If a president had done what Biden did with student loans but instead for the wealthy

Well, once you wade through the BS, what the Court did was not allow Biden to be a dictator
and with a wave of a hand forgive at a minimum 400 billion dollars. That has to go through congress, and it should
Trump waved his hand first. He used the exact same power to suspend payments and stop the interest from accruing. There is no argument, the power is there. The argument here, and what the Court stated, was that the power was "limited". Why was it limited? By the Constitution, uh, no, Congress had the power to approve granting the Secretary of a Department the authority to "amend" certain processes during a national emergency. By Congress? Uh, no again. The very same authority Biden used has been used by almost every previous president. Nope, "limited" because the SCOTUS things they should be limited. THAT AIN"T IN THEIR PURVIEW.
Trump waved his hand first. He used the exact same power to suspend payments and stop the interest from accruing. There is no argument, the power is there. The argument here, and what the Court stated, was that the power was "limited". Why was it limited? By the Constitution, uh, no, Congress had the power to approve granting the Secretary of a Department the authority to "amend" certain processes during a national emergency. By Congress? Uh, no again. The very same authority Biden used has been used by almost every previous president. Nope, "limited" because the SCOTUS things they should be limited. THAT AIN"T IN THEIR PURVIEW.
Man, you're messed up.
Are you talking about the HEROES Act that Trump signed?
I do believe that the Pandemic had created that situation to
where it was used. That is gone and this didn't fall under
the criteria.
All I can say is....JUST WOW
Yeah, Constitutionalist Justices are a joke? Oh stop.
The federal government was trying to overreach their authority again.
No, the SCOTUS overstepped their authority here. Biden had the power. Congress had given him the power. If Congress thinks that the authority given was too broad, then it is on Congress to change the legislation. That is what Congress does, creates and writes laws and regulations.

The SCOTUS is supposed to interpret those laws and regulations, period. That is not what this court did here, except to say that the power was "limited". Limited by FAWKING WHAT? By the damn SCOTUS and nothing else, limited because they say it should be limited.
No, the SCOTUS overstepped their authority here. Biden had the power. Congress had given him the power. If Congress thinks that the authority given was too broad, then it is on Congress to change the legislation. That is what Congress does, creates and writes laws and regulations.

The SCOTUS is supposed to interpret those laws and regulations, period. That is not what this court did here, except to say that the power was "limited". Limited by FAWKING WHAT? By the damn SCOTUS and nothing else, limited because they say it should be limited.
That's what you think, I understand that. But, this is at least 400 billion and probably much more than that in reality.
This is taxes....you know "taxation without representation", it had to go through Congress...not a dictator raising his wand.
For the Love of God.

Have a good day Winston.
Those states had no standing. And during the oral arguments not a single justice seemed to believe that the states could establish standing. Barrett seemed especially concerned.. The part of Kagan's dissent I quoted is spot on. The SCOTUS is now a complete joke, and a bad joke at that. Trump's nominees have tainted the court, they are rank amateurs that define judicial creationism.

Kagan is a big liberal. That's why you quoted her.
Man, you're messed up.
Are you talking about the HEROES Act that Trump signed?
I do believe that the Pandemic had created that situation to
where it was used. That is gone and this didn't fall under
the criteria.
All I can say is....JUST WOW
No, you are the one messed up. Biden's authority stemmed from the HEROES Act of 2003, the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Student's act. You would know that if you even bothered to read the first page of the SCOTUS ruling.
No, you are the one messed up. Biden's authority stemmed from the HEROES Act of 2003, the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Student's act. You would know that if you even bothered to read the first page of the SCOTUS ruling.
But, the Pandemic is officially over, even by Bidens's standard, he said it.
So the HEROES was not considered valid.
That's what the liberal lawyers were arguing.
"college grads must be kept in debt in order to ensure that they too are conformist slaves."
"defacto global monarchy"

You don't take to new ideas well, huh.

When a tiny number of people have more wealth than 75% of humanity, it's a defacto global monarchy.

Grow a brain, dufus!
You don't take to new ideas well, huh.

When a tiny number of people have more wealth than 75% of humanity, it's a defacto global monarchy.

Grow a brain, dufus!
Actually, I just don't take to liberal (if not commie) nonsense well.
either you don't understand what a monarchy is
Oh, but I do.
Clearly you do not.
Per Merriam-Webster: Monarchy - undivided rule or absolute sovereignty by a single person.
What could possibly be "global" about it? And who, pray tell, is that person?
Note also that it says NOTHING about wealth.
But you're right - I am an idiot......for continuing to try to debate you, for you are still, yes, a dumb ass.
The supreme court would have OKed it. That is the court we will look at for the next 30 years unless we do something about it. I'm not just responding to the decisions that they have made already, I'm also including the decision that they, without a doubt, will be doing in the future. Any approach they use to correct the poison in the supreme court now is acceptable to me . Trump selected these people not in any way by merit, but by them being willing to be controlled by him. And when Trump is gone, these type of Justices will decide by the highest bidder. That's the court that the hate party wants , one that will perpetuate their ugliness and control. The courts fit into the right wing of today, adds them to the list of this countries biggest threat and enemy. The right exist for one reason now, and that is simply the transfer of all the new wealth to the golden few at the top
So you're not against it in principle, you just want in on the looting.

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