If Anyone Is "Aiding and Abetting" the Terrorists, It Is Liberals

What I want to know, when did Patriotism = racism and when did standing with your own = bigot.

It's natural that people are Patriotic, it's been that way for Centuries. It's a human trait to side with and stand with and protect your own.

It's not just America, this discrimination is happening to European Patriots also.

You've made an excellent point. Thank you.

But sadly, Europe is toast.

It long ago lost any sense of principle... thus there's insufficient moral clarity in Europe to understand right from wrong, thus your culture is simply no longer viable.

The next generation of your family will be Muslim... or they'll be refugees, or worse.

Here... we will destroy Islam, to the last one... and we will leave no trace that a Muslim ever set foot in the US.

Sounds like Pastor Shahan is having a wet dream.

So, Lizzy Borden... you feel that irrepressible fact, leading to undeniable truth, is an American Wet-dream?

Suit yourself... the description doesn't bother me.

Pastor Shahan, how do you plan to destroy Islam, and rid the country of all people of Muslim faith? That was hard to type with a straight face, but I am curious of your plan.

The Muslims already in our nations, we could tell them there's a new law for them, that they must now ALL work in an environment where there's pigs....pigs are our friends!

View attachment 56254

I doubt you need to mention you're a pig.
Much to my genuine disbelief, we have liberals on this board arguing, in the immediate aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino no less, that Republicans are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and even "arming" the terrorists. If anyone is guilty of "aiding and abetting" the terrorists, it is American liberals. The same American liberals who:

* Refuse to seal our borders.

* Refuse to toughen our visa tracking program to stop potential bad guys from coming here on a visa and then over-staying.

* Refuse to support sane tough internal security policies (such as NSA's metadata program and the larger TSP).

Yeah umm... the latest perp was born in Chicago. The one a few days before that, South Carolina.
But oh wait, that was Christian terrorism, never mind.

You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.


You've made an excellent point. Thank you.

But sadly, Europe is toast.

It long ago lost any sense of principle... thus there's insufficient moral clarity in Europe to understand right from wrong, thus your culture is simply no longer viable.

The next generation of your family will be Muslim... or they'll be refugees, or worse.

Here... we will destroy Islam, to the last one... and we will leave no trace that a Muslim ever set foot in the US.

Sounds like Pastor Shahan is having a wet dream.

So, Lizzy Borden... you feel that irrepressible fact, leading to undeniable truth, is an American Wet-dream?

Suit yourself... the description doesn't bother me.

Pastor Shahan, how do you plan to destroy Islam, and rid the country of all people of Muslim faith? That was hard to type with a straight face, but I am curious of your plan.

The Muslims already in our nations, we could tell them there's a new law for them, that they must now ALL work in an environment where there's pigs....pigs are our friends!

View attachment 56254

I doubt you need to mention you're a pig.

In true Leftist fashion you illustrate two Leftist traits in one post.

I. That you are absolutely devoid of any humour.

II. That you are absolutely devoid of any manners or class.
Sounds like Pastor Shahan is having a wet dream.

So, Lizzy Borden... you feel that irrepressible fact, leading to undeniable truth, is an American Wet-dream?

Suit yourself... the description doesn't bother me.

Pastor Shahan, how do you plan to destroy Islam, and rid the country of all people of Muslim faith? That was hard to type with a straight face, but I am curious of your plan.

The Muslims already in our nations, we could tell them there's a new law for them, that they must now ALL work in an environment where there's pigs....pigs are our friends!

View attachment 56254

I doubt you need to mention you're a pig.

In true Leftist fashion you illustrate two Leftist traits in one post.

I. That you are absolutely devoid of any humour.

II. That you are absolutely devoid of any manners or class.

You've got a wonderful sense of humor, posting a pic of yourself. That took guts, old gal. ;)
You've made an excellent point. Thank you.

But sadly, Europe is toast.

It long ago lost any sense of principle... thus there's insufficient moral clarity in Europe to understand right from wrong, thus your culture is simply no longer viable.

The next generation of your family will be Muslim... or they'll be refugees, or worse.

Here... we will destroy Islam, to the last one... and we will leave no trace that a Muslim ever set foot in the US.

Sounds like Pastor Shahan is having a wet dream.

So, Lizzy Borden... you feel that irrepressible fact, leading to undeniable truth, is an American Wet-dream?

Suit yourself... the description doesn't bother me.

Pastor Shahan, how do you plan to destroy Islam, and rid the country of all people of Muslim faith? That was hard to type with a straight face, but I am curious of your plan.

The Muslims already in our nations, we could tell them there's a new law for them, that they must now ALL work in an environment where there's pigs....pigs are our friends!

View attachment 56254

I doubt you need to mention you're a pig.

Just like all you far left drones are hard core racists?
Yes many far left drones say such things to ignore that they supported Obama and his illegal wars..

They say the same thing about Saddam as well..

Putin says the same thing about Assad even though Obama has said he needs to be gone.

I supported no wars that the US has started in the past 12 years.

Better the devil you know

Putin needs to be gone.
Yes many far left drones say such things to ignore that they supported Obama and his illegal wars..

They say the same thing about Saddam as well..

Putin says the same thing about Assad even though Obama has said he needs to be gone.

I supported no wars that the US has started in the past 12 years.

Better the devil you know

Putin needs to be gone.

Proof you are a far left drone!

And yet you support Obama illegal wars..
You are almost alone on the Left, most of the Obama Fan Club have become warmongers since he began to 'um, grace the WH.

Really? Most lefties I know want nothing to do with the ME

Just like Obama and that is why we have the problem we have now..

That is why ISIS grew like wild fire..

More proof that the far left religion kills more people than terrorism..
Yes... that is what armed citizens do. (That's what the 2nd amendment does, it protect the means of the individual to arm themselves, so that if someone Prog shows up and starts shooting, they can turn it off.

So of the 350 odd shootings this year, how many were stopped by armed citizens? Colorado? San Berdoo?

You mean in all those gun free zones?
Black Lives Matter savages declared basic war not only on white police but on whites in general, so what are the police supposed to do? Stand there?

And that spate of shootings on unarmed blacks?

Yes... poor Little Mike Brown... 300lb lunatic, who had 5 minutes before his death, strong-arm robbed a merchant... and viciously attacked a police officer.

Now what that means is that the term "Unarmed" is a misnomer...

I saw one video where not only was the dude unarmed, he was running away and the cop still shot him. wtf?


That cop is charged with murder and awaiting trial. He's going to prison, for most if not all of the rest of his life.

What's your point?

I agree re Mike Brown. I have no sympathy for him whatsoever.

Just sayin' a lot of black dudes are getting shot by white cops. That's all...
Pastor Shahan, how do you plan to destroy Islam.

Good Question Lizzy Borden... I suggest doing it the old fashion way, one Muslim at a time, except where they're gathered in groups.

When are you going to get started...

It began on 9-11-01... did you not get that memo? I was sure everyone had been notified.

And I asked you, when are you going to get started, before or after you clean the Cheetos from under your fingernails?

Was that a message from Gawd to start killing people, crazy ass? I think you might be hearing voices from a dog.
I supported no wars that the US has started in the past 12 years.

Better the devil you know

Putin needs to be gone.

Proof you are a far left drone!

And yet you support Obama illegal wars..[/QUOTE]

huh? Which part of "I supported no wars that the US has started in the past 12 years." don't you understand?
I supported no wars that the US has started in the past 12 years.

Better the devil you know

Putin needs to be gone.

Proof you are a far left drone!

And yet you support Obama illegal wars..

huh? Which part of "I supported no wars that the US has started in the past 12 years." don't you understand?[/QUOTE]

Show all the post you have made against Obama and his illegal wars..

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