I'd love to have cons give me their definition of conservative

I dunno about the gnp/fed debt argument. It seems to me it increased under Reagan and slightly declined under Slick

Debt to GDP Ratio Historical Chart | MacroTrends

Of course, Slick got incredibly lucky in benefiting from econ forces he did little to create. But then again, much of Reagan's stagflation was already behind us when he was inaugurated.
What is it to be conservative? What is it that cons conserve?
There is social conservatism, and there is fiscal conservatism.
That's like saying the Titanic could float just fine after hitting the iceberg, because there were only holes on the right side of the hull, but the left side was still intact.

Conservatism is the belief (and practice) of government having nothing to do with most of people's lives, only protecting their rights but otherwise staying out of the way.

You can't be conservative in some things and big-govt in others. That simply means you are a big-govt liberal.

So you can't be conservative if you believe we can't spend enough on the big government of the military?
I believe in a strong national defense. I just don't believe we should also be paying for the defense of other countries while they rip into us for not having the social programs they do.

Libertarians, with a capital L, believe our military should not be much bigger than the size of a cub scout troop. I depart from them on this.
Invading other countries is NOT national defense. Meddling in other countries is not national defense. Just like the Iraq invasion has only made it worse and created ISIS, so too Korea, Vietnam, the Iran/Iraq war, the drug war in Columbia and Mexico. Since the drug war started, we've spent trillion$ on it, and have a hundred thousand times more drugs.
It's always a hoot when liberals try to define conservatism. The lies and utter fantasies are impressive in their sheer scope.
Republicans think invading people's bedrooms is necessary.
What is it to be conservative? What is it that cons conserve?
There is social conservatism, and there is fiscal conservatism.
That's like saying the Titanic could float just fine after hitting the iceberg, because there were only holes on the right side of the hull, but the left side was still intact.

Conservatism is the belief (and practice) of government having nothing to do with most of people's lives, only protecting their rights but otherwise staying out of the way.

You can't be conservative in some things and big-govt in others. That simply means you are a big-govt liberal.

So you can't be conservative if you believe we can't spend enough on the big government of the military?
I believe in a strong national defense. I just don't believe we should also be paying for the defense of other countries while they rip into us for not having the social programs they do.

Libertarians, with a capital L, believe our military should not be much bigger than the size of a cub scout troop. I depart from them on this.
Invading other countries is NOT national defense. Meddling in other countries is not national defense. Just like the Iraq invasion has only made it worse and created ISIS, so too Korea, Vietnam, the Iran/Iraq war, the drug war in Columbia and Mexico. Since the drug war started, we've spent trillion$ on it, and have a hundred thousand times more drugs.

People like you are why we have a war on drugs.
There is social conservatism, and there is fiscal conservatism.
That's like saying the Titanic could float just fine after hitting the iceberg, because there were only holes on the right side of the hull, but the left side was still intact.

Conservatism is the belief (and practice) of government having nothing to do with most of people's lives, only protecting their rights but otherwise staying out of the way.

You can't be conservative in some things and big-govt in others. That simply means you are a big-govt liberal.

So you can't be conservative if you believe we can't spend enough on the big government of the military?
I believe in a strong national defense. I just don't believe we should also be paying for the defense of other countries while they rip into us for not having the social programs they do.

Libertarians, with a capital L, believe our military should not be much bigger than the size of a cub scout troop. I depart from them on this.
Invading other countries is NOT national defense. Meddling in other countries is not national defense. Just like the Iraq invasion has only made it worse and created ISIS, so too Korea, Vietnam, the Iran/Iraq war, the drug war in Columbia and Mexico. Since the drug war started, we've spent trillion$ on it, and have a hundred thousand times more drugs.

People like you are why we have a war on drugs.
Tell that to Oxycontin Limbaugh....as you drink your third Jack Daniels of the day....how many cigarettes have you smoked today?
What is it to be conservative? What is it that cons conserve?
There is social conservatism, and there is fiscal conservatism. I am mostly a fiscal conservative. Socially, I am fairly libertarian.

Because I am socially libertarian, I believe gay marriages should be provided the exact same government gifts the rest of us get. But at the very bottom of that is my personal belief that government should stay the hell out of marriage as much as possible.

However, if the government decides to give married people cash and prizes, then everyone should have equal protection of the laws which bestow those gifts.

My libertarianism also carries over into my fiscal philosophy. Everyone here knows that I hate tax expenditures. Those are also government gifts which are used to transfer wealth from the pockets of the common man and redistribute them up the food chain. The rubes have been led to believe in the lie that a deduction means "I get to keep more of my money", and that lie absolutely depends on their ignorance and innumeracy to succeed. They are being robbed of $1.2 trillion a year, and paying higher tax rates as a result of tax expenditures. It is also the leading cause of why we are so in debt.

Where I break with capital L libertarians is on government entitlements like Social Security and Medicare. I don't want to do away with these programs, nor privatize them. The mass number of rubes on this forum are empirical evidence that most people would be swindled blind by hucksters and end up dead broke in their golden years, and then they would be demanding the government take care of them without ever having contributed a cent to the Treasury for that purpose.

Social Security is not broke. Social Security actually makes money by investing in AAA government securities. The reason the hope chest is empty is because Congress has stolen that money for other purposes, such as tax expenditures.

The solution to Social Security and Medicare is to raise the eligibility age to 70, and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living decades longer than our ancestors who established SS, we should be working longer than they did. This is common sense and bedrock conservatism.

Next, defense. We are paying for the defense of our allies. This is how they are able to afford the social safety nets they and our liberals brag so much about. So let's take away OUR safety net that has been subsidizing them, and see how loudly they are bragging then.
We can significantly cut defense spending this way.

These three things alone, (banning tax expenditures, increasing retirement age, cutting defense spending) would put our government budget well over a trillion dollars a year in surplus.

That means we could significantly lower everyone's tax rates and pay down the debt. Once the debt is paid off, we could lower everyone's tax rates even more.

Even crazier than that, people who earn identical incomes would be paying identical taxes. This is not the case today. We have a grossly unlevel playing field.

And finally, I am pro-life and pro-gun.
To be pro life, you have to be against the death penalty....

The Catholic Church is very consistent about this.

I have mixed feelings about the death penalty. However, the justice system is clearly broken when a lot of people on Death Row have been exonerated as DNA forensic science has caught up. For that reason, we should declare a moratorium on executions until we find out what the hell is going on.

I was complaining about the national debt when Raygun was tripling it...and when the Shrubs doubled it, as the cons were claiming to be fiscally responsible.

Debt-to-GDP grew much faster under Clinton than it did under Reagan.
That's it...when you can't defend the deficit spending of the cons...point your finger.

Your Catholic church spent a thousand years burning people at the stake and beheading them.....such righteous arrogance.
Conservatism discards Prescription, shrinks from Principle, disavows Progress; having rejected all respect for antiquity, it offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future.
- Benjamin Disraeli

Can't think for yourself huh?
^^^^^This from a Limpballs listener.

Do you ever tire of being wrong?
You ever tire of being a moron?
Conservatism discards Prescription, shrinks from Principle, disavows Progress; having rejected all respect for antiquity, it offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future.
- Benjamin Disraeli

Can't think for yourself huh?
^^^^^This from a Limpballs listener.

Do you ever tire of being wrong?
You ever tire of being a moron?

I've never been one so I can't say.

Fact is, you are wrong more times than you are right. From the looks of your profile picture, I'd say you took one too many trips on LSD.
Someone that appreciates the constitution and American values and principles.
Not American values, right wing values. The constitution says that Americans have the right to the pursuit of happiness, yet cons deny other Americans the right to love who they want. They deny others the right to smoke pot, yet get drunk themselves. And cigarettes have killed more than all the wars in American history, and cons keep that legal. The constitution says that we have the right to privacy, yet cons want to be in everybody's bedroom.

The Constitution says that we have the right to freedom of speech, ...cons say freedom of speech is only for those that have money.

Cons don't conserve the constitution....they destroyed it.
No, I was correct. I didn't say "conservatives" of today are classic conservatives.
Someone that appreciates the constitution and American values and principles.
Not American values, right wing values. The constitution says that Americans have the right to the pursuit of happiness, yet cons deny other Americans the right to love who they want. They deny others the right to smoke pot, yet get drunk themselves. And cigarettes have killed more than all the wars in American history, and cons keep that legal. The constitution says that we have the right to privacy, yet cons want to be in everybody's bedroom.

The Constitution says that we have the right to freedom of speech, ...cons say freedom of speech is only for those that have money.

Cons don't conserve the constitution....they destroyed it.
good thread, but it's been hijacked by faux conservatives. Outta here.
Says the Reagan conservative..
Someone that appreciates the constitution and American values and principles.
Not American values, right wing values. The constitution says that Americans have the right to the pursuit of happiness, yet cons deny other Americans the right to love who they want. They deny others the right to smoke pot, yet get drunk themselves. And cigarettes have killed more than all the wars in American history, and cons keep that legal. The constitution says that we have the right to privacy, yet cons want to be in everybody's bedroom.

The Constitution says that we have the right to freedom of speech, ...cons say freedom of speech is only for those that have money.

Cons don't conserve the constitution....they destroyed it.
good thread, but it's been hijacked by faux conservatives. Outta here.
Says the Reagan conservative..
I never said I was a Reagan conservative, and I never voted for him. But today's gop wouldn't be a fit for him.
What is it to be conservative? What is it that cons conserve?

Support of individual liberty which is founded on the principle of private property and the ownership of one's intellect and labor, which can be freely bartered for the best price one can get without the interference of overlords or masters.
Someone that appreciates the constitution and American values and principles.
Not American values, right wing values. The constitution says that Americans have the right to the pursuit of happiness, yet cons deny other Americans the right to love who they want. They deny others the right to smoke pot, yet get drunk themselves. And cigarettes have killed more than all the wars in American history, and cons keep that legal. The constitution says that we have the right to privacy, yet cons want to be in everybody's bedroom.

The Constitution says that we have the right to freedom of speech, ...cons say freedom of speech is only for those that have money.

Cons don't conserve the constitution....they destroyed it.
good thread, but it's been hijacked by faux conservatives. Outta here.
Says the Reagan conservative..
I never said I was a Reagan conservative, and I never voted for him. But today's gop wouldn't be a fit for him.
My apologies then. I was just judging by previous posts.
He would be labeled the same as bush or kasich in today's politics.
Doublethink is the backbone of liberalism.

You have to believe Obamacare will cut costs and improve quality today and that it's optional, and that you can keep your medical plan and your doctor if you want to. Then after it's implemented you must only recite that more people are insured under it. No mention of costs (which went up) or quality (which tanked) , or doctors or medical plans (which mostly went out the window).

Totalitarianism is the backbone of leftism.

The democratic - socialists seek a command economy under an authoritarian state where privilege is favored groups, and the individual has no rights at all.
Since medicare, a white male's chances of living into his 70s has gone up 4.5% and into 80s has gone up about 2.5%, and the argument AGAINST medicare was the federal govt already had programs to assist those who couldn't afford healthcare.

There's nothing about soc sec or medicare or obamacare that require fiscal insolvency. In fact, we could balance the budget without Touching income tax rates

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

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