If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?

So single mothers of young children get thrown to the wolves
Some social engineering

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison than any other country.....what has it gotten us?


Single mothers of young children win the lottery. They are encouraged to NOT marry since they no longer will be below the poverty line IF their spouse is working.

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison because we are a FREE country.
Keeping people in prison makes us free?

Ever live someplace where you bar your door at sundown and are afraid to even walk your dog because it's so dangerous?
Violent people belong in prison

Not druggies
So single mothers of young children get thrown to the wolves
Some social engineering

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison than any other country.....what has it gotten us?


Single mothers of young children win the lottery. They are encouraged to NOT marry since they no longer will be below the poverty line IF their spouse is working.

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison because we are a FREE country.
Keeping people in prison makes us free?

Ever live someplace where you bar your door at sundown and are afraid to even walk your dog because it's so dangerous?
Violent people belong in prison

Not druggies

Those two groups would never ever ever overlap.
.........The problem poor people face is they go to school where other students and teachers don't care........

The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.
I would love to hear what your solution is then. Who's fault is it? Why is there poverty and high crime in these inner cities? I bet it's the parents you blame. I agree it's not the teachers fault.

You don't have to have a college degree in America. Furniture sales pays well for example. Or you can go to work for someone and become management based on your skills.

Cnc operators maybe need a 2 year associates degree. Anyone can afford that
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Blacks did vote republican until the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Had nothing to do with it.

Blacks actually turned against Republicans in the 1930 s
After the great flood of Mississippi. Funny look how bush treated Katrina victims. Similar. A year before jeb and rich Florida had a tornado and the Feds rolled out the red carpet
So single mothers of young children get thrown to the wolves
Some social engineering

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison than any other country.....what has it gotten us?


Single mothers of young children win the lottery. They are encouraged to NOT marry since they no longer will be below the poverty line IF their spouse is working.

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison because we are a FREE country.
Keeping people in prison makes us free?

Ever live someplace where you bar your door at sundown and are afraid to even walk your dog because it's so dangerous?
Violent people belong in prison

Not druggies

Drugs and violence inevitably follow one upon the other, flower child.
So single mothers of young children get thrown to the wolves
Some social engineering

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison than any other country.....what has it gotten us?


Single mothers of young children win the lottery. They are encouraged to NOT marry since they no longer will be below the poverty line IF their spouse is working.

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison because we are a FREE country.
Keeping people in prison makes us free?

Ever live someplace where you bar your door at sundown and are afraid to even walk your dog because it's so dangerous?
Violent people belong in prison

Not druggies

Most of the "druggies" are there for selling or in the commission of another crime while in possession of drugs. Very few are there for using alone.
So single mothers of young children get thrown to the wolves
Some social engineering

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison than any other country.....what has it gotten us?


Single mothers of young children win the lottery. They are encouraged to NOT marry since they no longer will be below the poverty line IF their spouse is working.

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison because we are a FREE country.
Keys, your comments are goofy.
I don't want to wait for them to be caught committing a crime. I want to deport them immediately. I want to stop them from even getting here in the first place.

Why don't you care about their victims?
Some crime prevention

Deport everyone

That's interesting.

The discussion had moved to the illegals who are violent criminals, and you just moved it back to "everyone".

And in doing so, dodged my question about why you don't care about the victims of these violent illegals.

My question stands.

Why don't you care about their victims?

What a stupid question

RW, you've responded to posts about the violent and dangerous criminals, with redirects to the "good people" that Trump discussed.

That's you being very clear that you don't want to do anything about them getting in here or staying here.

Stil, asking you why you don't care about them, might be a little harsh...

So, let me try it this way.

RW, why does your positions on this issues seem to have no consideration for the victims of these terrible rapists and murderers?
It is a stupid question

Why are you going all goofy on me?

Explain why it is a stupid question, if you can.

OR, admit that you are a cowardly dodger and that my point is correct, and then answer the fucking question.

Loading more responsibilities on the nurse's aide is good for the patients? How so?

Who said that?

You asked about concern for the patients in that context. If that was not your intent, note my use of the question mark and clarify what you meant.

Not "in that context." You're being dishonest again.

It's not better for patients to be cared for by people who care enough, are motivated enough, are committed enough to get AT LEAST basic certification?

No, it's not.....

It sure as hell is. You know damn well that if you had to put your life in the hands of someone who wanted to help you so much that she had struggled and sacrificed to gain the skills and credentials to do so, or someone who had crossed her arms, rolled her eyes, and pouted about how "undue" the burden was, that you would choose the former every time.

The Nurse's aide should not be in charge of your life, that should be for the actual medical staff.

It is the greedy hospitals that want to put more and more work on the person making the least money, so they can give fewer hours to those making more.
Blacks won't be voting GOP to any degree, any time soon.

And since the GOP's only "strategy" appears to be waiting until blacks divorce themselves from the Democratic party, it's gonna be a LONG time. Sorry guys, you just aren't offering an attractive alternative, regardless how much you think you are.

We've offered plenty, we just can't bust though the propaganda of the Left.
That's interesting.

The discussion had moved to the illegals who are violent criminals, and you just moved it back to "everyone".

And in doing so, dodged my question about why you don't care about the victims of these violent illegals.

My question stands.

Why don't you care about their victims?

What a stupid question

RW, you've responded to posts about the violent and dangerous criminals, with redirects to the "good people" that Trump discussed.

That's you being very clear that you don't want to do anything about them getting in here or staying here.

Stil, asking you why you don't care about them, might be a little harsh...

So, let me try it this way.

RW, why does your positions on this issues seem to have no consideration for the victims of these terrible rapists and murderers?
It is a stupid question

Why are you going all goofy on me?

You show no consideration for victims so why is it a stupid question? Unless you really do not care about victims, then your response makes sense.

Claiming that 10 million immigrants are responsible for a crime victim is fucking stupid
So is thinking you save lives by deporting 10 million people

You been hanging out with Correll?

1. It is not "one" crime victims, it is millions.

2. And yes, we would save thousands of lives, tens of thousands by deporting 10 million people.

Nothing you have said, challenges any of that.
.........The problem poor people face is they go to school where other students and teachers don't care........

The problems that truly poor students face are too varied and complex for the likes of you to grasp, but they rarely include teachers who don't care.
Bullshit. ....

I have passed by many opportunities to teach in wealthy suburbs with brand new facilities and compliant students from stable, supportive homes. So have most of my fellow teachers at the (very) urban school district where I work. We go where we are needed most, not where things are easiest. This should come as no surprise, because no one becomes a teacher in order to get rich and avoid stress. Teachers will be the first to tell you that the public school system isn't perfect, but you'd be hard pressed to find professionals in any other field who care as much about the consequences of their profession.

I have friends who are teachers, not in urban areas, and they say similar.

I don't really understand why they are not more offended by the way liberals constantly throw them under the bus.
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Blacks did vote republican until the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Had nothing to do with it.

Blacks actually turned against Republicans in the 1930 s

A predominately poorer demographic started being attracted to the party of more and more social spending, even though that party was still aligned with the Southern racists, including the actual Klan, at that time.

NO surprise there, really.
Blacks won't be voting GOP to any degree, any time soon. And since the GOP's only "strategy" appears to be waiting until blacks divorce themselves from the Democratic party, it's gonna be a LONG time. Sorry guys, you just aren't offering an attractive alternative, regardless how much you think you are.
We've offered plenty, we just can't bust though the propaganda of the Left.
That's because the two parties are offering their alternatives in different ways.

Whether conservatives like it or not, minorities are conditioned to being pandered to. Because they're conditioned (and any human is liable to be conditioned to various things) to pandering, the GOP has to decide if it's going to approach them in that way or not.

If you refuse to do that - and that is understandable and certainly your call - fine. But you make that choice knowing full well that it significantly prolongs real success, at a time when demographics are on the move.
Blacks won't be voting GOP to any degree, any time soon. And since the GOP's only "strategy" appears to be waiting until blacks divorce themselves from the Democratic party, it's gonna be a LONG time. Sorry guys, you just aren't offering an attractive alternative, regardless how much you think you are.
We've offered plenty, we just can't bust though the propaganda of the Left.
That's because the two parties are offering their alternatives in different ways.

Whether conservatives like it or not, minorities are conditioned to being pandered to. Because they're conditioned (and any human is liable to be conditioned to various things) to pandering, the GOP has to decide if it's going to approach them in that way or not.

If you refuse to do that - and that is understandable and certainly your call - fine. But you make that choice knowing full well that it significantly prolongs real success, at a time when demographics are on the move.

Plenty of republicans have tried pandering. McCain was all for Amnesty for one example. DIdn't work.

Our enemies control the Means of Information. That is a brick wall that we have no answer for, under the current system.
Blacks won't be voting GOP to any degree, any time soon. And since the GOP's only "strategy" appears to be waiting until blacks divorce themselves from the Democratic party, it's gonna be a LONG time. Sorry guys, you just aren't offering an attractive alternative, regardless how much you think you are.
We've offered plenty, we just can't bust though the propaganda of the Left.
That's because the two parties are offering their alternatives in different ways.

Whether conservatives like it or not, minorities are conditioned to being pandered to. Because they're conditioned (and any human is liable to be conditioned to various things) to pandering, the GOP has to decide if it's going to approach them in that way or not.

If you refuse to do that - and that is understandable and certainly your call - fine. But you make that choice knowing full well that it significantly prolongs real success, at a time when demographics are on the move.

Plenty of republicans have tried pandering. McCain was all for Amnesty for one example. DIdn't work.

Our enemies control the Means of Information. That is a brick wall that we have no answer for, under the current system.
Well, we disagree there. The difference in approach between the two parties is pretty stark to me, and to those in my mixed-race family. Some of us are insulted by the Democrats' pandering, but some buy into it 100%.
So single mothers of young children get thrown to the wolves
Some social engineering

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison than any other country.....what has it gotten us?


Single mothers of young children win the lottery. They are encouraged to NOT marry since they no longer will be below the poverty line IF their spouse is working.

We have a greater percentage of our population in prison because we are a FREE country.
Keeping people in prison makes us free?

Ever live someplace where you bar your door at sundown and are afraid to even walk your dog because it's so dangerous?
Violent people belong in prison

Not druggies

Drugs and violence inevitably follow one upon the other, flower child.

Some crime prevention

Deport everyone

That's interesting.

The discussion had moved to the illegals who are violent criminals, and you just moved it back to "everyone".

And in doing so, dodged my question about why you don't care about the victims of these violent illegals.

My question stands.

Why don't you care about their victims?

What a stupid question

RW, you've responded to posts about the violent and dangerous criminals, with redirects to the "good people" that Trump discussed.

That's you being very clear that you don't want to do anything about them getting in here or staying here.

Stil, asking you why you don't care about them, might be a little harsh...

So, let me try it this way.

RW, why does your positions on this issues seem to have no consideration for the victims of these terrible rapists and murderers?
It is a stupid question

Why are you going all goofy on me?

Explain why it is a stupid question, if you can.

OR, admit that you are a cowardly dodger and that my point is correct, and then answer the fucking question.


Read post 552 you fear mongerer

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