If Biden is so concerned about COVID-19 spreading why is he holding the biggest Super Spreader event in history?

He's literally got 15,000 illegalkids in a virus-spreading 'petri dish (cages) while shipping virus-infected illegals all over the US...

Like Cuomo, he KNOWINGLY is infecting and jeopardizing American lives!

You and your threads belong in a rubber room. President Biden has been given a slew of problems left to him by Dumb Donald. A Pandemic, an Insurrection and assholes like you are only a few of the problems faced by the new administration.
Biden was handed a secure border and he screwed it up.

Nobody crossed the border in 2020 except for essential workers because of Covid. Your lies won't fly for anyone with an IQ over 80.
He's literally got 15,000 illegalkids in a virus-spreading 'petri dish (cages) while shipping virus-infected illegals all over the US...

Like Cuomo, he KNOWINGLY is infecting and jeopardizing American lives!

What an idiot you are.. Biden isn't holding a superspreader event. He's dealing with a crisis of unaccompanied children. Would your teachers or your parents indulge you in such asinine lies?

Biden is packing untested and unvaccinated kids into concentration camps at the border. Why? Because he invited them there.
This is 1000% impeachable. It is a humanitarian DISASTER and it is speading COVID recklessly into the USA.

The lack of a plan and the lack of execution of that plan is leaving ghe border open to human trafficking and drugs crossing the border.


This is 1000% impeachable. It is a humanitarian DISASTER and it is speading COVID recklessly into the USA.

The lack of a plan and the lack of execution of that plan is leaving ghe border open to human trafficking and drugs crossing the border.


what makes it impeachable, Sadly, depends on who has the majority of the house. Nothing more.
He's literally got 15,000 illegalkids in a virus-spreading 'petri dish (cages) while shipping virus-infected illegals all over the US...

Like Cuomo, he KNOWINGLY is infecting and jeopardizing American lives!

You and your threads belong in a rubber room. President Biden has been given a slew of problems left to him by Dumb Donald. A Pandemic, an Insurrection and assholes like you are only a few of the problems faced by the new administration.
Biden was handed a secure border and he screwed it up.

Nobody crossed the border in 2020 except for essential workers because of Covid. Your lies won't fly for anyone with an IQ over 80.
He was handed a secure border, never in Trump's 4 years were the facilities at over 700% over their limit. But put Biden in charge, whoops there it is!
He's literally got 15,000 illegalkids in a virus-spreading 'petri dish (cages) while shipping virus-infected illegals all over the US...

Like Cuomo, he KNOWINGLY is infecting and jeopardizing American lives!

Good point. News media needs to question Biden directly on this and hold him to an adequate answer, but they wont.

You fools might have a point IF rates of infection and death rates for Biden or Cuomo were higher than under Trump, or in Cuomo's case, higher than other states. Instead, Cuomo has one of the lower rates of death, especially among the elderly, and rates of both infection and death have come down substantially under Joe Biden.

Then you have Dr. Birx coming out and saying that Trump is responsible for ALL of the deaths over the first 100,000 people.

Instead of just ragging on Biden for no reason, why don't you come up with actual policy or ideas, or are you completely incapable of doing anything other than whining about NOTHING.
This is 1000% impeachable. It is a humanitarian DISASTER and it is speading COVID recklessly into the USA.

The lack of a plan and the lack of execution of that plan is leaving ghe border open to human trafficking and drugs crossing the border.



30 million people got sick under Donald Trump's policies and NOT ONE PEEP from you. It's IMPOSSIBLE to make the spread of covid WORSE in America than it was under Donald Trump and you said not one word. You have absolutely no credibility to complain now that the virus is totally out of the control in the country.

In fact, the spread of covid under Joe Biden has been substantially reduced than it was under Donald Trump, so why should Joe Biden be impeached for spreading covid when you never said BOO about it happening under Trump.

This is bad planning on Trump's part. Trump dismantled all intake centres for children and unaccompanied minors, sending everyone back across the border. In the case of the children, he was sending them back into the arms of coyotes and sex traffickers. This was both illegal and bad policy but you're blaming Biden for the mess.

So typical of you fools. You said nothing the whole time Trump was dealing with covid and now screaming like banshees that BIDEN is cleaning up Trump's mess.
He's literally got 15,000 illegalkids in a virus-spreading 'petri dish (cages) while shipping virus-infected illegals all over the US...

Like Cuomo, he KNOWINGLY is infecting and jeopardizing American lives!

Why the hell is he shipping them all over the US?? He should be shipping them back to the border and into Mexico.

He is.

Reports of illegals being bussed to hotel rooms which we tax payers are footing the bill for. Thousand of kids jammed into cages. And the Chinese virus rampant among them. That stuttering fuck has created a crisis and I doubt he's having any of them sent to the border.

You lie to yourself quite well. Congrats.
Where else would you suggest they are kept?

In Mexico, as per the agreement made with Mexico, which was working according to the President of Mexico recently.

In less than 100 days Biden has destroyed all the agreements, policies, and procedures that were working, implementing disastrous policies that have put American lives in danger, put illegal children in danger, created a humanitarian crisis, a national security crisis, and created the largest human/child trafficking event in history,
None of that stuff was working.

Yes as a leftist you are correct. Importing illegal voters was not working for you anymore. Nancy told Tin Foil Wrapped Kids in Cages * Joe to put a stop to that immediately and now kids are dying and women are being raped because of it. You sick bastards.
This is 1000% impeachable. It is a humanitarian DISASTER and it is speading COVID recklessly into the USA.

The lack of a plan and the lack of execution of that plan is leaving ghe border open to human trafficking and drugs crossing the border.



30 million people got sick under Donald Trump's policies and NOT ONE PEEP from you. It's IMPOSSIBLE to make the spread of covid WORSE in America than it was under Donald Trump and you said not one word. You have absolutely no credibility to complain now that the virus is totally out of the control in the country.

In fact, the spread of covid under Joe Biden has been substantially reduced than it was under Donald Trump, so why should Joe Biden be impeached for spreading covid when you never said BOO about it happening under Trump.

This is bad planning on Trump's part. Trump dismantled all intake centres for children and unaccompanied minors, sending everyone back across the border. In the case of the children, he was sending them back into the arms of coyotes and sex traffickers. This was both illegal and bad policy but you're blaming Biden for the mess.

So typical of you fools. You said nothing the whole time Trump was dealing with covid and now screaming like banshees that BIDEN is cleaning up Trump's mess.

Covid Importing Baked Potatoe Kids *Joe is making it worse right now. What a dementia riddled fool.
He's literally got 15,000 illegalkids in a virus-spreading 'petri dish (cages) while shipping virus-infected illegals all over the US...

Like Cuomo, he KNOWINGLY is infecting and jeopardizing American lives!

You and your threads belong in a rubber room. President Biden has been given a slew of problems left to him by Dumb Donald. A Pandemic, an Insurrection and assholes like you are only a few of the problems faced by the new administration.

Super Spreader Kids In Foil *Joe was given a secure border and an end to caravans. He screwed it up on less than a month. Leftism is a failure.

Yeah, it is ALL Biden's fault and Trump was the Messiah. In fact trump is a Man-Child in an Empty Suit, a Charlatan, and a Demagogue and a Damn Liar. Why not grow up and take a look at reality.

Did Trump do anything to solve the problems in Central America, or did he use his usual form of diplomacy, calling countries shit holes and ignoring immigration law? Trump created the problems facing this new administration, that is reality.

Why would Trump have to solve the problems in South America. Those problems are theirs, let them solve them.

And yes it is the stuttering fucks fault. He stopped construction on the fully funded wall. He handcuffed ICE and Border patrol and invited all those illegals to come on over. Many have the Chines Virus. He also stuffed thousands of kids in cages. No 6 feet between any of them.

Trump never ignored immigration law. He just made it harder for illegals to get into our country. Illegals that cost we tax payers BILLIONS every year. He also made a deal with Mexico. Mexico sent its army to the border to keep the caravans from South America from reaching our border. Any that do have to wait in Mexico for their court date. Trump took care of American interests. The stuttering fuck has ignored American immigration law from the get go and sure doesn't have American interests at heart.

Figures a dumbass like you would vote for that stuttering fuck.

Your first sentence is proof of your ignorance, as if any more is necessary. Some points for consideration of history, Reagan invaded Grenada and later Panama, both were deemed a threat to their citizens and to the US. How different is that when we look at Guatemala in 2020:

And what did Trump do? He exacerbated the problems facing the US, and started to build a wall. A wall where some fell down in a windstorm, was cut open and climbed over by the large number of children you are now blaming are Biden's doing.
He's literally got 15,000 illegalkids in a virus-spreading 'petri dish (cages) while shipping virus-infected illegals all over the US...

Like Cuomo, he KNOWINGLY is infecting and jeopardizing American lives!

What an idiot you are.. Biden isn't holding a superspreader event. He's dealing with a crisis of unaccompanied children. Would your teachers or your parents indulge you in such asinine lies?

Your the idiot. Making excuses for that stuttering fuck you voted for. He instigated that crisis.

Guess you forgot the stuttering fuck cancelled the fully funded wall. he handcuffed ICE and the Border Patrol and told the illegals to come on in. We now have thousands of unaccompanied kids in cages and that's on your boy, stuttering fuck.

Keep lying to yourself. Your getting real good at it. Congrats.
Last edited:
He's literally got 15,000 illegalkids in a virus-spreading 'petri dish (cages) while shipping virus-infected illegals all over the US...

Like Cuomo, he KNOWINGLY is infecting and jeopardizing American lives!

You and your threads belong in a rubber room. President Biden has been given a slew of problems left to him by Dumb Donald. A Pandemic, an Insurrection and assholes like you are only a few of the problems faced by the new administration.

Super Spreader Kids In Foil *Joe was given a secure border and an end to caravans. He screwed it up on less than a month. Leftism is a failure.

Yeah, it is ALL Biden's fault and Trump was the Messiah. In fact trump is a Man-Child in an Empty Suit, a Charlatan, and a Demagogue and a Damn Liar. Why not grow up and take a look at reality.

Did Trump do anything to solve the problems in Central America, or did he use his usual form of diplomacy, calling countries shit holes and ignoring immigration law? Trump created the problems facing this new administration, that is reality.

Why would Trump have to solve the problems in South America. Those problems are theirs, let them solve them.

And yes it is the stuttering fucks fault. He stopped construction on the fully funded wall. He handcuffed ICE and Border patrol and invited all those illegals to come on over. Many have the Chines Virus. He also stuffed thousands of kids in cages. No 6 feet between any of them.

Trump never ignored immigration law. He just made it harder for illegals to get into our country. Illegals that cost we tax payers BILLIONS every year. He also made a deal with Mexico. Mexico sent its army to the border to keep the caravans from South America from reaching our border. Any that do have to wait in Mexico for their court date. Trump took care of American interests. The stuttering fuck has ignored American immigration law from the get go and sure doesn't have American interests at heart.

Figures a dumbass like you would vote for that stuttering fuck.

Your first sentence is proof of your ignorance, as if any more is necessary. Some points for consideration of history, Reagan invaded Grenada and later Panama, both were deemed a threat to their citizens and to the US. How different is that when we look at Guatemala in 2020:

And what did Trump do? He exacerbated the problems facing the US, and started to build a wall. A wall where some fell down in a windstorm, was cut open and climbed over by the large number of children you are now blaming are Biden's doing.

Your the ignorant one. The US and six other Caribbean nations invaded Granada. Why, because the US received a request for help from the Organisation of Caribbean States. Do some research you lazy ass.

As for Panama?? Miguel Noriega ring any bells in your feeble brain??

That wall would have kept illegals out of our country. The part that fell wasn't fully up so the wind was able to blow it over. Oh and some kids made it over but not many. Its not infallible but it will keep most illegals out.

Oh and the stuttering fuck you are defending is responsible for the mess at the border right now. . Your good at lying to yourself. Congrats.
Last edited:
This is 1000% impeachable. It is a humanitarian DISASTER and it is speading COVID recklessly into the USA.

The lack of a plan and the lack of execution of that plan is leaving ghe border open to human trafficking and drugs crossing the border.



Baked Potato *Joe is even more incompetent than the previous leftists they installed as POTUS. I didnt think that was possible.
He's literally got 15,000 illegalkids in a virus-spreading 'petri dish (cages) while shipping virus-infected illegals all over the US...

Like Cuomo, he KNOWINGLY is infecting and jeopardizing American lives!

You and your threads belong in a rubber room. President Biden has been given a slew of problems left to him by Dumb Donald. A Pandemic, an Insurrection and assholes like you are only a few of the problems faced by the new administration.

Super Spreader Kids In Foil *Joe was given a secure border and an end to caravans. He screwed it up on less than a month. Leftism is a failure.

Yeah, it is ALL Biden's fault and Trump was the Messiah. In fact trump is a Man-Child in an Empty Suit, a Charlatan, and a Demagogue and a Damn Liar. Why not grow up and take a look at reality.

Did Trump do anything to solve the problems in Central America, or did he use his usual form of diplomacy, calling countries shit holes and ignoring immigration law? Trump created the problems facing this new administration, that is reality.

Why would Trump have to solve the problems in South America. Those problems are theirs, let them solve them.

And yes it is the stuttering fucks fault. He stopped construction on the fully funded wall. He handcuffed ICE and Border patrol and invited all those illegals to come on over. Many have the Chines Virus. He also stuffed thousands of kids in cages. No 6 feet between any of them.

Trump never ignored immigration law. He just made it harder for illegals to get into our country. Illegals that cost we tax payers BILLIONS every year. He also made a deal with Mexico. Mexico sent its army to the border to keep the caravans from South America from reaching our border. Any that do have to wait in Mexico for their court date. Trump took care of American interests. The stuttering fuck has ignored American immigration law from the get go and sure doesn't have American interests at heart.

Figures a dumbass like you would vote for that stuttering fuck.

Your first sentence is proof of your ignorance, as if any more is necessary. Some points for consideration of history, Reagan invaded Grenada and later Panama, both were deemed a threat to their citizens and to the US. How different is that when we look at Guatemala in 2020:

And what did Trump do? He exacerbated the problems facing the US, and started to build a wall. A wall where some fell down in a windstorm, was cut open and climbed over by the large number of children you are now blaming are Biden's doing.

Look at you trying to convince yourself Covid Baked Potato Kids *Joe isn't a disaster.
Nobody crossed the border in 2020 except for essential workers because of Covid.

Thank you for making it easier to ignore you. :p

Oh Sleazy, you so funny.
He's literally got 15,000 illegalkids in a virus-spreading 'petri dish (cages) while shipping virus-infected illegals all over the US...

Like Cuomo, he KNOWINGLY is infecting and jeopardizing American lives!

What an idiot you are.. Biden isn't holding a superspreader event. He's dealing with a crisis of unaccompanied children. Would your teachers or your parents indulge you in such asinine lies?

Your the idiot. Making excuses for that stuttering fuck you voted for. He instigated that crisis.

Guess you forgot the stuttering fuck cancelled the fully funded wall. he handcuffed ICE and the Border Patrol and told the illegals to come on in. We now have thousands of unaccompanied kids in cages and that's on your boy, stuttering fuck.

Keep lying to yourself. Your getting real good at it. Congrats.

Why are you lying? Every spring, there is an increase in border crossings on the Southern Border. Every single year except last year - because of covid. The Trump administration dismantled ALL housing for children at the Southern Border, and all refugee services and housing as well. Trump also cancelled all of the foreign aid to fight the gangs in their home countries, making the problems in Central America worse, and then there are the recent storms, and climate change crop failures.

Joe Biden is responsible for none of this. Biden's people read the reports on conditions in South America and begged the Trump Administration to begin preparations for these people to reach the border. Trump did nothing.

Nobody voted for the Wall, and Trump stole the money illegally from the military. It was useless and a waste of money, which should have been spent on refugees services.

Nobody crossed the border in 2020 except for essential workers because of Covid.

Thank you for making it easier to ignore you. :p

Oh Sleazy, you so funny.
He's literally got 15,000 illegalkids in a virus-spreading 'petri dish (cages) while shipping virus-infected illegals all over the US...

Like Cuomo, he KNOWINGLY is infecting and jeopardizing American lives!

What an idiot you are.. Biden isn't holding a superspreader event. He's dealing with a crisis of unaccompanied children. Would your teachers or your parents indulge you in such asinine lies?

Your the idiot. Making excuses for that stuttering fuck you voted for. He instigated that crisis.

Guess you forgot the stuttering fuck cancelled the fully funded wall. he handcuffed ICE and the Border Patrol and told the illegals to come on in. We now have thousands of unaccompanied kids in cages and that's on your boy, stuttering fuck.

Keep lying to yourself. Your getting real good at it. Congrats.

Why are you lying? Every spring, there is an increase in border crossings on the Southern Border. Every single year except last year - because of covid. The Trump administration dismantled ALL housing for children at the Southern Border, and all refugee services and housing as well. Trump also cancelled all of the foreign aid to fight the gangs in their home countries, making the problems in Central America worse, and then there are the recent storms, and climate change crop failures.

Joe Biden is responsible for none of this. Biden's people read the reports on conditions in South America and begged the Trump Administration to begin preparations for these people to reach the border. Trump did nothing.

Nobody voted for the Wall, and Trump stole the money illegally from the military. It was useless and a waste of money, which should have been spent on refugees services.


Glad Trump cancelled all of that. These people are illegal aliens and have no business in our country. No way should we be giving them anything.

The fake asylum seekers were stopped at the border by Mexico. Trump made that deal with them to keep those assholes out of our country. You want them?? Then invite them to Canada. See how your tax payers like shelling out billions for them.

Trump didn't lose that election. It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. Now we have that stuttering fuck stopping construction on the fully funded wall, handcuffing ICE and the Border Patrol and letting thousands of illegals, who cost us billons each year, into our country. Many with the Chinese virus.

You lie to yourself quite well. Biden is the incompetent one and he proves it every day. Go inflict yourself on Canada. Dumbass.
He's literally got 15,000 illegalkids in a virus-spreading 'petri dish (cages) while shipping virus-infected illegals all over the US...

Like Cuomo, he KNOWINGLY is infecting and jeopardizing American lives!

What an idiot you are.. Biden isn't holding a superspreader event. He's dealing with a crisis of unaccompanied children. Would your teachers or your parents indulge you in such asinine lies?

Biden is packing untested and unvaccinated kids into concentration camps at the border. Why? Because he invited them there.

LIAR ^^^!

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