If a republican newcomer ran against Trump, how easy would it be for republicans to dump Trump?

lord people come up with stupid shit to feed their fantasies.

they would have to be pretty strong against the rabid crap of the left for one. trump is a lot of things i don't care for, but he's keeping that insanity at bay for now. i don't think that helps in us working together but history has shown the dems love to make deals and back out on them anyway. ask reagan about his immigration compromise he got shafted on.

There is literally no reason to work with Democrats.
Defeat and destroy the Democrats
Then the Republicans and the RIno's can work out a compromise to govern.
There's no one else on this planet who expresses their frustration, rage, paranoia and anger like Trump.

They're not going anywhere.
But Crissy Matthews said on his show last night that it was guarenteed that the DEMs would win the Presidency the Senate and Congress in 2020.
Too bad he's not likely to be around to find out how fucking wrong he was.
I honestly don’t think it would take much at all. Republican voters are easily manipulated and swayed. Right before Trump became the nominee for the Republican Party for the 2016 election, for instance, his approval rating among republicans was like hovering under 50%. What happened when Trump became the nominee? His approval rating shot up to 80%-90% over night. That’s how tribal republicans are. We all know how much they hated Hillary, so that by itself was enough for them to pretend Trump was the shit all along.

Even after an unprecedented embarrassing 3 years in office, republicans are still in denial about how corrupt, childish, and utterly moronic Trump is. They deny it simply because they hate democrats. They also can’t stand the thought of losing or looking weak, so they pretend their side is perfect. There’s a reason why republicans generally don’t have the balls to openly criticize Trump for ANYTHING of substance.

Now let’s pretend a republican ran against Trump for this upcoming election. Republicans would drop Trump in a heartbeat if had the following traits:

1) He is just as hardcore about immigration as Trump but would likely be smart enough to understand a goddamn wall won’t stop illegal immigration.

2) He whines about democratic government overreach (while conveniently omitting any GOP examples of the same).

3) He thinks taxes suck!

4) He’s a charismatic figure. He knows how to give a good speech.

That about covers it. Republican voters would flock to him.

Despite what republicans like to pretend, there would he no need for him to be an “outsider” like Trump was. The man could have been in office for a couple of decades. Republicans would just pretend being an “outsider” wasn’t all that important to begin with.

imagine if they liked him enough and he had a couple of safe leftwing viewpoints like mitigating climate change effects, investing in infrastructure, and raising the minimum wage to something safe and low like $10 per hour. The republican base would do a complete 180 on all of those positions lol.
It may not be right for a few Repubs with abilities, but Trump was the only one who would have won in 2016. Repubs did this to themselves. And Progs are just what they are. There is no nation that deserves mass poverty more then us. We waste so much.
"If a republican newcomer ran against Trump, how easy would it be for republicans to dump Trump?"

I honestly don’t think it would take much at all. Republican voters are easily manipulated and swayed. Right before Trump became the nominee for the Republican Party for the 2016 election, for instance, his approval rating among republicans was like hovering under 50%. What happened when Trump became the nominee? His approval rating shot up to 80%-90% over night. That’s how tribal republicans are. We all know how much they hated Hillary, so that by itself was enough for them to pretend Trump was the shit all along.

Even after an unprecedented embarrassing 3 years in office, republicans are still in denial about how corrupt, childish, and utterly moronic Trump is. They deny it simply because they hate democrats. They also can’t stand the thought of losing or looking weak, so they pretend their side is perfect. There’s a reason why republicans generally don’t have the balls to openly criticize Trump for ANYTHING of substance.

Now let’s pretend a republican ran against Trump for this upcoming election. Republicans would drop Trump in a heartbeat if had the following traits:

1) He is just as hardcore about immigration as Trump but would likely be smart enough to understand a goddamn wall won’t stop illegal immigration.

2) He whines about democratic government overreach (while conveniently omitting any GOP examples of the same).

3) He thinks taxes suck!

4) He’s a charismatic figure. He knows how to give a good speech.

That about covers it. Republican voters would flock to him.

Despite what republicans like to pretend, there would he no need for him to be an “outsider” like Trump was. The man could have been in office for a couple of decades. Republicans would just pretend being an “outsider” wasn’t all that important to begin with.

imagine if they liked him enough and he had a couple of safe leftwing viewpoints like mitigating climate change effects, investing in infrastructure, and raising the minimum wage to something safe and low like $10 per hour. The republican base would do a complete 180 on all of those positions lol.
Poor Billy000. Trapped in his little DNC hole that denies 5 independent and existing studies exonerated every false accusation made against President Trump was in error, and that Trump told the truth. Keep diggin', Billy. :dig:

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. :laughing0301:
I honestly don’t think it would take much at all. Republican voters are easily manipulated and swayed. Right before Trump became the nominee for the Republican Party for the 2016 election, for instance, his approval rating among republicans was like hovering under 50%. What happened when Trump became the nominee? His approval rating shot up to 80%-90% over night. That’s how tribal republicans are. We all know how much they hated Hillary, so that by itself was enough for them to pretend Trump was the shit all along.

Even after an unprecedented embarrassing 3 years in office, republicans are still in denial about how corrupt, childish, and utterly moronic Trump is. They deny it simply because they hate democrats. They also can’t stand the thought of losing or looking weak, so they pretend their side is perfect. There’s a reason why republicans generally don’t have the balls to openly criticize Trump for ANYTHING of substance.

Now let’s pretend a republican ran against Trump for this upcoming election. Republicans would drop Trump in a heartbeat if had the following traits:

1) He is just as hardcore about immigration as Trump but would likely be smart enough to understand a goddamn wall won’t stop illegal immigration.

2) He whines about democratic government overreach (while conveniently omitting any GOP examples of the same).

3) He thinks taxes suck!

4) He’s a charismatic figure. He knows how to give a good speech.

That about covers it. Republican voters would flock to him.

Despite what republicans like to pretend, there would he no need for him to be an “outsider” like Trump was. The man could have been in office for a couple of decades. Republicans would just pretend being an “outsider” wasn’t all that important to begin with.

imagine if they liked him enough and he had a couple of safe leftwing viewpoints like mitigating climate change effects, investing in infrastructure, and raising the minimum wage to something safe and low like $10 per hour. The republican base would do a complete 180 on all of those positions lol.
If an American ran against the Stalinist democrats
Historic low unemployment, relative peace and progress in taking out terrorists, a roaring economy. Why are these things so hateful to lefties? It would be refreshing if democrats found a "newcomer" who wasn't a socialist or a clown or a socialist clown.
I honestly don’t think it would take much at all. Republican voters are easily manipulated and swayed. Right before Trump became the nominee for the Republican Party for the 2016 election, for instance, his approval rating among republicans was like hovering under 50%. What happened when Trump became the nominee? His approval rating shot up to 80%-90% over night. That’s how tribal republicans are. We all know how much they hated Hillary, so that by itself was enough for them to pretend Trump was the shit all along.

Even after an unprecedented embarrassing 3 years in office, republicans are still in denial about how corrupt, childish, and utterly moronic Trump is. They deny it simply because they hate democrats. They also can’t stand the thought of losing or looking weak, so they pretend their side is perfect. There’s a reason why republicans generally don’t have the balls to openly criticize Trump for ANYTHING of substance.

Now let’s pretend a republican ran against Trump for this upcoming election. Republicans would drop Trump in a heartbeat if had the following traits:

1) He is just as hardcore about immigration as Trump but would likely be smart enough to understand a goddamn wall won’t stop illegal immigration.

2) He whines about democratic government overreach (while conveniently omitting any GOP examples of the same).

3) He thinks taxes suck!

4) He’s a charismatic figure. He knows how to give a good speech.

That about covers it. Republican voters would flock to him.

Despite what republicans like to pretend, there would he no need for him to be an “outsider” like Trump was. The man could have been in office for a couple of decades. Republicans would just pretend being an “outsider” wasn’t all that important to begin with.

imagine if they liked him enough and he had a couple of safe leftwing viewpoints like mitigating climate change effects, investing in infrastructure, and raising the minimum wage to something safe and low like $10 per hour. The republican base would do a complete 180 on all of those positions lol.

I don't think a newcomer in the GOP would stand a chance of a snowball in you know where.

Bill Weld, Joe Walsh and Mark Sanford are all virtual newcomers, none have any traction whatsoever.

Running against someone with such astounding accomplishments in the field of excellence, like Donald J Trump, really isn't that viable. Even if they are conservative, very few would be able to stand up to the slings and arrows of the Leftard Media like Trump has. Could Kasich have stood there and fought back, if he was the one who was called Literally Hitler instead of Trump? Probably not.
"If a republican newcomer ran against Trump, how easy would it be for republicans to dump Trump?"

I honestly don’t think it would take much at all. Republican voters are easily manipulated and swayed. Right before Trump became the nominee for the Republican Party for the 2016 election, for instance, his approval rating among republicans was like hovering under 50%. What happened when Trump became the nominee? His approval rating shot up to 80%-90% over night. That’s how tribal republicans are. We all know how much they hated Hillary, so that by itself was enough for them to pretend Trump was the shit all along.

Even after an unprecedented embarrassing 3 years in office, republicans are still in denial about how corrupt, childish, and utterly moronic Trump is. They deny it simply because they hate democrats. They also can’t stand the thought of losing or looking weak, so they pretend their side is perfect. There’s a reason why republicans generally don’t have the balls to openly criticize Trump for ANYTHING of substance.

Now let’s pretend a republican ran against Trump for this upcoming election. Republicans would drop Trump in a heartbeat if had the following traits:

1) He is just as hardcore about immigration as Trump but would likely be smart enough to understand a goddamn wall won’t stop illegal immigration.

2) He whines about democratic government overreach (while conveniently omitting any GOP examples of the same).

3) He thinks taxes suck!

4) He’s a charismatic figure. He knows how to give a good speech.

That about covers it. Republican voters would flock to him.

Despite what republicans like to pretend, there would he no need for him to be an “outsider” like Trump was. The man could have been in office for a couple of decades. Republicans would just pretend being an “outsider” wasn’t all that important to begin with.

imagine if they liked him enough and he had a couple of safe leftwing viewpoints like mitigating climate change effects, investing in infrastructure, and raising the minimum wage to something safe and low like $10 per hour. The republican base would do a complete 180 on all of those positions lol.
Poor Billy000. Trapped in his little DNC hole that denies 5 independent and existing studies exonerated every false accusation made against President Trump was in error, and that Trump told the truth. Keep diggin', Billy. :dig:

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. :laughing0301:
Wow you are seriously making shit up.
I honestly don’t think it would take much at all. Republican voters are easily manipulated and swayed. Right before Trump became the nominee for the Republican Party for the 2016 election, for instance, his approval rating among republicans was like hovering under 50%. What happened when Trump became the nominee? His approval rating shot up to 80%-90% over night. That’s how tribal republicans are. We all know how much they hated Hillary, so that by itself was enough for them to pretend Trump was the shit all along.

Even after an unprecedented embarrassing 3 years in office, republicans are still in denial about how corrupt, childish, and utterly moronic Trump is. They deny it simply because they hate democrats. They also can’t stand the thought of losing or looking weak, so they pretend their side is perfect. There’s a reason why republicans generally don’t have the balls to openly criticize Trump for ANYTHING of substance.

Now let’s pretend a republican ran against Trump for this upcoming election. Republicans would drop Trump in a heartbeat if had the following traits:

1) He is just as hardcore about immigration as Trump but would likely be smart enough to understand a goddamn wall won’t stop illegal immigration.

2) He whines about democratic government overreach (while conveniently omitting any GOP examples of the same).

3) He thinks taxes suck!

4) He’s a charismatic figure. He knows how to give a good speech.

That about covers it. Republican voters would flock to him.

Despite what republicans like to pretend, there would he no need for him to be an “outsider” like Trump was. The man could have been in office for a couple of decades. Republicans would just pretend being an “outsider” wasn’t all that important to begin with.

imagine if they liked him enough and he had a couple of safe leftwing viewpoints like mitigating climate change effects, investing in infrastructure, and raising the minimum wage to something safe and low like $10 per hour. The republican base would do a complete 180 on all of those positions lol.

Already giving up on impeachment, eh?

Did you miss the rapist getting onto the US Supreme Kangaroo Court?

You mean the rapist that had no actual evidence against him? Oh, that's right.....you're a leftist. In leftist world, all you need is somebody to make a phony allegation, and that's enough for you.
Sure, and Jeffrey Epstein was not trafficking children to your economic and political elites.

Yes he was, but they were all Democrats. Leftists in lala land knew all about the guy; like the pregnant girl at the dinner party. Everybody knew, but kept their mouth shut.
I honestly don’t think it would take much at all. Republican voters are easily manipulated and swayed. Right before Trump became the nominee for the Republican Party for the 2016 election, for instance, his approval rating among republicans was like hovering under 50%. What happened when Trump became the nominee? His approval rating shot up to 80%-90% over night. That’s how tribal republicans are. We all know how much they hated Hillary, so that by itself was enough for them to pretend Trump was the shit all along.

Even after an unprecedented embarrassing 3 years in office, republicans are still in denial about how corrupt, childish, and utterly moronic Trump is. They deny it simply because they hate democrats. They also can’t stand the thought of losing or looking weak, so they pretend their side is perfect. There’s a reason why republicans generally don’t have the balls to openly criticize Trump for ANYTHING of substance.

Now let’s pretend a republican ran against Trump for this upcoming election. Republicans would drop Trump in a heartbeat if had the following traits:

1) He is just as hardcore about immigration as Trump but would likely be smart enough to understand a goddamn wall won’t stop illegal immigration.

2) He whines about democratic government overreach (while conveniently omitting any GOP examples of the same).

3) He thinks taxes suck!

4) He’s a charismatic figure. He knows how to give a good speech.

That about covers it. Republican voters would flock to him.

Despite what republicans like to pretend, there would he no need for him to be an “outsider” like Trump was. The man could have been in office for a couple of decades. Republicans would just pretend being an “outsider” wasn’t all that important to begin with.

imagine if they liked him enough and he had a couple of safe leftwing viewpoints like mitigating climate change effects, investing in infrastructure, and raising the minimum wage to something safe and low like $10 per hour. The republican base would do a complete 180 on all of those positions lol.

Already giving up on impeachment, eh?

Did you miss the rapist getting onto the US Supreme Kangaroo Court?

You mean the rapist that had no actual evidence against him? Oh, that's right.....you're a leftist. In leftist world, all you need is somebody to make a phony allegation, and that's enough for you.
Sure, and Jeffrey Epstein was not trafficking children to your economic and political elites.

Yes he was, but they were all Democrats. Leftists in lala land knew all about the guy; like the pregnant girl at the dinner party. Everybody knew, but kept their mouth shut.

Once President Trump found out what Epstein was up to, he was 86'ed from all of Trump's properties.

Sure, before Trump became aware of Eppy's bullshit, he didn't say anything negative about him. Why would he? Trump, by his nature, sees people as basically good, especially if they are customers. Of course, once you start acting out that changes.
The post 1998 GOP has nobody.

That's why Trump won in 2016 in the primary.... there were no other serious candidates, just a bunch of hypocritical Zionist Traitors.
I honestly don’t think it would take much at all. Republican voters are easily manipulated and swayed. Right before Trump became the nominee for the Republican Party for the 2016 election, for instance, his approval rating among republicans was like hovering under 50%. What happened when Trump became the nominee? His approval rating shot up to 80%-90% over night. That’s how tribal republicans are. We all know how much they hated Hillary, so that by itself was enough for them to pretend Trump was the shit all along.

Even after an unprecedented embarrassing 3 years in office, republicans are still in denial about how corrupt, childish, and utterly moronic Trump is. They deny it simply because they hate democrats. They also can’t stand the thought of losing or looking weak, so they pretend their side is perfect. There’s a reason why republicans generally don’t have the balls to openly criticize Trump for ANYTHING of substance.

Now let’s pretend a republican ran against Trump for this upcoming election. Republicans would drop Trump in a heartbeat if had the following traits:

1) He is just as hardcore about immigration as Trump but would likely be smart enough to understand a goddamn wall won’t stop illegal immigration.

2) He whines about democratic government overreach (while conveniently omitting any GOP examples of the same).

3) He thinks taxes suck!

4) He’s a charismatic figure. He knows how to give a good speech.

That about covers it. Republican voters would flock to him.

Despite what republicans like to pretend, there would he no need for him to be an “outsider” like Trump was. The man could have been in office for a couple of decades. Republicans would just pretend being an “outsider” wasn’t all that important to begin with.

imagine if they liked him enough and he had a couple of safe leftwing viewpoints like mitigating climate change effects, investing in infrastructure, and raising the minimum wage to something safe and low like $10 per hour. The republican base would do a complete 180 on all of those positions lol.

Already giving up on impeachment, eh?
I never predicted such a thing. It doesn’t matter what Trump actually did. Republicans won’t indict him.
You mean it doesn't matter what Trump hasn't done, Democrats will indict him.

I honestly don’t think it would take much at all. Republican voters are easily manipulated and swayed. Right before Trump became the nominee for the Republican Party for the 2016 election, for instance, his approval rating among republicans was like hovering under 50%. What happened when Trump became the nominee? His approval rating shot up to 80%-90% over night. That’s how tribal republicans are. We all know how much they hated Hillary, so that by itself was enough for them to pretend Trump was the shit all along.

Even after an unprecedented embarrassing 3 years in office, republicans are still in denial about how corrupt, childish, and utterly moronic Trump is. They deny it simply because they hate democrats. They also can’t stand the thought of losing or looking weak, so they pretend their side is perfect. There’s a reason why republicans generally don’t have the balls to openly criticize Trump for ANYTHING of substance.

Now let’s pretend a republican ran against Trump for this upcoming election. Republicans would drop Trump in a heartbeat if had the following traits:

1) He is just as hardcore about immigration as Trump but would likely be smart enough to understand a goddamn wall won’t stop illegal immigration.

2) He whines about democratic government overreach (while conveniently omitting any GOP examples of the same).

3) He thinks taxes suck!

4) He’s a charismatic figure. He knows how to give a good speech.

That about covers it. Republican voters would flock to him.

Despite what republicans like to pretend, there would he no need for him to be an “outsider” like Trump was. The man could have been in office for a couple of decades. Republicans would just pretend being an “outsider” wasn’t all that important to begin with.

imagine if they liked him enough and he had a couple of safe leftwing viewpoints like mitigating climate change effects, investing in infrastructure, and raising the minimum wage to something safe and low like $10 per hour. The republican base would do a complete 180 on all of those positions lol.

Hmmm, I do racal a couple of Republicans making claim they would run against him. Haven't heard from them since.

During Trump's election, there were a lot of disgruntled Republicans that either didn't vote, or voted for Hillary. Now that the results are in, I would think those anti-Trump people are now pro-Trump. Lowest unemployment in 50 years, a decreasing amount of government dependents, more jobs than Americans to fill them, no more weirdos in your daughters dressing or bathrooms in school, no more commie care fines, most Americans getting a tax decrease. What's to vote against?

On the other hand, your candidates are such a disgrace that even Hillary is hinting on getting back in. And Hillary was the bottom of the barrel you gave us last time.
It’s bewildering to me how you can just pretend the economy wasn’t already doing well under Obama. He presided over the longer stretch of job growth in history. You people used to whine about the labor participation rate and GDP under Obama but how you pretend both aren’t still low under Trump.

Here’s what it boils down to: Obama inherited the worst recession since WWII and saw it end 6 months into his presidency. Trump inherited a string of job growth. Facts are what they are.

Oh, so it's facts you like? How about the fact that DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. He didn't make any polices that were favorable to businesses. Any policy he made was a detriment to business and not a help.

What you are doing is giving credit to a guy who did nothing, and fail to understand it was the feds pouring trillions of dollars into the stock market that actually did something. Even then, the jobs created were low pay or part-time. The economy was at a near standstill for eight years.

A real economy only gets going when people have money to spend. The only way people had more money under DumBama was the drastic decrease in fuel prices, and that had nothing to do with him, it had to do with fracking, something DumBama and Democrats are against.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months
The post 1998 GOP has nobody.

That's why Trump won in 2016 in the primary.... there were no other serious candidates, just a bunch of hypocritical Zionist Traitors.

Trump won on the border issue. Trump won because we were sick of these baby kissing politicians telling us one thing and doing another. We finally got pissed off and sent the RNC a strong message.

All the other candidates were talking about path to citizenship, immigration reform, garbage like that. Trump was the only one who bravely stood there and said 'CLOSE THE BORDER!" That's why he won.
I agree the issue helped him in the primary. Ted Cruz was playing "catch up" and wasn't credible as a Cuban Jew.

Still, the borders would actually be closed if Trump had gone for ending immigration - all of it.

By picking and choosing, he ran smack into the legal wall...
I honestly don’t think it would take much at all. Republican voters are easily manipulated and swayed. Right before Trump became the nominee for the Republican Party for the 2016 election, for instance, his approval rating among republicans was like hovering under 50%. What happened when Trump became the nominee? His approval rating shot up to 80%-90% over night. That’s how tribal republicans are. We all know how much they hated Hillary, so that by itself was enough for them to pretend Trump was the shit all along.

Even after an unprecedented embarrassing 3 years in office, republicans are still in denial about how corrupt, childish, and utterly moronic Trump is. They deny it simply because they hate democrats. They also can’t stand the thought of losing or looking weak, so they pretend their side is perfect. There’s a reason why republicans generally don’t have the balls to openly criticize Trump for ANYTHING of substance.

Now let’s pretend a republican ran against Trump for this upcoming election. Republicans would drop Trump in a heartbeat if had the following traits:

1) He is just as hardcore about immigration as Trump but would likely be smart enough to understand a goddamn wall won’t stop illegal immigration.

2) He whines about democratic government overreach (while conveniently omitting any GOP examples of the same).

3) He thinks taxes suck!

4) He’s a charismatic figure. He knows how to give a good speech.

That about covers it. Republican voters would flock to him.

Despite what republicans like to pretend, there would he no need for him to be an “outsider” like Trump was. The man could have been in office for a couple of decades. Republicans would just pretend being an “outsider” wasn’t all that important to begin with.

imagine if they liked him enough and he had a couple of safe leftwing viewpoints like mitigating climate change effects, investing in infrastructure, and raising the minimum wage to something safe and low like $10 per hour. The republican base would do a complete 180 on all of those positions lol.

Hmmm, I do racal a couple of Republicans making claim they would run against him. Haven't heard from them since.

During Trump's election, there were a lot of disgruntled Republicans that either didn't vote, or voted for Hillary. Now that the results are in, I would think those anti-Trump people are now pro-Trump. Lowest unemployment in 50 years, a decreasing amount of government dependents, more jobs than Americans to fill them, no more weirdos in your daughters dressing or bathrooms in school, no more commie care fines, most Americans getting a tax decrease. What's to vote against?

On the other hand, your candidates are such a disgrace that even Hillary is hinting on getting back in. And Hillary was the bottom of the barrel you gave us last time.
It’s bewildering to me how you can just pretend the economy wasn’t already doing well under Obama. He presided over the longer stretch of job growth in history. You people used to whine about the labor participation rate and GDP under Obama but how you pretend both aren’t still low under Trump.

Here’s what it boils down to: Obama inherited the worst recession since WWII and saw it end 6 months into his presidency. Trump inherited a string of job growth. Facts are what they are.

Oh, so it's facts you like? How about the fact that DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. He didn't make any polices that were favorable to businesses. Any policy he made was a detriment to business and not a help.

What you are doing is giving credit to a guy who did nothing, and fail to understand it was the feds pouring trillions of dollars into the stock market that actually did something. Even then, the jobs created were low pay or part-time. The economy was at a near standstill for eight years.

A real economy only gets going when people have money to spend. The only way people had more money under DumBama was the drastic decrease in fuel prices, and that had nothing to do with him, it had to do with fracking, something DumBama and Democrats are against.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Barry DID do some things as president. He somehow made race relations between blacks and whites WORSE. He succeeded in making more blacks absolutely HATE the police. I could go on and on. He was a total failure as president.
He even had Colin Kaepernick kneeling to protest the police with a 49er uniform on.... and even Colin admits


What did the "community organizer" organize??



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