If Anyone Is "Aiding and Abetting" the Terrorists, It Is Liberals

The problem is imported Muslim savages. The solution is to stop importing them.

Yep, that explains San Bernadino. What about the other 355 mass shootings this year?

There weren't that many. You're swallowing propaganda.

They even give you a reference...

Yes black on Black crimes are not considered mass shootings they are just what they are..

The only ones that matter is white on black, or a white male Christian, other than that mass shootings are determined differently than what far left drones want them to be..

Yet so far the far left narrative can not name one gun regulation that would have prevented most of these "mass" shootings..

You can ban all the guns you want, but wanting an open border just means the criminals will be armed and not the populace..

That is the goal of the far left, do you support that goal?
Yeah check that thing out! ROFLMNAO!

It's a JOKE!

No it's not. As mentioned, it is referenced. Click on the references. here, i'll even provide a link to the first one - 5 injured in New Year's Day party bus shooting

Are you saying this story is made up?

As I said.. it's a joke.

You're pointing to Progs killin' Progs. Like there's something that can be done about it, when PROGS GOVERN PROGS.

Here's what you don't seem capable of understanding.

The Ideological Left sees standards as axiomatically discriminatory... so they attack them, because, you're idiots.

The Consequence of Lowering Standards, is that that the performance which those standards maintained... decline... and decline quickly.

Declining standards, intrinsically lead to poor behavior.

So, all your would-be 'study' says is: 'Everything is precisely where one should reasonably expect it should be... given the nature of Left-think. And we expect it to get MUCH WORSE! So ARM UP and Train Hard... 'Cause the Zombies are nearly off the chain... and you don't want to miss opening day!'
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You can ban all the guns you want, but wanting an open border just means the criminals will be armed and not the populace..

That is the goal of the far left, do you support that goal?

Don't want complete gun ban. Just a license to obtain one and the banning of certain types. Also no CCW...
You can ban all the guns you want, but wanting an open border just means the criminals will be armed and not the populace..

That is the goal of the far left, do you support that goal?

Don't want complete gun ban. Just a license to obtain one and the banning of certain types. Also no CCW...

There are bans on certain types of guns and you have to pass a background check to get a gun, so what more do you want, be specific...

Also at a good portion of the "mass" shootings the guns were obtained illegally.. So explain a law that would stop that..
The source of your data is "MassShootingTracker." It's a propaganda site.

I disagree with your source. As mentioned there are links to the incidents..

A the article explains, your source is using a very misleading definition of "mass shootings." The fact that you disagree with it is irrelevant. Is there anything in the article that isn't true?
You can ban all the guns you want, but wanting an open border just means the criminals will be armed and not the populace..

That is the goal of the far left, do you support that goal?

Don't want complete gun ban. Just a license to obtain one and the banning of certain types. Also no CCW...

Obviously you want to wipe your ass on the Bill of Rights.
There are bans on certain types of guns and you have to pass a background check to get a gun, so what more do you want, be specific...

Also at a good portion of the "mass" shootings the guns were obtained illegally.. So explain a law that would stop that..

And yet the NRA are against background checks. A license would show that you are competent around firearms.

As for the illegally obtained guns, that is a time issue. Initially it would be a problem, but over time, as controls became stricter and less guns were available, it would become harder and harder for guns to be obtained by crims
No the blame mentality is the actual domain of the Leftist mantra.

BS. Look at the posts on this board from the right for the past 7 years. Everything is Obama's fault. I'm glad Bambi is a work of fiction, no doubt the left would blame the death of Bambi's mother on Obama if they could. It's pathetic.

How is it not Obama's fault? He's the one in charge, isn't he?

Yes there's Obama AND the string puller....this evil POS:

If we forbade everyone from stepping outside, that would cure terrorism. And I probably shouldn't mention that to the conservatives, because they'll now demand that one of their authoritarian daddy-figure leaders implement such a law.

You have to strike a balance. The liberals strike an intelligent balance. We certainly don't do everything possible to stop terrorism, we do not apologize for focusing on freedom, and we mock any right-wing sissyboy who demands security instead freedom. Maintaining liberty for all is more important than the loss of a few lives, and only wusses, commies and conservatives would disagree.

And when you read the conservative posts here, you understand exactly how Hitler came to power. Fixating on security to the detriment of liberty is one of the hallmarks of fascism.

You pompous fool, we are for LIBERTY.......American VOTERS liberty from the liberal chains of illegal aliens taking their jobs, or lowering their wages; or allowing people who chant "death to America" from getting BILLIONS after they have killed some of our American children through terrorism.

You are misguided, and I certainly hope I am NOT the only one who reminds you that your assertions border on TREASON against the American homeland.

What I want to know, when did Patriotism = racism and when did standing with your own = bigot.

It's natural that people are Patriotic, it's been that way for Centuries. It's a human trait to side with and stand with and protect your own.

It's not just America, this discrimination is happening to European Patriots also.

You've made an excellent point. Thank you.

But sadly, Europe is toast.

It long ago lost any sense of principle... thus there's insufficient moral clarity in Europe to understand right from wrong, thus your culture is simply no longer viable.

The next generation of your family will be Muslim... or they'll be refugees, or worse.

Here... we will destroy Islam, to the last one... and we will leave no trace that a Muslim ever set foot in the US.

Sounds like Pastor Shahan is having a wet dream.
How is it not Obama's fault? He's the one in charge, isn't he?

Before he even got elected, on this very board (go back and look, it's there in black and white), I said I hoped he wouldn't get elected. Not because he wasn't the best candidate between him and McCain (he was by a long shot), but because all the wing nuts would blame him for Iraq and Afghanistan. The day he was sworn in, it started. Go back to the archives on this board in late Jan 2009 - suddenly everything was his fault. I couldn't make this shit up. If you'd given him a year's grace - even six months - there might be credible outrage. When you start sticking it to him from day one, all credibility goes out the door.

So, where exactly does Obama invading Libya for no apparent reason fit in? :popcorn:
When it becomes this obvious liberals are at fault they freak out and start blaming everyone else, this is not the first time.

Yes because that's what the Leftist Politburo Brainwashing HQ instructs them to do.

Leftists are devoid of any semblance of personal responsibility, as such nothing is ever their fault, thus we have the blame somebody else syndrome that they frequently exhibit.

The Leftist mind is actually incredibly infantile, it's growth has been stunted as soon as the Cultural Marxism garbage begins to take control of it.

The left are gutless cowards, eventually evolution will get rid of them.

It already is... a good percentage of them are homosexuals... dealing the VAST majority of them out of the gene pool. And they're killing one another as fast as they can load in most population centers.

Maybe in a couple thousand years they will dig up some dead liberals and try to figure out what DNA defects caused the anomaly.

I hope not... that could well re-ignite the virus!
There are bans on certain types of guns and you have to pass a background check to get a gun, so what more do you want, be specific...

Also at a good portion of the "mass" shootings the guns were obtained illegally.. So explain a law that would stop that..

And yet the NRA are against background checks. A license would show that you are competent around firearms.

As for the illegally obtained guns, that is a time issue. Initially it would be a problem, but over time, as controls became stricter and less guns were available, it would become harder and harder for guns to be obtained by crims

Far left drone deflection noted..

So the far left drones can not come up with one law that would prevent mass shootings other than to take all the guns away.

The NRA fighting background checks is a far left drone myth...

Then again this one article shoots down the far left drone myth..

The NRA and Senate Republicans propose background checks for gun...

Despite being known for supporting pro-gun legislation, the NRA has backed some bills in the past that limited the ability of mentally troubled people to buy firearms.
Read more at The NRA and Senate Republicans propose background checks for gun...
The Colorado shooting. An armed police officer was shot and killed. And what about the 354 other mass shootings you've had this year?

Progs are killing Police Officers all over this country... but in fairness to them... they're quite mad.

You have no idea who's killing who. Seems a lot of cops are killing a lot of people too.

Black Lives Matter savages declared basic war not only on white police but on whites in general, so what are the police supposed to do? Stand there?
If we forbade everyone from stepping outside, that would cure terrorism. And I probably shouldn't mention that to the conservatives, because they'll now demand that one of their authoritarian daddy-figure leaders implement such a law.

You have to strike a balance. The liberals strike an intelligent balance. We certainly don't do everything possible to stop terrorism, we do not apologize for focusing on freedom, and we mock any right-wing sissyboy who demands security instead freedom. Maintaining liberty for all is more important than the loss of a few lives, and only wusses, commies and conservatives would disagree.

And when you read the conservative posts here, you understand exactly how Hitler came to power. Fixating on security to the detriment of liberty is one of the hallmarks of fascism.

You pompous fool, we are for LIBERTY.......American VOTERS liberty from the liberal chains of illegal aliens taking their jobs, or lowering their wages; or allowing people who chant "death to America" from getting BILLIONS after they have killed some of our American children through terrorism.

You are misguided, and I certainly hope I am NOT the only one who reminds you that your assertions border on TREASON against the American homeland.

What I want to know, when did Patriotism = racism and when did standing with your own = bigot.

It's natural that people are Patriotic, it's been that way for Centuries. It's a human trait to side with and stand with and protect your own.

It's not just America, this discrimination is happening to European Patriots also.

You've made an excellent point. Thank you.

But sadly, Europe is toast.

It long ago lost any sense of principle... thus there's insufficient moral clarity in Europe to understand right from wrong, thus your culture is simply no longer viable.

The next generation of your family will be Muslim... or they'll be refugees, or worse.

Here... we will destroy Islam, to the last one... and we will leave no trace that a Muslim ever set foot in the US.

Sounds like Pastor Shahan is having a wet dream.

So, Lizzy Borden... you feel that irrepressible fact, leading to undeniable truth, is an American Wet-dream?

Suit yourself... the description doesn't bother me.
When it becomes this obvious liberals are at fault they freak out and start blaming everyone else, this is not the first time.

Yes because that's what the Leftist Politburo Brainwashing HQ instructs them to do.

Leftists are devoid of any semblance of personal responsibility, as such nothing is ever their fault, thus we have the blame somebody else syndrome that they frequently exhibit.

The Leftist mind is actually incredibly infantile, it's growth has been stunted as soon as the Cultural Marxism garbage begins to take control of it.

The left are gutless cowards, eventually evolution will get rid of them.

It already is... a good percentage of them are homosexuals... dealing the VAST majority of them out of the gene pool. And they're killing one another as fast as they can load in most population centers.

Maybe in a couple thousand years they will dig up some dead liberals and try to figure out what DNA defects caused the anomaly.

Don't give them any ideas!!!!!

After all, there's an election coming up next year!!!!!

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