If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?

The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.

I have friends who are teachers, not in urban areas, and they say similar.

I don't really understand why they are not more offended by the way liberals constantly throw them under the bus.

Yes Correll. We know your tactic. Rather than address why teachers don't like Republicans, try to pretend that it is us liberals they should be leary of. You are very slick I'll give you that. But I see the pattern here. Same way you disinfranchised blacks, you're going to try to do to teachers now.

Republicans love cops, hate college professors, a new study found

Republicans rated teachers and professors much lower than Democrats.

The survey, which was based on a feelings thermometer (0 coldest, 100 warmest), found that Republicans only rated teachers a 72 and college professors a 46 on the scale. Democrats felt much more warmly toward educators, rating teachers an 86 and professors a 71 on the scale.

Then there's this: Republicans' deep hatred for teachers can't be denied and they're not trying | Steven W Thrasher

John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio – who is generally considered less extreme than Texas Senator Ted Cruz, less dynastic than former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and less crazy than professional troll Donald Trump – recently said: “If I were, not president, if I were king in America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is us’.”

Republicans love to hate teachers and imply that all the ills of US society are the result of their laziness. If only schools could be turned over to market forces and not held back by greedy teacher unions, conservative logic goes, everything would be fine – even though charter schools perform no better than traditional schools. Trying to bust unions in general (and those of teachers in particular) turns conservatives on as much as trying to deny climate change, defend the NRA, defund Planned Parenthood

the Republican hopeful wants to remove teachers’ lounges to keep educators from complaining to one another and, presumably, to keep them from colluding in greed to protect their benefits and working conditions. Imagine the possibilities. Without a place to meet, teachers – who already work alone in most classrooms – could be even more isolated.

As the principal told me in 2011: “We believe teachers need to be on their feet, working with the kids.” Every minute of every day. So forget the lounges: sitting has become stigmatized for teachers, even at a desk. The idea that a teacher might need to sit – say, to grade a paper, write down attendance or give their feet a moment’s rest during a long day – was recast as a potential cause for poor student performance.

Republicans have always hated teachers’ unions for obvious reasons. They reliably support the Democratic party, even though Democrats routinely go to war against teachers as well,

Still, the rhetoric about their hatred of teachers is getting more violent, heated and punitive. Christie, who has been yelling at teachers for a while, recently said teachers unions deserved a “political punch in the face” for being the “single most destructive force” in education.

The real “most destructive force” in American education right now is not teachers. It is the fact that many of the top contenders for the country’s highest office, running in one of the nation’s two major political parties, are against science, against immigrants, against women - and against supporting the workforce which teaches our children.

Republicans' deep hatred for teachers can't be denied and they're not trying | Steven W Thrasher

So teacher unions and Republicans are natural enemies. Indeed, all year Republican presidential hopefuls have gleefully slashed education budgets, with Walker eroding tenure and some $250m from public colleges in Wisconsin and Jindal cutting $300m from Louisiana’s state college system.

Disregard all of that nonsense. There are many teachers who are Republican.

I got it now. The more I look into it the more I realize that just like stupid middle class people vote GOP, so too do stupid middle class teachers. Why? Over the wedge issues like god gays guns and racism.

And many teachers are not the main bread winner in their family. So if hubby has a good job, she can afford to be stupid.

Murray Godfrey, U.S. History Professor
Answered Jul 30, 2012

More are probably democrats, but it's not true everywhere. Ie: a more conservative area is going to have more conservative teachers.

I'm in education. I take voting very seriously and research all candidates in contested races. However, I tend to vote for democrat at a rate of about 60-65%. The very basic reason is this: generally speaking, republicans cut my budget more severely and insult me more intensely than democrats. Furthermore, republican education policy is usually not what I consider sound policy. There are republicans for whom this is not the case, but they are in that ~35% minority of their caucus that I will vote for.
I love these stories about how union members, liberals, progressives, poor people and democrats have been convinced by the right that the left has let them down.

Why These Union Members and Lifelong Democrats Are Voting Trump

Or I love it when they realize that the GOP are going to fuck them over biggly and the Democrats actually weren't nearly as bad as they thought. Nor were they the reason why you (blacks, union members, middle class, teachers, poor people) are doing worse now than you did under Bush. You'll see.

Black people are already seeing they made a mistake not showing up for hillary. People with free healthcare who voted for Trump are starting to realize what a mistake they made. And teachers dealing with Devos are realizing the GOP want to fuck them biggly.
The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.

I have friends who are teachers, not in urban areas, and they say similar.

I don't really understand why they are not more offended by the way liberals constantly throw them under the bus.

Yes Correll. We know your tactic. Rather than address why teachers don't like Republicans, try to pretend that it is us liberals they should be leary of. You are very slick I'll give you that. But I see the pattern here. Same way you disinfranchised blacks, you're going to try to do to teachers now.

Republicans love cops, hate college professors, a new study found

Republicans rated teachers and professors much lower than Democrats.

The survey, which was based on a feelings thermometer (0 coldest, 100 warmest), found that Republicans only rated teachers a 72 and college professors a 46 on the scale. Democrats felt much more warmly toward educators, rating teachers an 86 and professors a 71 on the scale.

Then there's this: Republicans' deep hatred for teachers can't be denied and they're not trying | Steven W Thrasher

John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio – who is generally considered less extreme than Texas Senator Ted Cruz, less dynastic than former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and less crazy than professional troll Donald Trump – recently said: “If I were, not president, if I were king in America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is us’.”

Republicans love to hate teachers and imply that all the ills of US society are the result of their laziness. If only schools could be turned over to market forces and not held back by greedy teacher unions, conservative logic goes, everything would be fine – even though charter schools perform no better than traditional schools. Trying to bust unions in general (and those of teachers in particular) turns conservatives on as much as trying to deny climate change, defend the NRA, defund Planned Parenthood

the Republican hopeful wants to remove teachers’ lounges to keep educators from complaining to one another and, presumably, to keep them from colluding in greed to protect their benefits and working conditions. Imagine the possibilities. Without a place to meet, teachers – who already work alone in most classrooms – could be even more isolated.

As the principal told me in 2011: “We believe teachers need to be on their feet, working with the kids.” Every minute of every day. So forget the lounges: sitting has become stigmatized for teachers, even at a desk. The idea that a teacher might need to sit – say, to grade a paper, write down attendance or give their feet a moment’s rest during a long day – was recast as a potential cause for poor student performance.

Republicans have always hated teachers’ unions for obvious reasons. They reliably support the Democratic party, even though Democrats routinely go to war against teachers as well,

Still, the rhetoric about their hatred of teachers is getting more violent, heated and punitive. Christie, who has been yelling at teachers for a while, recently said teachers unions deserved a “political punch in the face” for being the “single most destructive force” in education.

The real “most destructive force” in American education right now is not teachers. It is the fact that many of the top contenders for the country’s highest office, running in one of the nation’s two major political parties, are against science, against immigrants, against women - and against supporting the workforce which teaches our children.

Republicans' deep hatred for teachers can't be denied and they're not trying | Steven W Thrasher

So teacher unions and Republicans are natural enemies. Indeed, all year Republican presidential hopefuls have gleefully slashed education budgets, with Walker eroding tenure and some $250m from public colleges in Wisconsin and Jindal cutting $300m from Louisiana’s state college system.

Disregard all of that nonsense. There are many teachers who are Republican.

The more I look into this the more I realize in the future we will have kids taking class from home. One teacher will teach 100 kids. It'll be a lot of online videos. In other words one day your job will be obsolete. Especially if you keep spitting out piss poor results.

How Do American Students Compare to Their International Peers?
The most recent math results from an international survey place the United States near the bottom.

The United States may be a superpower but in education we lag behind. In a recent comparison of academic performance in 57 countries, students in Finland came out on top overall. Finnish 15-year-olds did the best in science and came in second in math. Other top-performing countries were: Hong Kong, Canada, Taiwan, Estonia, Japan and Korea.

How did the U.S. do?
Students in the United States performed near the middle of the pack. On average 16 other industrialized countries scored above the United States in science, and 23 scored above us in math.

The Socioeconomic Achievement Gap Is Narrowing

Apparently it's not as hard as it is for your counterparts on the other side of the pond.

Is that why you came here from Asia? To help improve our scores or sabotage? I could see you being a sabotour. XXXX -- Mod Edit -- excessive personal flaming.
Last edited by a moderator:
The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.

I have friends who are teachers, not in urban areas, and they say similar.

I don't really understand why they are not more offended by the way liberals constantly throw them under the bus.

Yes Correll. We know your tactic. Rather than address why teachers don't like Republicans, try to pretend that it is us liberals they should be leary of. You are very slick I'll give you that. But I see the pattern here. Same way you disinfranchised blacks, you're going to try to do to teachers now.

Republicans love cops, hate college professors, a new study found

Republicans rated teachers and professors much lower than Democrats.

The survey, which was based on a feelings thermometer (0 coldest, 100 warmest), found that Republicans only rated teachers a 72 and college professors a 46 on the scale. Democrats felt much more warmly toward educators, rating teachers an 86 and professors a 71 on the scale.

Then there's this: Republicans' deep hatred for teachers can't be denied and they're not trying | Steven W Thrasher

John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio – who is generally considered less extreme than Texas Senator Ted Cruz, less dynastic than former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and less crazy than professional troll Donald Trump – recently said: “If I were, not president, if I were king in America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is us’.”

Republicans love to hate teachers and imply that all the ills of US society are the result of their laziness. If only schools could be turned over to market forces and not held back by greedy teacher unions, conservative logic goes, everything would be fine – even though charter schools perform no better than traditional schools. Trying to bust unions in general (and those of teachers in particular) turns conservatives on as much as trying to deny climate change, defend the NRA, defund Planned Parenthood

the Republican hopeful wants to remove teachers’ lounges to keep educators from complaining to one another and, presumably, to keep them from colluding in greed to protect their benefits and working conditions. Imagine the possibilities. Without a place to meet, teachers – who already work alone in most classrooms – could be even more isolated.

As the principal told me in 2011: “We believe teachers need to be on their feet, working with the kids.” Every minute of every day. So forget the lounges: sitting has become stigmatized for teachers, even at a desk. The idea that a teacher might need to sit – say, to grade a paper, write down attendance or give their feet a moment’s rest during a long day – was recast as a potential cause for poor student performance.

Republicans have always hated teachers’ unions for obvious reasons. They reliably support the Democratic party, even though Democrats routinely go to war against teachers as well,

Still, the rhetoric about their hatred of teachers is getting more violent, heated and punitive. Christie, who has been yelling at teachers for a while, recently said teachers unions deserved a “political punch in the face” for being the “single most destructive force” in education.

The real “most destructive force” in American education right now is not teachers. It is the fact that many of the top contenders for the country’s highest office, running in one of the nation’s two major political parties, are against science, against immigrants, against women - and against supporting the workforce which teaches our children.

Republicans' deep hatred for teachers can't be denied and they're not trying | Steven W Thrasher

So teacher unions and Republicans are natural enemies. Indeed, all year Republican presidential hopefuls have gleefully slashed education budgets, with Walker eroding tenure and some $250m from public colleges in Wisconsin and Jindal cutting $300m from Louisiana’s state college system.

Disregard all of that nonsense. There are many teachers who are Republican.

Do you have a masters? If you do, chances are you make a pretty good living. Perhaps you don't care that future teachers won't ever make what you make?

Do you have a pension coming? Perhaps you don't care that new teachers aren't going to get those?

I can see a teacher with tenure being a dick head Republican. Once you got yours that is.

Do you work in a public school and are you a member of a union?

I'm always amazed by Republican Union Members.

I think Americans deserve the Republicans in charge now.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.

I have friends who are teachers, not in urban areas, and they say similar.

I don't really understand why they are not more offended by the way liberals constantly throw them under the bus.

Yes Correll. We know your tactic. Rather than address why teachers don't like Republicans, try to pretend that it is us liberals they should be leary of. You are very slick I'll give you that. But I see the pattern here. Same way you disinfranchised blacks, you're going to try to do to teachers now.

Republicans love cops, hate college professors, a new study found

Republicans rated teachers and professors much lower than Democrats.

The survey, which was based on a feelings thermometer (0 coldest, 100 warmest), found that Republicans only rated teachers a 72 and college professors a 46 on the scale. Democrats felt much more warmly toward educators, rating teachers an 86 and professors a 71 on the scale.

Then there's this: Republicans' deep hatred for teachers can't be denied and they're not trying | Steven W Thrasher

John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio – who is generally considered less extreme than Texas Senator Ted Cruz, less dynastic than former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and less crazy than professional troll Donald Trump – recently said: “If I were, not president, if I were king in America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is us’.”

Republicans love to hate teachers and imply that all the ills of US society are the result of their laziness. If only schools could be turned over to market forces and not held back by greedy teacher unions, conservative logic goes, everything would be fine – even though charter schools perform no better than traditional schools. Trying to bust unions in general (and those of teachers in particular) turns conservatives on as much as trying to deny climate change, defend the NRA, defund Planned Parenthood

the Republican hopeful wants to remove teachers’ lounges to keep educators from complaining to one another and, presumably, to keep them from colluding in greed to protect their benefits and working conditions. Imagine the possibilities. Without a place to meet, teachers – who already work alone in most classrooms – could be even more isolated.

As the principal told me in 2011: “We believe teachers need to be on their feet, working with the kids.” Every minute of every day. So forget the lounges: sitting has become stigmatized for teachers, even at a desk. The idea that a teacher might need to sit – say, to grade a paper, write down attendance or give their feet a moment’s rest during a long day – was recast as a potential cause for poor student performance.

Republicans have always hated teachers’ unions for obvious reasons. They reliably support the Democratic party, even though Democrats routinely go to war against teachers as well,

Still, the rhetoric about their hatred of teachers is getting more violent, heated and punitive. Christie, who has been yelling at teachers for a while, recently said teachers unions deserved a “political punch in the face” for being the “single most destructive force” in education.

The real “most destructive force” in American education right now is not teachers. It is the fact that many of the top contenders for the country’s highest office, running in one of the nation’s two major political parties, are against science, against immigrants, against women - and against supporting the workforce which teaches our children.

Republicans' deep hatred for teachers can't be denied and they're not trying | Steven W Thrasher

So teacher unions and Republicans are natural enemies. Indeed, all year Republican presidential hopefuls have gleefully slashed education budgets, with Walker eroding tenure and some $250m from public colleges in Wisconsin and Jindal cutting $300m from Louisiana’s state college system.

Disregard all of that nonsense. There are many teachers who are Republican.

The more I look into this the more I realize in the future we will have kids taking class from home. One teacher will teach 100 kids. It'll be a lot of online videos. In other words one day your job will be obsolete. Especially if you keep spitting out piss poor results.

How Do American Students Compare to Their International Peers?
The most recent math results from an international survey place the United States near the bottom.

The United States may be a superpower but in education we lag behind. In a recent comparison of academic performance in 57 countries, students in Finland came out on top overall. Finnish 15-year-olds did the best in science and came in second in math. Other top-performing countries were: Hong Kong, Canada, Taiwan, Estonia, Japan and Korea.

How did the U.S. do?
Students in the United States performed near the middle of the pack. On average 16 other industrialized countries scored above the United States in science, and 23 scored above us in math.

The Socioeconomic Achievement Gap Is Narrowing

Apparently it's not as hard as it is for your counterparts on the other side of the pond.

Is that why you came here from Asia? To help improve our scores or sabotage? I could see you being a sabotour. XXXX -- Mod Edit -- excessive personal flaming.


Who “came here from Asia”?
Blacks won't be voting GOP to any degree, any time soon. And since the GOP's only "strategy" appears to be waiting until blacks divorce themselves from the Democratic party, it's gonna be a LONG time. Sorry guys, you just aren't offering an attractive alternative, regardless how much you think you are.
We've offered plenty, we just can't bust though the propaganda of the Left.
That's because the two parties are offering their alternatives in different ways.

Whether conservatives like it or not, minorities are conditioned to being pandered to. Because they're conditioned (and any human is liable to be conditioned to various things) to pandering, the GOP has to decide if it's going to approach them in that way or not.

If you refuse to do that - and that is understandable and certainly your call - fine. But you make that choice knowing full well that it significantly prolongs real success, at a time when demographics are on the move.

Plenty of republicans have tried pandering. McCain was all for Amnesty for one example. DIdn't work.

Our enemies control the Means of Information. That is a brick wall that we have no answer for, under the current system.
Well, we disagree there. The difference in approach between the two parties is pretty stark to me, and to those in my mixed-race family. Some of us are insulted by the Democrats' pandering, but some buy into it 100%.

Are we talking about minorities insulted to the point they are voting against the dems?
Blacks won't be voting GOP to any degree, any time soon. And since the GOP's only "strategy" appears to be waiting until blacks divorce themselves from the Democratic party, it's gonna be a LONG time. Sorry guys, you just aren't offering an attractive alternative, regardless how much you think you are.
We've offered plenty, we just can't bust though the propaganda of the Left.
That's because the two parties are offering their alternatives in different ways.

Whether conservatives like it or not, minorities are conditioned to being pandered to. Because they're conditioned (and any human is liable to be conditioned to various things) to pandering, the GOP has to decide if it's going to approach them in that way or not.

If you refuse to do that - and that is understandable and certainly your call - fine. But you make that choice knowing full well that it significantly prolongs real success, at a time when demographics are on the move.

Plenty of republicans have tried pandering. McCain was all for Amnesty for one example. DIdn't work.

Our enemies control the Means of Information. That is a brick wall that we have no answer for, under the current system.
Well, we disagree there. The difference in approach between the two parties is pretty stark to me, and to those in my mixed-race family. Some of us are insulted by the Democrats' pandering, but some buy into it 100%.

Are we talking about minorities insulted to the point they are voting against the dems?
No. That would have happened by now.
That's interesting.

The discussion had moved to the illegals who are violent criminals, and you just moved it back to "everyone".

And in doing so, dodged my question about why you don't care about the victims of these violent illegals.

My question stands.

Why don't you care about their victims?

What a stupid question

RW, you've responded to posts about the violent and dangerous criminals, with redirects to the "good people" that Trump discussed.

That's you being very clear that you don't want to do anything about them getting in here or staying here.

Stil, asking you why you don't care about them, might be a little harsh...

So, let me try it this way.

RW, why does your positions on this issues seem to have no consideration for the victims of these terrible rapists and murderers?
It is a stupid question

Why are you going all goofy on me?

Explain why it is a stupid question, if you can.

OR, admit that you are a cowardly dodger and that my point is correct, and then answer the fucking question.


Read post 552 you fear mongerer

Post 552 does not answer the question at all, and fearmonger implies that I am lying about the danger.

The danger is real. People are dying, or suffering from these violent criminals being here.

I have an answer,

yours is to let them commit crimes, before you do anything.

RW, why does your positions on this issues seem to have no consideration for the victims of these terrible rapists and murderers?
We've offered plenty, we just can't bust though the propaganda of the Left.
That's because the two parties are offering their alternatives in different ways.

Whether conservatives like it or not, minorities are conditioned to being pandered to. Because they're conditioned (and any human is liable to be conditioned to various things) to pandering, the GOP has to decide if it's going to approach them in that way or not.

If you refuse to do that - and that is understandable and certainly your call - fine. But you make that choice knowing full well that it significantly prolongs real success, at a time when demographics are on the move.

Plenty of republicans have tried pandering. McCain was all for Amnesty for one example. DIdn't work.

Our enemies control the Means of Information. That is a brick wall that we have no answer for, under the current system.
Well, we disagree there. The difference in approach between the two parties is pretty stark to me, and to those in my mixed-race family. Some of us are insulted by the Democrats' pandering, but some buy into it 100%.

Are we talking about minorities insulted to the point they are voting against the dems?
No. That would have happened by now.

Sooo, they are insulted but still support those that insult them.

Seems to support my view, that it is a brick wall that there is no answer to, under our current system.
That's because the two parties are offering their alternatives in different ways.

Whether conservatives like it or not, minorities are conditioned to being pandered to. Because they're conditioned (and any human is liable to be conditioned to various things) to pandering, the GOP has to decide if it's going to approach them in that way or not.

If you refuse to do that - and that is understandable and certainly your call - fine. But you make that choice knowing full well that it significantly prolongs real success, at a time when demographics are on the move.

Plenty of republicans have tried pandering. McCain was all for Amnesty for one example. DIdn't work.

Our enemies control the Means of Information. That is a brick wall that we have no answer for, under the current system.
Well, we disagree there. The difference in approach between the two parties is pretty stark to me, and to those in my mixed-race family. Some of us are insulted by the Democrats' pandering, but some buy into it 100%.

Are we talking about minorities insulted to the point they are voting against the dems?
No. That would have happened by now.

Sooo, they are insulted but still support those that insult them.

Seems to support my view, that it is a brick wall that there is no answer to, under our current system.
No, I said some are insulted. Human beings can be conditioned to think things that are not necessarily in their best interest. If you're told something from birth (let's say religion, for example), and you've thought it all your life, then it will take a lot to change your mind.

The GOP can give up on this if it wants to. But just waiting for a change of this scope is wishful thinking. A come-hither look ain't gonna be good enough.
You asked about concern for the patients in that context. If that was not your intent, note my use of the question mark and clarify what you meant.

Not "in that context." You're being dishonest again.

It's not better for patients to be cared for by people who care enough, are motivated enough, are committed enough to get AT LEAST basic certification?

No, it's not.....

It sure as hell is. You know damn well that if you had to put your life in the hands of someone who wanted to help you so much that she had struggled and sacrificed to gain the skills and credentials to do so, or someone who had crossed her arms, rolled her eyes, and pouted about how "undue" the burden was, that you would choose the former every time.

The Nurse's aide should not be in charge of your life, that should be for the actual medical staff.

It is the greedy hospitals that want to put more and more work on the person making the least money, so they can give fewer hours to those making more.

Ever been to a hospital in a communist country?

.........The problem poor people face is they go to school where other students and teachers don't care........

The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.

I have friends who are teachers, not in urban areas, and they say similar.

I don't really understand why they are not more offended by the way liberals constantly throw them under the bus.
Because you guys and Betsy Devoss want to break their unions and cut their pay. Are you kidding? It's the right who attacks teachers.

Ok, you want to play that way. I think teachers are great. I think they should be paid more than they do now not less. Lets see what Republicans say about that in the next couple years.

Oh, and Unkotare has never passed down a better job in a better school district. That's bullshit. He's a liar.
And I am starting to agree with Republicans. If a teacher makes $50K and gets summers off, that's all they are fucking worth. I'm sick of teachers telling us how hard their job is. They are the biggest fucking whiners. The fact is they wanted to go into teaching. They could have become anything else. It's not like the best people in our society go to be teachers. They aren't saints and what they are doing isn't rocket science. God damn!

Now quit trying to kiss the teachers ass and win the teachers vote. Or actually, I'm glad you are trying because then we can make it clear why teachers don't vote GOP. Same reason blacks don't. You've used them as political footballs for how many decades?

God I hope you break all public unions. Police unions too.

The Republican Party and most republicans have been looking for reasons for our crappy education system, without wanting to mention either illegitimacy or, god forbid, the IQ gap.

The Teachers Union has made a very easy target, with their protection of crap teachers, resistance to reform and far lefty politics.

YOu are correct though. The GOP has tried to reduce the power of the teachers union, both for partisan and for education reform purposes.

For as much as the dems/libs talk shit about the teachers being shit, they don't do much, if anything to try to change that,

so, union workers get to keep the system they built at the expense of the tax payers, without any real challenge to change.

As much as the libs "throw the teachers under the bus" when they are making excuses for the poor performance of minority students, when the real issues are being dealt with, they are even happier to throw the kids under the bus to ensure the support of the union.
Not "in that context." You're being dishonest again.

It's not better for patients to be cared for by people who care enough, are motivated enough, are committed enough to get AT LEAST basic certification?

No, it's not.....

It sure as hell is. You know damn well that if you had to put your life in the hands of someone who wanted to help you so much that she had struggled and sacrificed to gain the skills and credentials to do so, or someone who had crossed her arms, rolled her eyes, and pouted about how "undue" the burden was, that you would choose the former every time.

The Nurse's aide should not be in charge of your life, that should be for the actual medical staff.

It is the greedy hospitals that want to put more and more work on the person making the least money, so they can give fewer hours to those making more.

Ever been to a hospital in a communist country?


Not good.
lol, if Blacks began voting Republican, southern conservatives would go back to being Democrats.

Care to explain how that works, or do you just want to admit that you are just talking shit about people you don't like?
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Blacks did vote republican until the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Had nothing to do with it.

Blacks actually turned against Republicans in the 1930 s

A predominately poorer demographic started being attracted to the party of more and more social spending, even though that party was still aligned with the Southern racists, including the actual Klan, at that time.

NO surprise there, really.

Actually, Republicans stopped being the "Party of Lincoln" in the 1930s

If you really believed that, you would have included some explanation.

My point stands, as other than your unsupported opinion, you've offered nothing to challenge it.

A predominately poorer demographic started being attracted to the party of more and more social spending, even though that party was still aligned with the Southern racists, including the actual Klan, at that time.

NO surprise there, really.

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