Identify Your Feds

It's getting the the point that you begin to wonder what isn't a psyop.
The Biden Adm spends so much time lying to us and covering up their crimes they don't have any time to do anything else.

Just imagine how much better this country would be if somebody had an infinity glove, and snapped their finger and all of the Biden Adm evaporated, along with all of the pedos and communists.
The Proud Boys confronted members of Patriot Front and unmasked some of them on camera. Many Trump supporters here have repeatedly claimed that the Patriot Front is a false flag movement by undercover Feds. Here's your chance, boys. Identify them and tell us what agency they work for.....

I've been hoping for something like this, but I wanted it to be a gang of Black guys confronting them and yanking their masks off.

Cult over country!


Remind me. Which party is it that waves Confederate flags these days?


Maga cultism over patriotism.

The one you manage?
I’m still trying to figure out how a less racist America = a better America?
How has a less racist America improved or enhanced America for core Americans?
Can any of you FEELZ people explain for us please?
A racist America sends ALL slaves home to Africa….A racist America keeps ALL of Mexico‘s filth in Mexico.
What does an America with no blacks and no Mexicans look like? I’m asking for a friend…..He says the data is everywhere. He says you FEELZ people simply don’t want a better, improved America.
Remind me. Which party is it that waves Confederate flags these days?


Um...retard? Look again.


The willful blindness and stupidity of people like yourself is nothing to be proud of, son.




You know what is even more profound?

By denying the Confederate flag is now theirs, that is an open admission by the tards it is a symbol of our racist past.

They are flying the battle flag of the Confederacy, dipshit.

You are now being deliberately obtuse.

The Trumptards fly a symbol of the racist South.

It is amazing the tards' heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance, but that would require actual cognition.


I wear the Confederate flag because I am proud of my white heritage!


Those old Democrat Confederates were racists! Yeeeee-haaaaawwwww! That's my proud heritage!

At least once a month, some tards starts a topic on this forum blasting the confederacy as racist slave owning Democrats.

Never mind the racist Democrats were extreme right wing Christian terrorists. That part is very carefully avoided.

Now the GOP owns the Confederate legacy. They wave it literally in everyone's faces. Which means they own the racist slave owning legacy they constantly bring up.

As for Biden, there is ZERO evidence he took a bribe. That does NOT mean I would be okay with it if he did, dumbass.

But first, you tards need to prove it. Do try to catch up.

And it is so Orwellian how your propagandists smoothly transitioned from claiming Biden took a bribe from Burisma into him taking a bribe from China. And you proles didn't even notice!

Your propagandists must have had a meeting. "Well, we have no evidence Biden was bribed by Burisma, so we need to change the hoax to China. The tards will take it from there like they always do."

Even Adam Kinzinger, of all fuckin' people, knows that "Patriot Front" is a Fed false flag operation.

“These people (all blue checks) are celebrating a seemingly MAGA assault on federal officers,” Kinzinger said. “Now I don’t know what this really is, but take a gander at the comments of the ‘patriots’ who ‘love’ America.”

Does Kinzinger know what he just said? He just called these guys federal officers. Does Adam know something the rest of us don’t? Did he just say something he shouldn’t have said? Is the former Jan. 6 Committee member saying federal officers embed themselves in groups? Can we say “whoopsies” in a big way?

Hey Leftards: You keep getting proven wrong about fucking EVERYTHING again and again and again.

You're either the most mentally challenged group of primates to ever wander the earth's surface, or you truly hate yourselves and love losing reality.

Or both?

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