If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?

Who said that?

You asked about concern for the patients in that context. If that was not your intent, note my use of the question mark and clarify what you meant.

Not "in that context." You're being dishonest again.

It's not better for patients to be cared for by people who care enough, are motivated enough, are committed enough to get AT LEAST basic certification?

No, it's not.....

It sure as hell is. You know damn well that if you had to put your life in the hands of someone who wanted to help you so much that she had struggled and sacrificed to gain the skills and credentials to do so, or someone who had crossed her arms, rolled her eyes, and pouted about how "undue" the burden was, that you would choose the former every time.

The Nurse's aide should not be in charge of your life, that should be for the actual medical staff.

It is the greedy hospitals that want to put more and more work on the person making the least money, so they can give fewer hours to those making more.

Ever been to a hospital in a communist country?
So single mothers of young children get thrown to the wolves
Some social engineering

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison than any other country.....what has it gotten us?


Single mothers of young children win the lottery. They are encouraged to NOT marry since they no longer will be below the poverty line IF their spouse is working.

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison because we are a FREE country.
Keeping people in prison makes us free?

Ever live someplace where you bar your door at sundown and are afraid to even walk your dog because it's so dangerous?
Violent people belong in prison

Not druggies

Drugs and violence inevitably follow one upon the other, flower child.
Not if its legal. Look at pot here in Michigan. The only way it's going to get violent is if El Chapo and his boys come down here to shut us down because we're cutting into their operations.

Relatives deny drug cartel launched hit on Ohio family 6 months after murders
'If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?'


Being a Democrat means never saying you're sorry, never admitting you are wrong, always blaming / pointing fingers at others...
.........The problem poor people face is they go to school where other students and teachers don't care........

The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.

I have friends who are teachers, not in urban areas, and they say similar.

I don't really understand why they are not more offended by the way liberals constantly throw them under the bus.
Because you guys and Betsy Devoss want to break their unions and cut their pay. Are you kidding? It's the right who attacks teachers.

Ok, you want to play that way. I think teachers are great. I think they should be paid more than they do now not less. Lets see what Republicans say about that in the next couple years.

Oh, and Unkotare has never passed down a better job in a better school district. That's bullshit. He's a liar.
And I am starting to agree with Republicans. If a teacher makes $50K and gets summers off, that's all they are fucking worth. I'm sick of teachers telling us how hard their job is. They are the biggest fucking whiners. The fact is they wanted to go into teaching. They could have become anything else. It's not like the best people in our society go to be teachers. They aren't saints and what they are doing isn't rocket science. God damn!

Now quit trying to kiss the teachers ass and win the teachers vote. Or actually, I'm glad you are trying because then we can make it clear why teachers don't vote GOP. Same reason blacks don't. You've used them as political footballs for how many decades?

God I hope you break all public unions. Police unions too.
'If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?'


Being a Democrat means never saying you're sorry, never admitting you are wrong, always blaming / pointing fingers at others...

You mean like the Iraq war you lied us into? You guys never admitted it was YOU who did that. Because Hillary voted for it. Remember? Yea, after she was lied to just like the rest of us were lied to.

And you never accepted responsibility for the Bush/Delay/Hastert created Great Recession.

Have you?
You mean like the Iraq war you lied us into?
'You'? Dude, I never lied to you. If you want to find the people who lied to you, go look up the quotes of liberals like John Kerry, who declared it was OBVIOUS there HAD TO BE a REGIME CHANGE, that Hussein HAD TO GO.

Liberals need to man the F* UP - grow a damn backbone, find some honesty and integrity somewhere inside you. Find the ability to admit your own mistakes, your own errors, take responsibility for your own actions.

When you claim ''you' lies to us' you are lying to yourself and / or admitting by blaming others for the actions of libs like Kerry is that Democrats are dumb as hell and are a bunch of lemmings who will buy anything they hear, and march right off the ledge.

'Buyer's Remorse' Butt-Hurt: Libs voted to give Bush the Constitutional Authority to take the country to war...and then tried to use the war against Bush and the Republicans. Democrats did not blindly vote to give Bush that authority, they ARGUED FOR WAR, they insisted we HAD to go to war, declared there HAD to be a regime change. So STFU, already.

Jump ahead to Barry. Barry dragged the US into UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized war in Libya...to help Al '9/11/01' Qaeda, in Syria...to help ISIS...and had has troops in Yemen, Niger, Mali, etc...

Again, save me the 'Holier-Than-Thou' BS.
'If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?'


Being a Democrat means never saying you're sorry, never admitting you are wrong, always blaming / pointing fingers at others...

What should Republicans do to address their problems?
.........The problem poor people face is they go to school where other students and teachers don't care........

The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.

I have friends who are teachers, not in urban areas, and they say similar.

I don't really understand why they are not more offended by the way liberals constantly throw them under the bus.

Yes Correll. We know your tactic. Rather than address why teachers don't like Republicans, try to pretend that it is us liberals they should be leary of. You are very slick I'll give you that. But I see the pattern here. Same way you disinfranchised blacks, you're going to try to do to teachers now.

Republicans love cops, hate college professors, a new study found

Republicans rated teachers and professors much lower than Democrats.

The survey, which was based on a feelings thermometer (0 coldest, 100 warmest), found that Republicans only rated teachers a 72 and college professors a 46 on the scale. Democrats felt much more warmly toward educators, rating teachers an 86 and professors a 71 on the scale.

Then there's this: Republicans' deep hatred for teachers can't be denied and they're not trying | Steven W Thrasher

John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio – who is generally considered less extreme than Texas Senator Ted Cruz, less dynastic than former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and less crazy than professional troll Donald Trump – recently said: “If I were, not president, if I were king in America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is us’.”

Republicans love to hate teachers and imply that all the ills of US society are the result of their laziness. If only schools could be turned over to market forces and not held back by greedy teacher unions, conservative logic goes, everything would be fine – even though charter schools perform no better than traditional schools. Trying to bust unions in general (and those of teachers in particular) turns conservatives on as much as trying to deny climate change, defend the NRA, defund Planned Parenthood

the Republican hopeful wants to remove teachers’ lounges to keep educators from complaining to one another and, presumably, to keep them from colluding in greed to protect their benefits and working conditions. Imagine the possibilities. Without a place to meet, teachers – who already work alone in most classrooms – could be even more isolated.

As the principal told me in 2011: “We believe teachers need to be on their feet, working with the kids.” Every minute of every day. So forget the lounges: sitting has become stigmatized for teachers, even at a desk. The idea that a teacher might need to sit – say, to grade a paper, write down attendance or give their feet a moment’s rest during a long day – was recast as a potential cause for poor student performance.

Republicans have always hated teachers’ unions for obvious reasons. They reliably support the Democratic party, even though Democrats routinely go to war against teachers as well,

Still, the rhetoric about their hatred of teachers is getting more violent, heated and punitive. Christie, who has been yelling at teachers for a while, recently said teachers unions deserved a “political punch in the face” for being the “single most destructive force” in education.

The real “most destructive force” in American education right now is not teachers. It is the fact that many of the top contenders for the country’s highest office, running in one of the nation’s two major political parties, are against science, against immigrants, against women - and against supporting the workforce which teaches our children.

Republicans' deep hatred for teachers can't be denied and they're not trying | Steven W Thrasher

So teacher unions and Republicans are natural enemies. Indeed, all year Republican presidential hopefuls have gleefully slashed education budgets, with Walker eroding tenure and some $250m from public colleges in Wisconsin and Jindal cutting $300m from Louisiana’s state college system.
You mean like the Iraq war you lied us into?
'You'? Dude, I never lied to you. If you want to find the people who lied to you, go look up the quotes of liberals like John Kerry, who declared it was OBVIOUS there HAD TO BE a REGIME CHANGE, that Hussein HAD TO GO.

Liberals need to man the F* UP - grow a damn backbone, find some honesty and integrity somewhere inside you. Find the ability to admit your own mistakes, your own errors, take responsibility for your own actions.

When you claim ''you' lies to us' you are lying to yourself and / or admitting by blaming others for the actions of libs like Kerry is that Democrats are dumb as hell and are a bunch of lemmings who will buy anything they hear, and march right off the ledge.

'Buyer's Remorse' Butt-Hurt: Libs voted to give Bush the Constitutional Authority to take the country to war...and then tried to use the war against Bush and the Republicans. Democrats did not blindly vote to give Bush that authority, they ARGUED FOR WAR, they insisted we HAD to go to war, declared there HAD to be a regime change. So STFU, already.

Jump ahead to Barry. Barry dragged the US into UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized war in Libya...to help Al '9/11/01' Qaeda, in Syria...to help ISIS...and had has troops in Yemen, Niger, Mali, etc...

Again, save me the 'Holier-Than-Thou' BS.

Bullshit. I know Hillary and Kerry were lied to because we were all lied to.

Yes, Trump Said Bush 'Lied' - FactCheck.org

Yes Bush lied.
Bullshit. I know Hillary and Kerry..

You 'know'...you know SHIT. If you did, and it was based on anything you could prove you would have posted the evidence to back up what you 'KNOW'.

You THINK Bush lied...and he probably did. Again, that makes dumbasses like Hillary and Kerry easily manipulated, gullible lemmings who follow anyone.


ALSO, Now is a GREAT time to point out how you FAIRIES constantly whine about how people bring up Criminal, Traitorous Hillary and Barry...who are STILL NOT removed from the US political situation by their own choices, actions, and scandals / crimes...yet continue to bring up Bush almost a damn DECADE after he has been out of office.

Whine and bitch on, lil' hypocritical snowflake....
.........The problem poor people face is they go to school where other students and teachers don't care........

The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.

I have friends who are teachers, not in urban areas, and they say similar.

I don't really understand why they are not more offended by the way liberals constantly throw them under the bus.
Because you guys and Betsy Devoss want to break their unions and cut their pay. Are you kidding? It's the right who attacks teachers.

Ok, you want to play that way. I think teachers are great. I think they should be paid more than they do now not less. Lets see what Republicans say about that in the next couple years.

Oh, and Unkotare has never passed down a better job in a better school district. That's bullshit. He's a liar.
And I am starting to agree with Republicans. If a teacher makes $50K and gets summers off, that's all they are fucking worth. I'm sick of teachers telling us how hard their job is. They are the biggest fucking whiners. The fact is they wanted to go into teaching. They could have become anything else. It's not like the best people in our society go to be teachers. They aren't saints and what they are doing isn't rocket science. God damn!

Now quit trying to kiss the teachers ass and win the teachers vote. Or actually, I'm glad you are trying because then we can make it clear why teachers don't vote GOP. .....

Many teachers vote Republican. Some people don’t know what they are talking about. The same sort can’t imagine doing something because it involves service to others, and wouldn’t last a month teaching.
Last edited:
.........The problem poor people face is they go to school where other students and teachers don't care........

The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.

I have friends who are teachers, not in urban areas, and they say similar.

I don't really understand why they are not more offended by the way liberals constantly throw them under the bus.

Yes Correll. We know your tactic. Rather than address why teachers don't like Republicans, try to pretend that it is us liberals they should be leary of. You are very slick I'll give you that. But I see the pattern here. Same way you disinfranchised blacks, you're going to try to do to teachers now.

Republicans love cops, hate college professors, a new study found

Republicans rated teachers and professors much lower than Democrats.

The survey, which was based on a feelings thermometer (0 coldest, 100 warmest), found that Republicans only rated teachers a 72 and college professors a 46 on the scale. Democrats felt much more warmly toward educators, rating teachers an 86 and professors a 71 on the scale.

Then there's this: Republicans' deep hatred for teachers can't be denied and they're not trying | Steven W Thrasher

John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio – who is generally considered less extreme than Texas Senator Ted Cruz, less dynastic than former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and less crazy than professional troll Donald Trump – recently said: “If I were, not president, if I were king in America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is us’.”

Republicans love to hate teachers and imply that all the ills of US society are the result of their laziness. If only schools could be turned over to market forces and not held back by greedy teacher unions, conservative logic goes, everything would be fine – even though charter schools perform no better than traditional schools. Trying to bust unions in general (and those of teachers in particular) turns conservatives on as much as trying to deny climate change, defend the NRA, defund Planned Parenthood

the Republican hopeful wants to remove teachers’ lounges to keep educators from complaining to one another and, presumably, to keep them from colluding in greed to protect their benefits and working conditions. Imagine the possibilities. Without a place to meet, teachers – who already work alone in most classrooms – could be even more isolated.

As the principal told me in 2011: “We believe teachers need to be on their feet, working with the kids.” Every minute of every day. So forget the lounges: sitting has become stigmatized for teachers, even at a desk. The idea that a teacher might need to sit – say, to grade a paper, write down attendance or give their feet a moment’s rest during a long day – was recast as a potential cause for poor student performance.

Republicans have always hated teachers’ unions for obvious reasons. They reliably support the Democratic party, even though Democrats routinely go to war against teachers as well,

Still, the rhetoric about their hatred of teachers is getting more violent, heated and punitive. Christie, who has been yelling at teachers for a while, recently said teachers unions deserved a “political punch in the face” for being the “single most destructive force” in education.

The real “most destructive force” in American education right now is not teachers. It is the fact that many of the top contenders for the country’s highest office, running in one of the nation’s two major political parties, are against science, against immigrants, against women - and against supporting the workforce which teaches our children.

Republicans' deep hatred for teachers can't be denied and they're not trying | Steven W Thrasher

So teacher unions and Republicans are natural enemies. Indeed, all year Republican presidential hopefuls have gleefully slashed education budgets, with Walker eroding tenure and some $250m from public colleges in Wisconsin and Jindal cutting $300m from Louisiana’s state college system.

Disregard all of that nonsense. There are many teachers who are Republican.
The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.

I have friends who are teachers, not in urban areas, and they say similar.

I don't really understand why they are not more offended by the way liberals constantly throw them under the bus.
Because you guys and Betsy Devoss want to break their unions and cut their pay. Are you kidding? It's the right who attacks teachers.

Ok, you want to play that way. I think teachers are great. I think they should be paid more than they do now not less. Lets see what Republicans say about that in the next couple years.

Oh, and Unkotare has never passed down a better job in a better school district. That's bullshit. He's a liar.
And I am starting to agree with Republicans. If a teacher makes $50K and gets summers off, that's all they are fucking worth. I'm sick of teachers telling us how hard their job is. They are the biggest fucking whiners. The fact is they wanted to go into teaching. They could have become anything else. It's not like the best people in our society go to be teachers. They aren't saints and what they are doing isn't rocket science. God damn!

Now quit trying to kiss the teachers ass and win the teachers vote. Or actually, I'm glad you are trying because then we can make it clear why teachers don't vote GOP. .....

Many teachers vote Republican. No surprise that bobo brainless doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about again. The scumbag can’t imagine doing something because it involves service to others, and the pussy wouldn’t last a month teaching.
It would be easy teaching and even if it's hard, I'll get 3 months off in the summer. Lazy fucks. And no it isn't hard and no I would not run out screaming. I went to school. Don't try to pretend that it's harder than it is.

And every teacher I talk says they are not Republicans and that Republicans are anti teacher.

'Morally Bankrupt.' The GOP Tax Bill Repeals a Credit for Teachers Who Buy School Supplies

But I do understand a lot of teachers broke from the Union and voted Trump. That's not voting Republican. You and everyone else knows the teachers union is the Democrats bread and butter base. And if you are a Republican who's also a teacher you are dumb as fuck. You are literally taking money out of your own pocket. GOOD! I'm glad you are a Republican. That will fuck your retirement. Good!!! LOL

Sure Unkotare. Just like there are some scientists that don't believe in evolution, I'm sure you can find a couple teachers who are Republicans. Not many though.

You want proof teachers aren't that smart? Here is it:

WASHINGTON — Two weeks after Republican Donald Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton in the Nov. 8 presidential election, the USA’s teachers unions are wondering what happened to their chosen candidate — and how so many of their members could have voted for her opponent.

Despite early and eager endorsements of Clinton by both unions, the nation’s school teachers and other school workers contributed substantially to Trump’s Nov. 8 win.

How substantially? About one in five American Federation of Teachers (AFT) members who cast a ballot voted for Trump, the union’s leader estimated. Among the larger National Education Association (NEA), which comprises more than 3 million members, more than one in three who voted did so for the billionaire developer, early data show.

Like you they cut off their noses to spite their face.

Why Teachers Don’t Trust Betsy DeVos, And Neither Should You
I wonder how many public school teachers voted Trump/Republican. That's probably a lot less. Who's in the AFT or NEA? Are charter school teachers in those organizations? Well of course they aren't union teachers who make a lot of money. They don't enjoy being in a union. I'd like to know how public school teachers voted. Probably 1 out of 6 voted for Trump. That makes unkotare the oddball in the teachers lounge.
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Blacks did vote republican until the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Had nothing to do with it.

Blacks actually turned against Republicans in the 1930 s

A predominately poorer demographic started being attracted to the party of more and more social spending, even though that party was still aligned with the Southern racists, including the actual Klan, at that time.

NO surprise there, really.

Actually, Republicans stopped being the "Party of Lincoln" in the 1930s
You mean like the Iraq war you lied us into?
'You'? Dude, I never lied to you. If you want to find the people who lied to you, go look up the quotes of liberals like John Kerry, who declared it was OBVIOUS there HAD TO BE a REGIME CHANGE, that Hussein HAD TO GO.

Liberals need to man the F* UP - grow a damn backbone, find some honesty and integrity somewhere inside you. Find the ability to admit your own mistakes, your own errors, take responsibility for your own actions.

When you claim ''you' lies to us' you are lying to yourself and / or admitting by blaming others for the actions of libs like Kerry is that Democrats are dumb as hell and are a bunch of lemmings who will buy anything they hear, and march right off the ledge.

'Buyer's Remorse' Butt-Hurt: Libs voted to give Bush the Constitutional Authority to take the country to war...and then tried to use the war against Bush and the Republicans. Democrats did not blindly vote to give Bush that authority, they ARGUED FOR WAR, they insisted we HAD to go to war, declared there HAD to be a regime change. So STFU, already.

Jump ahead to Barry. Barry dragged the US into UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized war in Libya...to help Al '9/11/01' Qaeda, in Syria...to help ISIS...and had has troops in Yemen, Niger, Mali, etc...

Again, save me the 'Holier-Than-Thou' BS.

Goddam your posts are retarded.

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