If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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A Black child has no control which color he will be born. We know this and it is scientifically verifiable, even after death, and without testimony of those that knew them.

A gay person has no control over which sexual orientation he or she will be. Ok?

We don't know this. There certainly have been well documented cases of a Homosexual somehow becoming Heterosexual, and also the opposite. It sometimes happens multiple times.

There is no evidence to support the contention that a person can change their color as they wish.

Can you say" bi- sexuality?" Can you say " continuum of sexual preferences"?
can you say overly horny?
He says that every day before he goes to work with vulnerable, at risk children.
So you only got married in a church? You don't file joint taxes or get those insurance discounts? Not going to take his SS if he goes first?

Like I said, if you really think, "Gosh, married people have so many advantages over single people 'cause of joint income tax filing and Social Security survivor benefits", you're a moron, and/or you are seriously ignorant about what marriage ACTUALLY is and what it's for. I've been saying this pretty much from the beginning of homosexuals saying, "We have to have legal marital sanction so that we're getting in on the goodies!"

Dr. Sowell wrote this back in 2005, but leaving aside the dated current event references, the underlying principles are still correct:

Gay Marriage 'Rights' Are Nonsensical | Human Events

Marriage is not a right extended to individuals by the government. It is a restriction on the rights they already have.

People who are simply living together can make whatever arrangements they want, whether they are heterosexual or homosexual. They can divide up their worldly belongings 50-50 or 90-10 or whatever other way they want. They can make their union temporary or permanent or subject to cancellation at any time.

Marriage is a restriction. If my wife buys an automobile with her own money, under California marriage laws I automatically own half of it, whether or not my name is on the title. Whether that law is good, bad, or indifferent, it is a limitation of our freedom to arrange such things as we ourselves might choose. This is just one of many decisions that marriage laws take out of our hands.

He wrote this in 2006:

Thomas Sowell - Gay "marriage"

Why is marriage considered to be any of the law's business in the first place? Because the state asserts an interest in the outcomes of certain unions, separate from and independent of the interests of the parties themselves.

In the absence of the institution of marriage, the individuals could arrange their relationship whatever way they wanted to, making it temporary or permanent, and sharing their worldly belongings in whatever way they chose.

Marriage means that the government steps in, limiting or even prescribing various aspects of their relations with each other -- and still more their relationship with whatever children may result from their union.

In other words, marriage imposes legal restrictions, taking away rights that individuals might otherwise have. Yet "gay marriage" advocates depict marriage as an expansion of rights to which they are entitled.

This is the standpoint with which I was agreeing earlier: from a legal standpoint, marriage is not an expansion of rights, a smorgasbord of extra goodies to which only married people are entitled; it is a restriction, legally speaking, and all those "benefits" people keep yammering on about are really just a legal recognition of that.

You didn’t answer the question. Did you only marry in a church or did you get the state issued marriage license? Gays had been marrying for decades without the goodies you straight folks got.

What in the holy fuck are you babbling about, or trying to get at? "Only marry in a church"? What the hell does that mean, or have to do with anything?

And the only "goody" heterosexuals have that homosexuals don't is the general opinion that our relationships are normal. Personally, I don't give a shit.

The goodies are what you straight people decided went along with civil marriage. Hundreds of rights, benefits and privileges that are associated with civil marriage and gays have equal access to them, so you're right, we get the goodies too. Oh, and the general opinion nowadays is that our relationships are normal. Welcome to the 21st Century.


No, honey, they aren't "goodies", nor are they prizes for you to claim as proof that you have rewritten millennia of human society and experience according to your vastly-superior-to-everyone-else-who-ever-existed wisdom. You seriously need to stop being so self-absorbed and realize that humanity existed for millennia before you did, and consider the possibility that just MAYBE society has other motivations besides rewarding or punishing you based on where you bestow the "privilege" of your sexual favors. :puke: If I wasn't already pitying that person, I would do so on the basis of you thinking the major operative purpose of "marriage" is joint tax filing.

Yeah, actually they are goodies and prizes. There are over a thousand rights, benefits and privileges associated with civil marriage. The list has already been linked to earlier. Gays now have equal access to them.

Oh, FYI, I have never in my life had to wave around a public opinion poll to "prove" that my marriage is a good thing. That is quite possibly the saddest thing I have seen all week.

Was your marriage recently against the law? It made you sad to be proven wrong? Poor dear.
Says who? Everyone, religious and secular, pretty much observes the same wedding traditions. That’s why they are traditions. They aren’t Christian for shit sake, they’re pagan.

I hate to break into your ranting about the history of wedding cakes, but I feel the need to point out that it really doesn't matter WHERE the tradition came from.

If someone doesn't want to be involved in your wedding plans, there is no argument or rationale that's going to make it any less of a dick move to try to force them to. Just go find someone who DOES want to associate with you, and get on with your damned life.

Baking a cake does not involve the baker in the wedding. The hotel a child is conceived in does not involve the hotel in the family.

Guess what? That's your opinion, and not everyone agrees with you, and instead of getting in people's faces and demanding that they accept your viewpoint as objective truth . . . MOVE THE FUCK ON AND FIND PEOPLE WHO WANT YOU AROUND.

And never forget the possibility that people dislike you just because you're unpleasant, and your sexuality has nothing to do with it.

My opinion has nothing to do with it. In my opinion, in large metropolitan areas, public accommodation laws protect the bigots while in more rural areas they protect the minorities. In my opinion it's not right that I have to serve the Christian in all 50 states while he only has to serve me in 20. In my opinion, I'd like to see PA laws continue to protect minorities in rural areas while we let Yelp take care of the bigots in metro areas.

And, in real life, everyone loves me and it has nothing to do with my sexuality.

Of course they do. If they told you the truth, you'd haul them into court and destroy their lives. I might not tell you what a sanctimonious, annoying bitch you are under those circumstances, either.

Well, no, I probably would, but I'm fairly unusual that way.

Ironic post is ironic.
Like I said, if you really think, "Gosh, married people have so many advantages over single people 'cause of joint income tax filing and Social Security survivor benefits", you're a moron, and/or you are seriously ignorant about what marriage ACTUALLY is and what it's for. I've been saying this pretty much from the beginning of homosexuals saying, "We have to have legal marital sanction so that we're getting in on the goodies!"

Dr. Sowell wrote this back in 2005, but leaving aside the dated current event references, the underlying principles are still correct:

Gay Marriage 'Rights' Are Nonsensical | Human Events

Marriage is not a right extended to individuals by the government. It is a restriction on the rights they already have.

People who are simply living together can make whatever arrangements they want, whether they are heterosexual or homosexual. They can divide up their worldly belongings 50-50 or 90-10 or whatever other way they want. They can make their union temporary or permanent or subject to cancellation at any time.

Marriage is a restriction. If my wife buys an automobile with her own money, under California marriage laws I automatically own half of it, whether or not my name is on the title. Whether that law is good, bad, or indifferent, it is a limitation of our freedom to arrange such things as we ourselves might choose. This is just one of many decisions that marriage laws take out of our hands.

He wrote this in 2006:

Thomas Sowell - Gay "marriage"

Why is marriage considered to be any of the law's business in the first place? Because the state asserts an interest in the outcomes of certain unions, separate from and independent of the interests of the parties themselves.

In the absence of the institution of marriage, the individuals could arrange their relationship whatever way they wanted to, making it temporary or permanent, and sharing their worldly belongings in whatever way they chose.

Marriage means that the government steps in, limiting or even prescribing various aspects of their relations with each other -- and still more their relationship with whatever children may result from their union.

In other words, marriage imposes legal restrictions, taking away rights that individuals might otherwise have. Yet "gay marriage" advocates depict marriage as an expansion of rights to which they are entitled.

This is the standpoint with which I was agreeing earlier: from a legal standpoint, marriage is not an expansion of rights, a smorgasbord of extra goodies to which only married people are entitled; it is a restriction, legally speaking, and all those "benefits" people keep yammering on about are really just a legal recognition of that.

You didn’t answer the question. Did you only marry in a church or did you get the state issued marriage license? Gays had been marrying for decades without the goodies you straight folks got.

What in the holy fuck are you babbling about, or trying to get at? "Only marry in a church"? What the hell does that mean, or have to do with anything?

And the only "goody" heterosexuals have that homosexuals don't is the general opinion that our relationships are normal. Personally, I don't give a shit.

The goodies are what you straight people decided went along with civil marriage. Hundreds of rights, benefits and privileges that are associated with civil marriage and gays have equal access to them, so you're right, we get the goodies too. Oh, and the general opinion nowadays is that our relationships are normal. Welcome to the 21st Century.


No, honey, they aren't "goodies", nor are they prizes for you to claim as proof that you have rewritten millennia of human society and experience according to your vastly-superior-to-everyone-else-who-ever-existed wisdom. You seriously need to stop being so self-absorbed and realize that humanity existed for millennia before you did, and consider the possibility that just MAYBE society has other motivations besides rewarding or punishing you based on where you bestow the "privilege" of your sexual favors. :puke: If I wasn't already pitying that person, I would do so on the basis of you thinking the major operative purpose of "marriage" is joint tax filing.

Yeah, actually they are goodies and prizes. There are over a thousand rights, benefits and privileges associated with civil marriage. The list has already been linked to earlier. Gays now have equal access to them.

Oh, FYI, I have never in my life had to wave around a public opinion poll to "prove" that my marriage is a good thing. That is quite possibly the saddest thing I have seen all week.

Was your marriage recently against the law? It made you sad to be proven wrong? Poor dear.
We can't force them not to be bigots. But we can force them not to discriminate.
The consequence of that distinction is exactly the same.

It's forcing someone to serve another against their will, but only if they want to refuse service for some reason SOME PEOPLE find offensive and mean.

It's the same bullshit.

I can refuse service to someone because I don't like their ugly hair. But, if I refuse service because I don't like their sexual orientation, I must be punished.

What about discrimination against people with bad hair?

Some want to force others to be nice. That ALL this shit is about.
Some want to force others to serve them and do their bidding, including and especially when they are told to do something that they believe puts their soul in jeopardy.

THAT'S what this is about.
The bakers do not believe it would put their soul in jeopardy to bake a cake for a homo. That's total horseshit, and I have demonstrated the reasons why that is total horseshit several times in this topic.

Of course it's bullshit. A lot of them are clinging to that, because they don't understand the First Amendment. The irony is that, while it's not a freedom of religion issue, it is a freedom of speech issue. They're not stoically maintaining their faith - they're protesting gay marriage.

Who are you to tell them what they believe?

You don't dictate matters of conscience to people, you swine. We have the right to believe as we will..and you don't have a window into anybody's soul. You don't get to tell people "I don't think you really believe that..so you will either endorse faggotry, or we will slap you in jail."

This is why we hate the left, this is why we hate the fag lobby. You're nothing but nazi freaks..only not as smart or as well dressed.
Do you ever actually finish reading a post? Or do you get to the part where your fuse blows and just start typing?

If you did read them all the way through, and stopped hyperventilating long enough to give it some thought, you might notice that I'm actually defending the bakers' right to protest gay marriage.
If these hypocritical bakers stopped baking cakes for people who have divorced and are therefore adulterers, their business model would immediately implode. They'd be out of business.

So their arguments are horseshit. This is about hate. It has nothing to do with the bible or the First Amendment.

The only hate I've seen is on your sides part.
I freely admit I do not like hypocritical bigots who commit sacrilege to further their bigotry.

I'm working on it.

I admit I don't like associating with queers.
You hate them because that is all you have in your life is hate.

If they were all hiding firmly away in the closet you would hate 'fags'. As far as the 'left'- well again- you have nothing but hate in your heart for anyone you disagree with.

I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.
that is sooooo extreme it isn't funny. Dude, you just demonstrated the typical leftist behavior when you've had your ass handed to you.

You just demonstrated the typical contard fascist mentality of believing that some fascist asshole has accomplished anything.

Kosher provides nothing but bile and hate here at USMB and I have no problem calling her out for it.
but her post was accurate. how do you respond on fact?

No her post was her usual vomit of contard homophobic bigotry.

I find it telling that you think her opinion that all gays and 'the left' deserve death- is accurate.

How very, very fascist of you.
I just want to say something for the record. I don't agree with hating anyone, I don't hate anyone, and as a Christian I believe that all human beings are valuable, and should be treated with respect and dignity.

So I don't agree with using words like "faggot" or treating homosexuals in a hateful way. I simply believe that homosexuality is a sin, and I believe there's no such thing as "same-sex marriage." Marriage was, is, and always will be the union of a man and a woman, usually (but not always) to start a family.

I firmly believe it is possible to love the person without agreeing with or supporting their actions. Pretty much every Christian I've ever encountered feels that way too. So, hating homosexuals and using hateful language is not Christian… as we are commanded to love others.

One of the reasons I am saying this is because I see the word bigot thrown around so easily. While it might apply to some who disagree with homosexuality… I think it's ignorant (or dishonest) to demonize Christians for merely holding the belief that homosexuality is a sin. So when you throw around derogatory labels, I think it reflects more on the person doing that than anyone else.

In fact, often the people who use that word against those who don't agree with homosexuality are themselves bigots… because many of the people who use that word against Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views, and hateful, while throwing around the word that by definition applies to themselves.

And that's all I have to say about that. :)
If these hypocritical bakers stopped baking cakes for people who have divorced and are therefore adulterers, their business model would immediately implode. They'd be out of business.

So their arguments are horseshit. This is about hate. It has nothing to do with the bible or the First Amendment.

The only hate I've seen is on your sides part.
I freely admit I do not like hypocritical bigots who commit sacrilege to further their bigotry.

I'm working on it.

I admit I don't like associating with queers.
I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.
that is sooooo extreme it isn't funny. Dude, you just demonstrated the typical leftist behavior when you've had your ass handed to you.

You just demonstrated the typical contard fascist mentality of believing that some fascist asshole has accomplished anything.

Kosher provides nothing but bile and hate here at USMB and I have no problem calling her out for it.
but her post was accurate. how do you respond on fact?

No her post was her usual vomit of contard homophobic bigotry.

I find it telling that you think her opinion that all gays and 'the left' deserve death- is accurate.

How very, very fascist of you.
well since no one said that, now you're just lying. and showing more your hatred of others. ironic eh?
Of course it's bullshit. A lot of them are clinging to that, because they don't understand the First Amendment. The irony is that, while it's not a freedom of religion issue, it is a freedom of speech issue. They're not stoically maintaining their faith - they're protesting gay marriage.

This is why we hate the left, this is why we hate the fag lobby. You're nothing but nazi freaks..only not as smart or as well dressed.

You hate them because that is all you have in your life is hate.

If they were all hiding firmly away in the closet you would hate 'fags'. As far as the 'left'- well again- you have nothing but hate in your heart for anyone you disagree with.

I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.

What do you mean hate.?

She has never tried to bankrupt a hard working baker because he wouldn't sell them a cake. That is vile vicious butthurt hate by filthy ass queers that do that.

Odd isn't it- you do not consider it 'hate' when she says that gays and the 'left' all deserve death.

And who knows how many business's she has tried to bankrupt because of her vile vicious butthurt hate to promote her hateful bigotry.
This is why we hate the left, this is why we hate the fag lobby. You're nothing but nazi freaks..only not as smart or as well dressed.

You hate them because that is all you have in your life is hate.

If they were all hiding firmly away in the closet you would hate 'fags'. As far as the 'left'- well again- you have nothing but hate in your heart for anyone you disagree with.

I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.

What do you mean hate.?

She has never tried to bankrupt a hard working baker because he wouldn't sell them a cake. That is vile vicious butthurt hate by filthy ass queers that do that.

Odd isn't it- you do not consider it 'hate' when she says that gays and the 'left' all deserve death.

And who knows how many business's she has tried to bankrupt because of her vile vicious butthurt hate to promote her hateful bigotry.
yet in this discussion you lie about what was posted. zero credibility bubba. you just lost. exposing yourself as a cheap tool that manipulates the discussion to make a point. so much so to make up phrases never said. Just so you look good. you look like a fking fool is what it just did. two posts in a row as well. for the record, this poster you responded to had a point to which you couldn't address. again you made up something.
I just want to say something for the record. I don't agree with hating anyone, I don't hate anyone, and as a Christian I believe that all human beings are valuable, and should be treated with respect and dignity.

So I don't agree with using words like "faggot" or treating homosexuals in a hateful way. I simply believe that homosexuality is a sin, and I believe there's no such thing as "same-sex marriage." Marriage was, is, and always will be the union of a man and a woman, usually (but not always) to start a family.

I firmly believe it is possible to love the person without agreeing with or supporting their actions. Pretty much every Christian I've ever encountered feels that way too. So, hating homosexuals and using hateful language is not Christian… as we are commanded to love others.

One of the reasons I am saying this is because I see the word bigot thrown around so easily. While it might apply to some who disagree with homosexuality… I think it's ignorant (or dishonest) to demonize Christians for merely holding the belief that homosexuality is a sin. So when you throw around derogatory labels, I think it reflects more on the person doing that than anyone else.

In fact, often the people who use that word against those who don't agree with homosexuality are themselves bigots… because many of the people who use that word against Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views, and hateful, while throwing around the word that by definition applies to themselves.

And that's all I have to say about that. :)

Nor will I call you a bigot just because you believe homosexuality is a sin.

Nor will I condemn all Christians for that because not all Christians hold the same beliefs.

I am happy though to use the term bigot when it is appropriate to those who lie to harm gay Americans- who try to spread hate against gay Americans- regardless of their religion.

But if the bigots try to hide behind their religion- for their asshole remarks- I will then- at times- attack what they claim to be the religious basis for their asshole behavior.

And by the way- many Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views and are indeed hateful- certainly not all- certainly not the majority- but certainly many.
I just want to say something for the record. I don't agree with hating anyone, I don't hate anyone, and as a Christian I believe that all human beings are valuable, and should be treated with respect and dignity.

So I don't agree with using words like "faggot" or treating homosexuals in a hateful way. I simply believe that homosexuality is a sin, and I believe there's no such thing as "same-sex marriage." Marriage was, is, and always will be the union of a man and a woman, usually (but not always) to start a family.

I firmly believe it is possible to love the person without agreeing with or supporting their actions. Pretty much every Christian I've ever encountered feels that way too. So, hating homosexuals and using hateful language is not Christian… as we are commanded to love others.

One of the reasons I am saying this is because I see the word bigot thrown around so easily. While it might apply to some who disagree with homosexuality… I think it's ignorant (or dishonest) to demonize Christians for merely holding the belief that homosexuality is a sin. So when you throw around derogatory labels, I think it reflects more on the person doing that than anyone else.

In fact, often the people who use that word against those who don't agree with homosexuality are themselves bigots… because many of the people who use that word against Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views, and hateful, while throwing around the word that by definition applies to themselves.

And that's all I have to say about that. :)

Nor will I call you a bigot just because you believe homosexuality is a sin.

Nor will I condemn all Christians for that because not all Christians hold the same beliefs.

I am happy though to use the term bigot when it is appropriate to those who lie to harm gay Americans- who try to spread hate against gay Americans- regardless of their religion.

But if the bigots try to hide behind their religion- for their asshole remarks- I will then- at times- attack what they claim to be the religious basis for their asshole behavior.

And by the way- many Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views and are indeed hateful- certainly not all- certainly not the majority- but certainly many.
well you have absolutely no evidence to use the word in here then. so you are either a liar or a liar.
You hate them because that is all you have in your life is hate.

If they were all hiding firmly away in the closet you would hate 'fags'. As far as the 'left'- well again- you have nothing but hate in your heart for anyone you disagree with.

I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.

What do you mean hate.?

She has never tried to bankrupt a hard working baker because he wouldn't sell them a cake. That is vile vicious butthurt hate by filthy ass queers that do that.

Odd isn't it- you do not consider it 'hate' when she says that gays and the 'left' all deserve death.

And who knows how many business's she has tried to bankrupt because of her vile vicious butthurt hate to promote her hateful bigotry.
yet in this discussion you lie about what was posted. zero credibility bubba. .

Feel free to quote where I 'lied' son. Go for it.

Here is the statement you are defending:
I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

Tell us all how you think that gays and the left all 'deserve death'- is accurate.
I just want to say something for the record. I don't agree with hating anyone, I don't hate anyone, and as a Christian I believe that all human beings are valuable, and should be treated with respect and dignity.

So I don't agree with using words like "faggot" or treating homosexuals in a hateful way. I simply believe that homosexuality is a sin, and I believe there's no such thing as "same-sex marriage." Marriage was, is, and always will be the union of a man and a woman, usually (but not always) to start a family.

I firmly believe it is possible to love the person without agreeing with or supporting their actions. Pretty much every Christian I've ever encountered feels that way too. So, hating homosexuals and using hateful language is not Christian… as we are commanded to love others.

One of the reasons I am saying this is because I see the word bigot thrown around so easily. While it might apply to some who disagree with homosexuality… I think it's ignorant (or dishonest) to demonize Christians for merely holding the belief that homosexuality is a sin. So when you throw around derogatory labels, I think it reflects more on the person doing that than anyone else.

In fact, often the people who use that word against those who don't agree with homosexuality are themselves bigots… because many of the people who use that word against Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views, and hateful, while throwing around the word that by definition applies to themselves.

And that's all I have to say about that. :)

Nor will I call you a bigot just because you believe homosexuality is a sin.

Nor will I condemn all Christians for that because not all Christians hold the same beliefs.

I am happy though to use the term bigot when it is appropriate to those who lie to harm gay Americans- who try to spread hate against gay Americans- regardless of their religion.

But if the bigots try to hide behind their religion- for their asshole remarks- I will then- at times- attack what they claim to be the religious basis for their asshole behavior.

And by the way- many Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views and are indeed hateful- certainly not all- certainly not the majority- but certainly many.
well you have absolutely no evidence to use the word in here then. so you are either a liar or a liar.

Tell me again why I have no evidence to support someone who calls for the death of all gays- a bigot?

I notice you still have not disagreed with that asshole yet.
I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.

What do you mean hate.?

She has never tried to bankrupt a hard working baker because he wouldn't sell them a cake. That is vile vicious butthurt hate by filthy ass queers that do that.

Odd isn't it- you do not consider it 'hate' when she says that gays and the 'left' all deserve death.

And who knows how many business's she has tried to bankrupt because of her vile vicious butthurt hate to promote her hateful bigotry.
yet in this discussion you lie about what was posted. zero credibility bubba. .

Feel free to quote where I 'lied' son. Go for it.

Here is the statement you are defending:
I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

Tell us all how you think that gays and the left all 'deserve death'- is accurate.
I believe she was referring to leftists. you should reread what you're quoting from. just saying you are lying about her reference.
I just want to say something for the record. I don't agree with hating anyone, I don't hate anyone, and as a Christian I believe that all human beings are valuable, and should be treated with respect and dignity.

So I don't agree with using words like "faggot" or treating homosexuals in a hateful way. I simply believe that homosexuality is a sin, and I believe there's no such thing as "same-sex marriage." Marriage was, is, and always will be the union of a man and a woman, usually (but not always) to start a family.

I firmly believe it is possible to love the person without agreeing with or supporting their actions. Pretty much every Christian I've ever encountered feels that way too. So, hating homosexuals and using hateful language is not Christian… as we are commanded to love others.

One of the reasons I am saying this is because I see the word bigot thrown around so easily. While it might apply to some who disagree with homosexuality… I think it's ignorant (or dishonest) to demonize Christians for merely holding the belief that homosexuality is a sin. So when you throw around derogatory labels, I think it reflects more on the person doing that than anyone else.

In fact, often the people who use that word against those who don't agree with homosexuality are themselves bigots… because many of the people who use that word against Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views, and hateful, while throwing around the word that by definition applies to themselves.

And that's all I have to say about that. :)

Nor will I call you a bigot just because you believe homosexuality is a sin.

Nor will I condemn all Christians for that because not all Christians hold the same beliefs.

I am happy though to use the term bigot when it is appropriate to those who lie to harm gay Americans- who try to spread hate against gay Americans- regardless of their religion.

But if the bigots try to hide behind their religion- for their asshole remarks- I will then- at times- attack what they claim to be the religious basis for their asshole behavior.

And by the way- many Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views and are indeed hateful- certainly not all- certainly not the majority- but certainly many.
well you have absolutely no evidence to use the word in here then. so you are either a liar or a liar.

Tell me again why I have no evidence to support someone who calls for the death of all gays- a bigot?

I notice you still have not disagreed with that asshole yet.
because she didn't. there. I explained in the last post.
If these hypocritical bakers stopped baking cakes for people who have divorced and are therefore adulterers, their business model would immediately implode. They'd be out of business.

So their arguments are horseshit. This is about hate. It has nothing to do with the bible or the First Amendment.

The only hate I've seen is on your sides part.
I freely admit I do not like hypocritical bigots who commit sacrilege to further their bigotry.

I'm working on it.

I admit I don't like associating with queers.
You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.
that is sooooo extreme it isn't funny. Dude, you just demonstrated the typical leftist behavior when you've had your ass handed to you.

You just demonstrated the typical contard fascist mentality of believing that some fascist asshole has accomplished anything.

Kosher provides nothing but bile and hate here at USMB and I have no problem calling her out for it.
but her post was accurate. how do you respond on fact?

No her post was her usual vomit of contard homophobic bigotry.

I find it telling that you think her opinion that all gays and 'the left' deserve death- is accurate.

How very, very fascist of you.
well since no one said that, now you're just lying. and showing more your hatred of others. ironic eh?
Here is what Kosher said:
I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

This is the statement you are defending.
You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.

What do you mean hate.?

She has never tried to bankrupt a hard working baker because he wouldn't sell them a cake. That is vile vicious butthurt hate by filthy ass queers that do that.

Odd isn't it- you do not consider it 'hate' when she says that gays and the 'left' all deserve death.

And who knows how many business's she has tried to bankrupt because of her vile vicious butthurt hate to promote her hateful bigotry.
yet in this discussion you lie about what was posted. zero credibility bubba. .

Feel free to quote where I 'lied' son. Go for it.

Here is the statement you are defending:
I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

Tell us all how you think that gays and the left all 'deserve death'- is accurate.
I believe she was referring to leftists. you should reread what you're quoting from. just saying you are lying about her reference.

So she isn't a bigot in your mind- or an asshole- if she is merely saying that all 'leftists' deserve death?

But she wasn't referring just to leftists- she was referring to 'fags' and 'leftists'

This is why we hate the left, this is why we hate the fag lobby. You're nothing but nazi freaks..only not as smart or as well dressed.

Me: You hate them because that is all you have in your life is hate. If they were all hiding firmly away in the closet you would hate 'fags'. As far as the 'left'- well again- you have nothing but hate in your heart for anyone you disagree with.

Kosher: I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death

Tell us all more about how you agree with Kosher that her statement that all leftists and 'fags' deserve death.
I just want to say something for the record. I don't agree with hating anyone, I don't hate anyone, and as a Christian I believe that all human beings are valuable, and should be treated with respect and dignity.

So I don't agree with using words like "faggot" or treating homosexuals in a hateful way. I simply believe that homosexuality is a sin, and I believe there's no such thing as "same-sex marriage." Marriage was, is, and always will be the union of a man and a woman, usually (but not always) to start a family.

I firmly believe it is possible to love the person without agreeing with or supporting their actions. Pretty much every Christian I've ever encountered feels that way too. So, hating homosexuals and using hateful language is not Christian… as we are commanded to love others.

One of the reasons I am saying this is because I see the word bigot thrown around so easily. While it might apply to some who disagree with homosexuality… I think it's ignorant (or dishonest) to demonize Christians for merely holding the belief that homosexuality is a sin. So when you throw around derogatory labels, I think it reflects more on the person doing that than anyone else.

In fact, often the people who use that word against those who don't agree with homosexuality are themselves bigots… because many of the people who use that word against Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views, and hateful, while throwing around the word that by definition applies to themselves.

And that's all I have to say about that. :)

Nor will I call you a bigot just because you believe homosexuality is a sin.

Nor will I condemn all Christians for that because not all Christians hold the same beliefs.

I am happy though to use the term bigot when it is appropriate to those who lie to harm gay Americans- who try to spread hate against gay Americans- regardless of their religion.

But if the bigots try to hide behind their religion- for their asshole remarks- I will then- at times- attack what they claim to be the religious basis for their asshole behavior.

And by the way- many Christians are utterly intolerant of any other views and are indeed hateful- certainly not all- certainly not the majority- but certainly many.
well you have absolutely no evidence to use the word in here then. so you are either a liar or a liar.

Tell me again why I have no evidence to support someone who calls for the death of all gays- a bigot?

I notice you still have not disagreed with that asshole yet.
because she didn't. there. I explained in the last post.

LOL you just explained your reading comprehension problem- and that you agree with her that all leftists deserve death.
If these hypocritical bakers stopped baking cakes for people who have divorced and are therefore adulterers, their business model would immediately implode. They'd be out of business.

So their arguments are horseshit. This is about hate. It has nothing to do with the bible or the First Amendment.

The only hate I've seen is on your sides part.
I freely admit I do not like hypocritical bigots who commit sacrilege to further their bigotry.

I'm working on it.

I admit I don't like associating with queers.
You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.
that is sooooo extreme it isn't funny. Dude, you just demonstrated the typical leftist behavior when you've had your ass handed to you.

You just demonstrated the typical contard fascist mentality of believing that some fascist asshole has accomplished anything.

Kosher provides nothing but bile and hate here at USMB and I have no problem calling her out for it.
but her post was accurate. how do you respond on fact?

No her post was her usual vomit of contard homophobic bigotry.

I find it telling that you think her opinion that all gays and 'the left' deserve death- is accurate.

How very, very fascist of you.
well since no one said that, now you're just lying. and showing more your hatred of others. ironic eh?

Yup, exactly.

They just spout nonsense lolol. It's total mentally ill gibberish.

Reminds me of something....

Oh yeah...

That bottom one was arrested for assaulting an officer...I think she was re-committed to the state and ordered to get herself back into serious mental health treatment including meds and bars on the windows.

That is what we are dealing with .

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