If by some great miracle of the century Trump wins

Will impeachment proceedings begin before or after he takes oath

  • Before

  • after but before he is done with his speech.

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He'll probably be assassinated before anyone gets the chance to push for impeachment
Yes, Probably assassinated by the gang of the crooked Hillary.
By someone. He's insulted and pissed off a whooooole lot of people.
Hillary the criminal and a rapist husband are the ones who really hates Donald Trump because he show during the élection who is the Clinton Family : rotten
There are tens of millions of other people across the globe who equally hate Donald.

Really? Got names?
yes, they all signed an internet file, its called I hate donald.
You can find it and scroll through the names. Dont check them out though, half of the people that signed died before 1900.
He'll probably be assassinated before anyone gets the chance to push for impeachment
Yes, Probably assassinated by the gang of the crooked Hillary.
By someone. He's insulted and pissed off a whooooole lot of people.
Hillary the criminal and a rapist husband are the ones who really hates Donald Trump because he show during the élection who is the Clinton Family : rotten
There are tens of millions of other people across the globe who equally hate Donald.
Hillary is hate by a lot of people because we can't trust her.
Yes her and Donald have that in common
You have to have done something to get impeached.
lied to congress and the FBI, killed four americans in benghazi, and improperly had an email server in her basement with classified material on it and then deleted 33k of emails. CRIMINAL
Just wondering how long it will take before congress tries to get rid of him.
I hope everyone remembers this topic when all the Impeach Hillary topics start flowing next January.
January will be when this country can start fixing the problems democrats have created.
Hillary will then fade away into obscurity, and be nothing more than a bad memory.
January is when we real Americans have to accept the fact that the democrats are in a position to finish off this country for good.
Now is when we should start planning how to live once that happens.
Just wondering how long it will take before congress tries to get rid of him.
I hope everyone remembers this topic when all the Impeach Hillary topics start flowing next January.
January will be when this country can start fixing the problems democrats have created.
Hillary will then fade away into obscurity, and be nothing more than a bad memory.
January is when we real Americans have to accept the fact that the democrats are in a position to finish off this country for good.
Now is when we should start planning how to live once that happens.
I can't see her being elected, despite the democrats history of voter fraud.

Hillary has a long history of lying and being corrupt. I'm sure most voters are aware of that. She's the last person any intelligent person would want making important decisions.
Hillary is hate by a lot of people because we can't trust her.
Goes double for Trump. He's proven over and over again his willingness to throw his weight around, just because he's rich and he can.
Not because is rich does not mean that he can't be a could president he is good business man that count, listen here in France we could had have DSK for a president in the year 2012 a good économist but he was arrested for a rape crime just before the primary that came just in time just like that so he could not present him self he did not make some jail no evidence and then we where stuck with the no good François Hollande who as only 27 % of French people who like him...he is a guignol a little like Obama and Hillary.
Just wondering how long it will take before congress tries to get rid of him.
I hope everyone remembers this topic when all the Impeach Hillary topics start flowing next January.
January will be when this country can start fixing the problems democrats have created.
Hillary will then fade away into obscurity, and be nothing more than a bad memory.
January is when we real Americans have to accept the fact that the democrats are in a position to finish off this country for good.
Now is when we should start planning how to live once that happens.
I have a cardboard box you can have. I have a soft spot for bums.
Just wondering how long it will take before congress tries to get rid of him.
They aren't going to let him get in there.
They, the voting American Citizens certainly are not going to let Trump get in the White House.

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 49.0 42.2 Clinton +6.8

4-Way RCP Average 45.2 39.2 Clinton +6.0

Favorability Ratings -10.0 -26.1 Clinton +16.1
Live Betting Odds 85.0 15.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 262 170 Clinton +92
No Toss Up States 333 205
Clinton Trump Spread
Florida 46.8 43.0 Clinton +3.8
Ohio 44.0 44.6 Trump +0.6

Pennsylvania 46.4 40.2 Clinton +6.2

Wisconsin 45.3 38.3 Clinton +7.0
North Carolina 45.8 43.3 Clinton +2.5

Iowa 38.0 41.7 Trump +3.7
Nevada 45.5 41.3 Clinton +4.2
Clinton Trump Spread
Minnesota 44.3 40.0 Clinton +4.3
Colorado 44.5 37.3 Clinton +7.2
Virginia 45.0 36.3 Clinton +8.7
Georgia 40.5 46.0 Trump +5.5
New Hampshire 44.8 36.8 Clinton +8.0
Maine 42.5 36.8 Clinton +5.7
Arizona 41.8 40.5 Clinton +1.3

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