If Amnesty Don allows amnesty for DACA illegals and doesnt build a real wall, he won't get reelected

I suspect those who voted for Trump are not so stupid as to hand Congress and the White House back to the Democrats.
I suspect they will be so pissed at their own stupidity as well as Trump that they will stay home and effectively allow the left to walk back into power on election day.

TRUMP wins the game of power and gets his name in the history books and that's all he ever wanted to begin with.
He's no conservative. Hell he's not even a Republican. He's no Christian God fearing man.

He's a rich prick who was bored after having done everything else in life and decided to play politics for something new. Y'all ate up his bullshit and elected him but as time passes reality sets in.

Should have nominated a real conservative like Walker.

How silly. You disappoint me, puppy.
Your approval is not needed so chew on your own dog biscuits prick

I judge solely by results. So far, exceptional.

Coming off the insipid Obama years I quite like what's going on. He's going quite well.

In other words, if he caves on DACA and the wall, he's finished.
Here's a news flash for all you morons who were too stupid to listen to me pre election.


Problem was they listened to Hillary more. How bad do you have to be to lose to Trump????


I'm pleased with Trump so far. Even better ahead I hope.

I'm not displeased with the results this far and damn thankful that bitch lost.

Having said that I wasn't fooled by Trumps bullshit.

What bullshit? He's doing what he said. I didn't see anything much on DACA in any of his policy speeches; but if he can use that tyo get a secure border and criminal illegals out of the country then that is a bloody sight better than now. And no: I hated the fucking APPRENTICE!!



Your life is largely your culture, I mean your culture lives on, and you were apart of it.
at least that's how it's supposed to go.

What's going on is abnormal, Liberals are really very Sub-Human.

Nope. My culture is fluid; I am me. Capitalism has some probs due to cronies and undue influence but it's the best there is; get rid of the fucking cronies and special interests and ...Happy Days are here again. Trump will do SOME of it but there must be follow up by whoever the American People elect next...in 2024...and forever thereafter ...AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clintons were symptoms of the problem; real shit!!


I'm so sorry, but if we deport Mexicans, there's going to be a massive Civil War, one that we'd lose at this point.

Well.. China would probably invade us looking for it's moneyz
Many low-IQ smol brains seem to believe that having a basic strategy or negotiating tactic equates to "4 dimensional" thinking. Use your leverage, frame the issue. It's not that complicated, folks!

"If one more caller phones into my radio show and tells me that Trump is playing 5-D chess, I'm hanging up on em. Respectfully." - Sage Mark Levin

I agree with Lavin here. We have waited on tact way back before Bush the younger on illegal aliens and this is where it has us now. The republicans hold a magority everywhere that matters. No need for fact at all. The losing party needs to sit there and drink their slurpy and hush. Trump has caved to n enough stuff.

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