Ideological Warfare -Let's start with peace here and we can go from there


Brooklyn Mike
Dec 5, 2011
IMO, it seems that more often than not, people latch onto their ideals, and never revisit what brought them to that ideological determination in the first place. They hold so firm to these beliefs, they stop listening, even resort to calling each other names and whatnot, but I've often observed that the accusations that make people most angry usually have some truth to them. This is detrimental to our great country

Here is my proposition to everyone reading this, whatever your political affiliation is, let go of your anger, and try to find the value (I promise there is some value in there somewhere) in the opposing POV.

The answers are always there, if you cant find them, it's cause you aren't asking the right questions.
Well said, Brooklyn. It's only common sense that each of us want to connect in dialogue and seldom is any one with strong opinons either all right or all wrong. It amy take a while for any of us to change our mids, but at least we can be open to the dialogue and listen.

When the foul language languishes and the name calling begins, it stops the discussion and people generally ignore it, basing it on "consider the poster." If we really communicate, even debate, we have to do it with respect.

As you said let's take the debate to a new level and concern ourselves with the topic at hand. I have changed my mind and had my eyes opened with those from the other side. It really can be done.
I think you need to break it down even further.

If we want peace, we need to start with ourselves and our families.
Conflict is constructive and it's inevitable.

Combat is a choice.
I think you may have missed my point. Conflict, in this context is not constructive.

If you are not going to listen to someone else's opinion with an open mind, then the debate itself is of no value, and therefore not constructive.
I think you may have missed my point. Conflict, in this context is not constructive.

If you are not going to listen to someone else's opinion with an open mind, then the debate itself is of no value, and therefore not constructive.
There is no debate to be had if there is no conflict.
Clever answer, perhaps I misunderstood you, but in the context of name calling and unyielding opinion, more specifically how you approach conflict is to what I was referring.
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I think you may have missed my point. Conflict, in this context is not constructive.

If you are not going to listen to someone else's opinion with an open mind, then the debate itself is of no value, and therefore not constructive.
There is no debate to be had if there is no conflict.

Not necesariy so. If everyones dogma was so entrenched in ideology, then you may be right. But there are many reasonable people here that sit squarely in the middle, listening to each side of a question before determining their stance.

Many times, each side has valid points, it's not necessarily a tooth pulling ordeal to see both sides.
Clever answer, perhaps I misunderstood you, but in the context of name calling and unyielding opinion, more specifically how you approach conflict is to what I was referring.
Oh, I'm not trying to be clever. There is no bad connotation to the word "conflict" for me. To me, it means disagreement.

Combat is fighting - name calling, violence, etc. - to me.

So, I can reword what I said: Disagreement is constructive and inevitable.

Combat is a choice.
I agree. we dont need to avoid conflict. Conflict is inevitable. What we need to be able to do is deal with conflict in constructive and useful ways. We have to deal with conflict that reconcilies us with one another.
yes the conflict or debate is necessary, but needs to be useful, and we should all take something away from it, aside from anger or resentment, or we waste our time.

Additionally, I did not mean "clever point" in a disingenuous way, but rather as a compliment.
Objective thinking without malice would be nice.
Unfortunately, this is a political board and like all boards of this type it attracts strong partisans. Some are so married to their ideology that they simply hate those with opposite views. Thus the anger, followed by name calling, which breeds more anger and name calling.
But, I would like to point out that there are quite a few posters who have control over their emotions. Typically, these are the same folks who provide well thought out arguments for why they feel the way they feelregarding their position on an issue. I may not agree with them, but I for one appreciate the fact that they thought out their position and behave like grownups. Those are the posters I just love to Rep.
In short, don't marry your beliefs, re-evaluate them often. Be courteous, listen, be respectful and always look for something useful you can take away from debate from your opponent.

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