If Anyone Is "Aiding and Abetting" the Terrorists, It Is Liberals

That was mental illness.

True. The guy didn't seem to have a plan and police don't believe he was motivated by any political views. He is a nut job.

The Paris attacks, the San Bernardino attacks and countless other attack by Muslims were motivated by a specific agenda which is to rid the world of infidels.

And San Bernardino, like Paris, were places with strict gun control. I cannot figure out why the left brings up gun control when it not only failed to stop so many shootings, but the gun-free zones likely prompted those locations to be chosen.

To add to the insanity, the left is trying their best to find any excuse to ignore the fact that it was terrorism. They scream Islamophobia when anyone brings it up.

The latest attack will only serve to hurt all Muslims. The attacker was fairly well liked and no one dreamed that he was capable of such a horrific act. Wouldn't it be nice if there was some way to tell, like if all radicals were loud, obnoxious and openly anti-infidel. But now we know that even those who pose as peaceful people might be as dangerous as those in other countries carrying signs declaring death to Americans. When people trust Muslims even less, it's not because they are Islamophobic. No one just woke up one day and decided that they didn't like Muslims. It's because we are sick and tired of seeing Muslims brutally murder people in the name of their god and continue to threaten more violence. And there is no way to know who is who among them.

The neighbors of the leader of the attack saw things that seemed suspicious, namely Middle Eastern men visiting all times of the day and night. Even though their instincts told them to report it, they feared being labeled as bigots so they remained silent. Political correctness and fear of the left accusing them of unfairly profiling Muslims stopped them from reporting this to those who may have been able to stop it. That is another result of the left's rhetoric and treatment of those who do speak out against radical Islam.

This isn't about gun control and the majority of people in this country understand that. It's about a growing radical movement that needs to be dealt with, but the left refuses to look at it for what it is. It seems more important to them to live in their pretend world where people love you when you're nice to them and the only evil people are those who believe in the 2nd amendment. No matter how many incidents happen all over the world to prove them wrong, they still won't face it. They dive deeper into their little dream world.

There are many reason people kill. Most murders are personal. The people who kill total strangers are either certifiably insane or they are members or identify with groups who have a set agenda. Many radical Muslims have been trained to hate their entire lives. Too many Muslims still cling to archaic beliefs. We've all seen the videos of terrorist groups teaching little children how to kill infidels. They grow up thinking it's normal and even admirable to be able to carry out attacks on those they believe are evil. They are taught to pretend to be nice and lie to infidels to lull them into a false sense of security. And they have no reservations about killing and no guilt after the fact. When they are trained from the start, it's ingrained in their psyche and being nice cannot undo a lifetime of radicalization. Even the San Bernardino shooter must have held radical views to convert to terrorism so easily. What mosque did he attend and who was the main influence over him over the years?

The left puts forth the notion that average good people convert easily because of foreign policy or mistrust of Muslims. Why has no other group resorted to cold-blooded torture and killing of innocent people? Muslims are hardly the most persecuted people on earth. They are the group most likely to produce killers and it takes so little to incite them. A cartoon has been enough. Failure of Christians or coworkers to convert has been enough. Hatred of infidels has been enough.

The radicals often make statements or carry signs declaring that Islam should rule the world. To hell with liberty and freedom they say because sharia trumps all. This makes it clear that it's a deep rooted ideology that prompts the killing of infidels and not specific actions. While any offense will bring on their instant wrath, most of the victims of Islamist terrorists never did anything to them. Their only crime was being infidels.
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I thought it was the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms.

Also guns don't kill people, f-cked up people kill people.

How many Americans own a gun? Tens of millions of Americans own a gun. Therefore, IF guns were the PROBLEM, well then, you'd have MILLIONS of these shooting per year and EVERY year.

The second needs to be repealed..

You're a scary servile brainwashed moron.
How is it not Obama's fault? He's the one in charge, isn't he?

Before he even got elected, on this very board (go back and look, it's there in black and white), I said I hoped he wouldn't get elected. Not because he wasn't the best candidate between him and McCain (he was by a long shot), but because all the wing nuts would blame him for Iraq and Afghanistan. The day he was sworn in, it started. Go back to the archives on this board in late Jan 2009 - suddenly everything was his fault. I couldn't make this shit up. If you'd given him a year's grace - even six months - there might be credible outrage. When you start sticking it to him from day one, all credibility goes out the door.
Even with the six month "grace period", Obozo has damn near 6 1/2 YEARS of fuck-ups!!!!

But you ignore THAT!!!!

YOU have no credibility....
Many people saw something suspicious going on and were afraid to say anything in fear of racial profiling..

Another example of why the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS..
Even with the six month "grace period", Obozo has damn near 6 1/2 YEARS of fuck-ups!!!!

But you ignore THAT!!!!

YOU have no credibility....

only on neocon whacko right. Most lefties and centrists - even some righties - disagree with you.

As for credibility, you're awash with it..
I'm not American.

That's what I just said... but thank you for reminding me.

I have no desire to be an American

Well, America isn't your thing, mate... In nature, Progs are OKA: FOOD.

Oh, laws of nature. Cool, so every time I feel frisky I can just knock a woman on the head with a club and shag her?

Well, I seriously doubt that ya could, but... just asn an FYI, if ya try that over here, you'll likely end up shot to pieces. American chicks take a dim view of that and they're prone to beat the hell out of feminized Leftist males, who forget their place in the peckin' order.

Well, you need to try harder...

Well, that's hardly true... and it wouldn't be fair to you, if I did.

No, they put free state in there because they were talking about a free state.

So you feel that the Framers decided to enumerate a protected power of the state... in the BILL OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS?


Fuckin' British Socialists... You people are HELPLESS!

Just because you ... and the NRA

The NRA is comprised of tens of millions of Americans, who join together purely as an overt means to defend our means to exercise our God-given rights. We do so without apology or any concern for how Progs feel about it.

And yes... we're prepared to go to war to settle it.

On a local note... the NRA sent individual British subjects THOUSANDS of Rifles when your grandparents were BEGGING the US to sell you guns and the US government was refusing... when the NAZI Progs were in the precipice of rolling over Britain.

For what it's worth, the British public had run its socialist mouth against American Guns for a decade prior to that, as it took steps to disarm the British Public.

So... There are no Leftist Americans, Scamp... and you, are a classic example of why that is.
How is it not Obama's fault? He's the one in charge, isn't he?

Before he even got elected, on this very board (go back and look, it's there in black and white), I said I hoped he wouldn't get elected. Not because he wasn't the best candidate between him and McCain (he was by a long shot), but because all the wing nuts would blame him for Iraq and Afghanistan. The day he was sworn in, it started. Go back to the archives on this board in late Jan 2009 - suddenly everything was his fault. I couldn't make this shit up. If you'd given him a year's grace - even six months - there might be credible outrage. When you start sticking it to him from day one, all credibility goes out the door.

All the leftwingnuts tried to blame Bush for 9/11. That was a stretch if there ever was one.

You reap what you sew.
When it becomes this obvious liberals are at fault they freak out and start blaming everyone else, this is not the first time.

Yes because that's what the Leftist Politburo Brainwashing HQ instructs them to do.

Leftists are devoid of any semblance of personal responsibility, as such nothing is ever their fault, thus we have the blame somebody else syndrome that they frequently exhibit.

The Leftist mind is actually incredibly infantile, it's growth has been stunted as soon as the Cultural Marxism garbage begins to take control of it.

The left are gutless cowards, eventually evolution will get rid of them.
The problem is imported Muslim savages. The solution is to stop importing them.

Yep, that explains San Bernadino. What about the other 355 mass shootings this year?

There weren't that many. You're swallowing propaganda.

They even give you a reference...

Yeah check that thing out! ROFLMNAO!

It's a JOKE!
Yes, that is good news for me. The bad news is that idiots like you can vote.

Don't worry I'm not American. As for voting, I believe people should have an IQ test before they are allowed to vote. it would keep people like you out of the loop. There's no way in the world people as dumb as you should have any say in how a country is run.
When it becomes this obvious liberals are at fault they freak out and start blaming everyone else, this is not the first time.

Yes because that's what the Leftist Politburo Brainwashing HQ instructs them to do.

Leftists are devoid of any semblance of personal responsibility, as such nothing is ever their fault, thus we have the blame somebody else syndrome that they frequently exhibit.

The Leftist mind is actually incredibly infantile, it's growth has been stunted as soon as the Cultural Marxism garbage begins to take control of it.

The left are gutless cowards, eventually evolution will get rid of them.

It already is... a good percentage of them are homosexuals... dealing the VAST majority of them out of the gene pool. And they're killing one another as fast as they can load in most population centers.
The problem is imported Muslim savages. The solution is to stop importing them.

Yep, that explains San Bernadino. What about the other 355 mass shootings this year?

There weren't that many. You're swallowing propaganda.

They even give you a reference...

The source of your data is "MassShootingTracker." It's a propaganda site.

The Media’s Inflated ‘Mass Shootings’ Count Is Wildly Misleading , by Ian Tuttle, National Review

The Media’s Inflated ‘Mass Shootings’ Count Is Wildly Misleading

The source of the much-publicized data is the “Mass Shooting Tracker” at shootingtracker.com, a crowdsourced page that defines a “mass shooting” as any in which “four or more people are shot in one event, or related series of events, likely without a cooling off period.” Victims might include the gunman; the data is based on news reports. There are obvious problems, one identified by the FBI in a 2014 report on active-shooter situations, which couches its own statistics by noting: A handful of those identified as “wounded” were not injured by gunfire but rather suffered injuries incidental to the event, such as being hit by flying objects/shattered glass or falling while running. It may be for this reason, among others, that the FBI does not define “mass shootings,” only “mass killings.” The latter are those incidents with at least three dead, a metric based on the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012, which passed into law in 2013 and grants the U.S. attorney general authority to aid in the investigation of “mass killings and attempted mass killings at the request of an appropriate law enforcement official of a state or political subdivision.” Under this definition, there have been 67 “mass killings” this year.

The Congressional Research Service, however, goes further: “Mass murder” is a multiple homicide with at least four victims, not including the offender; a “mass shooting” is a mass murder committed with a firearm; and a “mass public shooting” is a mass shooting “in at least one or more public locations, such as a workplace, school, restaurant, house of worship, neighborhood, or other public setting . . . and not attributable to any other underlying criminal activity or commonplace circumstance (armed robbery, criminal competition, insurance fraud, argument, or romantic triangle).” Using these definitions, Grant Duwe, in his 2007 book Mass Murder in the United States: A History, notes: “Excluding those that occurred in connection with criminal activity such as robbery, drug dealing, and organized crime, there were 116 mass public shootings during the twentieth century” (emphasis mine). The Congressional Research Service reported 317 mass shootings between 1999 and 2013, only 66 of which qualified under their criteria as mass public shootings.
When it becomes this obvious liberals are at fault they freak out and start blaming everyone else, this is not the first time.

Yes because that's what the Leftist Politburo Brainwashing HQ instructs them to do.

Leftists are devoid of any semblance of personal responsibility, as such nothing is ever their fault, thus we have the blame somebody else syndrome that they frequently exhibit.

The Leftist mind is actually incredibly infantile, it's growth has been stunted as soon as the Cultural Marxism garbage begins to take control of it.

The left are gutless cowards, eventually evolution will get rid of them.

It already is... a good percentage of them are homosexuals... dealing the VAST majority of them out of the gene pool. And they're killing one another as fast as they can load in most population centers.

Maybe in a couple thousand years they will dig up some dead liberals and try to figure out what DNA defects caused the anomaly.
Yes, that is good news for me. The bad news is that idiots like you can vote.

Don't worry I'm not American. As for voting, I believe people should have an IQ test before they are allowed to vote. it would keep people like you out of the loop. There's no way in the world people as dumb as you should have any say in how a country is run.

You only demonstrate what an insecure infantile moron you are.

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