Idiot goes hiking in bear country during cub season unarmed

So now you not only lied about being a Marine you are lying about ever stealing the title...what a worthless sack of ass you are...
Stolen Valor thief...

You wanna suck my WHAT?
Is that the phrase you use with your "loved ones"????
you continually make references to "homo" and other homosexual acts, maybe it's time for you and your Elmo doll to recommit to your relationship.
Btw, I don't use spell check; I simply missed a key on my phone.
What's your excuse for your stupidity???...don't blame it on the Marines, you were never one.

Never claimed to be a Marine like you're claiming to know anything about "recon", ya little mutt. Winterborn is a on ceegars to keep his lips in shape.

Your obsession with the sexuality of other men speaks volumes.
I think he may want to suck something on you, he's hinted at it in quite a few instances....
you continually make references to "homo" and other homosexual acts, maybe it's time for you and your Elmo doll to recommit to your relationship.
Btw, I don't use spell check; I simply missed a key on my phone.
What's your excuse for your stupidity???...don't blame it on the Marines, you were never one.

Never claimed to be a Marine like you're claiming to know anything about "recon", ya little mutt. Winterborn is a on ceegars to keep his lips in shape.

Your obsession with the sexuality of other men speaks volumes.
I think he may want to suck something on you, he's hinted at it in quite a few instances....

Yeah, I think I'm featured in some of his fantasies. I've told him I don't swing that way, but he keeps hoping.
you continually make references to "homo" and other homosexual acts, maybe it's time for you and your Elmo doll to recommit to your relationship.
Btw, I don't use spell check; I simply missed a key on my phone.
What's your excuse for your stupidity???...don't blame it on the Marines, you were never one.

Never claimed to be a Marine like you're claiming to know anything about "recon", ya little mutt. Winterborn is a on ceegars to keep his lips in shape.

Your obsession with the sexuality of other men speaks volumes.
I think he may want to suck something on you, he's hinted at it in quite a few instances....

Yeah, I think I'm featured in some of his fantasies. I've told him I don't swing that way, but he keeps hoping.

He'll wonder why we'll beat his ass when he shows up at the Marine Corps Ball in this uniform....
No one needs a firearm in a National Park. There is not and should not be any hunting there. No one needs to protect themselves from bears in protected areas because people shouldn't go there and bother the protected animals, and if they do they do so with extreme caution and accept the risks. Asking for trouble is foolish, and, as usual, armed people only act more cocky because they have the weapon.
They should have put an amendment between the first and second specifying that common sense, civility and restraint was the standard of thinking at the time of the amendments.
Now, let the extremists swoop down on this totally reasonable comment.
How did you manage to pack so much ignorance into one post?
I never understood why they kill off wild animals that attack or kill humans. They do that shit do animals in zoos too.
What proof do we have that once a wild animals attacks a human one time, that it will go out of its way to kill another human? Usually animals only attack humans when its the human intruding in their space.

The fact that it seems that this bear ate the hiker would add validity to the danger.

Maybe stay away from bears? Why not just exterminate all bears since they all have the potential to attack humans that invade their space?
I never understood why they kill off wild animals that attack or kill humans. They do that shit do animals in zoos too.
What proof do we have that once a wild animals attacks a human one time, that it will go out of its way to kill another human? Usually animals only attack humans when its the human intruding in their space.

The fact that it seems that this bear ate the hiker would add validity to the danger.

Maybe stay away from bears? Why not just exterminate all bears since they all have the potential to attack humans that invade their space?

Most bears avoid humans if the can. Mother bears with cubs are dangerous, but if they can herd their cubs away they will.
I never understood why they kill off wild animals that attack or kill humans. They do that shit do animals in zoos too.
What proof do we have that once a wild animals attacks a human one time, that it will go out of its way to kill another human? Usually animals only attack humans when its the human intruding in their space.

The fact that it seems that this bear ate the hiker would add validity to the danger.

Maybe stay away from bears? Why not just exterminate all bears since they all have the potential to attack humans that invade their space?

Most bears avoid humans if the can. Mother bears with cubs are dangerous, but if they can herd their cubs away they will.

No shit, stay away from a mother bear. Now this bear may have to die because some idiot got too close to it.
I never understood why they kill off wild animals that attack or kill humans. They do that shit do animals in zoos too.
What proof do we have that once a wild animals attacks a human one time, that it will go out of its way to kill another human? Usually animals only attack humans when its the human intruding in their space.

The fact that it seems that this bear ate the hiker would add validity to the danger.

Maybe stay away from bears? Why not just exterminate all bears since they all have the potential to attack humans that invade their space?

Most bears avoid humans if the can. Mother bears with cubs are dangerous, but if they can herd their cubs away they will.
You don't say. You have a lot of experience facing off against bears, do you?

Explain this:

Utah Boy Dragged From Tent Killed By Bear During Camping Trip Fox News
I never understood why they kill off wild animals that attack or kill humans. They do that shit do animals in zoos too.
What proof do we have that once a wild animals attacks a human one time, that it will go out of its way to kill another human? Usually animals only attack humans when its the human intruding in their space.

The fact that it seems that this bear ate the hiker would add validity to the danger.

Maybe stay away from bears? Why not just exterminate all bears since they all have the potential to attack humans that invade their space?

Most bears avoid humans if the can. Mother bears with cubs are dangerous, but if they can herd their cubs away they will.

No shit, stay away from a mother bear. Now this bear may have to die because some idiot got too close to it.

Any evidence the "idiot" knew the bear was there?

Like I said, most bears will avoid humans. But once a bear sees how easy it is to get a tasty meal, they are more dangerous.
I never understood why they kill off wild animals that attack or kill humans. They do that shit do animals in zoos too.
What proof do we have that once a wild animals attacks a human one time, that it will go out of its way to kill another human? Usually animals only attack humans when its the human intruding in their space.

The fact that it seems that this bear ate the hiker would add validity to the danger.

Maybe stay away from bears? Why not just exterminate all bears since they all have the potential to attack humans that invade their space?

Most bears avoid humans if the can. Mother bears with cubs are dangerous, but if they can herd their cubs away they will.
You don't say. You have a lot of experience facing off against bears, do you?

Explain this:

Utah Boy Dragged From Tent Killed By Bear During Camping Trip Fox News

No need to explain anything. If you will reread my post I said "most". And that still stands. There are between 268,000 and 328,000 black bears and up to 1,200 grizzlies in the US. So "most" will avoid humans.
Good grief ppl are stupid. I think all progressives should go camping at Yellowstone or Yosemite. I anticipate we will no longer have a population of progressives shortly thereafter.
Good grief ppl are stupid. I think all progressives should go camping at Yellowstone or Yosemite. I anticipate we will no longer have a population of progressives shortly thereafter.

2 million people a year visit Yellowstone. How many die from bear attacks?
Alaska stats on bear attacks puts them just over dogs. Like 20 bear vs 19 dog attacks. Of course one has to weigh that with the fact that even the "big city" is in bear country up here so it's pretty commonplace to see bears in your yard. (Then on top of that we've got a bunch of tourists trapsing into the wilderness petting bears and not knowing how to let bears know their around.) I'm like 10-15 miles from the hard edge of the big city and surrounded by natural parks and mostly undeveloped land so I get a bit more, though the bears only come out of the woods if they smell something they want; like neighbors leaving a fish smoker on the back porch kind of stuff. Our house is inside the territory of a large griz and some blacks (as well as a wolf pack) but I've only seen the griz one time, the blacks come out once in a while on trash day they scare easy though, my son scares them off walking to the school bus stop fairly often in the spring/fall. Hillside in the big city is actually far worse for bears in the yard, they've got at least 3 griz up there who's territories' overlap because of the extra housing (aka extra trash food), those bears are a weekly sighting. Hell I've watched bears take down baby moose on Hillside, at the house I have only ever heard it - eerie shit that moose scream. It'll straighten your hair... Fox are way, way worse when they scream out here, everyone's gotta go check their dogs when a bear/wolf catches a fox. We had a local fox for like 10 years, but we're pretty sure she got ate when the wolves had a real bad year - that was like 5 years ago I think, the pack leaders started taking them into the yuppy neighborhood next to ours and swiping puntable dogs off their chains. The stupid yuppies kept putting those poor dogs out though... We, the state, did end up having to take out the alphas to stop it because it got so bad. :( Once the yuppies got their shit straight and stopped putting their little dogs out, the pack attacked a few people walking their dogs on one of the trails out here, got bad enough that we had to close down the sled dog paths as they were so emboldened and starving they were attacking full teams (that's like 8 to 12 huskies btw). The last straw was when they attacked a woman who was walking her golden on a leash - they beheaded her dog while she beat them all with sticks, completely ignored her and that's bad mojo right there. So we had pro trappers come in and take out the alphas. The new pack leaders are doing really well though, last I heard they were even teaching the pack to fish, something the old alphas never did for some reason. I guess it's maybe a bit ironic that we're now building an elementary school right next to where that golden got taken...
I never understood why they kill off wild animals that attack or kill humans. They do that shit do animals in zoos too.
What proof do we have that once a wild animals attacks a human one time, that it will go out of its way to kill another human? Usually animals only attack humans when its the human intruding in their space.

The fact that it seems that this bear ate the hiker would add validity to the danger.

Maybe stay away from bears? Why not just exterminate all bears since they all have the potential to attack humans that invade their space?

Most bears avoid humans if the can. Mother bears with cubs are dangerous, but if they can herd their cubs away they will.

No shit, stay away from a mother bear. Now this bear may have to die because some idiot got too close to it.

Any evidence the "idiot" knew the bear was there?

Like I said, most bears will avoid humans. But once a bear sees how easy it is to get a tasty meal, they are more dangerous.

It was on him to keep himself aware of his surroundings. Its a risk everyone takes when entering a park with bears.
gets killed. Now the park service wants to kill the bear for defending her c ubs, AND kill the cubs too. Where are the Cecil the lion people?

Grizzly suspected of killing Yellowstone hiker will likely be euthanized with cubs - The Washington Post

animals that kill and eat people should be put down or hunting humans will become a much more common thing among wild animals that have an innate fear of us, for the most part. Though I guess libtards can make even a hyena seem like a courageous best in comparison.
The fact that it seems that this bear ate the hiker would add validity to the danger.

Maybe stay away from bears? Why not just exterminate all bears since they all have the potential to attack humans that invade their space?

Most bears avoid humans if the can. Mother bears with cubs are dangerous, but if they can herd their cubs away they will.

No shit, stay away from a mother bear. Now this bear may have to die because some idiot got too close to it.

Any evidence the "idiot" knew the bear was there?

Like I said, most bears will avoid humans. But once a bear sees how easy it is to get a tasty meal, they are more dangerous.

It was on him to keep himself aware of his surroundings. Its a risk everyone takes when entering a park with bears.

But it does seem that wild animal attacks are becoming much more common.

"In the last two decades, thousands of the carnivores have migrated to metropolitan areas in search of food. Experts maintain there could be several thousand coyotes living in New York, with a similar number in cities such as Washington, Los Angeles and Chicago.

Then there are rabid vampire bats in Peru that have attacked over 3,500 people, killing at least 20—6,000 wild camels that surrounded a northern Australian town of 350 people, destroying infrastructure and homes—an elk that charged out of the woods and trampled a woman as she walked her dog in a Swedish residential area—uncharacteristic, deadly attacks by komodo dragons in Indonesia…the list goes on."

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