Idaho toddler shoots mother dead in Walmart store.

What a shame she didn't have a Ruger LCP. That doesn't have a safety, either, but it takes some real good effort to pull the trigger, something a two-year old wouldn't have the finger strength to do. That's why I like the .45 1911 A-1. It has 2 safeties and the kid wouldn't have the strength to even lift it, much less pull the trigger. Well, it's too much Monday morning quarterbacking. I imagine the husband wishes he hadn't bought the wife that purse, since she used to carry the pistol on her hip.
How many human beings have been shot and killed inside Wal Mart stores in the past year? Shopping there carries some risk.
How many human beings have been shot and killed inside Wal Mart stores in the past year? Shopping there carries some risk.

Less folks than have been shot in any inner city ghetto.

Who cares, idiot. Learn when someone is posting tongue in cheek, dummy.

That was my humor, but you weren't smart enough to get it? I'm sorry.

No it wasn't. It was your instinct kicking in. You don't have a sense of humor.
Billc, you are an idiot. Accidents very seldom just happen. They are caused. That lady was criminally negligent in two ways. A shell in the chamber, and the gun where the child could get at it. It was not an accident, it was a stupid extreme risk in which the worst case happened. The other examples you gave were equally stupid. What happened in all cases were equivelant to failing to lock out a machine before working on it. You do that where I work, they walk you to the gate, and you never come back.

and you are f******g moron.....most modern guns are designed to be carried with a bullet in the chamber....moron....and she had the gun in a concealed carry purse and it still went bad for her...accidents happen moron, and no amount of lib hysteria is ever going to change that....

How about you moron anti gunners backing universal gun safety programs in all teach kids how to deal with guns they wouldn't prevent this accident but it would help in all the others......

But don't want live kids....dead kids are too helpful to up your cause....
By the way, asshole, I have been in on gun safety programs in Venture Scouting, and have owned guns for nearly 60 years.

People like that believe that anyone who supports reasonable and responsible gun safety laws and practices are anti gun.

It's ridiculous.

I grew up with guns in our garage. Not just stored there but actually used for hunting. My father used to hunt with my grandfather. My aunt used to sit on her back porch, waiting for the right size deer to walk by then BLAMO. They had meat in their freezer. That same aunt and her husband used to give their boys guns for christmas as gifts.

Those guns weren't locked up in a safe. We were taught by our parents to not touch them. The bullets weren't anywhere near the guns but stored safely so that no one could get hurt. My dad made sure that no bullets were left in the guns or the chamber. His belief was one check is never enough either. He checked at least twice to make sure those guns weren't loaded in any way.

A person can support the second amendment and also support gun safety laws and practices.
How many human beings have been shot and killed inside Wal Mart stores in the past year? Shopping there carries some risk.

Less folks than have been shot in any inner city ghetto.

Who cares, idiot. Learn when someone is posting tongue in cheek, dummy.

That was my humor, but you weren't smart enough to get it? I'm sorry.

No it wasn't. It was your instinct kicking in. You don't have a sense of humor.

I have a wonderful sense of humor when I'm sticking it to lefty gun haters.
The event caused me to take a serious and sober reflection on the issue of gun nuts packing heat in crowded urban type environments. I am forced to admit that this story does not, in itself, cause me to be outraged. This story is a prime example of the Darwin principle in action. Woman packs loaded automatic in her purse, almost certainly with a bullet in the chamber. Leaves purse unattended with her 2 year old, who pulls out gun and shoots her dead in the middle of a crowded Walmart. The woman was a walking time bomb. Anyone this careless would also be stupid enough to reach for a plugged in hair dryer while in a full bathtub. I would only have been really outraged if the kid had killed himself or somebody else. As for what happened to the mother. Meh.
But what about the pot head that tokes on a pipe going down the freeway and gets distracted and kills a family in a minivan? Such a sober reflection should have you seriously considering stripping driving rights from anyone that smokes dope or just stay at home.

Stripping gun rights? Obviously, you have me confused with somebody else. I never said anything about stripping gun rights. You must be talking about all of those paranoids that the NRA keeps telling you are going to arrive in the middle of the night and grab your gun while you are asleep.
Today, boys and girls, we have learned that walking into a crowded Walmart with a bullet in the chamber is a GOOD thing, since somewhere between linens and electronics, a bad guy may draw down on you and shoot before you can cock your gun. Therefore, walking into a crowded Walmart with a bullet in the chamber and the gun in your hand is an even BETTER thing, for the same reason.
40,000 people die in car accidents each year

small price we have to pay for the privilege of driving

Of course unlike guns, cars are very important to daily life. Most people use them daily while most will never need a gun for anything.

but 1.6 million people a year do need guns to stop violent criminal attacks and save live....far more times than guns are used to murder people....and far more times than people are killed in accidents.....

Those 1.6 million people would disagree with your post...their lives depended on having that gun.....

That number is not even remotely accurate. Only 230 criminals shot and killed a year. There is no way there are anywhere near 1.6 million defenses.
Billc, you are an idiot. Accidents very seldom just happen. They are caused. That lady was criminally negligent in two ways. A shell in the chamber, and the gun where the child could get at it. It was not an accident, it was a stupid extreme risk in which the worst case happened. The other examples you gave were equally stupid. What happened in all cases were equivelant to failing to lock out a machine before working on it. You do that where I work, they walk you to the gate, and you never come back.

and you are f******g moron.....most modern guns are designed to be carried with a bullet in the chamber....moron....and she had the gun in a concealed carry purse and it still went bad for her...accidents happen moron, and no amount of lib hysteria is ever going to change that....

How about you moron anti gunners backing universal gun safety programs in all teach kids how to deal with guns they wouldn't prevent this accident but it would help in all the others......

But don't want live kids....dead kids are too helpful to up your cause....

Maybe designing a gun to have a round in the chamber with no safety isn't a good idea. Gun owners are way more dangerous to themselves and innocents than criminals. Over 600 people shot and killed in accidents, while only 230 criminals are killed in defense.
Billc, you are an idiot. Accidents very seldom just happen. They are caused. That lady was criminally negligent in two ways. A shell in the chamber, and the gun where the child could get at it. It was not an accident, it was a stupid extreme risk in which the worst case happened. The other examples you gave were equally stupid. What happened in all cases were equivalant to failing to lock out a machine before working on it. You do that where I work, they walk you to the gate, and you never come back.

I agree with you that she was negligent, but a gun without a round in the chamber is useless.
Really? How long does it take to work the action? And just the sound of the action being worked is often enough to put the fear of God into the miscreant.

and this kind of stupidity proves you are an idiot.....

The kind of carry you suggest, loaded magazine, no round in the chamber is not an approved self defense doctrine.....because the time between the draw, and racking the slide can lead to you are trying to rack that slide, from the holster under the pressure of an imminent threat.....

You have often mentioned and started threads stating that most defenses you don't have to fire a shot. If you truly believe that, then for the VAST majority of defenses having a bullet in the chamber will not matter. It could however save on a lot of accidental deaths. More people are accidently shot and killed than criminals are killed in defense afterall.
Billc, you are an idiot. Accidents very seldom just happen. They are caused. That lady was criminally negligent in two ways. A shell in the chamber, and the gun where the child could get at it. It was not an accident, it was a stupid extreme risk in which the worst case happened. The other examples you gave were equally stupid. What happened in all cases were equivalant to failing to lock out a machine before working on it. You do that where I work, they walk you to the gate, and you never come back.

I agree with you that she was negligent, but a gun without a round in the chamber is useless.
Really? How long does it take to work the action? And just the sound of the action being worked is often enough to put the fear of God into the miscreant.

and this kind of stupidity proves you are an idiot.....

The kind of carry you suggest, loaded magazine, no round in the chamber is not an approved self defense doctrine.....because the time between the draw, and racking the slide can lead to you are trying to rack that slide, from the holster under the pressure of an imminent threat.....

You have often mentioned and started threads stating that most defenses you don't have to fire a shot. If you truly believe that, then for the VAST majority of defenses having a bullet in the chamber will not matter. It could however save on a lot of accidental deaths. More people are accidently shot and killed than criminals are killed in defense afterall.

Well Brain, when humans develop the ability to predict the future, and can anticipate when they will be victims of crime, then you may have a point.....
Billc, you are an idiot. Accidents very seldom just happen. They are caused. That lady was criminally negligent in two ways. A shell in the chamber, and the gun where the child could get at it. It was not an accident, it was a stupid extreme risk in which the worst case happened. The other examples you gave were equally stupid. What happened in all cases were equivelant to failing to lock out a machine before working on it. You do that where I work, they walk you to the gate, and you never come back.

and you are f******g moron.....most modern guns are designed to be carried with a bullet in the chamber....moron....and she had the gun in a concealed carry purse and it still went bad for her...accidents happen moron, and no amount of lib hysteria is ever going to change that....

How about you moron anti gunners backing universal gun safety programs in all teach kids how to deal with guns they wouldn't prevent this accident but it would help in all the others......

But don't want live kids....dead kids are too helpful to up your cause....

Maybe designing a gun to have a round in the chamber with no safety isn't a good idea. Gun owners are way more dangerous to themselves and innocents than criminals. Over 600 people shot and killed in accidents, while only 230 criminals are killed in defense.

Brain, you know that is a wrong number....there are 1.6 million times a year that guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and save that number, gun owners show so much calm and control while under tremendous stress during the attack that they only have to shoot and kill about 200 a year...give or take a few monsters.....

so 1.6 million vs. 6-700 accidents a year........that won't even look good on a calculator....
The event caused me to take a serious and sober reflection on the issue of gun nuts packing heat in crowded urban type environments. I am forced to admit that this story does not, in itself, cause me to be outraged. This story is a prime example of the Darwin principle in action. Woman packs loaded automatic in her purse, almost certainly with a bullet in the chamber. Leaves purse unattended with her 2 year old, who pulls out gun and shoots her dead in the middle of a crowded Walmart. The woman was a walking time bomb. Anyone this careless would also be stupid enough to reach for a plugged in hair dryer while in a full bathtub. I would only have been really outraged if the kid had killed himself or somebody else. As for what happened to the mother. Meh.
But what about the pot head that tokes on a pipe going down the freeway and gets distracted and kills a family in a minivan? Such a sober reflection should have you seriously considering stripping driving rights from anyone that smokes dope or just stay at home.

Stripping gun rights? Obviously, you have me confused with somebody else. I never said anything about stripping gun rights. You must be talking about all of those paranoids that the NRA keeps telling you are going to arrive in the middle of the night and grab your gun while you are asleep.

They don't do it in the middle of the night, they do it during sessions of state congresses.....look at Maryland, New York, Connecticut and is boiling the frog obvious.....
There's no such thing as a "responsible" gun owner. One horrible incident can change a life forever.

Toddler shoots kills mother inside Idaho Walmart Local News - Home

HAYDEN, Idaho -

2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother after he reached into her purse at a northern Idaho Wal-Mart and her concealed gun fired, authorities said Tuesday.

Kootenai County sheriff's spokesman Stu Miller told The Associated Press the woman was shopping with her son and three other children. Her family had come to the area to visit relatives, he said.

The woman, whose identity was not released, had a concealed weapons permit. Miller said the young boy was left in a shopping cart, reached into the victim's purse and grabbed a small caliber handgun, which discharged one time.

Irresponsible homosexual rapes and murders Catholic woman.

See how that works Howey? The story you posted is tragic, and an accident. The gay man who murdered this woman would you classify him?

Mary Stachowicz - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
What's that got to do with guns?
Holy shit; this is nearly unbelieveable: only in America.
40,000 people die in car accidents each year

small price we have to pay for the privilege of driving

Of course unlike guns, cars are very important to daily life. Most people use them daily while most will never need a gun for anything.

but 1.6 million people a year do need guns to stop violent criminal attacks and save live....far more times than guns are used to murder people....and far more times than people are killed in accidents.....

Those 1.6 million people would disagree with your post...their lives depended on having that gun.....

That number is not even remotely accurate. Only 230 criminals shot and killed a year. There is no way there are anywhere near 1.6 million defenses.

The studies....and there are over 19 of them, over 40 years, conducted by different researchers, both private and government, give that number as the average....over 19 once you have conducted your own study, you can add that to the research that has already been done on the issue.......which shows the average number to be 1.6 million times a year that guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and save lives.....and that is the may be much higher....

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