If a woman aborted my child, I would probably go ape shit. Why are the feelings of the father...

You used the word "viable"....you know that that means, right?

Obviously one of us does and it ain't you or rosie.......:rolleyes-41:

it is probably true that we all know what VIABLE means------in reference to abortion of human embryos---the terms is
used to refer to that embryo which would be able to survive OUTSIDE OF THE WOMB -------without extraordinary
artificial support
Serious questions here.

1. Do children have a right to their life starting at the first moment their life begins?

2. Do you agree or disagree that children have a Constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws?

I believe it's when the baby's heart starts to beat....6 weeks. That's when they become viable in my opinion.

You are free to have any belief you want to.

However, Our fetal homicide laws have already decided that a human being in the womb is a child and a criminal can be charged with that child's MURDER at any point in the child's development.

So, that is one of the many things I (and many others) will be using to support our own conclusions.
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You used the word "viable"....you know that that means, right?

Obviously one of us does and it ain't you or rosie.......:rolleyes-41:

it is probably true that we all know what VIABLE means------in reference to abortion of human embryos---the terms is
used to refer to that embryo which would be able to survive OUTSIDE OF THE WOMB -------without extraordinary
artificial support

Wrong...it's at any stage where development stops and the embryo can't survive it.
...never discussed, or even considered?

There must be all kinds of stories of fathers who wanted to keep their child, but the mother aborted and they could do nothing to stop it.

I am convinced the pro-abort media is censoring these stories, which must be in the millions by now.

I do have a story of a friend of mine, who was blackmailed into a very bad marriage.

She said, "Marry me, or I will abort your child."

So he married her, even though I told him the marriage would never last, even though his father told him he'd get an all-expenses paid trip through Europe if he didn't marry her.

Of course, none of us knew about the abortion threat, because he kept that a secret.

And, sure enough, the marriage was very unhappy, and as I predicted, ended in divorce.

Why doesn't the media cover a story like that?

I find the story very interesting, don't you?
Margaret Sanger, the inventor of planned parenthood, developed the abortion clinic to stop the spread of "weeds"(people of color) in America. Now we all know that many of the liberal black women didn't have a husband to help rear their children, so what better way, to prevent the poor suffering black women from having the punishment of a baby(see Obama video below). So now on average, 33,000 liberal babies are being aborted a month, can you imagine what the elections would be like, if all those liberals grew up to vote? The Republican Party would never be in power again, but as long as the abortion clinics stay open, the self destruction of the Dimocrap party will continue, 1 life at a time.

Wrong...it's at any stage where development stops and the embryo can't survive it.
All this "is it a baby v. is it not a baby" discussion is pointless.

The real question is this:

Should government have the power to force a person to endure such severe burdens as pregnancy and child birth? Pick any other type of burden placed a government could place on a person. Would it be justified? Would that be a power government should have?
All this "is it a baby v. is it not a baby" discussion is pointless.

The real question is this:

Should government have the power to force a person to endure such severe burdens as pregnancy and child birth? Pick any other type of burden placed a government could place on a person. Would it be justified? Would that be a power government should have?

Of course not unless the mother continues sport-fucking, getting knocked-up, and having abortions. I also believe in second chances so a woman should be entitled to one abortion without being dunked as a witch. I have no problem with abortions that really are about the health of the mother, incest, or rape. Imagine a woman having to carry a rapist's baby. The evangelicals say she must have it and then give it up for adoption....that's crazy. I draw the line at a heartbeat...if a woman wants an abortion after 6 weeks, she best have one of the 3 conditions I just said or the answer should be NO.
I always find it funny that the same people who say the poor have too many kids want the government to force them to have more.
Wrong...it's at any stage where development stops and the embryo can't survive it.
All this "is it a baby v. is it not a baby" discussion is pointless.

The real question is this:

Should government have the power to force a person to endure such severe burdens as pregnancy and child birth? Pick any other type of burden placed a government could place on a person. Would it be justified? Would that be a power government should have?


"The real question is this:"

Does the government a Constitutional obligation and a legitimate role to play in recognizing the point at which a human being's life begins and in defending that person's Constitutional rights - from that same beginning on?

Yes or no?

It is criminally insane to suggest that a child has no right to their life and to the protections of our laws - until they live too long and develop too much for society to deny them their rights anymore.

"The real question is this:"

Does the government a Constitutional obligation and a legitimate role to play in recognizing the point at which a human being's life begins and in defending that person's Constitutional rights - from that same beginning on?

It is criminally insane to suggest that a child has no right to their life and to the protections of our laws - until they live too long and develop too much for society to deny them their rights anymore.
A child has a right to life and protections.

Forcing a woman to make that life possible is where government is no longer protecting the child, but enslaving the woman.

Right to life does not include right to be fed, clothed, and nurtured. That's EXACTLY what the commie statist authoritarians want--the right to life = the right to free shit from others.

"The real question is this:"

Does the government a Constitutional obligation and a legitimate role to play in recognizing the point at which a human being's life begins and in defending that person's Constitutional rights - from that same beginning on?

It is criminally insane to suggest that a child has no right to their life and to the protections of our laws - until they live too long and develop too much for society to deny them their rights anymore.
A child has a right to life and protections.

Forcing a woman to make that life possible is where government is no longer protecting the child, but enslaving the woman.

Right to life does not include right to be fed, clothed, and nurtured. That's EXACTLY what the commie statist authoritarians want--the right to life = the right to free shit from others.

Do you not comprehend the meaning of the word "begin?" The distinctions that differentiate between a "potential" life and one that is already in the process of being lived?

If a woman is pregnant, the potential (possibility) for her to be carrying another human life had already been realized.

She is "with child" not "with a possible child"
Very simple reason. You dont have to carry the load for 9 months and have basically a parasite eating off you.

if you want your child you should have sex only with a woman that wants to carry your child.

Carry the load? nice lol

While I think the decision does fall more with the female...it takes 2 to tango. Men should at least have some say.
Some women can be very vindictive and even use an unborn child to get their way.
Very simple reason. You dont have to carry the load for 9 months and have basically a parasite eating off you.

if you want your child you should have sex only with a woman that wants to carry your child.

Carry the load? nice lol

While I think the decision does fall more with the female...it takes 2 to tango. Men should at least have some say.
Some women can be very vindictive and even use an unborn child to get their way.
Women being vindictive or not doesn't preclude the man being responsible for who he has sex with. Once he gives up that right he loses any say so unless he is prepared to carry the child at least 4.5 months.
Very simple reason. You dont have to carry the load for 9 months and have basically a parasite eating off you.

if you want your child you should have sex only with a woman that wants to carry your child.

Carry the load? nice lol

While I think the decision does fall more with the female...it takes 2 to tango. Men should at least have some say.
Some women can be very vindictive and even use an unborn child to get their way.
Women being vindictive or not doesn't preclude the man being responsible for who he has sex with. Once he gives up that right he loses any say so unless he is prepared to carry the child at least 4.5 months.

True... but there are no guarantees with anyone .
Realistically if she didn't abort and it was the determined he was the father....there's ongoing child support.
Very simple reason. You dont have to carry the load for 9 months and have basically a parasite eating off you.

if you want your child you should have sex only with a woman that wants to carry your child.

Carry the load? nice lol

While I think the decision does fall more with the female...it takes 2 to tango. Men should at least have some say.
Some women can be very vindictive and even use an unborn child to get their way.
Women being vindictive or not doesn't preclude the man being responsible for who he has sex with. Once he gives up that right he loses any say so unless he is prepared to carry the child at least 4.5 months.

True... but there are no guarantees with anyone .
Realistically if she didn't abort and it was the determined he was the father....there's ongoing child support.
Life doesnt come with guarantees.

Yeah that kinda goes back to that whole responsibility thing I mentioned.
For those that believe these are babies with a soul at time of abortion, isn't this taking the rocketship to heaven, skipping all the sin and pain of the world?
For those that believe these are babies with a soul at time of abortion, isn't this taking the rocketship to heaven, skipping all the sin and pain of the world?
Thats what I had to tell myself the abortion I sat in on. I was sick to my stomach.
Very simple reason. You dont have to carry the load for 9 months and have basically a parasite eating off you.

if you want your child you should have sex only with a woman that wants to carry your child.

Carry the load? nice lol

While I think the decision does fall more with the female...it takes 2 to tango. Men should at least have some say.
Some women can be very vindictive and even use an unborn child to get their way.
Men already do have some say. They are free to state their position to the woman they impregnated.
Okay, first let me say that aborting a baby is one of the worst things someone can do. There should be a damn fucking good reason for doing so. If we're going to do it, why not let mother kill child up until the ages of 2 years after birth? All the same reasons still apply. Let mama kill baby.

With that said, balance the burdens of the mother verses the father. Mother has to carry the baby, which fucks up her body. She has to live with the burden of caring for the child for a good portion of her life. All father has had to do in the entire process is FUCK.

The decision should be the mother's alone, given her extreme burden compared with the father's.
I have three children, a 32-year-old daughter, a 26-year old daughter, and a 22-year-old son.

I can assure you that my involvement with my children has extended far beyond the sex acts that created them.

I married their mother, and I supported her and my children, and though they are grown, I still have some responsibility for them.

My son still lives with me, and though he pays me for room and board and auto insurance, I pay for his college tuition.

My daughters still call me every time they need free legal advice.

I love my children very much, and it would be very painful for me if I knew a child of mine had been aborted.

I believe that knowledge would distrurb me so greatly that I would need spiritual and psychological counseling to help me overcome my grief.

And so that makes me certain that there are millions of men and women who are grieving abortions, and this is a story that is being deliberately suppressed by the media and the elites who control this country.
So basically you had children with a woman that wanted children like I said in the first place?
Our first child was before we were married. She could have gotten an abortion, but she was pro-life like me and never considered it. We were very young, and had no way to support the family. My father had to help us, and I fortunately had inherited some money from my mother. Abortion would have been an easy way out, but we did not do that, and I have no regrets that we kept our daughter.
OMG you had sex out of wedlock???!!!
Very Christian of you

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