IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent

If you had a National ID card you could log in and vote from home

It would increase the number of voters and reduce fraud

And bring our elections even closer to "American Idol"

Voting is a privelage. It should be treated with respect. An idea of making it less of a personal disruption one day a year in ones life as a means to get more to vote is, in my eyes, compromising the privelage of the right to vote.

For the elderly? The physically challanged? Those overseas at war? Sure. But for the lazy?
Nope. If you are too lazy to get off your fat ass to vote, you are likely too lazy to even try to understand the issues.
Because every study has found that the type of voter fraud claimed that this is designed to prevent doesnt exsist.

The studies have also concluded that it will (just like this republican leader says) keep a certain percent of democratic voters from the polls.

Why should this country spend BILLIONS of dollars implementing a program that protects nothing and keeps legal voters from voting?

So that we don't have thousands or millions of illegals voting?

If someone, reguardless of party is to lazy to bring ID, or for that matter won't vote just because they have to bring ID then I doubt they even know who or what they are voting for.

Voting is a citizens right, so proving you are a citizen shouldn't be an issue... unless you're not one. If it took half an hour to prove citizenship I could see the problem but nearly flshing and ID card before voting is pretty easy.
If you had a National ID card you could log in and vote from home

It would increase the number of voters and reduce fraud

And bring our elections even closer to "American Idol"

Voting is a privelage. It should be treated with respect. An idea of making it less of a personal disruption one day a year in ones life as a means to get more to vote is, in my eyes, compromising the privelage of the right to vote.

For the elderly? The physically challanged? Those overseas at war? Sure. But for the lazy?
Nope. If you are too lazy to get off your fat ass to vote, you are likely too lazy to even try to understand the issues.

Please can someone give us the evidence that shows this is a election threatening problem?

No study has found this to be anything but an abberation.

Vote caging however has effected our elections.
Ive got a better one for you TM. How about we start fingerprinting all thoes who vote?

No need to carry anything with you. You cant "forget" to bring your fingerprints with you. No need to be filling out any forms.

You also have to be alive and not someones pet dog. And if for some reason your prints ping back as a felon, oops cant vote then either.

And before you get all pissy and over the cliff about fingerprints, remember if you want to drive or carry ID in this country its required to give a fingerprint.

Or cash a check at a bank either.


or get into disneyworld parks. The list goes on and on with providing fingerprints.

You do see that TM is avoiding this one with a ten foot pool. :lol:

Was there any doubt that she would?

You people dont seem to understand that finger prints have never been a viable answer by anyone able to implement it.

Its a red herring and Im sure many would find it invasive and not vote.
If you had a National ID card you could log in and vote from home

It would increase the number of voters and reduce fraud

And bring our elections even closer to "American Idol"

Voting is a privelage. It should be treated with respect. An idea of making it less of a personal disruption one day a year in ones life as a means to get more to vote is, in my eyes, compromising the privelage of the right to vote.

For the elderly? The physically challanged? Those overseas at war? Sure. But for the lazy?
Nope. If you are too lazy to get off your fat ass to vote, you are likely too lazy to even try to understand the issues.


A vote is a vote

Having to walk five miles through a snowstorm does not make it a better vote
Now can anyone give the evidence that prooves dead people voting is a threat?

felon voting (which many states differ on these laws)

mulitple voting

There is no proof that any of it is more than a insignificant fraction
If you had a National ID card you could log in and vote from home

It would increase the number of voters and reduce fraud

Cool story. And if a republican wins people will demand investigations for hacking... If a Democrat wins people will demand a investigation for hacking. I can't even see it being that hard to hack, and being elections have million and billions tied into it (Vegas bets even) there is very good incentive to cheat.

Like someone said down the page a bit, voting might go up but if people are to lazy to go out and vote but the chance they even know anything in depth about who they are voting for is probably going to be shockingly high.
The real question here is why does Truthdoesn'tmatter insist on not letting the voter registrations be cleaned up.

Why do you insist on letting convicted felons vote?

Why do you insist on letting registered voters who are deceased have a fraudulent vote?

Why do you insist on letting people bus the elderly to voting locations to have them fill out their ballots for them?

What's wrong with making sure that only registered voters who are actually not felons and are still alive vote?

Why the resistance to cleaning up the voter registrations?


For the 5th time in this thread I'll ask you to answer the above questions.

Why do you keep avoiding these questions?

What exactly are you afraid of?

Now can anyone give the evidence that prooves dead people voting is a threat?

felon voting (which many states differ on these laws)

mulitple voting

There is no proof that any of it is more than a insignificant fraction

That's because every time the Republicans attempt to prove that it happens the Democrats call it voter fraud and block the attempt.

How many times does this have to be pointed out to you before you stop asking the same stupid questions?

Now please answer the questions in my previous post that you've avoided five times already in this thread.

Every time you have to go somewhere to stand in line and pay to get something there will be fewer people who can get a ride or find the time.

It is born out in every study.

Lets also remember every study into the type of voter fraud it is said to prevent have proven to be nonexsistant.

If you support ID laws you support fewer democrats voting period, just like this republican leader,

So your argument is that democrats are to fucking lazy to stand in line, to stupid to get ID and to ignorant to breed?

Hate to break it to you sweetheart but in ANY election now with a big turn out there are lines and waiting periods.

Just read what you are saying. You are complaining that if we have to wait for something democrats are to stupid and lazy to participate BUT republicans will come out in more numbers if only they can stand in a line.
If you had a National ID card you could log in and vote from home

It would increase the number of voters and reduce fraud

And bring our elections even closer to "American Idol"

Voting is a privelage. It should be treated with respect. An idea of making it less of a personal disruption one day a year in ones life as a means to get more to vote is, in my eyes, compromising the privelage of the right to vote.

For the elderly? The physically challanged? Those overseas at war? Sure. But for the lazy?
Nope. If you are too lazy to get off your fat ass to vote, you are likely too lazy to even try to understand the issues.


A vote is a vote

Having to walk five miles through a snowstorm does not make it a better vote

Hmmm. Intresting. Now if I an only find where I implied that one must walk five miles through a snowstorm for his/her vote to mean something.

Your rediculous diversion tactics as of late are quite transparent
You people dont seem to understand that finger prints have never been a viable answer by anyone able to implement it.

Its a red herring and Im sure many would find it invasive and not vote.

With that I agree. The way to make fingerprints work would be that everyone who was registered would have to give their fingerprints... meaning the government would then have everyone's fingerprints... not sure I like that idea... then when you went to vote, you would have to give your fingerprint... and then in a contested election the two sets of fingerprints would need to be matched.

Even though I have never broken a truly significant law, I would not like to give my fingerprints for that particular reason, despite the fact, that as a former member of the Coast Guard Reserve, I am certain they do have them. However, I as a citizen would object to this method.

Go with the photo id.


PS: for purposes of this post, it is assumed that fingerprint means just thumbprint.
Now can anyone give the evidence that prooves dead people voting is a threat?

felon voting (which many states differ on these laws)

mulitple voting

There is no proof that any of it is more than a insignificant fraction

And evidence has been posted over and over, you just refuse to see it.

There is evidence posted of 28 felons in one single county in Minnesota voting.

There is evidence posted of more than 100% voter turnout in certain districts.

Evidence has been posted. You are good at ignoring posts that don't fit your agenda though.

A prime example is the questions that I and Immie have asked you repeatedly that you've ignored repeatedly.

If you had a National ID card you could log in and vote from home

It would increase the number of voters and reduce fraud

And bring our elections even closer to "American Idol"

Voting is a privelage. It should be treated with respect. An idea of making it less of a personal disruption one day a year in ones life as a means to get more to vote is, in my eyes, compromising the privelage of the right to vote.

For the elderly? The physically challanged? Those overseas at war? Sure. But for the lazy?
Nope. If you are too lazy to get off your fat ass to vote, you are likely too lazy to even try to understand the issues.


A vote is a vote

Having to walk five miles through a snowstorm does not make it a better vote

Haha wow, that's your defense huh?
If you had a National ID card you could log in and vote from home

It would increase the number of voters and reduce fraud
an online voting process would be wide open to fraud
and since voting is a state run deal, i would oppose a national ID
but would support a state ID that meets a standard for authenticity
If you had a National ID card you could log in and vote from home

It would increase the number of voters and reduce fraud
an online voting process would be wide open to fraud
and since voting is a state run deal, i would oppose a national ID
but would support a state ID that meets a standard for authenticity

What a coincidence, I just happen to have such a state ID on my person all the time.

And I'm even asked to show it if I am stopped by a law enforcement officer.

The nerve of those tyrants.

Every time you have to go somewhere to stand in line and pay to get something there will be fewer people who can get a ride or find the time.

It is born out in every study.

Lets also remember every study into the type of voter fraud it is said to prevent have proven to be nonexsistant.

If you support ID laws you support fewer democrats voting period, just like this republican leader,

So your argument is that democrats are to fucking lazy to stand in line, to stupid to get ID and to ignorant to breed?

Hate to break it to you sweetheart but in ANY election now with a big turn out there are lines and waiting periods.

Just read what you are saying. You are complaining that if we have to wait for something democrats are to stupid and lazy to participate BUT republicans will come out in more numbers if only they can stand in a line.

Don't you know, this is the backbone of the liberal machine. They have developed and bred a whole class of criminal, non-citizen, woefully stupid and crooked people to push them through, by hook or by crook.

Threaten those populations, either by phasing out welfare, tightening the borders, making it tougher for criminals to vote, and you'll have idiots like TM all in your shit.

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