If Anyone Is "Aiding and Abetting" the Terrorists, It Is Liberals

Just like Obama and that is why we have the problem we have now..

That is why ISIS grew like wild fire..

More proof that the far left religion kills more people than terrorism..

You have what you have now because Cheney and his puppet Bush lit a fuse back on '03 and watched while the ME burned. Somehow it's all become Obama's fault.
Yes... that is what armed citizens do. (That's what the 2nd amendment does, it protect the means of the individual to arm themselves, so that if someone Prog shows up and starts shooting, they can turn it off.

So of the 350 odd shootings this year, how many were stopped by armed citizens? Colorado? San Berdoo?

You mean in all those gun free zones?

Can you link to all these so-called gun-free zones where these incidents happened. You guys seem to be bandying that term around without backing it up.
Just like Obama and that is why we have the problem we have now..

That is why ISIS grew like wild fire..

More proof that the far left religion kills more people than terrorism..

You have what you have now because Cheney and his puppet Bush lit a fuse back on '03 and watched while the ME burned. Somehow it's all become Obama's fault.

And you prove once again you are far left drone!
Yes... that is what armed citizens do. (That's what the 2nd amendment does, it protect the means of the individual to arm themselves, so that if someone Prog shows up and starts shooting, they can turn it off.

So of the 350 odd shootings this year, how many were stopped by armed citizens? Colorado? San Berdoo?

Taking out the Gang Crap, which is 99% of it, the Mass-shootings are in Leftist "Kill Zones"... where the Left prohibits possession of a Firearm.

But if you're asking about if violent crime is stopped by armed citizens... there was a 13 year old boy who stopped one last week. Killed one... wounded the other.

It happens everyday, somewhere... well, at least in places where people have exercised their means to defend their rights, so ... not in Britain, or France or Germany... or anywhere else in Europe.

But it happens here all the time.
Yes... that is what armed citizens do. (That's what the 2nd amendment does, it protect the means of the individual to arm themselves, so that if someone Prog shows up and starts shooting, they can turn it off.

So of the 350 odd shootings this year, how many were stopped by armed citizens? Colorado? San Berdoo?

You mean in all those gun free zones?

Can you link to all these so-called gun-free zones where these incidents happened. You guys seem to be bandying that term around without backing it up.

Show that all these mass shootings have happened out side of gun free zones..
Show all the post you have made against Obama and his illegal wars..

I've been here nine years. There's a search function. Use it. I have never supported any of these wars. What I have done is apportion blame where it is due. Right at the feet of Bush and Cheney. Don't mistake me blaming them as supporting Obama. I have never, ever supported Obama and the US forays into the ME and Asia.
Yes... that is what armed citizens do. (That's what the 2nd amendment does, it protect the means of the individual to arm themselves, so that if someone Prog shows up and starts shooting, they can turn it off.

So of the 350 odd shootings this year, how many were stopped by armed citizens? Colorado? San Berdoo?

You mean in all those gun free zones?

Can you link to all these so-called gun-free zones where these incidents happened. You guys seem to be bandying that term around without backing it up.


Well you can find your own links... but the Aurora Colorado "BatMan" movie theater shooting was a gun free zone... as has been every mass shooting in the US since Columbine.
And you prove once again you are far left drone!

I'm not even close to far left. You do realise that in most American's minds and the rest of the western world somebody like Obama is just a run-of-the-mill leftie. Stalin and Mao and Lenin and Ho Chi Minh - now they were far lefties. To try and equate moderate liberals under the same banner is not only wrong it's stupid.
And you prove once again you are far left drone!

I'm not even close to far left. You do realise that in most American's minds and the rest of the western world somebody like Obama is just a run-of-the-mill leftie. Stalin and Mao and Lenin and Ho Chi Minh - now they were far lefties. To try and equate moderate liberals under the same banner is not only wrong it's stupid.

Yes you are, as you just proven once again with your post! Just come out of the closet. I here it is very liberating!

So show where you have protested the illegal wars of Obama!
Show that all these mass shootings have happened out side of gun free zones..

You're the one who brought up this gun-free zone rubbish. It's yours to prove...

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) 92% of mass public shootings between January 2009 and July 2014 occurred in gun-free zones.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump saw this point clearly. He stated, referring to this recent catastrophe: “And by the way, it was a gun-free zone. I will tell you — if you had a couple of the teachers or somebody with guns in that room, you would have been a hell of a lot better off.” Precisely. If several students and the professor of that class were carrying pistols, and were shooting back at the vicious perpetrator, he would not have been able to hit as many people as he did. But I go further than The Donald. If Umpqua Community College were not a gun-free zone, and this mass murderer knew that, oh, half of the students were armed, he most likely would not have shown up there to perpetrate his evil deeds."

Show that all these mass shootings have happened out side of gun free zones..

You're the one who brought up this gun-free zone rubbish. It's yours to prove...

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) 92% of mass public shootings between January 2009 and July 2014 occurred in gun-free zones.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump saw this point clearly. He stated, referring to this recent catastrophe: “And by the way, it was a gun-free zone. I will tell you — if you had a couple of the teachers or somebody with guns in that room, you would have been a hell of a lot better off.” Precisely. If several students and the professor of that class were carrying pistols, and were shooting back at the vicious perpetrator, he would not have been able to hit as many people as he did. But I go further than The Donald. If Umpqua Community College were not a gun-free zone, and this mass murderer knew that, oh, half of the students were armed, he most likely would not have shown up there to perpetrate his evil deeds."


Shhhhh!!! They did not read their own link they posted. Just like all far left drones do..
Nobody can come up with a law that can stop mass shootings.

That's so true...

All you can do is try and minimise them.

Yes... that is what armed citizens do. (That's what the 2nd amendment does, it protect the means of the individual to arm themselves, so that if someone Prog shows up and starts shooting, they can turn it off.

We ought to be the safest country in the world. :rolleyes:

We would be if the far left would step down out of power..

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