Zone1 If Biden Issued a Gun Control EO That Included Forced Confiscation, Would You Support This?


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
I have no doubt the "liberals" on here will support this by a wide margin but can you foresee any obvious consequences?
Keep in mind, a confiscation would require taking the guns from otherwise law abiding citizens protected by the 2A.

1-Do you support forced gun confiscation & why?

2-Do you feel every law abiding 2A supporter would hand in their guns willingly & why?

3-What do you feel would happen to the crime rate if the law abiding turned in their weapons & why?

4-What about other objects that can kill multiple people quickly (motor vehicles, planes, trains, explosive materials, swords, axes, knives, hammers, Hudson sprayer, gas & a lighter, etc), do you favor a ban on those as well & why?

5-Finally, would you still support it if you had to personally go out & confiscate the guns that some would refuse to surrender?
In other words, if it was your life on the line, would you walk the walk & why not?

I'll get it started-
1-I'm totally opposed to virtually all gun control except for in cases where there is an obvious mental illness involved.
Example- trannies

2-I know many of us will never hand in our guns & will defend our rights with our lives, so that means many people will end up dead.
Much more than the occasional mass shooting by the lunatic fringe.

3-I know crime rates have declined as the percentage of gun ownership increased. I also know most mass shooters seek gun free targets of opportunity & that's why they go after the schools all the time.
Crime rates will increase following any attempt at confiscation.

4-I don't want any other inanimate objects or tools banned either.

5-Obviously, I would never demand someone else do something dangerous on my behalf that I'd refuse to do myself.
I can't see how anyone justifies that attitude but you can give it a shot.

And yes, I personally would be willing to physically fight a fire/person or take down either a criminal or enemy soldier.
I have no doubt the "liberals" on here will support this by a wide margin but can you foresee any obvious consequences?
Keep in mind, a confiscation would require taking the guns from otherwise law abiding citizens protected by the 2A.

1-Do you support forced gun confiscation & why?

2-Do you feel every law abiding 2A supporter would hand in their guns willingly & why?

3-What do you feel would happen to the crime rate if the law abiding turned in their weapons & why?

4-What about other objects that can kill multiple people quickly (motor vehicles, planes, trains, explosive materials, swords, axes, knives, hammers, Hudson sprayer, gas & a lighter, etc), do you favor a ban on those as well & why?

5-Finally, would you still support it if you had to personally go out & confiscate the guns that some would refuse to surrender?
In other words, if it was your life on the line, would you walk the walk & why not?

I'll get it started-
1-I'm totally opposed to virtually all gun control except for in cases where there is an obvious mental illness involved.
Example- trannies

2-I know many of us will never hand in our guns & will defend our rights with our lives, so that means many people will end up dead.
Much more than the occasional mass shooting by the lunatic fringe.

3-I know crime rates have declined as the percentage of gun ownership increased. I also know most mass shooters seek gun free targets of opportunity & that's why they go after the schools all the time.
Crime rates will increase following any attempt at confiscation.

4-I don't want any other inanimate objects or tools banned either.

5-Obviously, I would never demand someone else do something dangerous on my behalf that I'd refuse to do myself.
I can't see how anyone justifies that attitude but you can give it a shot.

And yes, I personally would be willing to physically fight a fire/person or take down either a criminal or enemy soldier.
What's the point with this crap john?
You must be better than that sort of deliberately manufactured trolling for only the purpose of another shitfight over guns!
I have no doubt the "liberals" on here will support this by a wide margin but can you foresee any obvious consequences?
Keep in mind, a confiscation would require taking the guns from otherwise law abiding citizens protected by the 2A.

1-Do you support forced gun confiscation & why?

2-Do you feel every law abiding 2A supporter would hand in their guns willingly & why?

3-What do you feel would happen to the crime rate if the law abiding turned in their weapons & why?

4-What about other objects that can kill multiple people quickly (motor vehicles, planes, trains, explosive materials, swords, axes, knives, hammers, Hudson sprayer, gas & a lighter, etc), do you favor a ban on those as well & why?

5-Finally, would you still support it if you had to personally go out & confiscate the guns that some would refuse to surrender?
In other words, if it was your life on the line, would you walk the walk & why not?

I'll get it started-
1-I'm totally opposed to virtually all gun control except for in cases where there is an obvious mental illness involved.
Example- trannies

2-I know many of us will never hand in our guns & will defend our rights with our lives, so that means many people will end up dead.
Much more than the occasional mass shooting by the lunatic fringe.

3-I know crime rates have declined as the percentage of gun ownership increased. I also know most mass shooters seek gun free targets of opportunity & that's why they go after the schools all the time.
Crime rates will increase following any attempt at confiscation.

4-I don't want any other inanimate objects or tools banned either.

5-Obviously, I would never demand someone else do something dangerous on my behalf that I'd refuse to do myself.
I can't see how anyone justifies that attitude but you can give it a shot.

And yes, I personally would be willing to physically fight a fire/person or take down either a criminal or enemy soldier.
Nope. I didn't support Bush's forced confiscation after Katrina, either, and that was with the support of Federalized military troops. It is never going to be an answer.
What's the point with this crap john?
You must be better than that sort of deliberately manufactured trolling for only the purpose of another shitfight over guns!
I'm curious as to motivations & if they are even aware of the very obvious consequences.

I'm also wanting to hear how they could justify this & if there is any hidden argument out there that actually makes sense?
Something that could possibly make me reconsider the situation based on facts I'm unaware of.
If you gun grabbers can make a legit case, I will consider it & maybe even change my mind.

It's still a free country, at least here in the US because we have gun rights.
Plus, this is Zone 1 & they have the added bonus that they don't have to worry about me ripping on them
I'm curious as to motivations & if they are even aware of the very obvious consequences.

I'm also wanting to hear how they could justify this & if there is any hidden argument out there that actually makes sense?
Something that could possibly make me reconsider the situation based on facts I'm unaware of.
If you gun grabbers can make a legit case, I will consider it & maybe even change my mind.

It's still a free country, at least here in the US because we have gun rights.
Plus, this is Zone 1 & they have the added bonus that they don't have to worry about me ripping on them
I won't change my mind. It would be a very bad, ill-conceived idea, he has avoided, so far, and will not attempt to put into effect in the future.
I'm curious as to motivations & if they are even aware of the very obvious consequences.

I'm also wanting to hear how they could justify this & if there is any hidden argument out there that actually makes sense?
Something that could possibly make me reconsider the situation based on facts I'm unaware of.
If you gun grabbers can make a legit case, I will consider it & maybe even change my mind.

It's still a free country, at least here in the US because we have gun rights.
Plus, this is Zone 1 & they have the added bonus that they don't have to worry about me ripping on them
It's not intended to be productive john, and that's the reason I'm calling it trolling crap.

The questions were purposely loaded questions, starting with #1. There's no forced gun confiscation being proposed, or even possible.

And then it gets worse.

Those who take the con side are legitimately concerned with the number of incidents of gun violence and are desperately grasping for some solution that can change the sad state of affairs. Can't you appreciate that as their motives?
I have no doubt the "liberals" on here will support this by a wide margin but can you foresee any obvious consequences?
Keep in mind, a confiscation would require taking the guns from otherwise law abiding citizens protected by the 2A.

1-Do you support forced gun confiscation & why?

2-Do you feel every law abiding 2A supporter would hand in their guns willingly & why?

3-What do you feel would happen to the crime rate if the law abiding turned in their weapons & why?

4-What about other objects that can kill multiple people quickly (motor vehicles, planes, trains, explosive materials, swords, axes, knives, hammers, Hudson sprayer, gas & a lighter, etc), do you favor a ban on those as well & why?

5-Finally, would you still support it if you had to personally go out & confiscate the guns that some would refuse to surrender?
In other words, if it was your life on the line, would you walk the walk & why not?

I'll get it started-
1-I'm totally opposed to virtually all gun control except for in cases where there is an obvious mental illness involved.
Example- trannies

2-I know many of us will never hand in our guns & will defend our rights with our lives, so that means many people will end up dead.
Much more than the occasional mass shooting by the lunatic fringe.

3-I know crime rates have declined as the percentage of gun ownership increased. I also know most mass shooters seek gun free targets of opportunity & that's why they go after the schools all the time.
Crime rates will increase following any attempt at confiscation.

4-I don't want any other inanimate objects or tools banned either.

5-Obviously, I would never demand someone else do something dangerous on my behalf that I'd refuse to do myself.
I can't see how anyone justifies that attitude but you can give it a shot.

And yes, I personally would be willing to physically fight a fire/person or take down either a criminal or enemy soldier.
I live in a county that is a gun sanctuary. The cops would just ignore Biden’s EO and not even help the Feds.

I live in a county that is a gun sanctuary. The cops would just ignore Biden’s EO and not even help the Feds.

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Me too.
This is the end game though if the leftist gun grabbers get their way.

They know we'll never willingly surrender our rights to weapons of self defense so any calls to strip gun rights is a de facto acknowledgement that they support the idea of OTHERS coming to take our guns from us.
The fact they always blame lawful gun owners when another crazed idiot goes off belies the claim they wouldn't relish the chance to forcefully remove our guns.
The notion they wouldn't attempt to confiscate guns if presented with an opportunity (an EO) is laughable.
1-Do you support forced gun confiscation & why?
No. Counterproductive, expensive, illegal (in most cases), and ineffective.

2-Do you feel every law abiding 2A supporter would hand in their guns willingly & why?
No, why should they?

3-What do you feel would happen to the crime rate if the law abiding turned in their weapons & why?
If there were no guns in circulation I think the crime and suicide rate will go down.

4-What about other objects that can kill multiple people quickly (motor vehicles, planes, trains, explosive materials, swords, axes, knives, hammers, Hudson sprayer, gas & a lighter, etc), do you favor a ban on those as well & why?
Not a ban but regulations on motor vehicles, planes, trains, and explosive materials.

5-Finally, would you still support it if you had to personally go out & confiscate the guns that some would refuse to surrender?
In other words, if it was your life on the line, would you walk the walk & why not?
Not applicable.
No. And it is both not a possibility and something that will never happen
Why wouldn't the Biden WH Press Sec say it wasn't a possibility?
Why didn't she say it will never happen?

Why did she say he would sign something that says "we are going to remove "assault weapons"?

Biden has already done the EO route on gun control before- less than a month ago

How can you possibly claim Biden attempting to confiscate guns with an EO is an impossibility that can never happen when his own press sec says he is in favor of removing guns & he will use an EO for gun control?
I have no problem with the government confiscating specific peoples' firearms with cause, including:
- Domestic abusers;
- People with violent mental health issues;
- Cases in which a judge has determined a specific person to be a risk to themselves or others;
- Those who got their firearms under false pretenses, and so on.

But not an absolute ban. Fortunately, there is no widespread effort for an absolute ban.

I do not think it is possible to have the world be utterly firearm-free, whether legally or otherwise. But, if we're living hypothetically, if some wizard snapped his fingers and they all miraculously ceased to exist, yes, there is plenty of evidence to support that violent crime and suicide rates would both plummet.
I have no doubt the "liberals" on here will support this by a wide margin but can you foresee any obvious consequences?
Keep in mind, a confiscation would require taking the guns from otherwise law abiding citizens protected by the 2A.

1-Do you support forced gun confiscation & why?

2-Do you feel every law abiding 2A supporter would hand in their guns willingly & why?

3-What do you feel would happen to the crime rate if the law abiding turned in their weapons & why?

4-What about other objects that can kill multiple people quickly (motor vehicles, planes, trains, explosive materials, swords, axes, knives, hammers, Hudson sprayer, gas & a lighter, etc), do you favor a ban on those as well & why?

5-Finally, would you still support it if you had to personally go out & confiscate the guns that some would refuse to surrender?
In other words, if it was your life on the line, would you walk the walk & why not?

I'll get it started-
1-I'm totally opposed to virtually all gun control except for in cases where there is an obvious mental illness involved.
Example- trannies

2-I know many of us will never hand in our guns & will defend our rights with our lives, so that means many people will end up dead.
Much more than the occasional mass shooting by the lunatic fringe.

3-I know crime rates have declined as the percentage of gun ownership increased. I also know most mass shooters seek gun free targets of opportunity & that's why they go after the schools all the time.
Crime rates will increase following any attempt at confiscation.

4-I don't want any other inanimate objects or tools banned either.

5-Obviously, I would never demand someone else do something dangerous on my behalf that I'd refuse to do myself.
I can't see how anyone justifies that attitude but you can give it a shot.

And yes, I personally would be willing to physically fight a fire/person or take down either a criminal or enemy soldier.

Nope, no support here.

I also did not support Trump's anti-2nd EO
I have no problem with the government confiscating specific peoples' firearms with cause, including:
- Domestic abusers;
- People with violent mental health issues;
- Cases in which a judge has determined a specific person to be a risk to themselves or others;
- Those who got their firearms under false pretenses, and so on.

But not an absolute ban. Fortunately, there is no widespread effort for an absolute ban.

I do not think it is possible to have the world be utterly firearm-free, whether legally or otherwise. But, if we're living hypothetically, if some wizard snapped his fingers and they all miraculously ceased to exist, yes, there is plenty of evidence to support that violent crime and suicide rates would both plummet.
Well, both South Korea & Japan have very strict gun regs with few in private hands & have very high suicide rates.

The USSR had had extremely strictly enforced gun ownership laws & the highest murder rates of any developed country. So did most of the other ex-Soviet nations.

Australia & Britain also took away most guns & saw violent crime rates like rape, assault & robbery increase.
I have no doubt the "liberals" on here will support this by a wide margin but can you foresee any obvious consequences?
Keep in mind, a confiscation would require taking the guns from otherwise law abiding citizens protected by the 2A.

1-Do you support forced gun confiscation & why?

2-Do you feel every law abiding 2A supporter would hand in their guns willingly & why?

3-What do you feel would happen to the crime rate if the law abiding turned in their weapons & why?

4-What about other objects that can kill multiple people quickly (motor vehicles, planes, trains, explosive materials, swords, axes, knives, hammers, Hudson sprayer, gas & a lighter, etc), do you favor a ban on those as well & why?

5-Finally, would you still support it if you had to personally go out & confiscate the guns that some would refuse to surrender?
In other words, if it was your life on the line, would you walk the walk & why not?

I'll get it started-
1-I'm totally opposed to virtually all gun control except for in cases where there is an obvious mental illness involved.
Example- trannies

2-I know many of us will never hand in our guns & will defend our rights with our lives, so that means many people will end up dead.
Much more than the occasional mass shooting by the lunatic fringe.

3-I know crime rates have declined as the percentage of gun ownership increased. I also know most mass shooters seek gun free targets of opportunity & that's why they go after the schools all the time.
Crime rates will increase following any attempt at confiscation.

4-I don't want any other inanimate objects or tools banned either.

5-Obviously, I would never demand someone else do something dangerous on my behalf that I'd refuse to do myself.
I can't see how anyone justifies that attitude but you can give it a shot.

And yes, I personally would be willing to physically fight a fire/person or take down either a criminal or enemy soldier.

Biden would be buried in law suits & the USSC would 'crush his nuts' before the Un-Constitutional EO could be implemented/ carried out.
Nope. I didn't support Bush's forced confiscation after Katrina, either, and that was with the support of Federalized military troops. It is never going to be an answer.
I call Bullshit.

Amid the numerous murky and extrajudicial marching orders announced in often-confusing language by both local and state officials, on September 8th Police Superintendent Eddie Compass declared that:

“No one will be able to be armed… Guns will be taken. Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns
” during the looming forced evictions about to unfold throughout New Orleans.
However, perhaps the larger victory was the court-ordered permanent injunction against the city of New Orleans ever confiscating legally owned firearms from its citizens again.

Additionally, George W. Bush signed the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act in September of 2006, which included language that bans:

“the confiscation of a firearm during an emergency or major disaster if the possession of such firearm is not prohibited under Federal or State law.”

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