings about the death penalty. However, the justice system is clearly broken when a lot of people on Death Row have been exonerated as DNA forensic science has caught up. For that reason, we should declare a moratorium on executions until we find out what the hell is going on.

I was complaining about the national debt when Raygun was tripling it...and when the Shrubs doubled it, as the cons were claiming to be fiscally responsible.

Debt-to-GDP grew much faster under Clinton than it did under Reagan.
Conservatism discards Prescription, shrinks from Principle, disavows Progress; having rejected all respect for antiquity, it offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future.
- Benjamin Disraeli
In other words, you couldn't form your own thoughts. You must be a liberal.
I certainly can define CON$ervatism, but you would probably reject it out of hand.

CON$ervatism is a HATE religion, nothing else.
Are you happy now?

"Conservatives thrive on a world filled with mysterious evil and unfathomable hatreds, where good is always on the defensive and time is a precious commodity in the cosmic race against corruption and decline."
- Corey Robin 'The Reactionary Mind'

The stupid runs deep in this one.
The truth really gives you butt hurt....like the bloody piles.

Butt hurt? What are you, a 16 year old boy?

Christ almighty.
conservative ..

Be afraid, crap yer drawers ...
This is probably the thing which pisses me off the most about what has happened to the conservative movement. It has gone from a movement of intelligent solutions and optimism to a bowel movement in the pants.

Conservatives are totally fear-driven these days, and the propaganda outlets of the Gnu Right exploit their fears to the max.

Blah blah blah piss shit.

It's always the same with you..... typical leftwing loon.
When you shit your pants, it stinks up the place. It isn't rude to ask you to change your pants and to stop shitting in them.

If you want to cower in the fetal position in the corner, go right ahead. Just don't go out and shit your pants in public, okay?

What is it with you? You need help, like Vienna style help.

I am not surprised that a man who walks upright, and not crouched in constant fear like you, appears crazy to you.
What is it to be conservative? What is it that cons conserve?
There is social conservatism, and there is fiscal conservatism.
That's like saying the Titanic could float just fine after hitting the iceberg, because there were only holes on the right side of the hull, but the left side was still intact.

Conservatism is the belief (and practice) of government having nothing to do with most of people's lives, only protecting their rights but otherwise staying out of the way.

You can't be conservative in some things and big-govt in others. That simply means you are a big-govt liberal.
Raygun tripled the national debt....Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years....Shrub Jr. doubled it again WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE. That's more than half of the national debt. You got nothing but hypocrisy.
conservative ..

Be afraid, crap yer drawers ...
This is probably the thing which pisses me off the most about what has happened to the conservative movement. It has gone from a movement of intelligent solutions and optimism to a bowel movement in the pants.

Conservatives are totally fear-driven these days, and the propaganda outlets of the Gnu Right exploit their fears to the max.

Blah blah blah piss shit.

It's always the same with you..... typical leftwing loon.
When you shit your pants, it stinks up the place. It isn't rude to ask you to change your pants and to stop shitting in them.

If you want to cower in the fetal position in the corner, go right ahead. Just don't go out and shit your pants in public, okay?

What is it with you? You need help, like Vienna style help.

I am not surprised that a man who walks upright, and not crouched in constant fear like you, appears crazy to you.

What am I afraid of? You always say stupid shit like this.... got an example of what I am scared of?

This oughtta be good.
What is it to be conservative? What is it that cons conserve?
There is social conservatism, and there is fiscal conservatism.
That's like saying the Titanic could float just fine after hitting the iceberg, because there were only holes on the right side of the hull, but the left side was still intact.

Conservatism is the belief (and practice) of government having nothing to do with most of people's lives, only protecting their rights but otherwise staying out of the way.

You can't be conservative in some things and big-govt in others. That simply means you are a big-govt liberal.
Raygun tripled the national debt....Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years....Shrub Jr. doubled it again WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE. That's more than half of the national debt. You got nothing but hypocrisy.
Oh, I hate Bush with a passion. He and his minions destroyed the Conservative brand. He is the very reason I stopped voting many years ago.
This is probably the thing which pisses me off the most about what has happened to the conservative movement. It has gone from a movement of intelligent solutions and optimism to a bowel movement in the pants.

Conservatives are totally fear-driven these days, and the propaganda outlets of the Gnu Right exploit their fears to the max.

Blah blah blah piss shit.

It's always the same with you..... typical leftwing loon.
When you shit your pants, it stinks up the place. It isn't rude to ask you to change your pants and to stop shitting in them.

If you want to cower in the fetal position in the corner, go right ahead. Just don't go out and shit your pants in public, okay?

What is it with you? You need help, like Vienna style help.

I am not surprised that a man who walks upright, and not crouched in constant fear like you, appears crazy to you.

What am I afraid of? You always say stupid shit like this.... got an example of what I am scared of?

This oughtta be good.
Muslims, gays, blacks, Mexicans. Refugees, Ebola, the moon, your shadow.
What is it to be conservative? What is it that cons conserve?
There is social conservatism, and there is fiscal conservatism.
That's like saying the Titanic could float just fine after hitting the iceberg, because there were only holes on the right side of the hull, but the left side was still intact.

Conservatism is the belief (and practice) of government having nothing to do with most of people's lives, only protecting their rights but otherwise staying out of the way.

You can't be conservative in some things and big-govt in others. That simply means you are a big-govt liberal.
Raygun tripled the national debt....Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years....Shrub Jr. doubled it again WITH A REPUBLICAN CONGRESS AND SENATE. That's more than half of the national debt. You got nothing but hypocrisy.

Obama and his goons in Congress like Boehner and McConnell added more than all his predecessors.. combined.
Blah blah blah piss shit.

It's always the same with you..... typical leftwing loon.
When you shit your pants, it stinks up the place. It isn't rude to ask you to change your pants and to stop shitting in them.

If you want to cower in the fetal position in the corner, go right ahead. Just don't go out and shit your pants in public, okay?

What is it with you? You need help, like Vienna style help.

I am not surprised that a man who walks upright, and not crouched in constant fear like you, appears crazy to you.

What am I afraid of? You always say stupid shit like this.... got an example of what I am scared of?

This oughtta be good.
Muslims, gays, blacks, Mexicans. Refugees, Ebola, the moon, your shadow.

Really? Wow.... you know me so well. Tell me, how do you know I am not one of he above.... careful now.


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