If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?

It is scapegoating and you are actively participating

You are encouraging fear of all Mexicans without putting the actual risk in perspective

Just like Crooked Donnie does

No, Trump and I both are willing to discuss the different types of illegals that come across the border, and the policies we should have to deal with them all.

You want to shut down any discussion of the dangerous ones, and prevent any attempt to protect Americans from these guys.


You are willing to accept that Americans will be raped and killed as a cost of your having a partisan advantage.

This is where you could realize that the lives and personal safety of your fellow American citizens is more important to you than partisan advantage or being considered cool by your lib buddies and break with the herd, on this one issue.

Or you could continue to be the bad guy and put your lib agenda over the lives of innocent people.
I have no trouble treating criminals as criminals

I don't want to wait for them to be caught committing a crime. I want to deport them immediately. I want to stop them from even getting here in the first place.

Why don't you care about their victims?
Some crime prevention

Deport everyone

That's interesting.

The discussion had moved to the illegals who are violent criminals, and you just moved it back to "everyone".

And in doing so, dodged my question about why you don't care about the victims of these violent illegals.

My question stands.

Why don't you care about their victims?

What a stupid question
No, Trump and I both are willing to discuss the different types of illegals that come across the border, and the policies we should have to deal with them all.

You want to shut down any discussion of the dangerous ones, and prevent any attempt to protect Americans from these guys.


You are willing to accept that Americans will be raped and killed as a cost of your having a partisan advantage.

This is where you could realize that the lives and personal safety of your fellow American citizens is more important to you than partisan advantage or being considered cool by your lib buddies and break with the herd, on this one issue.

Or you could continue to be the bad guy and put your lib agenda over the lives of innocent people.
I have no trouble treating criminals as criminals

I don't want to wait for them to be caught committing a crime. I want to deport them immediately. I want to stop them from even getting here in the first place.

Why don't you care about their victims?
Some crime prevention

Deport everyone

That's interesting.

The discussion had moved to the illegals who are violent criminals, and you just moved it back to "everyone".

And in doing so, dodged my question about why you don't care about the victims of these violent illegals.

My question stands.

Why don't you care about their victims?

What a stupid question

RW, you've responded to posts about the violent and dangerous criminals, with redirects to the "good people" that Trump discussed.

That's you being very clear that you don't want to do anything about them getting in here or staying here.

Stil, asking you why you don't care about them, might be a little harsh...

So, let me try it this way.

RW, why does your positions on this issues seem to have no consideration for the victims of these terrible rapists and murderers?
I have no trouble treating criminals as criminals

I don't want to wait for them to be caught committing a crime. I want to deport them immediately. I want to stop them from even getting here in the first place.

Why don't you care about their victims?
Some crime prevention

Deport everyone

That's interesting.

The discussion had moved to the illegals who are violent criminals, and you just moved it back to "everyone".

And in doing so, dodged my question about why you don't care about the victims of these violent illegals.

My question stands.

Why don't you care about their victims?

What a stupid question

RW, you've responded to posts about the violent and dangerous criminals, with redirects to the "good people" that Trump discussed.

That's you being very clear that you don't want to do anything about them getting in here or staying here.

Stil, asking you why you don't care about them, might be a little harsh...

So, let me try it this way.

RW, why does your positions on this issues seem to have no consideration for the victims of these terrible rapists and murderers?
It is a stupid question

Why are you going all goofy on me?
Concern for whom? How about patients?

Loading more responsibilities on the nurse's aide is good for the patients? How so?

Who said that?

You asked about concern for the patients in that context. If that was not your intent, note my use of the question mark and clarify what you meant.

Not "in that context." You're being dishonest again.

It's not better for patients to be cared for by people who care enough, are motivated enough, are committed enough to get AT LEAST basic certification?

No, it's not.....

It sure as hell is. You know damn well that if you had to put your life in the hands of someone who wanted to help you so much that she had struggled and sacrificed to gain the skills and credentials to do so, or someone who had crossed her arms, rolled her eyes, and pouted about how "undue" the burden was, that you would choose the former every time.
So single mothers of young children get thrown to the wolves
Some social engineering

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison than any other country.....what has it gotten us?


Single mothers of young children win the lottery. They are encouraged to NOT marry since they no longer will be below the poverty line IF their spouse is working.

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison because we are a FREE country.
Blacks won't be voting GOP to any degree, any time soon.

And since the GOP's only "strategy" appears to be waiting until blacks divorce themselves from the Democratic party, it's gonna be a LONG time. Sorry guys, you just aren't offering an attractive alternative, regardless how much you think you are.
Yea because republicans offer black people less than nothing. In fact they use blacks to turn out the white racist vote.

Even gays. A lot of gays would be republicans if the GOP didn't use them as a wedge issue

Why should any race be OFFERED anything more than anyone else?

What problem do blacks have that no one else has today? The only thing is that their leaders are so insecure in their positions that their only goal is to convince their constituency (blacks) that they are inferior to all other races, that their living in poverty, having such a rate of unemployment is everyone else's fault. Tragic!
Blacks need to leave the ghettos. That's what we did. My parents moved us to a better and safer area code. Better schools and better neighbors. If there isn't opportunity don't stay
Blacks won't be voting GOP to any degree, any time soon.

And since the GOP's only "strategy" appears to be waiting until blacks divorce themselves from the Democratic party, it's gonna be a LONG time. Sorry guys, you just aren't offering an attractive alternative, regardless how much you think you are.

Maybe not, but as many times as the Democrats have thrown blacks under the bus, they are going to do it one too many times and blacks may revolt.
Blacks won't be voting GOP to any degree, any time soon.

And since the GOP's only "strategy" appears to be waiting until blacks divorce themselves from the Democratic party, it's gonna be a LONG time. Sorry guys, you just aren't offering an attractive alternative, regardless how much you think you are.

Maybe not, but as many times as the Democrats have thrown blacks under the bus, they are going to do it one too many times and blacks may revolt.
Well, as I said, that does appear to be the strategy.
I don't want to wait for them to be caught committing a crime. I want to deport them immediately. I want to stop them from even getting here in the first place.

Why don't you care about their victims?
Some crime prevention

Deport everyone

That's interesting.

The discussion had moved to the illegals who are violent criminals, and you just moved it back to "everyone".

And in doing so, dodged my question about why you don't care about the victims of these violent illegals.

My question stands.

Why don't you care about their victims?

What a stupid question

RW, you've responded to posts about the violent and dangerous criminals, with redirects to the "good people" that Trump discussed.

That's you being very clear that you don't want to do anything about them getting in here or staying here.

Stil, asking you why you don't care about them, might be a little harsh...

So, let me try it this way.

RW, why does your positions on this issues seem to have no consideration for the victims of these terrible rapists and murderers?
It is a stupid question

Why are you going all goofy on me?

You show no consideration for victims so why is it a stupid question? Unless you really do not care about victims, then your response makes sense.
So single mothers of young children get thrown to the wolves
Some social engineering

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison than any other country.....what has it gotten us?


Single mothers of young children win the lottery. They are encouraged to NOT marry since they no longer will be below the poverty line IF their spouse is working.

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison because we are a FREE country.
Keeping people in prison makes us free?
Some crime prevention

Deport everyone

That's interesting.

The discussion had moved to the illegals who are violent criminals, and you just moved it back to "everyone".

And in doing so, dodged my question about why you don't care about the victims of these violent illegals.

My question stands.

Why don't you care about their victims?

What a stupid question

RW, you've responded to posts about the violent and dangerous criminals, with redirects to the "good people" that Trump discussed.

That's you being very clear that you don't want to do anything about them getting in here or staying here.

Stil, asking you why you don't care about them, might be a little harsh...

So, let me try it this way.

RW, why does your positions on this issues seem to have no consideration for the victims of these terrible rapists and murderers?
It is a stupid question

Why are you going all goofy on me?

You show no consideration for victims so why is it a stupid question? Unless you really do not care about victims, then your response makes sense.

Claiming that 10 million immigrants are responsible for a crime victim is fucking stupid
So is thinking you save lives by deporting 10 million people

You been hanging out with Correll?
don't have to grow up with ghetto mentality
Oppression Mentality - instilled in them from an early age by the Left.

"The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy." ..H.L. Mencken Oppression Mentality
It was liberal policies thet got black people employed at places like gm and ford, while conservatives faught us every step of the way

And the liberal clinton pushed through nafta that got rid of jobs employing Americans of all colors. Not that republicans didn't want offshoring also.
Yea. Bush 1 invented Nafta. Free trade was a done deal. But Clinton put protections for workers in nafta. Bush 2 removed them
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.........The problem poor people face is they go to school where other students and teachers don't care........

The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. I went to an all black school. Only 3 whites. Some teachers were racist towards us white kids. Only people who teach in Detroit couldn't find a teaching job at a metro Detroit school. Much better pay and safer. Remember that movie with Morgan freeman? He was the principal. That wasn't complete fiction you know
.........The problem poor people face is they go to school where other students and teachers don't care........

The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.
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Leftsts think that acknowledging the issues of black community is racist. For example when you state the fact that blacks are many many more times criminal than whites, the shit hits the fan. When you make a statement about the 71% out of wedlock birth rate that's racism.

Democrats think that blacks are doing so poorly because of racism. The actual fact is, they are doing so poorly because their far left plantation masters.


What do Republicans propose we do about it?

No more endless subsidies for single mothers so they stay with the men and demand they better themselves?

Condemn the endless criminal culture instead of viewing criminals and rioters as heroes?

Oh of course, your fix would have been, pour more of tax payer money into the problem. Because big tax bill and endless welfare is for sure going to encourage these communities better themselves.

So single mothers of young children get thrown to the wolves
Some social engineering

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison than any other country.....what has it gotten us?

So, we should empty all the prisons in your state? That would bring down the total.
We should reserve long term prison sentences for violent offenders. End the war on drugs.

Sending none violent criminals to jail for years with dangerous psychopaths teaches them to be violent in order to survive. They are then released on to the streets worse off the they went in.

Drug Court is available in every state. It was started in Miami. Anyone busted for simple possession has the option of going to Drug Court. There they have the ability to keep clean and sober and wipe their record.

People in prison due to drug issues are dealers or people who have committed other crimes as well as being drug users.

Why do you believe that encouraging more people to use drugs and kids to do drugs? The brains of people continue to develop up until they are about 24/25. It has been shown that even Marijuana causes changes in the interactions between brain cells.

How is that a good thing?
So single mothers of young children get thrown to the wolves
Some social engineering

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison than any other country.....what has it gotten us?


Single mothers of young children win the lottery. They are encouraged to NOT marry since they no longer will be below the poverty line IF their spouse is working.

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison because we are a FREE country.
Keeping people in prison makes us free?

Ever live someplace where you bar your door at sundown and are afraid to even walk your dog because it's so dangerous?

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