If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?

No, it's not.....

It sure as hell is. You know damn well that if you had to put your life in the hands of someone who wanted to help you so much that she had struggled and sacrificed to gain the skills and credentials to do so, or someone who had crossed her arms, rolled her eyes, and pouted about how "undue" the burden was, that you would choose the former every time.

The Nurse's aide should not be in charge of your life, that should be for the actual medical staff.

It is the greedy hospitals that want to put more and more work on the person making the least money, so they can give fewer hours to those making more.

Ever been to a hospital in a communist country?


Not good.

Having nursing aides, NOT preforming medical care is hardly the same as communism.
Eisenhower got 39% of the black vote in 1956, back when the GOP had yet to plunge headlong into the depths of rightwing extremism.

Yeah, I mean, Trump ran on bring back jobs and deporting illegal aliens.

How crazy it THAT?!

Funny look how bush treated Katrina victims.

As you know and know well, that was the fault of the now-imprisoned former Mayor Ray Nagan and former Gov. Kathleen Blanco. At the time, it was illegal for the Federal Government to move troops, and thus aid, into a state without a written request from the Governor of that state.

Mayor Nagan waited too long to order an evacuation and Gov. Blanco, thinking she could handle the disaster herself. The Bush administration made numerous requests to her to send the request, they had help waiting. It took Blanco THREE FULL DAYS before she conceded and made the request. After which, she blamed Bush.
The Nurse's aide should not be in charge of your life, that should be for the actual medical staff.

It is the greedy hospitals that want to put more and more work on the person making the least money, so they can give fewer hours to those making more.

What else do you expect when Obamacare, Medicare, and Medicaid pay so little to hospitals and doctors for services?
I personally think that SNAP benefits should be tied to drug tests. I see too many people where I live that "sell" their stamps to other people for cash at half the value of the stamps. Or people will buy cases of pop that is on sale and take it to small mom & pop markets and sell them to them. It's so bad that stores have had to put limits on the number of cases of pop people can buy with their EBT card. I think it would almost be better for some of the SNAP benefits be like WIC where there are specific foods you have to get like milk, cereal, veggies, juice, etc.
Ages ago a boyhood friend opened a small mom & pop grocery store. The area had lots of Section 8 apartments and it was a short walk, in different directions, to a couple of housing projects. I helped him set up his store and get it running.

Around the first of each month recipients could be seen selling their Food Stamps to people out in the open, right outside the store's door. There is a regular market in this shit. The recipient gets half the value of the stamps, in cash.

One woman, we’ll call her Kaneesha, was kind of short and dumpy. She would buy, with Food Stamps, these TV dinners that cost like seven or eight bucks each (yes, everything is expensive in small stores, it seems). One day I made a comment about how good the dinner looked in the package’s picture. She said, “Uum hmmm, they is good. Especially with a liiiddle glass of wine...” Well, she could eat these things while the stamps lasted, anyway.

Another thing the recipients would do, is buy a candy bar or pack of gum for a quarter to get change. The owner set some small minimum purchase amount they had to make in order to get change from a Food Stamp purchase. They would keep buying one item at a time for a one dollar stamp, stick the change in their pocket. Then repeat the process as many times as needed to get the cash they needed to go out drinking, or buy some drugs.

The first of the month was a busy time, with loads of people scamming the welfare system in various ways. I never heard a single recipient mention their children, or how the stamps helped them, or that they were greatful for the government handouts. Nothing. They just wanted to turn the damned stamps into cash. Most people have no clue as to how creative and irresponsible these ‘recipients’ can be.
Brown is the new Black to Democrats....they've done their due-diligence...they know wetbacks are human cockroaches and will multiply at a much faster rate than Blacks....Democrats know they're running out of time...growing their constituency is paramount...complete irrelevance is just around the corner.
Look at the hateful, racist terms you use in referring to minorities. You are so racist, and so used to being racist, that you don't even think twice about the derogatory terms you so casually use to describe them. Wetbacks? Cockroaches?

These folks would have to be crazy to believe republicans aren't racist to the bone. The is no thinking minority who will ever believe people like you would ever regard them with anything but contempt. Read many of the racist comments on this site, written by republicans. They're filled with hate, just brimming with it. I doubt there will ever be a large percentage of minorities who believe anything coming out of any republican's mouth. And, with good reason.
The more I look into this the more I realize in the future we will have kids taking class from home. One teacher will teach 100 kids. It'll be a lot of online videos. In other words one day your job will be obsolete. Especially if you keep spitting out piss poor results.

The only problem with that is you would still need somebody home with the child as the videos or shows play.

A friend of mine home schooled all three of his children. His wife gave up her career as a respiratory therapist to do so. My friend works and has worked two full-time jobs the last 25 years to make this happen. It's difficult for blue-collar families to make it on a single income.

If a woman can teach her three children, why not three more? Why not allow a parent to take in children and earn money at the same time?

It costs us between 12K and 18K per student per year depending on where you go. So why not pay the home school monther 10K per child? It would save the taxpayer money and provide the ability to have more women stay at home and teach children.
The more I look into this the more I realize in the future we will have kids taking class from home. One teacher will teach 100 kids. It'll be a lot of online videos. In other words one day your job will be obsolete. Especially if you keep spitting out piss poor results.

The only problem with that is you would still need somebody home with the child as the videos or shows play.

A friend of mine home schooled all three of his children. His wife gave up her career as a respiratory therapist to do so. My friend works and has worked two full-time jobs the last 25 years to make this happen. It's difficult for blue-collar families to make it on a single income.

If a woman can teach her three children, why not three more? Why not allow a parent to take in children and earn money at the same time?

It costs between 12K and 18K per student depending on where you go. So why not pay the home school monther 10K per child? It would save the taxpayer money and provide the ability to have more women stay at home and teach children.
I've had that idea before
Brown is the new Black to Democrats....they've done their due-diligence...they know wetbacks are human cockroaches and will multiply at a much faster rate than Blacks....Democrats know they're running out of time...growing their constituency is paramount...complete irrelevance is just around the corner.
Look at the hateful, racist terms you use in referring to minorities. You are so racist, and so used to being racist, that you don't even think twice about the derogatory terms you so casually use to describe them. Wetbacks? Cockroaches?

These folks would have to be crazy to believe republicans aren't racist to the bone. The is no thinking minority who will ever believe people like you would ever regard them with anything but contempt. Read many of the racist comments on this site, written by republicans. They're filled with hate, just brimming with it. I doubt there will ever be a large percentage of minorities who believe anything coming out of any republican's mouth. And, with good reason.

Oh make no mistake about it I'm hateful as all hell and fed the phuck up with low grade bottom feeders...particularly the opportunistic illegal type...but I don't discriminate, I hate white trash all the same. Filth is filth, skin color means nothing...I just tend to refer to the greater percentages of filth and Blacks and Mexicans tend to represent the greater percentages per capita.
Further, I doubt very seriously that my aggressive nature reflects that of most Republicans. Sorry bud
Like, would they finally say "culture" or "black on black violence?" Or maybe "gang?"

The fact that you think that the "actual problems" facing all black people are "culture" and "black on black violence" and "gangs" is why Black people will likely never vote Republican in our lifetimes.

Riiiiiight because blacks are so well off after 70 years of Dem rule. :rolleyes:


You don't think we've made significant strides in the last 70 years?

I think if you ask a black person, you'll see that they're much happier not being lynched at a rate of thousands a year.
I guess blacks should be grateful then because Democrats have STOPPED lynching them?
Like, would they finally say "culture" or "black on black violence?" Or maybe "gang?"

The fact that you think that the "actual problems" facing all black people are "culture" and "black on black violence" and "gangs" is why Black people will likely never vote Republican in our lifetimes.

Riiiiiight because blacks are so well off after 70 years of Dem rule. :rolleyes:


You don't think we've made significant strides in the last 70 years?

I think if you ask a black person, you'll see that they're much happier not being lynched at a rate of thousands a year.
I guess blacks should be grateful then because Democrats have STOPPED lynching them?


Dis you think that one through before you posted it?
Like, would they finally say "culture" or "black on black violence?" Or maybe "gang?"


the reason people of color don't vote GOP.
Those aren't problems?

not how to approach people of color.

if you all didn't sound like racists, they'd probably vote GOP.... because they're naturally conservative, church-going types.

but you'd have to drop the stereotypes to know that. and you might want to talk about the fact that they have to be afraid their young men are going to be shot by cops if they get pulled over for a blown tail light.

how 'bout that?
Like, would they finally say "culture" or "black on black violence?" Or maybe "gang?"


the reason people of color don't vote GOP.
Those aren't problems?

not how to approach people of color.

if you all didn't sound like racists, they'd probably vote GOP.... because they're naturally conservative, church-going types.

but you'd have to drop the stereotypes to know that. and you might want to talk about the fact that they have to be afraid their young men are going to be shot by cops if they get pulled over for a blown tail light.

how 'bout that?

Police don't shoot anybody because they have a blown taillight, they shoot people who present some kind of threat to them.

I guess we Republicans will never get the black vote because we don't lie as well as Democrats.
Like, would they finally say "culture" or "black on black violence?" Or maybe "gang?"


the reason people of color don't vote GOP.
Those aren't problems?

not how to approach people of color.

if you all didn't sound like racists, they'd probably vote GOP.... because they're naturally conservative, church-going types.

but you'd have to drop the stereotypes to know that. and you might want to talk about the fact that they have to be afraid their young men are going to be shot by cops if they get pulled over for a blown tail light.

how 'bout that?

Blacks biggest problems, imo, are dropping out of school, gang culture and entitlement. Why does that sound racist?
I don't really find that(shootings) to be much of a problem. Most of time it its warranted.
Like, would they finally say "culture" or "black on black violence?" Or maybe "gang?"


the reason people of color don't vote GOP.
Those aren't problems?

not how to approach people of color.

if you all didn't sound like racists, they'd probably vote GOP.... because they're naturally conservative, church-going types.

but you'd have to drop the stereotypes to know that. and you might want to talk about the fact that they have to be afraid their young men are going to be shot by cops if they get pulled over for a blown tail light.

how 'bout that?

Police don't shoot anybody because they have a blown taillight, they shoot people who present some kind of threat to them.

I guess we Republicans will never get the black vote because we don't lie as well as Democrats.

no.... they shoot unarmed young black men .... THIS is why they don't vote for you. because you're clueless.

you lie just fine.... you told at least two in the two sentence you wrote above.


and the orange sociopath you love has told thousands.
Like, would they finally say "culture" or "black on black violence?" Or maybe "gang?"


the reason people of color don't vote GOP.
Those aren't problems?

not how to approach people of color.

if you all didn't sound like racists, they'd probably vote GOP.... because they're naturally conservative, church-going types.

but you'd have to drop the stereotypes to know that. and you might want to talk about the fact that they have to be afraid their young men are going to be shot by cops if they get pulled over for a blown tail light.

how 'bout that?

Police don't shoot anybody because they have a blown taillight, they shoot people who present some kind of threat to them.

I guess we Republicans will never get the black vote because we don't lie as well as Democrats.

no.... they shoot unarmed young black men .... THIS is why they don't vote for you. because you're clueless.

you lie just fine.... you told at least two in the two sentence you wrote above.


and the orange sociopath you love has told thousands.

you didn't answer why what he said supposedly sounded racist.

Probably because you don't know. Hell, you don't even know what the word means any more, do you?
Like, would they finally say "culture" or "black on black violence?" Or maybe "gang?"


the reason people of color don't vote GOP.
Those aren't problems?

not how to approach people of color.

if you all didn't sound like racists, they'd probably vote GOP.... because they're naturally conservative, church-going types.

but you'd have to drop the stereotypes to know that. and you might want to talk about the fact that they have to be afraid their young men are going to be shot by cops if they get pulled over for a blown tail light.

how 'bout that?

Police don't shoot anybody because they have a blown taillight, they shoot people who present some kind of threat to them.

I guess we Republicans will never get the black vote because we don't lie as well as Democrats.

no.... they shoot unarmed young black men .... THIS is why they don't vote for you. because you're clueless.

you lie just fine.... you told at least two in the two sentence you wrote above.


and the orange sociopath you love has told thousands.
They shoot unarmed white men too. Asshole cops isn't a racist thing. And again, most of the time it's warranted. As the court shows.
I didn't lie, that was my opinion. Do you know what an opinion Is?
Trump sucks. Even lies more than your retarded messiah obama.
Like, would they finally say "culture" or "black on black violence?" Or maybe "gang?"


the reason people of color don't vote GOP.
Those aren't problems?

not how to approach people of color.

if you all didn't sound like racists, they'd probably vote GOP.... because they're naturally conservative, church-going types.

but you'd have to drop the stereotypes to know that. and you might want to talk about the fact that they have to be afraid their young men are going to be shot by cops if they get pulled over for a blown tail light.

how 'bout that?

Police don't shoot anybody because they have a blown taillight, they shoot people who present some kind of threat to them.

I guess we Republicans will never get the black vote because we don't lie as well as Democrats.

no.... they shoot unarmed young black men .... THIS is why they don't vote for you. because you're clueless.

you lie just fine.... you told at least two in the two sentence you wrote above.


and the orange sociopath you love has told thousands.

I wrote two lies? Well then, I challenge you on it.

Show me a police shooting where a person was shot over a taillight--not being a threat to the officer in any way, and not brought up on charges.

Show me any police shooting of a minority where the officer shot without being threatened, and the officer not charged.

Yes, police shoot unarmed black men--police also shoot unarmed white men--more whites than blacks every year. There is no law that states a suspect has to be armed in order for police to use deadly force. Hell, I'm not a cop, and even I'm not legally bound to those standards. I have the legal right to use deadly force against somebody who I believe is putting me in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. They don't need to be armed when I make that decision.
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