I'd love to have cons give me their definition of conservative

If the GOP had a candidate that was anything but a fascist dictator Hitler wannabe, there would be no need to vote for the lesser of two evils.
The truth really gives you butt hurt....like the bloody piles.
Share is not in the con vocabulary.
To be pro life, you have to be against the death penalty....
People like you, that have mental illness, point their finger at others and claim they are. You are sexual deviate....and a bigot.
It's becoming clear that the OP had no interest in what conservatism is.

He just started the thread to tell lies about conservatives, insult them, call them names, and screech about Hitler.
If the GOP had a candidate that was anything but a fascist dictator Hitler wannabe, there would be no need to vote for the lesser of two evils.
The truth really gives you butt hurt....like the bloody piles.
Share is not in the con vocabulary.
To be pro life, you have to be against the death penalty....
People like you, that have mental illness, point their finger at others and claim they are. You are sexual deviate....and a bigot.
It's becoming clear that the OP had no interest in what conservatism is.

He just started the thread to tell lies about conservatives, insult them, call them names, and screech about Hitler.

The funny thing....their moral philosophy, and Hitler's are exactly the same.

Liberals are engaged in one of the most common things they do in order to push their ideology; that is redefine terms to fit their agenda. Selfish doesn't involve someone doing with what is their in a way other than what you think they should do. One cannot be selfish because they don't do it your way. However, Liberals do promote selfishness by telling freeloaders that they deserve someone else's money they didn't earn.
What is it to be conservative? What is it that cons conserve?
The hatred of liberals, all change and progress, and anyone else not like them, mostly.

And there aren't any conservatives these days, which is a shame.

I don't have a problem with change and progress. I don't see what Liberals propose as progress and there isn't much difference between what they propose now and the big government mindset they have proposed for years.

You don't have to be like me. I don't care. If you want to be wrong, you have that right.
I don't have a big government mindset, I have a what works mindset. If reactionaries like those here would stop trying to bring back 1958 I'd leave them alone in their insanity.
You guys claim to be for Small/Less Government, yet you're the first ones to support more Government intervention in Citizens' personal lives. So i'm seeing Conservatives as only being about hating gays, minorities, poor folks, and trying to force their religious zealotry on others. That's why i don't consider myself a Conservative anymore. I don't want any part of that.
I see the usual suspects are making the usual error of mistaking Republicans for conservatives.
IMO, it comes down to Conservatives believe and want to "conserve" the Enlightenment Era Philosophy" of our Founding Fathers.

For example the idea that all Men are created equal with God Given Rights.

Or Inherent RIghts for you atheists.

THey are trying to conserve them from the attacks of liberals who have reverted to the Pre Enlightenment idea that Rights are Granted by the State.
Seems like we are discussing everything EXCEPT what conservatism is (the original topic of the thread).

Back to the subject:
What is conservatism? It's the idea that government should do as little as possible, and should confine its influence to areas where private people and groups cannot do what is needed.

Not just areas where the govt thinks it can do "better" than private people or groups. But areas where private people and groups can't do it at all.

Such as foreign relations, national defense, setting national standards, running courts, dispassionately prosecuting lawbreakers, etc.

In a word, protecting people's rights.

And conservatives know that not everything we want, even necessary things like food and health care, is a "right". Govt should keep its hands off most things. People should do nearly everything for themselves, helping each other where needed, failing and trying again (a good way to learn), etc.

Conservatives hold that govt's job is to keep other people from interfering as you try to live your own life, except where you invited them to participate. Either people outside the country (foreign attack or invasion), or people inside the country (criminals, fraud artists, and govt itself). Otherwise govt should keep its hands off and stay out of they way.

Liberals are engaged in one of the most common things they do in order to push their ideology; that is redefine terms to fit their agenda. Selfish doesn't involve someone doing with what is their in a way other than what you think they should do. One cannot be selfish because they don't do it your way. However, Liberals do promote selfishness by telling freeloaders that they deserve someone else's money they didn't earn.
Liberals deal in reality, which means poor people have needs, and being selfish is what most so-called conservatives live for. It comes down to, I got mine, fuck everyone else in everything else. Hardly helpful, and nothing like moral.
IMO, it comes down to Conservatives believe and want to "conserve" the Enlightenment Era Philosophy" of our Founding Fathers.

For example the idea that all Men are created equal with God Given Rights.

Or Inherent RIghts for you atheists.

THey are trying to conserve them from the attacks of liberals who have reverted to the Pre Enlightenment idea that Rights are Granted by the State.
There is no such thing as Natural Rights. Nature does give a fucking damn...
Conservatism discards Prescription, shrinks from Principle, disavows Progress; having rejected all respect for antiquity, it offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future.
- Benjamin Disraeli

I don't have a problem with progress. I have made plenty of it. Progress is as much how you got there as where you are if not more. Someone on food stamps may have the food they need but they didn't get there for something they did but because of someone else doing it for them. That's not progress.
Seems like we are discussing everything EXCEPT what conservatism is (the original topic of the thread).

Back to the subject:
What is conservatism? It's the idea that government should do as little as possible, and should confine its influence to areas where private people and groups cannot do what is needed.

Not just areas where the govt thinks it can do "better" than private people or groups. But areas where private people and groups can't do it at all.

Such as foreign relations, national defense, setting national standards, running courts, dispassionately prosecuting lawbreakers, etc.

In a word, protecting people's rights.

And conservatives know that not everything we want, even necessary things like food and health care, is a "right". Govt should keep its hands off most things. People should do nearly everything for themselves, helping each other where needed, failing and trying again (a good way to learn), etc.

Conservatives hold that govt's job is to keep other people from interfering as you try to live your own life, except where you invited them to participate. Either people outside the country (foreign attack or invasion), or people inside the country (criminals, fraud artists, and govt itself). Otherwise govt should keep its hands off and stay out of they way.
Utopian, and not reality.
IMO, it comes down to Conservatives believe and want to "conserve" the Enlightenment Era Philosophy" of our Founding Fathers.

For example the idea that all Men are created equal with God Given Rights.

Or Inherent RIghts for you atheists.

THey are trying to conserve them from the attacks of liberals who have reverted to the Pre Enlightenment idea that Rights are Granted by the State.
There is no such thing as Natural Rights. Nature does give a fucking damn...

Conservatives, and our Founding Fathers disagree.

That's my point.

Liberals are engaged in one of the most common things they do in order to push their ideology; that is redefine terms to fit their agenda. Selfish doesn't involve someone doing with what is their in a way other than what you think they should do. One cannot be selfish because they don't do it your way. However, Liberals do promote selfishness by telling freeloaders that they deserve someone else's money they didn't earn.
Liberals deal in reality, which means poor people have needs, and being selfish is what most so-called conservatives live for. It comes down to, I got mine, fuck everyone else in everything else. Hardly helpful, and nothing like moral.

It comes down to I EARNED mine so fuck you if you think I owe you something you're unwilling to earn. Nothing immoral or selfish about expecting someone else to get what they get the same way you did. If I expect someone to earn it, it's because I already have.
Conservatism discards Prescription, shrinks from Principle, disavows Progress; having rejected all respect for antiquity, it offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future.
- Benjamin Disraeli

I don't have a problem with progress. I have made plenty of it. Progress is as much how you got there as where you are if not more. Someone on food stamps may have the food they need but they didn't get there for something they did but because of someone else doing it for them. That's not progress.
People not starving is progress. It's also a quarter-step if that is a handout.
The conservative movement has been hijacked by religious fundamenalists and people who have an obsession with this man's absurd ideas: Grover Norquist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conservative icon Michelle Malkin has written frequently of Norquist’s insidious connections to Islamic supremacists, including:

"If any Democrat activist had such shady connections, conservatives would be on him like white on rice. Instead, Norquist has gotten away with smearing his critics — most notably, former Reagan official Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, one of the most decent and patriotic Republicans I’ve had the honor of meeting — as hatemongers….The conservative movement cannot afford to be associated with race-card-playing apologists who refuse to cut their lucrative ties to terrorist sympathizers".

Agent of Influence: Grover Norquist and the Assault on the Right – Targeting the NRA
Seems like we are discussing everything EXCEPT what conservatism is (the original topic of the thread).

Back to the subject:
What is conservatism? It's the idea that government should do as little as possible, and should confine its influence to areas where private people and groups cannot do what is needed.

Not just areas where the govt thinks it can do "better" than private people or groups. But areas where private people and groups can't do it at all.

Such as foreign relations, national defense, setting national standards, running courts, dispassionately prosecuting lawbreakers, etc.

In a word, protecting people's rights.

And conservatives know that not everything we want, even necessary things like food and health care, is a "right". Govt should keep its hands off most things. People should do nearly everything for themselves, helping each other where needed, failing and trying again (a good way to learn), etc.

Conservatives hold that govt's job is to keep other people from interfering as you try to live your own life, except where you invited them to participate. Either people outside the country (foreign attack or invasion), or people inside the country (criminals, fraud artists, and govt itself). Otherwise govt should keep its hands off and stay out of they way.
Utopian, and not reality.

Utopian is thinking someone that won't get off his ass and earn it should have the same thing as someone that already did.

Utopian is thinking that a person making a choice they say is no one else's business should have the results of that choice funded when the chooser can't do so.

That's what Liberal think and it's far from reality.

Liberals are engaged in one of the most common things they do in order to push their ideology; that is redefine terms to fit their agenda. Selfish doesn't involve someone doing with what is their in a way other than what you think they should do. One cannot be selfish because they don't do it your way. However, Liberals do promote selfishness by telling freeloaders that they deserve someone else's money they didn't earn.
Liberals deal in reality, which means poor people have needs, and being selfish is what most so-called conservatives live for. It comes down to, I got mine, fuck everyone else in everything else. Hardly helpful, and nothing like moral.

It comes down to I EARNED mine so fuck you if you think I owe you something you're unwilling to earn. Nothing immoral or selfish about expecting someone else to get what they get the same way you did. If I expect someone to earn it, it's because I already have.

As a conservative I believe you have a God Given Right to Your property.

Which is NOT to say that as a member of society you do NOT have to pay taxes.

Just that demanding that money from you should NOT be done lightly.
Conservatism discards Prescription, shrinks from Principle, disavows Progress; having rejected all respect for antiquity, it offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future.
- Benjamin Disraeli

I don't have a problem with progress. I have made plenty of it. Progress is as much how you got there as where you are if not more. Someone on food stamps may have the food they need but they didn't get there for something they did but because of someone else doing it for them. That's not progress.
People not starving is progress. It's also a quarter-step if that is a handout.

People earning their way is progress. People being given something when they won't earn it isn't despite the results.
IMO, it comes down to Conservatives believe and want to "conserve" the Enlightenment Era Philosophy" of our Founding Fathers.

For example the idea that all Men are created equal with God Given Rights.

Or Inherent RIghts for you atheists.

THey are trying to conserve them from the attacks of liberals who have reverted to the Pre Enlightenment idea that Rights are Granted by the State.
There is no such thing as Natural Rights. Nature does give a fucking damn...

Not talking about nature you dumb piece of shit. Nature in the sense you use it and natural in the sense of rights aren't the same thing.

Natural rights are those that come without and aren't contingent upon statutory laws, customs, beliefs of any culture or government, etc.
Not talking about nature you dumb piece of shit. Nature in the sense you use it and natural in the sense of rights aren't the same thing.

Natural rights are those that come without and aren't contingent upon statutory laws, customs, beliefs of any culture or government, etc.
There is no such thing...

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