If Anyone Is "Aiding and Abetting" the Terrorists, It Is Liberals

By the way, Farooks's wife, Tashfiq Malik, passed her Homeland Security counterterrorism vetting ( Obama Administration's Much-Touted Counterterrorism Screening Fails, by Jim Geraghty, National Review ).

And here we go again with the pathetic comparisons to the Colorado and South Carolina shootings carried out by nominal, non-church-attending so-called "Christians" followed the by the idiotic argument that, "Gee, we don't blame Christianity for those acts!" Well, uh, the last time I checked, there is no "Christian" holy war movement that is blowing up buildings, beheading victims, selling women into prostitution, murdering people for leaving the faith, and calling for a global holy war to overthrow democratic governments.

Dead is dead. Both are issues. Who needs to differentiate. Both need to be dealt with. You Yanks get so caught up in a blame mentality (very much a conservative mantra) you're don't really seem that interested in solving the problem.
Much to my genuine disbelief, we have liberals on this board arguing, in the immediate aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino no less, that Republicans are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and even "arming" the terrorists. If anyone is guilty of "aiding and abetting" the terrorists, it is American liberals. The same American liberals who:

* Refuse to seal our borders.

* Refuse to toughen our visa tracking program to stop potential bad guys from coming here on a visa and then over-staying.

* Refuse to support sane tough internal security policies (such as NSA's metadata program and the larger TSP).

Yeah umm... the latest perp was born in Chicago. The one a few days before that, South Carolina.
But oh wait, that was Christian terrorism, never mind.

You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.

I agree with you Mike, and what these people are saying would have been refered to 15 or 20 years ago as TREASON. They have no respect for the protection of their fellow citizens, and in fact acquiesce more towards those born outside this country, instead of the people here who are actually paying the bills.

If a time comes when any of these politicians are put up for treason, some of these lefty posters should be right there with them!

When people side with in general an alien group from outside who've come inside and trash their fellow citizens who've always been inside, yes that's the definition of Treason.
Much to my genuine disbelief, we have liberals on this board arguing, in the immediate aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino no less, that Republicans are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and even "arming" the terrorists. If anyone is guilty of "aiding and abetting" the terrorists, it is American liberals. The same American liberals who:

* Refuse to seal our borders.

* Refuse to toughen our visa tracking program to stop potential bad guys from coming here on a visa and then over-staying.

* Refuse to support sane tough internal security policies (such as NSA's metadata program and the larger TSP).

Yeah umm... the latest perp was born in Chicago. The one a few days before that, South Carolina.
But oh wait, that was Christian terrorism, never mind.

You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.

I know. They aren't interested in asking the neighbors how many muslims were engaged in visiting the house...but they'll grill a widow of one of the victims about whether or not her husband possibly tried to "evangelize" the muslim...thereby making it a case of "the Christians drove them to it" instead of "Muslim terrorists frequented the area"...
By the way, Farooks's wife, Tashfiq Malik, passed her Homeland Security counterterrorism vetting ( Obama Administration's Much-Touted Counterterrorism Screening Fails, by Jim Geraghty, National Review ).

And here we go again with the pathetic comparisons to the Colorado and South Carolina shootings carried out by nominal, non-church-attending so-called "Christians" followed the by the idiotic argument that, "Gee, we don't blame Christianity for those acts!" Well, uh, the last time I checked, there is no "Christian" holy war movement that is blowing up buildings, beheading victims, selling women into prostitution, murdering people for leaving the faith, and calling for a global holy war to overthrow democratic governments.

Dead is dead. Both are issues. Who needs to differentiate. Both need to be dealt with. You Yanks get so caught up in a blame mentality (very much a conservative mantra) you're don't really seem that interested in solving the problem.

No the blame mentality is the actual domain of the Leftist mantra.
The guy was born here. Your proposals mean shit .

It's the GOP allowing freaks like this guy to arm himself tonthe teeth .

We have one of these shootings on a monthly basis , and they all ain't mooslims .
No the blame mentality is the actual domain of the Leftist mantra.

BS. Look at the posts on this board from the right for the past 7 years. Everything is Obama's fault. I'm glad Bambi is a work of fiction, no doubt the left would blame the death of Bambi's mother on Obama if they could. It's pathetic.
So Lucy Hamilton poster goes to the question of the intent of Amendment Two. Were gun rights created to support a citizen militia, or were gun rights created to support the business of making guns and ammo? The concept of "security" is generally not about one household, arming against the neighbors. That is what happened in San Bernardino. That is what NRA is for.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Maybe NRA invite Spirit Warriors to Chant and Dance at local and National Conventions(?)! Leaders can use them in sacred call to prayers, facing Mecca!)
By the way, Farooks's wife, Tashfiq Malik, passed her Homeland Security counterterrorism vetting ( Obama Administration's Much-Touted Counterterrorism Screening Fails, by Jim Geraghty, National Review ).

And here we go again with the pathetic comparisons to the Colorado and South Carolina shootings carried out by nominal, non-church-attending so-called "Christians" followed the by the idiotic argument that, "Gee, we don't blame Christianity for those acts!" Well, uh, the last time I checked, there is no "Christian" holy war movement that is blowing up buildings, beheading victims, selling women into prostitution, murdering people for leaving the faith, and calling for a global holy war to overthrow democratic governments.

Dead is dead. Both are issues. Who needs to differentiate. Both need to be dealt with. You Yanks get so caught up in a blame mentality (very much a conservative mantra) you're don't really seem that interested in solving the problem.

No the blame mentality is the actual domain of the Leftist mantra.
The guy was born here. Your proposals mean shit .

It's the GOP allowing freaks like this guy to arm himself tonthe teeth .

We have one of these shootings on a monthly basis , and they all ain't mooslims .

I thought it was the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms.

Also guns don't kill people, f-cked up people kill people.

How many Americans own a gun? Tens of millions of Americans own a gun. Therefore, IF guns were the PROBLEM, well then, you'd have MILLIONS of these shooting per year and EVERY year.
I thought it was the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms.

Also guns don't kill people, f-cked up people kill people.

How many Americans own a gun? Tens of millions of Americans own a gun. Therefore, IF guns were the PROBLEM, well then, you'd have MILLIONS of these shooting per year and EVERY year.

The second needs to be repealed.

There is no correlation between the number of guns and shootings. It's more about the mindset of the people. You have more deranged people in the US.

I don't have too much a problem with people owning a gun. I do have a problem with the likes of the NRA stopping background checks etc. I think people should also be licensed to own a firearm.
It's because they are scared of them. So many believe if we just leave the radicals alone, talk nice, they will leave us alone and will give up on their caliphate for sharia world wide dominance.
Much to my genuine disbelief, we have liberals on this board arguing, in the immediate aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino no less, that Republicans are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and even "arming" the terrorists. If anyone is guilty of "aiding and abetting" the terrorists, it is American liberals. The same American liberals who:

* Refuse to seal our borders.

* Refuse to toughen our visa tracking program to stop potential bad guys from coming here on a visa and then over-staying.

* Refuse to support sane tough internal security policies (such as NSA's metadata program and the larger TSP).

Yeah umm... the latest perp was born in Chicago. The one a few days before that, South Carolina.
But oh wait, that was Christian terrorism, never mind.

You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.

I agree with you Mike, and what these people are saying would have been refered to 15 or 20 years ago as TREASON. They have no respect for the protection of their fellow citizens, and in fact acquiesce more towards those born outside this country, instead of the people here who are actually paying the bills.

If a time comes when any of these politicians are put up for treason, some of these lefty posters should be right there with them!
No the blame mentality is the actual domain of the Leftist mantra.

BS. Look at the posts on this board from the right for the past 7 years. Everything is Obama's fault. I'm glad Bambi is a work of fiction, no doubt the left would blame the death of Bambi's mother on Obama if they could. It's pathetic.

When GWB was President the Leftists blamed him for stuff that happened when Clinton was President. When Clinton was President, the Leftists were still blaming Ronald Reagan for stuff.

Ditto in Britain, the Leftists are still blaming Margaret Thatcher, she left office 25 years ago, but they still blame her.

I'm on the Right, but I'm mentally mature enough to call a spade a spade, if a Conservative politician does something wrong or irresponsible, then I'll say that they're wrong or a fool.

Leftists CANNOT do either, they cannot say that a Leftist is ever wrong or a fool.
I thought it was the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms.

Also guns don't kill people, f-cked up people kill people.

How many Americans own a gun? Tens of millions of Americans own a gun. Therefore, IF guns were the PROBLEM, well then, you'd have MILLIONS of these shooting per year and EVERY year.

The second needs to be repealed.

There is no correlation between the number of guns and shootings. It's more about the mindset of the people. You have more deranged people in the US.

I don't have too much a problem with people owning a gun. I do have a problem with the likes of the NRA stopping background checks etc. I think people should also be licensed to own a firearm.

Then what, repeal the 1st Amendment....how about just the ultimate Leftists wet-dream....just ripping up the entire Constitution? After all, the Leftists believe the American Founding Fathers were just a group of racist-bigots.
It's because they are scared of them. So many believe if we just leave the radicals alone, talk nice, they will leave us alone and will give up on their caliphate for sharia world wide dominance.
Much to my genuine disbelief, we have liberals on this board arguing, in the immediate aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino no less, that Republicans are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and even "arming" the terrorists. If anyone is guilty of "aiding and abetting" the terrorists, it is American liberals. The same American liberals who:

* Refuse to seal our borders.

* Refuse to toughen our visa tracking program to stop potential bad guys from coming here on a visa and then over-staying.

* Refuse to support sane tough internal security policies (such as NSA's metadata program and the larger TSP).

Yeah umm... the latest perp was born in Chicago. The one a few days before that, South Carolina.
But oh wait, that was Christian terrorism, never mind.

You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.

I agree with you Mike, and what these people are saying would have been refered to 15 or 20 years ago as TREASON. They have no respect for the protection of their fellow citizens, and in fact acquiesce more towards those born outside this country, instead of the people here who are actually paying the bills.

If a time comes when any of these politicians are put up for treason, some of these lefty posters should be right there with them!

The Leftists across the world think, in their usual delusional and altruistic manner, if they befriend the Islam crowd and sit with them, holding hands, singing Kumbaya, that this will help "integrate" them into a Western society that they already despise....it's utterly ridiculous thinking and it's ultimately dangerous to ALL of Western society.
Freedom? Freedom?? It is liberals that are wanting to take away freedoms from US citizens. You want everything to be filtered so as not to disturb those that could care less one way or the other. The radicals want a world wide sharia dominance, and no amount of pc will change that! Some in this world are NOT civilized, which you seem to think they are or touchy, feely will just change them into. It won't. It only gives them more power!
If we forbade everyone from stepping outside, that would cure terrorism. And I probably shouldn't mention that to the conservatives, because they'll now demand that one of their authoritarian daddy-figure leaders implement such a law.

You have to strike a balance. The liberals strike an intelligent balance. We certainly don't do everything possible to stop terrorism, we do not apologize for focusing on freedom, and we mock any right-wing sissyboy who demands security instead freedom. Maintaining liberty for all is more important than the loss of a few lives, and only wusses, commies and conservatives would disagree.

And when you read the conservative posts here, you understand exactly how Hitler came to power. Fixating on security to the detriment of liberty is one of the hallmarks of fascism.
Great minds think alike. :)
It's because they are scared of them. So many believe if we just leave the radicals alone, talk nice, they will leave us alone and will give up on their caliphate for sharia world wide dominance.
Much to my genuine disbelief, we have liberals on this board arguing, in the immediate aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino no less, that Republicans are guilty of "aiding and abetting" and even "arming" the terrorists. If anyone is guilty of "aiding and abetting" the terrorists, it is American liberals. The same American liberals who:

* Refuse to seal our borders.

* Refuse to toughen our visa tracking program to stop potential bad guys from coming here on a visa and then over-staying.

* Refuse to support sane tough internal security policies (such as NSA's metadata program and the larger TSP).

Yeah umm... the latest perp was born in Chicago. The one a few days before that, South Carolina.
But oh wait, that was Christian terrorism, never mind.

You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.

I agree with you Mike, and what these people are saying would have been refered to 15 or 20 years ago as TREASON. They have no respect for the protection of their fellow citizens, and in fact acquiesce more towards those born outside this country, instead of the people here who are actually paying the bills.

If a time comes when any of these politicians are put up for treason, some of these lefty posters should be right there with them!

The Leftists across the world think, in their usual delusional and altruistic manner, if they befriend the Islam crowd and sit with them, holding hands, singing Kumbaya, that this will help "integrate" them into a Western society that they already despise....it's utterly ridiculous thinking and it's ultimately dangerous to ALL of Western society.
Freedom? Freedom?? It is liberals that are wanting to take away freedoms from US citizens. You want everything to be filtered so as not to disturb those that could care less one way or the other. The radicals want a world wide sharia dominance, and no amount of pc will change that! Some in this world are NOT civilized, which you seem to think they are or touchy, feely will just change them into. It won't. It only gives them more power!
If we forbade everyone from stepping outside, that would cure terrorism. And I probably shouldn't mention that to the conservatives, because they'll now demand that one of their authoritarian daddy-figure leaders implement such a law.

You have to strike a balance. The liberals strike an intelligent balance. We certainly don't do everything possible to stop terrorism, we do not apologize for focusing on freedom, and we mock any right-wing sissyboy who demands security instead freedom. Maintaining liberty for all is more important than the loss of a few lives, and only wusses, commies and conservatives would disagree.

And when you read the conservative posts here, you understand exactly how Hitler came to power. Fixating on security to the detriment of liberty is one of the hallmarks of fascism.

Exactly I 100% agree with you.


Great minds think alike. :)
It's because they are scared of them. So many believe if we just leave the radicals alone, talk nice, they will leave us alone and will give up on their caliphate for sharia world wide dominance.
Yeah umm... the latest perp was born in Chicago. The one a few days before that, South Carolina.
But oh wait, that was Christian terrorism, never mind.

You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.

I agree with you Mike, and what these people are saying would have been refered to 15 or 20 years ago as TREASON. They have no respect for the protection of their fellow citizens, and in fact acquiesce more towards those born outside this country, instead of the people here who are actually paying the bills.

If a time comes when any of these politicians are put up for treason, some of these lefty posters should be right there with them!

The Leftists across the world think, in their usual delusional and altruistic manner, if they befriend the Islam crowd and sit with them, holding hands, singing Kumbaya, that this will help "integrate" them into a Western society that they already despise....it's utterly ridiculous thinking and it's ultimately dangerous to ALL of Western society.

Yes :)
Liberals, I again point out that France has very strict gun laws, and Paris's gun laws go beyond the national laws. Automatic rifles are ILLEGAL in France, no exceptions. Semi-autos that hold more than 3 rounds are illegal, unless you get a permit and undergo a background check. Yet, those severe gun laws did NOTHING to prevent the Muslim terrorists who attacked Paris from getting automatic rifles and high-powered semi-autos.

HOW do you think we could keep terrorists from bringing in heavy weapons across our borders, the very same borders that you guys fight tooth and nail to keep dangerously open and poorly secured? The French failed to interdict the heavy weapons that the Paris attackers used, even though their border is a fraction the size of ours and even though their population is a fraction the size of ours.

Why on earth are you even talking about "gun control" after the San Bernardino terrorist attack and the Paris terrorist attacks, when clearly France's much tougher gun control laws did nothing to stop the Paris attackers from being armed with heavy weapons?
If we forbade everyone from stepping outside, that would cure terrorism. And I probably shouldn't mention that to the conservatives, because they'll now demand that one of their authoritarian daddy-figure leaders implement such a law.

You have to strike a balance. The liberals strike an intelligent balance. We certainly don't do everything possible to stop terrorism, we do not apologize for focusing on freedom, and we mock any right-wing sissyboy who demands security instead freedom. Maintaining liberty for all is more important than the loss of a few lives, and only wusses, commies and conservatives would disagree.

And when you read the conservative posts here, you understand exactly how Hitler came to power. Fixating on security to the detriment of liberty is one of the hallmarks of fascism.

You pompous fool, we are for LIBERTY.......American VOTERS liberty from the liberal chains of illegal aliens taking their jobs, or lowering their wages; or allowing people who chant "death to America" from getting BILLIONS after they have killed some of our American children through terrorism.

You are misguided, and I certainly hope I am NOT the only one who reminds you that your assertions border on TREASON against the American homeland.
Great minds think alike. :)
It's because they are scared of them. So many believe if we just leave the radicals alone, talk nice, they will leave us alone and will give up on their caliphate for sharia world wide dominance.
Yeah umm... the latest perp was born in Chicago. The one a few days before that, South Carolina.
But oh wait, that was Christian terrorism, never mind.

You're sick. Really. Whoever you are sitting behind a keyboard typing such trash--you're sick. Those were mentally ill people who were nominal "Christians" at best and who certainly did not claim to act on behalf of any sort of Christian holy war.

I notice MSNBC is studiously avoiding explaining where this social worker and his immigrant wife got the money to afford all these expensive weapons and body armor and IED materials. Nor is MSNBC making any effort to ID the Arab men whom a neighbor saw coming and going from Farook's apartment.

I have to laugh as MSNBC is claiming that there is no evidence that documents jihadist ties and that he "only" had "soft" contact with jihadists on the internet. Gosh, you gotta be kidding me. How many people have "any" contact with jihadist internet sources? What was either of them doing in such forums? What in the devil were they doing in such forums in the first place? The couple did their best to wipe their digital footprint. Gee, why? What were they hiding? Their coffee purchases?

Thank goodness for Fox News. They are exploring these important issues and are uncovering evidence that indicates that this couple clearly had help from outside sources.

I agree with you Mike, and what these people are saying would have been refered to 15 or 20 years ago as TREASON. They have no respect for the protection of their fellow citizens, and in fact acquiesce more towards those born outside this country, instead of the people here who are actually paying the bills.

If a time comes when any of these politicians are put up for treason, some of these lefty posters should be right there with them!

The Leftists across the world think, in their usual delusional and altruistic manner, if they befriend the Islam crowd and sit with them, holding hands, singing Kumbaya, that this will help "integrate" them into a Western society that they already despise....it's utterly ridiculous thinking and it's ultimately dangerous to ALL of Western society.

More misguided rubbish from the pro-Islam Obama Administration....this the day after the San Bernardino massacre, siding with Islam yet again :rolleyes-41: Nothing about the Islamic violence though :rolleyes-41:

Gosh, maybe just maybe, if Muslims didn't have a habit of committing atrocities in America, as well as Europe and elsewhere, then perhaps post-latest atrocity the anti-Muslim feelings wouldn't keep skyrocketing.


"Speaking barely a day after the horrific terrorist attack in California, Obama-appointed Attorney General Loretta Lynch said at the annual Muslim Advocates annual Dinner that critics of Islam “will be prosecuted” if speech about Islam “edges” towards violence:

Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Thursday warned that the Justice Department could take aggressive action against people whose anti-Muslim rhetoric “edges towards violence” and told the Muslim community that “we stand with you in this.”

Lynch made it clear that she shares those concerns, but vowed to use the DOJ to protect Muslims from discrimination and violence. Noting the rise in violence against Muslims and mosques in the wake of the Paris attacks, Lynch added that, “When we talk about the First amendment we [must] make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American. They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted.”

“My message not just to the Muslim community but to all Americans is ‘We cannot give in to the fear that these backlashes are really based on,’” Lynch said."

Day after Muslim terrorist attacks in California, US Attorney General says jail Americans who don’t stand with Islam - Walid Shoebat

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