I'd love to have cons give me their definition of conservative

Well, social security and medicare and even universal health insurance do make us better off. We lack the political will to require politicians to solve the deficits, but they are not unsolvable. If you ask who isn't compromising to enable us to keep programs that benefit us, I don't think you'd like the honest answer.
Government's job isn't to give us things that benefit us.

It's to keep other people from interfering while we work to give ourselves things that benefit us.
Nonsense. Govt has every responsibility to step in and allow society to meet some need that private markets cannot. Universal care is the poster child. Back in the 50s and 60s and even 70s, health insurance was common job benefit. With globalization, employers find it difficult to keep offering it. I don't like the way obamacare did it, but the fact is the way it was originally set up, it did basically do so without more deficit spending.

Jefferson and Madison both helped establish tax supported higher education. Try finding education as an enumerated govt function in the 1776 Virginia constitution.

Until the government started "helping" medical care was more affordable. Isn't it amazing that one of the most affordable treatments today is lasic eye surgery? Know why? Because the government and insurance companies don't fund the procedure.


You guys aren't helping yourselves. You seem to only want Big Government intervenion if it helps those who don't need it. God forbid Government intervene and help those who actually need it. You're losing the People. You're coming off as a bunch of greedy, hateful, bigoted white folks.

It matters not, really. If the conservatives don't win, the country will eventually go insolvent. Adults make choices based on reality. If the majority want to take the country down, I say more power to them.

Changing a persons beliefs so the country can collapse isn't much of a choice.

Someone that appreciates the constitution and American values and principles.
Not American values, right wing values. The constitution says that Americans have the right to the pursuit of happiness, yet cons deny other Americans the right to love who they want. They deny others the right to smoke pot, yet get drunk themselves. And cigarettes have killed more than all the wars in American history, and cons keep that legal. The constitution says that we have the right to privacy, yet cons want to be in everybody's bedroom.

The Constitution says that we have the right to freedom of speech, ...cons say freedom of speech is only for those that have money.

Cons don't conserve the constitution....they destroyed it.
conservative ..

Be afraid, crap yer drawers ...
This is probably the thing which pisses me off the most about what has happened to the conservative movement. It has gone from a movement of intelligent solutions and optimism to a bowel movement in the pants.

Conservatives are totally fear-driven these days, and the propaganda outlets of the Gnu Right exploit their fears to the max.

Blah blah blah piss shit.

It's always the same with you..... typical leftwing loon.
When you shit your pants, it stinks up the place. It isn't rude to ask you to change your pants and to stop shitting in them.

If you want to cower in the fetal position in the corner, go right ahead. Just don't go out and shit your pants in public, okay?
Some people seem to believe that being a conservative means believing any lie, no matter how outrageous or ridiculous, if it comes from a right wing source. Without question, without engaging even two seconds of thought, manufactured bullshit should be parroted immediately and defended to the death.

And if someone applies critical thinking to the manufactured bullshit, and exposes it for the lie it is, they must be a liberal.

By calling a truth seeker a liberal, you are saying the opposite about conservatives. The rubes never seem to realize this.

This is not conservatism. This is hack partisanship of the worst kind. It is willful stupidity and blindness which fails to see that integrity and honesty are the most important characteristic of being a conservative.

If you lie, if you parrot lies, and if you refuse to face the truth, you are destroying conservatism.

If you keep going back to the propaganda outlets who have lied to you repeatedly, then you deserve to be lied to, and to be called out as a destroyer of the conservative movement.

Hmm. Why don't you tell me which party today "marches in lockstep". The GOP's infighting just might lead to the demise of the party.

If what you say is true, we would be unified. We're not.

So the question becomes, who isn't thinking and simply "marching in lockstep"

The left best look in a mirror.

When Donald Trump deports millions of illegal aliens he will be helping the poorest of America's working class who have been dispossessed of jobs for decades.
Actually, he will simply be doing the legitimate job of President: Making sure that the laws passed by Congress are carried out.

Decades ago, Congress passed laws saying nobody can get in without a visa. And that anyone who comes in without one, can be deported back where he came from.

Trump would be doing exactly what Congress mandated.

What Trump would do, is not a problem.

The problem is, many other Presidents haven't done it.
Since medicare, a white male's chances of living into his 70s has gone up 4.5% and into 80s has gone up about 2.5%, and the argument AGAINST medicare was the federal govt already had programs to assist those who couldn't afford healthcare.

There's nothing about soc sec or medicare or obamacare that require fiscal insolvency. In fact, we could balance the budget without Touching income tax rates.
Someone that appreciates the constitution and American values and principles.
Not American values, right wing values. The constitution says that Americans have the right to the pursuit of happiness, yet cons deny other Americans the right to love who they want. They deny others the right to smoke pot, yet get drunk themselves. And cigarettes have killed more than all the wars in American history, and cons keep that legal. The constitution says that we have the right to privacy, yet cons want to be in everybody's bedroom.

The Constitution says that we have the right to freedom of speech, ...cons say freedom of speech is only for those that have money.

Cons don't conserve the constitution....they destroyed it.
good thread, but it's been hijacked by faux conservatives. Outta here.
Left-wingers are some stupid mofo's.
What a profound definition of conservative. If you had two brain cells, you could rub them together and start a fire.
Come on. Cut soggy a break. You didn't really expect soggy to be able to think for himself did you?

No, of course not.

How dare you ask any of these idiots to think on their feet all by themselves. With a trick question like that, they at least need some time to visit a few nutter websites so they can be told what to think and parrot by the likes of rush, hanitty, etc...
What is conservatism? It's the idea that government should do as little as possible, and should confine its influence to areas where private people and groups cannot do what is needed.

Not just areas where the govt thinks it can do "better" than private people or groups. But areas where private people and groups can't do it at all.

Such as foreign relations, national defense, setting national standards, running courts, dispassionately prosecuting lawbreakers, etc.

In a word, protecting people's rights.

And conservatives know that not everything we want, even necessary things like food and health care, is a "right". Govt should keep its hands off most things. People should do nearly everything for themselves, helping each other where needed, failing and trying again (a good way to learn), etc.

Conservatives hold that govt's job is to keep other people from interfering as you try to live your own life, except where you invited them to participate. Either people outside the country (foreign attack or invasion), or people inside the country (criminals, fraud artists, and govt itself). Otherwise govt should keep its hands off and stay out of they way.
I bet you're gonna vote for the fascist dictator Trump who's going to start a war with Iran which will cost at least $10 trillion dollars and waste another $200 billion building a wall the Mexicans will just dig under....and spend another trillion dollars putting eleven million aliens in concentration camps.
It's always a hoot when liberals try to define conservatism. The lies and utter fantasies are impressive in their sheer scope.
Liberals "seek to unite"? Lol. Good one. Liberals realize they cannot win if people get along. Its why they constantly pit black against white, rich against poor, men against women, etc.

I could go thru each point and prove it wrong. Its not worth my time.

Your time has no worth....you can't even define conservative.
What is conservatism? It's the idea that government should do as little as possible, and should confine its influence to areas where private people and groups cannot do what is needed.

Not just areas where the govt thinks it can do "better" than private people or groups. But areas where private people and groups can't do it at all.

Such as foreign relations, national defense, setting national standards, running courts, dispassionately prosecuting lawbreakers, etc.

In a word, protecting people's rights.

And conservatives know that not everything we want, even necessary things like food and health care, is a "right". Govt should keep its hands off most things. People should do nearly everything for themselves, helping each other where needed, failing and trying again (a good way to learn), etc.

Conservatives hold that govt's job is to keep other people from interfering as you try to live your own life, except where you invited them to participate. Either people outside the country (foreign attack or invasion), or people inside the country (criminals, fraud artists, and govt itself). Otherwise govt should keep its hands off and stay out of they way.
I bet you're gonna vote for the fascist dictator Trump who's going to start a war with Iran which will cost at least $10 trillion dollars and waste another $200 billion building a wall the Mexicans will just dig under....and spend another trillion dollars putting eleven million aliens in concentration camps.
you're letting them hijack you. Even if one likes Trump, the reason to like him is that he is NOT a conservative.
Well, social security and medicare and even universal health insurance do make us better off. We lack the political will to require politicians to solve the deficits, but they are not unsolvable. If you ask who isn't compromising to enable us to keep programs that benefit us, I don't think you'd like the honest answer.
Government's job isn't to give us things that benefit us.

It's to keep other people from interfering while we work to give ourselves things that benefit us.
Nonsense. Govt has every responsibility to step in and allow society to meet some need that private markets cannot. Universal care is the poster child. Back in the 50s and 60s and even 70s, health insurance was common job benefit. With globalization, employers find it difficult to keep offering it. I don't like the way obamacare did it, but the fact is the way it was originally set up, it did basically do so without more deficit spending.

Jefferson and Madison both helped establish tax supported higher education. Try finding education as an enumerated govt function in the 1776 Virginia constitution.

Until the government started "helping" medical care was more affordable. Isn't it amazing that one of the most affordable treatments today is lasic eye surgery? Know why? Because the government and insurance companies don't fund the procedure.


You guys aren't helping yourselves. You seem to only want Big Government intervenion if it helps those who don't need it. God forbid Government intervene and help those who actually need it. You're losing the People. You're coming off as a bunch of greedy, hateful, bigoted white folks.

It matters not, really. If the conservatives don't win, the country will eventually go insolvent. Adults make choices based on reality. If the majority want to take the country down, I say more power to them.

Changing a persons beliefs so the country can collapse isn't much of a choice.

The national debt has been paid off only once in our history and that by a Democrat.
Actually, he will simply be doing the legitimate job of President: Making sure that the laws passed by Congress are carried out.

Decades ago, Congress passed laws saying nobody can get in without a visa. And that anyone who comes in without one, can be deported back where he came from.

Trump would be doing exactly what Congress mandated.

What Trump would do, is not a problem.

The problem is, many other Presidents haven't done it.
TRUE! They have been extremely negligent for decades, and that is why this problem has grown to such ludicrous levels. Not since Eisenhower enacted Operation Wetback in 1954 has there been any real action on mass deportation, and some presidents (ex. Reagan) have actually worsened things, by granting amnesty.

So Trump will do Operation Wetback II, and simply enforce the law, as our ancestors set it up to protect us, if only we can get past all the morons who will go out and vote for the conniving, cackling, criminal Clinton.
It's always a hoot when liberals try to define conservatism. The lies and utter fantasies are impressive in their sheer scope.
Liberals "seek to unite"? Lol. Good one. Liberals realize they cannot win if people get along. Its why they constantly pit black against white, rich against poor, men against women, etc.

I could go thru each point and prove it wrong. Its not worth my time.

Your time has no worth....you can't even define conservative.
Probably can't spell it either.

Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs
Compiled by the Editors. Copyright 2005 (revised 2010) StudentNewsDaily.com.

We all want the same things in life. We want freedom; we want the chance for prosperity; we want as few people suffering as possible; we want healthy children; we want to have crime-free streets. The argument is how to achieve them…

Liberals believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need. Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems.

believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.
Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs
Neither group believes in those platforms, that's why so many from the GOP and the DNC are becoming Independents.
Liberals don't want the government taking over their lives any more than cons.
Cons are extremist hypocrite bigots that don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. Greed and hate is their motivation.
good thread, but it's been hijacked by faux conservatives. Outta here.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute or even answer the definitions of "conservative" that real conservatives gave in this thread. So I'll ignore them, pretend they were never posted, call the posters names, and run away.
Actually, he will simply be doing the legitimate job of President: Making sure that the laws passed by Congress are carried out.

Decades ago, Congress passed laws saying nobody can get in without a visa. And that anyone who comes in without one, can be deported back where he came from.

Trump would be doing exactly what Congress mandated.

What Trump would do, is not a problem.

The problem is, many other Presidents haven't done it.
TRUE! They have been extremely negligent for decades, and that is why this problem has grown to such ludicrous levels. Not since Eisenhower enacted Operation Wetback in 1954 has there been any real action on mass deportation, and some presidents (ex. Reagan) have actually worsened things, by granting amnesty.

So Trump will do Operation Wetback II, and simply enforce the law, as our ancestors set it up to protect us, if only we can get past all the morons who will go out and vote for the conniving, cackling, criminal Clinton.
If the GOP had a candidate that was anything but a fascist dictator Hitler wannabe, there would be no need to vote for the lesser of two evils.

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