If Anyone Is "Aiding and Abetting" the Terrorists, It Is Liberals

How so?
And please... be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow?

It was written at a time when the US was a fledgling state and didn't have a proper standing army and European powers had designs on its territories and political make up. It made sense to make sure people were armed and a militia could be formed ASAP. Fast forward 250-odd years and you not only have a standing army, you have a navy and airforce, too. You have professional soldiers and police forces which fill the vacuum of a militia.

It made sense, because such is a fundamental tenet of the laws of nature wherein God endows humanity with our rights. The gift induces the responsibility to defend one's means to exercise those rights, as the rights rest upon no less an authority then the Creator itself, thus no man or collective of men, who each posses precisely the same rights as everyone else, thus are not entitled to infringe upon the means of anyone else to exercise their rights.

That responsibility cannot be sustained where one group of men possess greater individual power, through technological means, over another. Thus.. such provides that it is the RESPONSIBILITY for the viable individual to possess not just a firearm, but state of the art firearms, sufficient to defend one's means to exercise one's rights, without regard to how big they may be or how many of them thy may brig with them... .

Such as NOTHING to do with maintaining a free state, it is exclusively the means by which the state remains free, through such being populated by free men; OKA: Bearing and effectively using firearms in defense of one's means to exercise one's rights, is essential... TO THE STATE OF FREEDOM!

This is a law of nature... it is not subject to erosion over time or being rendered passé through the whimsy of pop culture.
The Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, TX ... the terrorist got the opportunity to collect his 72 virgins!!!

YESSIR... that is very true. BUT!... there were 144 virgins ordered up. As a SINGLE AMERICAN SHOOTER being present, set two Muslim pigs down for God's BAR BQ, that night.
The Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, TX ... the terrorist got the opportunity to collect his 72 virgins!!!

YESSIR... that is very true. BUT!... there were 144 virgins ordered up. As a SINGLE AMERICAN SHOOTER being present, set two Muslim pigs down for God's BAR BQ, that night.
These threads on USMB, are proof positive, that the left is doubling down believing that the GOP can not win, so they will kow-tow to every racial/ethnic/religious group in the country.

The truth is, it is mostly just these PISS ANT astro turfers, because they are so out of touch while they hide in their parents basements in their underwear and post continuously, as they haven't been informed yet by the messiah (praise be his name) and his minions like Debbie, Wasserman, (I know nothing-NOTHING) Shultz, that their brand is in deep trouble across the board.

You know how you know for sure that these are underlings, and NOT people in the know?!?!?!?!?!

Because these lefty astro turfers actually believe that Hillary was put up because she is the most POWERFUL nominee the left could field, lolol. The truth is..........they read the polls, tea leaves, and projections too, and are not stupid. LEFTIES..........Hillary is the sacrificial lamb you dumbshits! The internals say YOU PEOPLE ARE IN DEEP DOO, so they shoved Hilly out there, and nobody worth a damn is willing to challenge, because ALL THE INTERNALS say, YOU are going to LOSE. (gee, let us all wonder why! Duh!!!!!! Because they are going to lose, and the other upper echelon candidates know it, lolololol)

So, you carry on with your bravado, and your 230 electoral start, and all of your other "comfort" realities, lol! You guys were done before Santa Barbra, and now you are in landslide territory against you. Yeah, it is a year out, but with Obysmal at the controls, it ain't getting much better for you, and it will probably get worse-)

Of course we must remember, often these are the children of the crowd that thought George MacGovern was a shoo-in in 1972 :rolleyes-41:

I mean, prior to now, did anyone actually think that the Democrats could potentially have a Presidential Nominee more hapless and pointless than George MacGovern....Bernie Sanders makes MacGovern seem like a giant.

Lucy, can I ask for some of your logic?

Kennedy was assassinated. Some on the left say it was because of civil rights.

Truth was, he was assassinated by a communist, who lived in the USSR, married a Russian, wanted to support the Castro brothers, and so we lost Kennedy!

And yet, while they put up Kennedy as the 2nd most high after FDR, the left has become socialists, negotiate with the Castro brothers, and ignore the fact that their 2nd most high was killed by a SOCIALIST, which they now emulate.

Is it safe to say that these left wingers are not the left wingers or liberals that resided in the Democratic party when Kennedy ran for President? And in fact, don't the present day Democrats, emulate exactly the behavior that Kennedy fought against in the region?

I contend that it is safe to say, that the modern liberal is a great pretender, for they stand for little that Kennedy and Trueman stood for. Kennedy would roll in his grave if he knew that these phonies were using his name in vain.

Yes what we would refer to as the base of todays Democratic Party would have hated JFK. He would today be firmly within the Centre and possibly a DLC member.

Todays base are basically Anarcho-Marxists and during the Cuban Missile Crisis, they would have been trashing JFK and cheering on Fidel Castro.
Yes what we would refer to as the base of todays Democratic Party would have hated JFK. He would today be firmly within the Centre and possibly a DLC member.

Todays base are basically Anarcho-Marxists and during the Cuban Missile Crisis, they would have been trashing JFK and cheering on Fidel Castro.

Well... the 1960s Democrats didn't think much of him... given how they killed him and all.

Plus that Islamic Terrorist attack. The first one in the US since 9-11-01. Which also happens to be the worst mass-murder in the US SINCE 9-11-01.
So let's take a look at a few instances, shall we???

The Charlie Hebdo attack... the victims were unarmed, and 12 died...

The recent Paris attack... the victims were unarmed, and 130 died..

San Bernardino... the victims were unarmed, and 14 died...

The Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, TX... One armed police officer shot in the ankle, while the terrorist got the opportunity to collect his 72 virgins!!!
View attachment 56242

The Colorado shooting. An armed police officer was shot and killed. And what about the 354 other mass shootings you've had this year?
It made sense, because such is a fundamental tenet of the laws of nature wherein God endows humanity with our rights. The gift induces the responsibility to defend one's means to exercise those rights, as the rights rest upon no less an authority then the Creator itself, thus no man or collective of men, who each posses precisely the same rights as everyone else, thus are not entitled to infringe upon the means of anyone else to exercise their rights.

That responsibility cannot be sustained where one group of men possess greater individual power, through technological means, over another. Thus.. such provides that it is the RESPONSIBILITY for the viable individual to possess not just a firearm, but state of the art firearms, sufficient to defend one's means to exercise one's rights, without regard to how big they may be or how many of them thy may brig with them... .

Such as NOTHING to do with maintaining a free state, it is exclusively the means by which the state remains free, through such being populated by free men; OKA: Bearing and effectively using firearms in defense of one's means to exercise one's rights, is essential... TO THE STATE OF FREEDOM!

This is a law of nature... it is not subject to erosion over time or being rendered passé through the whimsy of pop culture.

Being an athiest I've never brought into that "god-given" right bullshit. It's just a nice idea in order for people to justify then stance for an unjustifiable POV.

State of art firearms? Cool, where's my tank? My hydrogen bomb? My anti-tank rocket launcher?

So they put the free state in there for shits and giggles, right?
The Colorado shooting. An armed police officer was shot and killed. And what about the 354 other mass shootings you've had this year?

Progs are killing Police Officers all over this country... but in fairness to them... they're quite mad.
Being an athiest I've never brought into that "god-given" right bullshit.

I understand... that's why you can't be counted as an American.

But in your defense, no Prog can.

It's just a nice idea ...

It's a law of nature. And this without regard to if you think its cute or not.

State of art firearms? Cool, where's my tank? My hydrogen bomb? My anti-tank rocket launcher?

Dude... I'm not keeping track of your shit. My purpose here is to belittle and berate you for your foolish ideas.

So they put the free state in there for shits and giggles, right?

No they put "free State" in there to demonstrate that individuals defending their means to exercise their God-given rights... is essential to such. (That means that without such, a free State is not possible.)
So let's take a look at a few instances, shall we???

The Charlie Hebdo attack... the victims were unarmed, and 12 died...

The recent Paris attack... the victims were unarmed, and 130 died..

San Bernardino... the victims were unarmed, and 14 died...

The Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, TX... One armed police officer shot in the ankle, while the terrorist got the opportunity to collect his 72 virgins!!!
View attachment 56242

The Colorado shooting. An armed police officer was shot and killed. And what about the 354 other mass shootings you've had this year?
The figure you're quoting just demonstrates that you are attempting to "spin" the facts, since Americans are more attuned to the actual FACTS!!!

But spin on, because it's really entertaining to watch a foreigner make a complete fool of himself over shit he doesn't know anything about!!!
By the way, Farooks's wife, Tashfiq Malik, passed her Homeland Security counterterrorism vetting ( Obama Administration's Much-Touted Counterterrorism Screening Fails, by Jim Geraghty, National Review ).

And here we go again with the pathetic comparisons to the Colorado and South Carolina shootings carried out by nominal, non-church-attending so-called "Christians" followed the by the idiotic argument that, "Gee, we don't blame Christianity for those acts!" Well, uh, the last time I checked, there is no "Christian" holy war movement that is blowing up buildings, beheading victims, selling women into prostitution, murdering people for leaving the faith, and calling for a global holy war to overthrow democratic governments.

Dead is dead. Both are issues. Who needs to differentiate. Both need to be dealt with. You Yanks get so caught up in a blame mentality (very much a conservative mantra) you're don't really seem that interested in solving the problem.

The problem is imported Muslim savages. The solution is to stop importing them.
The guy was born here. Your proposals mean shit .

It's the GOP allowing freaks like this guy to arm himself tonthe teeth .

We have one of these shootings on a monthly basis , and they all ain't mooslims .

His parents weren't born here, and neither was his wife. The problem is importing freaks like this. The way to stop the problem is to stop importing them.
No the blame mentality is the actual domain of the Leftist mantra.

BS. Look at the posts on this board from the right for the past 7 years. Everything is Obama's fault. I'm glad Bambi is a work of fiction, no doubt the left would blame the death of Bambi's mother on Obama if they could. It's pathetic.

How is it not Obama's fault? He's the one in charge, isn't he?

I understand... that's why you can't be counted as an American.

But in your defense, no Prog can.

It's a law of nature. And this without regard to if you think its cute or not.

Dude... I'm not keeping track of your shit. My purpose here is to belittle and berate you for your foolish ideas.

No they put "free State" in there to demonstrate that individuals defending their means to exercise their God-given rights... is essential to such. (That means that without such, a free State is not possible.)

I'm not American. I have no desire to be an American
Oh, laws of nature. Cool, so every time I feel frisky I can just knock a woman on the head with a club and shag her?

Well, you need to try harder, because all you are doing is looking like an neocon whackjob.

No, they put free state in there because they were talking about a free state. Just because you whackjobs and the NRA have made the USSC make trillions of decisions over the years to try and get them round to your POV doesn't mean the 2nd isn't what it is. You get somebody who's never read the thing to read it, and 100 percent of the time they come away thinking, "Oh it's a means to raise a militia in times of crisis". It's not rocket science. I'm reading a book at the moment called Merchants of Doubt. It's about how wingnuts like the tobacco industry (in the 50 sand 60s) and climate change deniers (today) hire/pay scientists and 'experts' to 'discover' theories that 'whoa and behold' happen to be the same as the tobacco industry and climate deniers. You're that version with your nonsense about natural rights when it comes to guns...
The Colorado shooting. An armed police officer was shot and killed. And what about the 354 other mass shootings you've had this year?

Progs are killing Police Officers all over this country... but in fairness to them... they're quite mad.

You have no idea who's killing who. Seems a lot of cops are killing a lot of people too.

Where's room for the mystery?

Cops have a little Shield on their shirts.

I bet you think that the shield represents the cops defending YOU!

In truth, the Shield is given to the Cops to be worn on their uniform, to inform Progs that they are protected by US. And that we, the people... have authorized them to do what is necessary to defend THE LAW and in so doing to defend those who consent to be governed by that law. And where you Progs fail to recognize that authority... we, the people... will erase you, without your permission, or apology for doing so.

Fuck with the Shield... and the Shield will FUCK YOU!
How is it not Obama's fault? He's the one in charge, isn't he?

Before he even got elected, on this very board (go back and look, it's there in black and white), I said I hoped he wouldn't get elected. Not because he wasn't the best candidate between him and McCain (he was by a long shot), but because all the wing nuts would blame him for Iraq and Afghanistan. The day he was sworn in, it started. Go back to the archives on this board in late Jan 2009 - suddenly everything was his fault. I couldn't make this shit up. If you'd given him a year's grace - even six months - there might be credible outrage. When you start sticking it to him from day one, all credibility goes out the door.

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