If a woman aborted my child, I would probably go ape shit. Why are the feelings of the father...

Using that logic, why not make it legal to kill them up to age of 4 or 5?

There is quit a difference between an unborn fetus and a 4 or 5 year old. The born child has experiences and memory. What do you remember from before you were born?

Do you think any 5 year olds go to hell if they are murdered?

Beats me. But they do know pain and suffering. I don't remember a thing from before birth, do you?

Your comment that I responded to said nothing about pain and suffering. Why are you trying to move the goalposts?

Your claim was that an aborted child gets to go straight to heaven. Remember?

So, why wouldn't a murdered 4 or 5 year old get to go to heaven too?

You seriously can't follow the quotes? It is right there.

I'm following just fine.

Why can't you just say the words though?

Why can you not agree that a murdered 4 or 5 year old would also go straight to heaven and (using your earlier stated logic) that would be at least some part of a justification for not seeing their murders as such a bad thing?
There is quit a difference between an unborn fetus and a 4 or 5 year old. The born child has experiences and memory. What do you remember from before you were born?

Do you think any 5 year olds go to hell if they are murdered?

Beats me. But they do know pain and suffering. I don't remember a thing from before birth, do you?

Your comment that I responded to said nothing about pain and suffering. Why are you trying to move the goalposts?

Your claim was that an aborted child gets to go straight to heaven. Remember?

So, why wouldn't a murdered 4 or 5 year old get to go to heaven too?

You seriously can't follow the quotes? It is right there.

I'm following just fine.

Why can't you just say the words though?

Why can you not agree that a murdered 4 or 5 year old would also go straight to heaven and (using your earlier stated logic) that would be at least some part of a justification for not seeing their murders as such a bad thing?

Skipping sin and pain of the world was an important part of my statement. You are moving the posts.

What do you remember from before you were born?
Okay, first let me say that aborting a baby is one of the worst things someone can do. There should be a damn fucking good reason for doing so. If we're going to do it, why not let mother kill child up until the ages of 2 years after birth? All the same reasons still apply. Let mama kill baby.

With that said, balance the burdens of the mother verses the father. Mother has to carry the baby, which fucks up her body. She has to live with the burden of caring for the child for a good portion of her life. All father has had to do in the entire process is FUCK.

The decision should be the mother's alone, given her extreme burden compared with the father's.
There could be a legal answer here. If the father agreed to raise the child, pay for his provisions and the mother has no responsibilities, perhaps she would birth the child. However the women who would be compelled to have an unwanted baby, I would suppose they would want to be paid several thousand dollars.
Do you think any 5 year olds go to hell if they are murdered?

Beats me. But they do know pain and suffering. I don't remember a thing from before birth, do you?

Your comment that I responded to said nothing about pain and suffering. Why are you trying to move the goalposts?

Your claim was that an aborted child gets to go straight to heaven. Remember?

So, why wouldn't a murdered 4 or 5 year old get to go to heaven too?

You seriously can't follow the quotes? It is right there.

I'm following just fine.

Why can't you just say the words though?

Why can you not agree that a murdered 4 or 5 year old would also go straight to heaven and (using your earlier stated logic) that would be at least some part of a justification for not seeing their murders as such a bad thing?

Skipping sin and pain of the world was an important part of my statement. You are moving the posts.

What do you remember from before you were born?

The memory capabilities and mental capacity of the murdered victim is irrelevant. If you disagree, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with legal decisions which addressed the rights of children born with annencephalia, for example.
Beats me. But they do know pain and suffering. I don't remember a thing from before birth, do you?

Your comment that I responded to said nothing about pain and suffering. Why are you trying to move the goalposts?

Your claim was that an aborted child gets to go straight to heaven. Remember?

So, why wouldn't a murdered 4 or 5 year old get to go to heaven too?

You seriously can't follow the quotes? It is right there.

I'm following just fine.

Why can't you just say the words though?

Why can you not agree that a murdered 4 or 5 year old would also go straight to heaven and (using your earlier stated logic) that would be at least some part of a justification for not seeing their murders as such a bad thing?

Skipping sin and pain of the world was an important part of my statement. You are moving the posts.

What do you remember from before you were born?

The memory capabilities and mental capacity of the murdered victim is irrelevant. If you disagree, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with legal decisions which addressed the rights of children born with annencephalia, for example.

You are comparing never existing in this world and going straight to heaven to existing, abused and murdered. Huge difference.
don't have sex with a woman until you're sure she shares your morals and views on pregnancy and children. Problem solved.
How about just making a law that says both men and women will be held responsible for the lives of any and all children they create and then educate them on the risks for pregnancy and about the various ways to prevent pregnancies if they are not wanted.

I know I know. . . That's just unreasonable.

Mutual responsibility for shared actions?

THe man bashers have no interest in such a move.
Any time you're ready to offer up a remedy for men having no control over a woman's body, I'm all eyes....

Says the man that still can't acknowledge that anything else relevant is involved.

Page Eighty FUcking Six...
Yes, 86 pages with no plausible remedy from you. Nothing but you bitching like a little girl.

86 pages and nothing but twisted pretzel logic from you lefties to defend your indefensible position.

You tell me what very, very important issue you left out of the situation and I will tell you my remedy.

Since you have finally asked.

You bitch.

You're like a mindless parrot, squawking back at me what I say to you. I point out you're bitching like a little girl and you scratch back by calling me a bitch. :rolleyes:

You cry that I "finally asked" you about a remedy, but moron, I first asked you that 27 pages ago. You won't, or can't, say. All you do is keep bitching like a little girl.

What of the Father of that baby? Why not a single mention of him?
All he had to do was FUCK. THAT's IT. Nothing else.

So, you want father to be able to make a decision for a mother to carry his cross-eyed, retarded spawn when all father has to do during the entire 9 months plus labor is the very thing he thinks about doing all fucking day long?

Fuck the cum donor. He is OUT.
86 pages and nothing but twisted pretzel logic from you lefties to defend your indefensible position.
Twisted logic?

Nobody has to carry a baby but that baby's mother. If mother believes she is incapable and is not committed to carrying and birthing that child, she should not have to do so. That baby (or soon-to-be-baby) is a passenger that is 100% dependent on mother. IF GOVERNMENT demands that mother carry that passenger to birth and further, that is government overreach.

None of you personally have the right to force a woman to carry and birth a child she does not want. But, you are willing to let government force it. That makes you authoritarian commies.

What of the Father of that baby? Why not a single mention of him?
Why mention him? The baby is not the man's body.

And what father? Depending on the state you're, the man isn't a father until the child is born.
Okay, first let me say that aborting a baby is one of the worst things someone can do. There should be a damn fucking good reason for doing so. If we're going to do it, why not let mother kill child up until the ages of 2 years after birth? All the same reasons still apply. Let mama kill baby.

With that said, balance the burdens of the mother verses the father. Mother has to carry the baby, which fucks up her body. She has to live with the burden of caring for the child for a good portion of her life. All father has had to do in the entire process is FUCK.

The decision should be the mother's alone, given her extreme burden compared with the father's.
There could be a legal answer here. If the father agreed to raise the child, pay for his provisions and the mother has no responsibilities, perhaps she would birth the child. However the women who would be compelled to have an unwanted baby, I would suppose they would want to be paid several thousand dollars.
Such arrangements are certainly viable but that is no more than an agreement between private parties and the state plays no part other than to settle any disputes that may arise.
don't have sex with a woman until you're sure she shares your morals and views on pregnancy and children. Problem solved.
Or bang the shit out of her but use condoms; which offer the added protection against getting an STD.

While your method is safer, it's not always more practical.
Your comment that I responded to said nothing about pain and suffering. Why are you trying to move the goalposts?

Your claim was that an aborted child gets to go straight to heaven. Remember?

So, why wouldn't a murdered 4 or 5 year old get to go to heaven too?

You seriously can't follow the quotes? It is right there.

I'm following just fine.

Why can't you just say the words though?

Why can you not agree that a murdered 4 or 5 year old would also go straight to heaven and (using your earlier stated logic) that would be at least some part of a justification for not seeing their murders as such a bad thing?

Skipping sin and pain of the world was an important part of my statement. You are moving the posts.

What do you remember from before you were born?

The memory capabilities and mental capacity of the murdered victim is irrelevant. If you disagree, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with legal decisions which addressed the rights of children born with annencephalia, for example.

You are comparing never existing in this world and going straight to heaven to existing, abused and murdered. Huge difference.

A child in the fetal stage of their life doesn't exist in this world?

Why dont you try selling that denial BULLSHIT to those already in prison for illegally killing one.

I'm sure they would pay you top dollar.
A child in the fetal stage of their life doesn't exist in this world?

Why dont you try selling that denial BULLSHIT to those already in prison for illegally killing one.

I'm sure they would pay you top dollar.
We should change the laws. Make abortion legal until age 3. Kill those fucking babies!

A child in the fetal stage of their life doesn't exist in this world?

Why dont you try selling that denial BULLSHIT to those already in prison for illegally killing one.

I'm sure they would pay you top dollar.
We should change the laws. Make abortion legal until age 3. Kill those fucking babies!


If only it weren't for that pesky Constitution.

Last edited:
Mutual responsibility for shared actions?

THe man bashers have no interest in such a move.
Any time you're ready to offer up a remedy for men having no control over a woman's body, I'm all eyes....

Says the man that still can't acknowledge that anything else relevant is involved.

Page Eighty FUcking Six...
Yes, 86 pages with no plausible remedy from you. Nothing but you bitching like a little girl.

86 pages and nothing but twisted pretzel logic from you lefties to defend your indefensible position.

You tell me what very, very important issue you left out of the situation and I will tell you my remedy.

Since you have finally asked.

You bitch.

You're like a mindless parrot, squawking back at me what I say to you. I point out you're bitching like a little girl and you scratch back by calling me a bitch. :rolleyes:

You cry that I "finally asked" you about a remedy, but moron, I first asked you that 27 pages ago. You won't, or can't, say. All you do is keep bitching like a little girl.


You know what you left out, but you refuse to say it.
What of the Father of that baby? Why not a single mention of him?
All he had to do was FUCK. THAT's IT. Nothing else.

So, you want father to be able to make a decision for a mother to carry his cross-eyed, retarded spawn when all father has to do during the entire 9 months plus labor is the very thing he thinks about doing all fucking day long?

Fuck the cum donor. He is OUT.

Your sexist bigotry and hate against men is noted. Thanks for dropping all pretense of any other motivation for your position.
86 pages and nothing but twisted pretzel logic from you lefties to defend your indefensible position.
Twisted logic?

Nobody has to carry a baby but that baby's mother. If mother believes she is incapable and is not committed to carrying and birthing that child, she should not have to do so. That baby (or soon-to-be-baby) is a passenger that is 100% dependent on mother. IF GOVERNMENT demands that mother carry that passenger to birth and further, that is government overreach.

None of you personally have the right to force a woman to carry and birth a child she does not want. But, you are willing to let government force it. That makes you authoritarian commies.

What of the Father of that baby? Why not a single mention of him?
Why mention him? The baby is not the man's body.

And what father? Depending on the state you're, the man isn't a father until the child is born.

And again the lawyer thinks that the law defines reality.

IF the law says that the man is not the father of the unborn child he fathered, that is the law being wrong.
You seriously can't follow the quotes? It is right there.

I'm following just fine.

Why can't you just say the words though?

Why can you not agree that a murdered 4 or 5 year old would also go straight to heaven and (using your earlier stated logic) that would be at least some part of a justification for not seeing their murders as such a bad thing?

Skipping sin and pain of the world was an important part of my statement. You are moving the posts.

What do you remember from before you were born?

The memory capabilities and mental capacity of the murdered victim is irrelevant. If you disagree, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with legal decisions which addressed the rights of children born with annencephalia, for example.

You are comparing never existing in this world and going straight to heaven to existing, abused and murdered. Huge difference.

A child in the fetal stage of their life doesn't exist in this world?

Why dont you try selling that denial BULLSHIT to those already in prison for illegally killing one.

I'm sure they would pay you top dollar.

Well what do you remember from before you were born?
I'm following just fine.

Why can't you just say the words though?

Why can you not agree that a murdered 4 or 5 year old would also go straight to heaven and (using your earlier stated logic) that would be at least some part of a justification for not seeing their murders as such a bad thing?

Skipping sin and pain of the world was an important part of my statement. You are moving the posts.

What do you remember from before you were born?

The memory capabilities and mental capacity of the murdered victim is irrelevant. If you disagree, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with legal decisions which addressed the rights of children born with annencephalia, for example.

You are comparing never existing in this world and going straight to heaven to existing, abused and murdered. Huge difference.

A child in the fetal stage of their life doesn't exist in this world?

Why dont you try selling that denial BULLSHIT to those already in prison for illegally killing one.

I'm sure they would pay you top dollar.

Well what do you remember from before you were born?



Just as I thought.

So much for your red herring / straw dog.
Skipping sin and pain of the world was an important part of my statement. You are moving the posts.

What do you remember from before you were born?

The memory capabilities and mental capacity of the murdered victim is irrelevant. If you disagree, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with legal decisions which addressed the rights of children born with annencephalia, for example.

You are comparing never existing in this world and going straight to heaven to existing, abused and murdered. Huge difference.

A child in the fetal stage of their life doesn't exist in this world?

Why dont you try selling that denial BULLSHIT to those already in prison for illegally killing one.

I'm sure they would pay you top dollar.

Well what do you remember from before you were born?



Just as I thought.

So much for your red herring / straw dog.

It is very relevant. If you were aborted you'd have never really existed. Unless you have some memory of a time before birth?

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