If Az is shown to have cheated...then what?

Everything is warped. All is upside down. Cities being burned, the perps released to continue doing it. A man in the white house that should be in a mental ward. Crooked people in control. Lies everywhere. Media involvement. The destruction of freedom of speech. Cheating.

If someone cheats on their taxes and they get caught, they are punished. Some don't get punished at all. Business as usual. But to MAYBE cheat to win an election for POTUS is treason. Period. Wash it any way you want to, it's still treason.

If Trump cheated in 2016, the same applies. He is removed and the running mate put in the WH. If Biden & Co cheated, same deal. Why should our nation suffer the consequences in either case? It's illegal. Against all we supposedly stand for. So WHY, if cheating is proven, would not the person that cheated not be removed? It's false. All of it is false. And those responsible/involved should be behind bars.

No Gracie, everything is right side up. The guy who belongs in the mental ward is now living in Mar-a-lago. The crooked people got voted out of office, and the lies have ended. It you're hearing lies, it's only because you're listening to Donald Trump.

You seem incapable of discerning the truth tellers from the liars. Time to wake up and stop listening to Donald Trump and those who enable his lies. Donald Trump attempted an authoritarian take over of the USA. In almost any other country in the world, he would have be shot on January 6th for treason. He would not have remained in the White House for another day.

There were 3 prior recounts/audits in Arizona and few irregularities were found. Recounts in more than a half dozen states confirmed Biden's victory. Every state in the Union certified their election results, and 53 court cases involving more than 90 judges from all sides, some even appointed by Trump, all confirmed that Donald Trump had no case.

Trump didn't even try to claim the election was "stolen" in the courts. He tried to claim that ballots from the large, urban, predominently black cities, should not be counted. Trump is the guy who cheated. Who tried to sabotage the US postal system to prevent mail-in ballots.

Trump tried to steal the election, and failed. And then he tried to litigate a win and failed. And then he tried to overthrow the government and kill all of the leaders, and that failed.

When are you going to see the reality of who the traitor is here?
Hogwash. You are self projecting.
And for the record, I do not follow Trump. I liked what he did for our country, though. Am I a "deplorable"? Probably. Would I vote for him again? Certainly. Funny how I go with what is right for this nation and not back someone totally against us but I and those like me are the ones that are listening to lies? You see it right in front of your face....but you STILL back up that retard sitting in the oval office. His brain is MUSH. But, you are partisan and thats all that matters..even if it means our country goes down in flames you STILL will defend him and your party.

Get a clue. Now you are going back on ignore.

NO Gracie. I'm not even an American. I'm standing on the other side of the border, watching Donald Trump systemically destroy the country, crash the economy, and kill 600,000 American citizens with the worst pandemic response in world histroy.

This is not just MY opinion, it is the opinion of leaders around the world, people around the world, and more than 81 million Americans.

YOU are not only in a very small minority of Americans who still believe in Trump.
Do you agree with Mac in that the audit will prove something?
Nope. Just like I wouldn't believe a bigfoot hunter who claims he saw bigfoot.
View attachment 490720
And if it does show something, would you support further investigation?
Considering the lack of ballot security, I don't think the chain of custody has been kept, rendering any conclusions extremely dubious.
So, back to my question then...
I think I've already answered it. No ballot security, no valid conclusions. Trump even shit on the results by saying a database had been wiped. If true, that would make any results suspect. If false, as The Republican who runs the county election system said, it proves the exercise is a fraud.
So, bring in a group that could be trusted by both sides.
I don’t know but a nation that can’t hold a fair and transparent election, is a failed nation.

Except we held a fair and transparent election...

The craziness is we are still using the "Bad idea because they wanted to get home and rape their slaves" method of picking a president, instead of just having a direct election like any sensible nation would do.

To note......as crazy as it was 2016 was a fair election also.
That’s the thing with partisans, they can’t think rationally.
1. Prove that partisans don't think rationally, you can't
2. Partisans are active in the policies being voted on, as opposed to low-information voters, or non-voters
3. The old saying, "everyone votes their own pocketbook" is generally true
That’s too easy. Partisans of the two gangs think their gang is better, when clearly there is little difference between them. But like I stated, you must be able to think rationally and partisans can’t.
There are major differences between the two political parties, Leftists vs Conservatives.
If you think that the following policy differences don't matter, you aren't thinking.
Border and immigration policies
Energy policies
Military posture
The Green New Deal
Law and Order vs Anarchy
Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
God vs atheism
China and trade policies
In-sourcing jobs vs outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
That’s propaganda designed to deceive you and it’s working.
If you can't see the major differences between the two parties you're either lying, or stupid.
Why are you on this forum when all you say is "both parties suck"?
We're supposed to debate ideas, i.e. real "content". Your posts have no content, maybe you should try the "flame zone"?

Both parties sucking is an idea.
Both parties suck is a simplistic "opinion". Debating ideas is about why each party sucks, and which one sucks more.

In a post which uses the word "suck", three times. Some debate.

One side is debating programs, principles, and an agenda. The other side is claiming the election was stolen, and Donald Trump is the greatest president in history.

One side doesn't suck, but Democrats are very tired of trying to keep the country running while Republicans keep crashing the economy to impoverish working people and benefit their corporate donors.
1. The democrats get more dark money now than the GOP, they are owned by the "cheap labor" globalist oligarchs.
2. We can debate programs, principles, and agendas. I like a few things the democrats are for, higher taxes, especially the new transaction tax. Now that I think of it, that's all I like about the democrat's agenda.
3. What I don't like about the democrats' agenda are:
Border and immigration policies
Energy policies
Military posture
The Green New Deal
Law and Order vs Anarchy
Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
God vs atheism
China and trade policies
In-sourcing jobs vs outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists

4. The democrats are the ones who will crash the US economy with their "free money" policies:
Do you agree with Mac in that the audit will prove something?
Nope. Just like I wouldn't believe a bigfoot hunter who claims he saw bigfoot.
View attachment 490720
And if it does show something, would you support further investigation?
Considering the lack of ballot security, I don't think the chain of custody has been kept, rendering any conclusions extremely dubious.
So, back to my question then...
I think I've already answered it. No ballot security, no valid conclusions. Trump even shit on the results by saying a database had been wiped. If true, that would make any results suspect. If false, as The Republican who runs the county election system said, it proves the exercise is a fraud.
So, bring in a group that could be trusted by both sides.
And who chooses that group? A committee of 6 democrats and 5 republicans?

How has that panned out over the years?
Do you agree with Mac in that the audit will prove something?

Nope. Just like I wouldn't believe a bigfoot hunter who claims he saw bigfoot.

View attachment 490720
And if it does show something, would you support further investigation?
Hell, son, the half-a$$ed amateur-hour Korrupt Klown Kar conducting this farce just lost their lease and had to pack-up their $hit and move like a bunch of gypsies...

LEGITIMATE and HONORABLE Republican authorities in Arizona are calling for an end to this farce trying to overturn the profound defeat of your Orange Baboon-God...

Your 2020 Election hopes are dead... but like a chicken with its head just cut off... you haven't figured-out yet that you're dead and that it's time to lie down and die decently...
Your bluster here only shows that you aren't ro be taken seriously.
I don’t know but a nation that can’t hold a fair and transparent election, is a failed nation.

Except we held a fair and transparent election...

The craziness is we are still using the "Bad idea because they wanted to get home and rape their slaves" method of picking a president, instead of just having a direct election like any sensible nation would do.

To note......as crazy as it was 2016 was a fair election also.
That’s the thing with partisans, they can’t think rationally.
1. Prove that partisans don't think rationally, you can't
2. Partisans are active in the policies being voted on, as opposed to low-information voters, or non-voters
3. The old saying, "everyone votes their own pocketbook" is generally true
That’s too easy. Partisans of the two gangs think their gang is better, when clearly there is little difference between them. But like I stated, you must be able to think rationally and partisans can’t.
There are major differences between the two political parties, Leftists vs Conservatives.
If you think that the following policy differences don't matter, you aren't thinking.
Border and immigration policies
Energy policies
Military posture
The Green New Deal
Law and Order vs Anarchy
Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
God vs atheism
China and trade policies
In-sourcing jobs vs outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
That’s propaganda designed to deceive you and it’s working.
If you can't see the major differences between the two parties you're either lying, or stupid.
Why are you on this forum when all you say is "both parties suck"?
We're supposed to debate ideas, i.e. real "content". Your posts have no content, maybe you should try the "flame zone"?

Both parties sucking is an idea.
Both parties suck is a simplistic "opinion". Debating ideas is about why each party sucks, and which one sucks more.

In a post which uses the word "suck", three times. Some debate.

One side is debating programs, principles, and an agenda. The other side is claiming the election was stolen, and Donald Trump is the greatest president in history.

One side doesn't suck, but Democrats are very tired of trying to keep the country running while Republicans keep crashing the economy to impoverish working people and benefit their corporate donors.

Starting useless wars sucks. (Syria, Yemen, Libya).

Continuing useless wars (Iraq, Afghanistan) sucks.
We have a completely illegitimate federal government that needs to go. McSalley should be sworn in immediately. She won by well more than 100k votes.
Do you agree with Mac in that the audit will prove something?
Nope. Just like I wouldn't believe a bigfoot hunter who claims he saw bigfoot.
View attachment 490720
And if it does show something, would you support further investigation?
Considering the lack of ballot security, I don't think the chain of custody has been kept, rendering any conclusions extremely dubious.
So, back to my question then...
I think I've already answered it. No ballot security, no valid conclusions. Trump even shit on the results by saying a database had been wiped. If true, that would make any results suspect. If false, as The Republican who runs the county election system said, it proves the exercise is a fraud.
So, bring in a group that could be trusted by both sides.
And who chooses that group? A committee of 6 democrats and 5 republicans?

How has that panned out over the years?
Whatever it is, the country needs to have solid conclusion to move on.
Will MI follow suit? And if that is proven as a cheat, what happens? Does Sleepy Joe get to keep on in the WH? Or if proven Trump DID win...does he get brought back as potus?
If there's been any cheating in AZ, it's been by those holding an "audit" behind closed doors. I wouldn't give 2 cents for their conclusions. They probably had them written up before the audit started.

You do know attacking the source is a fallacy, right?
Oh really? Would you accept the results of an election audit that has, let's say Michael Moore for instance be in charge of it? I'm guessing no.

In fact I very much suspect that the very fact that he would be put in charge of it would tell you all you need to know about how much that audit was conducted in good faith.
No more than you'd accept Sean Hannity being in charge.. So stop the silliness..
I don’t know but a nation that can’t hold a fair and transparent election, is a failed nation.

Except we held a fair and transparent election...

The craziness is we are still using the "Bad idea because they wanted to get home and rape their slaves" method of picking a president, instead of just having a direct election like any sensible nation would do.

To note......as crazy as it was 2016 was a fair election also.
That’s the thing with partisans, they can’t think rationally.
1. Prove that partisans don't think rationally, you can't
2. Partisans are active in the policies being voted on, as opposed to low-information voters, or non-voters
3. The old saying, "everyone votes their own pocketbook" is generally true
That’s too easy. Partisans of the two gangs think their gang is better, when clearly there is little difference between them. But like I stated, you must be able to think rationally and partisans can’t.
There are major differences between the two political parties, Leftists vs Conservatives.
If you think that the following policy differences don't matter, you aren't thinking.
Border and immigration policies
Energy policies
Military posture
The Green New Deal
Law and Order vs Anarchy
Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
God vs atheism
China and trade policies
In-sourcing jobs vs outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
That’s propaganda designed to deceive you and it’s working.
If you can't see the major differences between the two parties you're either lying, or stupid.
Why are you on this forum when all you say is "both parties suck"?
We're supposed to debate ideas, i.e. real "content". Your posts have no content, maybe you should try the "flame zone"?

Both parties sucking is an idea.
Both parties suck is a simplistic "opinion". Debating ideas is about why each party sucks, and which one sucks more.

In a post which uses the word "suck", three times. Some debate.

One side is debating programs, principles, and an agenda. The other side is claiming the election was stolen, and Donald Trump is the greatest president in history.

One side doesn't suck, but Democrats are very tired of trying to keep the country running while Republicans keep crashing the economy to impoverish working people and benefit their corporate donors.

Starting useless wars sucks. (Syria, Yemen, Libya).

Continuing useless wars (Iraq, Afghanistan) sucks.
And both parties love war, but their supporters apparently can’t see the obvious.
Do you agree with Mac in that the audit will prove something?
Nope. Just like I wouldn't believe a bigfoot hunter who claims he saw bigfoot.
View attachment 490720
And if it does show something, would you support further investigation?
Considering the lack of ballot security, I don't think the chain of custody has been kept, rendering any conclusions extremely dubious.
So, back to my question then...
I think I've already answered it. No ballot security, no valid conclusions. Trump even shit on the results by saying a database had been wiped. If true, that would make any results suspect. If false, as The Republican who runs the county election system said, it proves the exercise is a fraud.
So, bring in a group that could be trusted by both sides.
Those were the original poll watchers that had both Democratic and Republican members. What's going on now is just a dog-and-pony show that impresses the faithful, but no one else.
I don’t know but a nation that can’t hold a fair and transparent election, is a failed nation.

Except we held a fair and transparent election...

The craziness is we are still using the "Bad idea because they wanted to get home and rape their slaves" method of picking a president, instead of just having a direct election like any sensible nation would do.

To note......as crazy as it was 2016 was a fair election also.
That’s the thing with partisans, they can’t think rationally.
1. Prove that partisans don't think rationally, you can't
2. Partisans are active in the policies being voted on, as opposed to low-information voters, or non-voters
3. The old saying, "everyone votes their own pocketbook" is generally true
That’s too easy. Partisans of the two gangs think their gang is better, when clearly there is little difference between them. But like I stated, you must be able to think rationally and partisans can’t.
There are major differences between the two political parties, Leftists vs Conservatives.
If you think that the following policy differences don't matter, you aren't thinking.
Border and immigration policies
Energy policies
Military posture
The Green New Deal
Law and Order vs Anarchy
Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
God vs atheism
China and trade policies
In-sourcing jobs vs outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
That’s propaganda designed to deceive you and it’s working.
If you can't see the major differences between the two parties you're either lying, or stupid.
Why are you on this forum when all you say is "both parties suck"?
We're supposed to debate ideas, i.e. real "content". Your posts have no content, maybe you should try the "flame zone"?

Both parties sucking is an idea.
Both parties suck is a simplistic "opinion". Debating ideas is about why each party sucks, and which one sucks more.

In a post which uses the word "suck", three times. Some debate.

One side is debating programs, principles, and an agenda. The other side is claiming the election was stolen, and Donald Trump is the greatest president in history.

One side doesn't suck, but Democrats are very tired of trying to keep the country running while Republicans keep crashing the economy to impoverish working people and benefit their corporate donors.

Starting useless wars sucks. (Syria, Yemen, Libya).

Continuing useless wars (Iraq, Afghanistan) sucks.
And both parties love war, but their supporters apparently can’t see the obvious.

Name the last war a Democrat started, Gipper.
Sadly it would not change the outcome of the election. But it would help to prevent future democrat cheating
I don't understand why it would not change the outcome.

Why, Gracie? Because the election process is total BULLSHIT, driven by special interests, deep pockets and where there is money there is corruption. The elections are worthless so long as their process is tainted with cheating, lies, politics and games.

The election process has to be inherently sound in the first place to make cheating unlikely.

There has to be created a process whereby a candidate feeling the election was flawed has both time and means to fully explore the question to get it satisfactorily proven right or wrong before a new "winner" is certified into office.

The fact that we were given the blueprint for doing all of that and fixing all of it as far back as 2005 and by a Democrat no less yet has never been followed then and now goes to show just how corrupt our elections really are.
Statistics and the data proves Dems cheated but you need more than that in a court of law. Dems knew exactly where they needed to cheat and shocker that's where statistics, data and election shenanigans took place where in other like districts none of that occurred.
I don’t know but a nation that can’t hold a fair and transparent election, is a failed nation.

Except we held a fair and transparent election...

The craziness is we are still using the "Bad idea because they wanted to get home and rape their slaves" method of picking a president, instead of just having a direct election like any sensible nation would do.

To note......as crazy as it was 2016 was a fair election also.
That’s the thing with partisans, they can’t think rationally.
1. Prove that partisans don't think rationally, you can't
2. Partisans are active in the policies being voted on, as opposed to low-information voters, or non-voters
3. The old saying, "everyone votes their own pocketbook" is generally true
That’s too easy. Partisans of the two gangs think their gang is better, when clearly there is little difference between them. But like I stated, you must be able to think rationally and partisans can’t.
There are major differences between the two political parties, Leftists vs Conservatives.
If you think that the following policy differences don't matter, you aren't thinking.
Border and immigration policies
Energy policies
Military posture
The Green New Deal
Law and Order vs Anarchy
Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
God vs atheism
China and trade policies
In-sourcing jobs vs outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
That’s propaganda designed to deceive you and it’s working.
If you can't see the major differences between the two parties you're either lying, or stupid.
Why are you on this forum when all you say is "both parties suck"?
We're supposed to debate ideas, i.e. real "content". Your posts have no content, maybe you should try the "flame zone"?

Both parties sucking is an idea.
Both parties suck is a simplistic "opinion". Debating ideas is about why each party sucks, and which one sucks more.

In a post which uses the word "suck", three times. Some debate.

One side is debating programs, principles, and an agenda. The other side is claiming the election was stolen, and Donald Trump is the greatest president in history.

One side doesn't suck, but Democrats are very tired of trying to keep the country running while Republicans keep crashing the economy to impoverish working people and benefit their corporate donors.

Starting useless wars sucks. (Syria, Yemen, Libya).

Continuing useless wars (Iraq, Afghanistan) sucks.
And both parties love war, but their supporters apparently can’t see the obvious.

Name the last war a Democrat started, Gipper.

I don’t know but a nation that can’t hold a fair and transparent election, is a failed nation.

Except we held a fair and transparent election...

The craziness is we are still using the "Bad idea because they wanted to get home and rape their slaves" method of picking a president, instead of just having a direct election like any sensible nation would do.

To note......as crazy as it was 2016 was a fair election also.
That’s the thing with partisans, they can’t think rationally.
1. Prove that partisans don't think rationally, you can't
2. Partisans are active in the policies being voted on, as opposed to low-information voters, or non-voters
3. The old saying, "everyone votes their own pocketbook" is generally true
That’s too easy. Partisans of the two gangs think their gang is better, when clearly there is little difference between them. But like I stated, you must be able to think rationally and partisans can’t.
There are major differences between the two political parties, Leftists vs Conservatives.
If you think that the following policy differences don't matter, you aren't thinking.
Border and immigration policies
Energy policies
Military posture
The Green New Deal
Law and Order vs Anarchy
Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
God vs atheism
China and trade policies
In-sourcing jobs vs outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
That’s propaganda designed to deceive you and it’s working.
If you can't see the major differences between the two parties you're either lying, or stupid.
Why are you on this forum when all you say is "both parties suck"?
We're supposed to debate ideas, i.e. real "content". Your posts have no content, maybe you should try the "flame zone"?

Both parties sucking is an idea.
Both parties suck is a simplistic "opinion". Debating ideas is about why each party sucks, and which one sucks more.

In a post which uses the word "suck", three times. Some debate.

One side is debating programs, principles, and an agenda. The other side is claiming the election was stolen, and Donald Trump is the greatest president in history.

One side doesn't suck, but Democrats are very tired of trying to keep the country running while Republicans keep crashing the economy to impoverish working people and benefit their corporate donors.

Starting useless wars sucks. (Syria, Yemen, Libya).

Continuing useless wars (Iraq, Afghanistan) sucks.
And both parties love war, but their supporters apparently can’t see the obvious.

Name the last war a Democrat started, Gipper.
Lol. Really? You can’t be serious. Ears started several just a few years ago. Are you forgetful like old Joe?

How about Bubba and his war? Remember? Truman? FDR?
I don’t know but a nation that can’t hold a fair and transparent election, is a failed nation.

Except we held a fair and transparent election...

The craziness is we are still using the "Bad idea because they wanted to get home and rape their slaves" method of picking a president, instead of just having a direct election like any sensible nation would do.

To note......as crazy as it was 2016 was a fair election also.
That’s the thing with partisans, they can’t think rationally.
1. Prove that partisans don't think rationally, you can't
2. Partisans are active in the policies being voted on, as opposed to low-information voters, or non-voters
3. The old saying, "everyone votes their own pocketbook" is generally true
That’s too easy. Partisans of the two gangs think their gang is better, when clearly there is little difference between them. But like I stated, you must be able to think rationally and partisans can’t.
There are major differences between the two political parties, Leftists vs Conservatives.
If you think that the following policy differences don't matter, you aren't thinking.
Border and immigration policies
Energy policies
Military posture
The Green New Deal
Law and Order vs Anarchy
Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
God vs atheism
China and trade policies
In-sourcing jobs vs outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
That’s propaganda designed to deceive you and it’s working.
If you can't see the major differences between the two parties you're either lying, or stupid.
Why are you on this forum when all you say is "both parties suck"?
We're supposed to debate ideas, i.e. real "content". Your posts have no content, maybe you should try the "flame zone"?

Both parties sucking is an idea.
Both parties suck is a simplistic "opinion". Debating ideas is about why each party sucks, and which one sucks more.

In a post which uses the word "suck", three times. Some debate.

One side is debating programs, principles, and an agenda. The other side is claiming the election was stolen, and Donald Trump is the greatest president in history.

One side doesn't suck, but Democrats are very tired of trying to keep the country running while Republicans keep crashing the economy to impoverish working people and benefit their corporate donors.

Starting useless wars sucks. (Syria, Yemen, Libya).

Continuing useless wars (Iraq, Afghanistan) sucks.
And both parties love war, but their supporters apparently can’t see the obvious.

Name the last war a Democrat started, Gipper.
Lol. Really? You can’t be serious. Ears started several just a few years ago. Are you forgetful like old Joe?

How about Bubba and his war? Remember? Truman? FDR?
How about a war in Southeast Asia. Ever heard of it?
It's a good question. I hear some saying that the important thing is to prevent it from happening again and that these forensic investigations are somehow bad for the republic. Nonsense. You have to expose everything illegal that happened in order to make sure it doesn't happen again. That means putting people in jail. The truth is the best thing for this republic. Anyway, what is the remedy in the case that eventually it is proven that enough votes were tampered with in enough states to have affected the election? Rescind all executive orders and have another election as soon as it is possible to ensure a tamper proof election. Same candidates. That is the only remedy.
So every election on the ballot will be overturned or are we just going to pick and choose?
Another good question. Yes, I think we pick and choose the fraudulent elections rather than rerun all states. Any state found to have tampering significant enough to have changed the results should have the entire ballot rerun, even if it would not have affected the national election. For example, if they investigate and only prove that the Georgia elections were tampered with significantly, they would have to fix that and rerun the entire Georgia ballot. I don't know how else we would regain confidence in the system. Doubtful anyone has the stomach for this so I don't see anything happening.
How do you suggest confidence can be regained when one party flat out rejects all conclusions that don't fit the narrative of massive fraud out of hand?

There have been multiple recounts, and audits, not to mention statements from the DOJ and many more things all debunking that voter fraud happened.

No matter who says it, no matter what the context the belief that "something" happened hasn't really diminished. It's very hard to convince a conspiracy theorist that they are wrong especially when the amount of people who do believe in it is so large.
The DOJ has been compromised and therefore they can't be trusted.
The Left "flat out rejects" that there was any voter fraud.
Recounts of the same bogus ballots is worthless.
When we see the video of the same stack of ballots being recounted over and over, and boxes of ballots being counted after the Republican poll watchers have been sent home, and windows being covered, and the blocking of Voter ID laws, and anonymous mail-in ballots being used......there is plenty of room for doubt about the legitimacy of the 2020 election.
The Democrat Party is a crazy cult that believes its own lies.

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