If Anyone Is "Aiding and Abetting" the Terrorists, It Is Liberals

These threads on USMB, are proof positive, that the left is doubling down believing that the GOP can not win, so they will kow-tow to every racial/ethnic/religious group in the country.

The truth is, it is mostly just these PISS ANT astro turfers, because they are so out of touch while they hide in their parents basements in their underwear and post continuously, as they haven't been informed yet by the messiah (praise be his name) and his minions like Debbie, Wasserman, (I know nothing-NOTHING) Shultz, that their brand is in deep trouble across the board.

You know how you know for sure that these are underlings, and NOT people in the know?!?!?!?!?!

Because these lefty astro turfers actually believe that Hillary was put up because she is the most POWERFUL nominee the left could field, lolol. The truth is..........they read the polls, tea leaves, and projections too, and are not stupid. LEFTIES..........Hillary is the sacrificial lamb you dumbshits! The internals say YOU PEOPLE ARE IN DEEP DOO, so they shoved Hilly out there, and nobody worth a damn is willing to challenge, because ALL THE INTERNALS say, YOU are going to LOSE. (gee, let us all wonder why! Duh!!!!!! Because they are going to lose, and the other upper echelon candidates know it, lolololol)

So, you carry on with your bravado, and your 230 electoral start, and all of your other "comfort" realities, lol! You guys were done before Santa Barbra, and now you are in landslide territory against you. Yeah, it is a year out, but with Obysmal at the controls, it ain't getting much better for you, and it will probably get worse-)
These threads on USMB, are proof positive, that the left is doubling down believing that the GOP can not win, so they will kow-tow to every racial/ethnic/religious group in the country.

The truth is, it is mostly just these PISS ANT astro turfers, because they are so out of touch while they hide in their parents basements in their underwear and post continuously, as they haven't been informed yet by the messiah (praise be his name) and his minions like Debbie, Wasserman, (I know nothing-NOTHING) Shultz, that their brand is in deep trouble across the board.

You know how you know for sure that these are underlings, and NOT people in the know?!?!?!?!?!

Because these lefty astro turfers actually believe that Hillary was put up because she is the most POWERFUL nominee the left could field, lolol. The truth is..........they read the polls, tea leaves, and projections too, and are not stupid. LEFTIES..........Hillary is the sacrificial lamb you dumbshits! The internals say YOU PEOPLE ARE IN DEEP DOO, so they shoved Hilly out there, and nobody worth a damn is willing to challenge, because ALL THE INTERNALS say, YOU are going to LOSE. (gee, let us all wonder why! Duh!!!!!! Because they are going to lose, and the other upper echelon candidates know it, lolololol)

So, you carry on with your bravado, and your 230 electoral start, and all of your other "comfort" realities, lol! You guys were done before Santa Barbra, and now you are in landslide territory against you. Yeah, it is a year out, but with Obysmal at the controls, it ain't getting much better for you, and it will probably get worse-)

The way it is ANY of the Republicans can win....what are the Democrats offering? Corrupt Hillary or Quasi-Communist Bernie Sanders.

Does anyone, except the absolutely delusional think that either Hillary or Sanders are going to be elected President?
These threads on USMB, are proof positive, that the left is doubling down believing that the GOP can not win, so they will kow-tow to every racial/ethnic/religious group in the country.

The truth is, it is mostly just these PISS ANT astro turfers, because they are so out of touch while they hide in their parents basements in their underwear and post continuously, as they haven't been informed yet by the messiah (praise be his name) and his minions like Debbie, Wasserman, (I know nothing-NOTHING) Shultz, that their brand is in deep trouble across the board.

You know how you know for sure that these are underlings, and NOT people in the know?!?!?!?!?!

Because these lefty astro turfers actually believe that Hillary was put up because she is the most POWERFUL nominee the left could field, lolol. The truth is..........they read the polls, tea leaves, and projections too, and are not stupid. LEFTIES..........Hillary is the sacrificial lamb you dumbshits! The internals say YOU PEOPLE ARE IN DEEP DOO, so they shoved Hilly out there, and nobody worth a damn is willing to challenge, because ALL THE INTERNALS say, YOU are going to LOSE. (gee, let us all wonder why! Duh!!!!!! Because they are going to lose, and the other upper echelon candidates know it, lolololol)

So, you carry on with your bravado, and your 230 electoral start, and all of your other "comfort" realities, lol! You guys were done before Santa Barbra, and now you are in landslide territory against you. Yeah, it is a year out, but with Obysmal at the controls, it ain't getting much better for you, and it will probably get worse-)

The way it is ANY of the Republicans can win....what are the Democrats offering? Corrupt Hillary or Quasi-Communist Bernie Sanders.

Does anyone, except the absolutely delusional think that either Hillary or Sanders are going to be elected President?

Lucy, that is what amazes me. Lefties are politically blind, but most of them are faaaaaaaar from stupid. They have to know what all polls are saying as far as what Americans want for policy. What they like, what they do not like. And yet, the lefty bravado-)

I suppose when you have a bunch of arrogant government workers sitting there knowing they only need 270 to win the ability to FLEECE AMERICA more, they are confidant when starting with......theoretically, 230. BUT, when it is proven you have Democrats crossing over because they are seen as off the reservation, most every swing state without the Democrats pointing GOP, and every red state in line.................well, I guess they are going to figure a way to allow the illegals to vote, because by count, that is probably the only way they can win.
These threads on USMB, are proof positive, that the left is doubling down believing that the GOP can not win, so they will kow-tow to every racial/ethnic/religious group in the country.

The truth is, it is mostly just these PISS ANT astro turfers, because they are so out of touch while they hide in their parents basements in their underwear and post continuously, as they haven't been informed yet by the messiah (praise be his name) and his minions like Debbie, Wasserman, (I know nothing-NOTHING) Shultz, that their brand is in deep trouble across the board.

You know how you know for sure that these are underlings, and NOT people in the know?!?!?!?!?!

Because these lefty astro turfers actually believe that Hillary was put up because she is the most POWERFUL nominee the left could field, lolol. The truth is..........they read the polls, tea leaves, and projections too, and are not stupid. LEFTIES..........Hillary is the sacrificial lamb you dumbshits! The internals say YOU PEOPLE ARE IN DEEP DOO, so they shoved Hilly out there, and nobody worth a damn is willing to challenge, because ALL THE INTERNALS say, YOU are going to LOSE. (gee, let us all wonder why! Duh!!!!!! Because they are going to lose, and the other upper echelon candidates know it, lolololol)

So, you carry on with your bravado, and your 230 electoral start, and all of your other "comfort" realities, lol! You guys were done before Santa Barbra, and now you are in landslide territory against you. Yeah, it is a year out, but with Obysmal at the controls, it ain't getting much better for you, and it will probably get worse-)

Of course we must remember, often these are the children of the crowd that thought George MacGovern was a shoo-in in 1972 :rolleyes-41:

I mean, prior to now, did anyone actually think that the Democrats could potentially have a Presidential Nominee more hapless and pointless than George MacGovern....Bernie Sanders makes MacGovern seem like a giant.
These threads on USMB, are proof positive, that the left is doubling down believing that the GOP can not win, so they will kow-tow to every racial/ethnic/religious group in the country.

The truth is, it is mostly just these PISS ANT astro turfers, because they are so out of touch while they hide in their parents basements in their underwear and post continuously, as they haven't been informed yet by the messiah (praise be his name) and his minions like Debbie, Wasserman, (I know nothing-NOTHING) Shultz, that their brand is in deep trouble across the board.

You know how you know for sure that these are underlings, and NOT people in the know?!?!?!?!?!

Because these lefty astro turfers actually believe that Hillary was put up because she is the most POWERFUL nominee the left could field, lolol. The truth is..........they read the polls, tea leaves, and projections too, and are not stupid. LEFTIES..........Hillary is the sacrificial lamb you dumbshits! The internals say YOU PEOPLE ARE IN DEEP DOO, so they shoved Hilly out there, and nobody worth a damn is willing to challenge, because ALL THE INTERNALS say, YOU are going to LOSE. (gee, let us all wonder why! Duh!!!!!! Because they are going to lose, and the other upper echelon candidates know it, lolololol)

So, you carry on with your bravado, and your 230 electoral start, and all of your other "comfort" realities, lol! You guys were done before Santa Barbra, and now you are in landslide territory against you. Yeah, it is a year out, but with Obysmal at the controls, it ain't getting much better for you, and it will probably get worse-)

The way it is ANY of the Republicans can win....what are the Democrats offering? Corrupt Hillary or Quasi-Communist Bernie Sanders.

Does anyone, except the absolutely delusional think that either Hillary or Sanders are going to be elected President?

Lucy, that is what amazes me. Lefties are politically blind, but most of them are faaaaaaaar from stupid. They have to know what all polls are saying as far as what Americans want for policy. What they like, what they do not like. And yet, the lefty bravado-)

I suppose when you have a bunch of arrogant government workers sitting there knowing they only need 270 to win the ability to FLEECE AMERICA more, they are confidant when starting with......theoretically, 230. BUT, when it is proven you have Democrats crossing over because they are seen as off the reservation, most every swing state without the Democrats pointing GOP, and every red state in line.................well, I guess they are going to figure a way to allow the illegals to vote, because by count, that is probably the only way they can win.

Well some of them are stupid, but yes not all of them are stupid.

Didn't Hillary say she wants as many of the Illegal Immigrants registered to vote? I suppose the 100,000 plus of the "poor Syrian refugees" will get registered also.

Yes this is the only way the Democrats could win, by stuffing as many ballot boxes with the Illegals votes. Each State, there are more Red than Blue States, hopefully there's more Red Secretaries of State than there are Blue ones, because they're in charge on Election Day and if they have sense they'll have tons of monitors at every polling station, watching and if need be apprehending anyone who looks well....Illegal. The Democrats motto of course:

"Don't forget to vote and vote often"
If we forbade everyone from stepping outside, that would cure terrorism. And I probably shouldn't mention that to the conservatives, because they'll now demand that one of their authoritarian daddy-figure leaders implement such a law.

You have to strike a balance. The liberals strike an intelligent balance. We certainly don't do everything possible to stop terrorism, we do not apologize for focusing on freedom, and we mock any right-wing sissyboy who demands security instead freedom. Maintaining liberty for all is more important than the loss of a few lives, and only wusses, commies and conservatives would disagree.

And when you read the conservative posts here, you understand exactly how Hitler came to power. Fixating on security to the detriment of liberty is one of the hallmarks of fascism.

You pompous fool, we are for LIBERTY.......American VOTERS liberty from the liberal chains of illegal aliens taking their jobs, or lowering their wages; or allowing people who chant "death to America" from getting BILLIONS after they have killed some of our American children through terrorism.

You are misguided, and I certainly hope I am NOT the only one who reminds you that your assertions border on TREASON against the American homeland.

What I want to know, when did Patriotism = racism and when did standing with your own = bigot.

It's natural that people are Patriotic, it's been that way for Centuries. It's a human trait to side with and stand with and protect your own.

It's not just America, this discrimination is happening to European Patriots also.
These threads on USMB, are proof positive, that the left is doubling down believing that the GOP can not win, so they will kow-tow to every racial/ethnic/religious group in the country.

The truth is, it is mostly just these PISS ANT astro turfers, because they are so out of touch while they hide in their parents basements in their underwear and post continuously, as they haven't been informed yet by the messiah (praise be his name) and his minions like Debbie, Wasserman, (I know nothing-NOTHING) Shultz, that their brand is in deep trouble across the board.

You know how you know for sure that these are underlings, and NOT people in the know?!?!?!?!?!

Because these lefty astro turfers actually believe that Hillary was put up because she is the most POWERFUL nominee the left could field, lolol. The truth is..........they read the polls, tea leaves, and projections too, and are not stupid. LEFTIES..........Hillary is the sacrificial lamb you dumbshits! The internals say YOU PEOPLE ARE IN DEEP DOO, so they shoved Hilly out there, and nobody worth a damn is willing to challenge, because ALL THE INTERNALS say, YOU are going to LOSE. (gee, let us all wonder why! Duh!!!!!! Because they are going to lose, and the other upper echelon candidates know it, lolololol)

So, you carry on with your bravado, and your 230 electoral start, and all of your other "comfort" realities, lol! You guys were done before Santa Barbra, and now you are in landslide territory against you. Yeah, it is a year out, but with Obysmal at the controls, it ain't getting much better for you, and it will probably get worse-)

Of course we must remember, often these are the children of the crowd that thought George MacGovern was a shoo-in in 1972 :rolleyes-41:

I mean, prior to now, did anyone actually think that the Democrats could potentially have a Presidential Nominee more hapless and pointless than George MacGovern....Bernie Sanders makes MacGovern seem like a giant.

Lucy, can I ask for some of your logic?

Kennedy was assassinated. Some on the left say it was because of civil rights.

Truth was, he was assassinated by a communist, who lived in the USSR, married a Russian, wanted to support the Castro brothers, and so we lost Kennedy!

And yet, while they put up Kennedy as the 2nd most high after FDR, the left has become socialists, negotiate with the Castro brothers, and ignore the fact that their 2nd most high was killed by a SOCIALIST, which they now emulate.

Is it safe to say that these left wingers are not the left wingers or liberals that resided in the Democratic party when Kennedy ran for President? And in fact, don't the present day Democrats, emulate exactly the behavior that Kennedy fought against in the region?

I contend that it is safe to say, that the modern liberal is a great pretender, for they stand for little that Kennedy and Trueman stood for. Kennedy would roll in his grave if he knew that these phonies were using his name in vain.
Much to my genuine disbelief, we have liberals on this board arguing, in the immediate aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino no less, that Republicans are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and even "arming" the terrorists. If anyone is guilty of "aiding and abetting" the terrorists, it is American liberals. The same American liberals who:

* Refuse to seal our borders.

* Refuse to toughen our visa tracking program to stop potential bad guys from coming here on a visa and then over-staying.

* Refuse to support sane tough internal security policies (such as NSA's metadata program and the larger TSP).

* Insisted that we leave no residual force in Iraq, which led to the creation of the Islamic State in the first place.

* Refuse to acknowledge the self-evident fact that the more Muslims a Western/pro-Western nation has, the greater its chances of being attacked at some point.

* Not only refuse to acknowledge the above reality but now want to allow over 100,000 more Muslims into the country, even though several of our intel officials, including the FBI Director and the assistant director in charge of such screening, have said we cannot properly screen them. (By the way, Farook's wife passed her "vetting." In fact, she passed her Homeland Security "vetting." Yeah, liberals, tell me how we should feel safe that we can screen tens of thousands of Syrian refugees.)

* Refuse to admit that France's very strict gun laws, which include absolute bans on automatic weapons, did NOTHING to prevent the two recent horrendous terrorist attacks in Paris. Instead, they have gone to the sick extreme of mocking Republicans for praying for the victims' families and claim that Republicans have no business praying for the families until they support tougher gun laws. That's just sick.

* Have defended the disastrous, misguided decision of two potential life-saving witnesses who opted not to contact authorities about their suspicions regarding Farook and his wife because they did not want to engage in "profiling" (racial or otherwise). As Rudy Giuliani pointed out in a recent interview, he was personally involved with two cases where attacks were prevented because witnesses chose to say something rather than stay silent.

* Refuse to even call Muslim/Islamic terrorism by name, and their choice for president has gone to the idiotic extreme of saying that Muslims have "nothing whatsoever" to do with jihad.

So if anyone is aiding and abetting the terrorists, it is American liberals.

If we forbade everyone from stepping outside, that would cure terrorism. And I probably shouldn't mention that to the conservatives, because they'll now demand that one of their authoritarian daddy-figure leaders implement such a law.

You have to strike a balance. The liberals strike an intelligent balance. We certainly don't do everything possible to stop terrorism, we do not apologize for focusing on freedom, and we mock any right-wing sissyboy who demands security instead freedom. Maintaining liberty for all is more important than the loss of a few lives, and only wusses, commies and conservatives would disagree.

And when you read the conservative posts here, you understand exactly how Hitler came to power. Fixating on security to the detriment of liberty is one of the hallmarks of fascism.

You pompous fool, we are for LIBERTY.......American VOTERS liberty from the liberal chains of illegal aliens taking their jobs, or lowering their wages; or allowing people who chant "death to America" from getting BILLIONS after they have killed some of our American children through terrorism.

You are misguided, and I certainly hope I am NOT the only one who reminds you that your assertions border on TREASON against the American homeland.

What I want to know, when did Patriotism = racism and when did standing with your own = bigot.

It's natural that people are Patriotic, it's been that way for Centuries. It's a human trait to side with and stand with and protect your own.

It's not just America, this discrimination is happening to European Patriots also.

You've made an excellent point. Thank you.

But sadly, Europe is toast.

It long ago lost any sense of principle... thus there's insufficient moral clarity in Europe to understand right from wrong, thus your culture is simply no longer viable.

The next generation of your family will be Muslim... or they'll be refugees, or worse.

Here... we will destroy Islam, to the last one... and we will leave no trace that a Muslim ever set foot in the US.
Then what, repeal the 1st Amendment....how about just the ultimate Leftists wet-dream....just ripping up the entire Constitution? After all, the Leftists believe the American Founding Fathers were just a group of racist-bigots.

No the first is fine, as are many amendments. The second is redundant and outdated.
When GWB was President the Leftists blamed him for stuff that happened when Clinton was President. When Clinton was President, the Leftists were still blaming Ronald Reagan for stuff.

Ditto in Britain, the Leftists are still blaming Margaret Thatcher, she left office 25 years ago, but they still blame her.

I'm on the Right, but I'm mentally mature enough to call a spade a spade, if a Conservative politician does something wrong or irresponsible, then I'll say that they're wrong or a fool.

Leftists CANNOT do either, they cannot say that a Leftist is ever wrong or a fool.

I lived under Maggie Thatcher. She did a lot of stuff that still bears the scars all these years later.

I have no problem blaming politicians who are responsible for outcomes that they champion whether they still be in office or not. And you may be mature enough to call a spade a spade but you're a rare commodity on this board. Your fellow cons cannot find anything wrong with their shills.
These threads on USMB, are proof positive, that the left is doubling down believing that the GOP can not win, so they will kow-tow to every racial/ethnic/religious group in the country.

The truth is, it is mostly just these PISS ANT astro turfers, because they are so out of touch while they hide in their parents basements in their underwear and post continuously, as they haven't been informed yet by the messiah (praise be his name) and his minions like Debbie, Wasserman, (I know nothing-NOTHING) Shultz, that their brand is in deep trouble across the board.

You know how you know for sure that these are underlings, and NOT people in the know?!?!?!?!?!

Because these lefty astro turfers actually believe that Hillary was put up because she is the most POWERFUL nominee the left could field, lolol. The truth is..........they read the polls, tea leaves, and projections too, and are not stupid. LEFTIES..........Hillary is the sacrificial lamb you dumbshits! The internals say YOU PEOPLE ARE IN DEEP DOO, so they shoved Hilly out there, and nobody worth a damn is willing to challenge, because ALL THE INTERNALS say, YOU are going to LOSE. (gee, let us all wonder why! Duh!!!!!! Because they are going to lose, and the other upper echelon candidates know it, lolololol)

So, you carry on with your bravado, and your 230 electoral start, and all of your other "comfort" realities, lol! You guys were done before Santa Barbra, and now you are in landslide territory against you. Yeah, it is a year out, but with Obysmal at the controls, it ain't getting much better for you, and it will probably get worse-)

Of course we must remember, often these are the children of the crowd that thought George MacGovern was a shoo-in in 1972 :rolleyes-41:

I mean, prior to now, did anyone actually think that the Democrats could potentially have a Presidential Nominee more hapless and pointless than George MacGovern....Bernie Sanders makes MacGovern seem like a giant.
Or how about the fact that the Dimwits thought Mondale could actually win in 1984??

United States presidential election, 1984 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reagan carried 49 of the 50 states, becoming one of only two candidates to do so (the other was Richard Nixon in the1972 presidential election). Reagan touted a strong economic recovery from 1970s stagflation and the 1981-82 recession, as well as the widespread perception that his presidency had overseen a revival of national confidence and prestige.[2]Mondale's only electoral votes came from the District of Columbia, which has never given its electoral votes to a Republican candidate, and his home state ofMinnesota, which he won by a mere 3,761 votes.

Reagan's 525 electoral votes (out of 538) is the highest total ever received by a presidential candidate. His showing ranks fourth by percent electoral votes received (97.58%) out of total available electoral votes, just shy of the 523 out of 531 (98.49%) received by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936. Mondale's 13 electoral votes is also the second-fewest ever received by a second-place candidate, second only to Alf Landon's 8 in 1936.
Then what, repeal the 1st Amendment....how about just the ultimate Leftists wet-dream....just ripping up the entire Constitution? After all, the Leftists believe the American Founding Fathers were just a group of racist-bigots.

No the first is fine, as are many amendments. The second is redundant and outdated.

How so?

And please... be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow?
How so?
And please... be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow?

It was written at a time when the US was a fledgling state and didn't have a proper standing army and European powers had designs on its territories and political make up. It made sense to make sure people were armed and a militia could be formed ASAP. Fast forward 250-odd years and you not only have a standing army, you have a navy and airforce, too. You have professional soldiers and police forces which fill the vacuum of a militia.
How so?
And please... be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow?

It was written at a time when the US was a fledgling state and didn't have a proper standing army and European powers had designs on its territories and political make up. It made sense to make sure people were armed and a militia could be formed ASAP. Fast forward 250-odd years and you not only have a standing army, you have a navy and airforce, too. You have professional soldiers and police forces which fill the vacuum of a militia.
So let's take a look at a few instances, shall we???

The Charlie Hebdo attack... the victims were unarmed, and 12 died...

The recent Paris attack... the victims were unarmed, and 130 died..

San Bernardino... the victims were unarmed, and 14 died...

The Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, TX... One armed police officer shot in the ankle, while the terrorist got the opportunity to collect his 72 virgins!!!

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