If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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Well, the ugly hair people can always band together and demand their rights, too.

Donald Trump can be their leader.
But, it's not a right. No one has the right to the services of another.

Otherwise, The Don should team up with Rumor Willis and start demanding more government force.
I had to google Rumor Willis.

I found a Rumer Willis and I still don't get the reference.

Anyway, I am not happy about the government telling businesses who they must serve. However, the sense of fairness and rightness in me can't help but be sympathetic to the gay customers.

Both ends of this particular stick are shitty.

Anyway, I am not happy about the government telling businesses who they must serve. However, the sense of fairness and rightness in me can't help but be sympathetic to the gay customers.

Both ends of this particular stick are shitty.
I have nothing but complete sympathy for gay customers. The best thing I can do is NOT be a bigot myself and defend their right to live as they choose---just as I will hold my nose and defend the rights of bigots, as I must. But, noting requires me to EVER do business with bigots or forbids me from spreading the word about their bullshit.
Pedophiles say the exact same thing. "This is just the way I am, I can't change who I am attracted to" etc. etc. Now, to make this crystal clear, I am not equating the two. I'm just saying that merely claiming that one can't change their sexual orientation doesn't automatically make that orientation natural, or healthy.
Who cares if it's unnatural or unhealthy? That desire still not a choice.

The desire to be a pedophile is not a choice either.

If that's true, the your desire to fuck women is a choice. You could decide right now that you want a huge, throbbing dong to slam your guts. Is that what you are telling me?

Who gives a shit what pedophiles and faggots say?

As everybody knows, as we've always known except for a brief and glorious couple of decades which are blessedly drawing to a close now, fags and baby rapers are CRAZY. They're MENTALLY ILL. If they can't make it in our world without forcing other people to kowtow to them and their depravity, then institutionalize them. Problem solved.
I never said it did, now did I. What I DID SAY is that you want a secular version of Marriage with the Religious and Traditional overtones. Unbelievable and Hypocritical.

Says who? Everyone, religious and secular, pretty much observes the same wedding traditions. That’s why they are traditions. They aren’t Christian for shit sake, they’re pagan.

I hate to break into your ranting about the history of wedding cakes, but I feel the need to point out that it really doesn't matter WHERE the tradition came from.

If someone doesn't want to be involved in your wedding plans, there is no argument or rationale that's going to make it any less of a dick move to try to force them to. Just go find someone who DOES want to associate with you, and get on with your damned life.

Baking a cake does not involve the baker in the wedding. The hotel a child is conceived in does not involve the hotel in the family.

Guess what? That's your opinion, and not everyone agrees with you, and instead of getting in people's faces and demanding that they accept your viewpoint as objective truth . . . MOVE THE FUCK ON AND FIND PEOPLE WHO WANT YOU AROUND.

And never forget the possibility that people dislike you just because you're unpleasant, and your sexuality has nothing to do with it.

My opinion has nothing to do with it. In my opinion, in large metropolitan areas, public accommodation laws protect the bigots while in more rural areas they protect the minorities. In my opinion it's not right that I have to serve the Christian in all 50 states while he only has to serve me in 20. In my opinion, I'd like to see PA laws continue to protect minorities in rural areas while we let Yelp take care of the bigots in metro areas.

And, in real life, everyone loves me and it has nothing to do with my sexuality.

Of course they do. If they told you the truth, you'd haul them into court and destroy their lives. I might not tell you what a sanctimonious, annoying bitch you are under those circumstances, either.

Well, no, I probably would, but I'm fairly unusual that way.
Pedophiles say the exact same thing. "This is just the way I am, I can't change who I am attracted to" etc. etc. Now, to make this crystal clear, I am not equating the two. I'm just saying that merely claiming that one can't change their sexual orientation doesn't automatically make that orientation natural, or healthy.
Who cares if it's unnatural or unhealthy? That desire still not a choice.

The desire to be a pedophile is not a choice either.

If that's true, the your desire to fuck women is a choice. You could decide right now that you want a huge, throbbing dong to slam your guts. Is that what you are telling me?

Who gives a shit what pedophiles and faggots say?.

Who gives a shit what an asshole like you say? Constantly attacking gays and implying that they are pedophiles just so you can foment hatred towards gays?

Who gives a shit about what assholes like you say?


No one
well they aren't equal. why would they be? you're attempting to tell everyone that a circle and a square are equal. they aren't bubba.

Yeah, negroes and whites aren't equal. Why would they be?

A Black child has no control which color he will be born. We know this and it is scientifically verifiable, even after death, and without testimony of those that knew them.

A gay person has no control over which sexual orientation he or she will be. Ok?

We don't know this. There certainly have been well documented cases of a Homosexual somehow becoming Heterosexual, and also the opposite. It sometimes happens multiple times.

There is no evidence to support the contention that a person can change their color as they wish.

Can you say" bi- sexuality?" Can you say " continuum of sexual preferences"?
We can't force them not to be bigots. But we can force them not to discriminate.
The consequence of that distinction is exactly the same.

It's forcing someone to serve another against their will, but only if they want to refuse service for some reason SOME PEOPLE find offensive and mean.

It's the same bullshit.

I can refuse service to someone because I don't like their ugly hair. But, if I refuse service because I don't like their sexual orientation, I must be punished.

What about discrimination against people with bad hair?

Some want to force others to be nice. That ALL this shit is about.
Some want to force others to serve them and do their bidding, including and especially when they are told to do something that they believe puts their soul in jeopardy.

THAT'S what this is about.
The bakers do not believe it would put their soul in jeopardy to bake a cake for a homo. That's total horseshit, and I have demonstrated the reasons why that is total horseshit several times in this topic.

Of course it's bullshit. A lot of them are clinging to that, because they don't understand the First Amendment. The irony is that, while it's not a freedom of religion issue, it is a freedom of speech issue. They're not stoically maintaining their faith - they're protesting gay marriage.

This is why we hate the left, this is why we hate the fag lobby. You're nothing but nazi freaks..only not as smart or as well dressed.

You hate them because that is all you have in your life is hate.

If they were all hiding firmly away in the closet you would hate 'fags'. As far as the 'left'- well again- you have nothing but hate in your heart for anyone you disagree with.
well they aren't equal. why would they be? you're attempting to tell everyone that a circle and a square are equal. they aren't bubba.

Yeah, negroes and whites aren't equal. Why would they be?

A Black child has no control which color he will be born. We know this and it is scientifically verifiable, even after death, and without testimony of those that knew them.

A gay person has no control over which sexual orientation he or she will be. Ok?

We don't know this. There certainly have been well documented cases of a Homosexual somehow becoming Heterosexual, and also the opposite. It sometimes happens multiple times.

There is no evidence to support the contention that a person can change their color as they wish.

Can you say" bi- sexuality?" Can you say " continuum of sexual preferences"?
can you say overly horny?
The correct solution was to disarm BOTH sides and declare marriage a contractual arrangement that does not, and should not require any type of state permission (license).
Leaving the door open to child marriages, coerced marriages , and incest.

Notice how PP is trying to deny this “right” to others by using fear and misstatements?

Remind you of anything else?
What right am I trying to deny to who, Bubba? You wouldn't be suggesting that people have the right to marry children, now would you?

Marriage is a contract, the law prohibits children into entering into a contract of that sort.

You are trying to deny people who want to Marry more than one person at a time, or those that want multiple licence from doing so, using the same methods and reasoning that you claimed to detest in the pre legalized same sex marriage debates.

Where does he say that?

Actually marriage law is wierd in that it does allow children into entering into that contract under specific circumstances and in some states- as young as 12 in some states with judges approval.

You think that marriage should include more than 2 people- then you have the same right to pursue your dream as the gay couples who sued to pursue what they considered to be their rights- you can work to change it legislatively or you can go to court arguing you should be able to marry your sister wives.

go for it.
Yeah, negroes and whites aren't equal. Why would they be?

A Black child has no control which color he will be born. We know this and it is scientifically verifiable, even after death, and without testimony of those that knew them.

A gay person has no control over which sexual orientation he or she will be. Ok?

We don't know this. There certainly have been well documented cases of a Homosexual somehow becoming Heterosexual, and also the opposite. It sometimes happens multiple times.

There is no evidence to support the contention that a person can change their color as they wish.

Can you say" bi- sexuality?" Can you say " continuum of sexual preferences"?
can you say overly horny?
He says that every day before he goes to work with vulnerable, at risk children.
Some want to force others to serve them and do their bidding, including and especially when they are told to do something that they believe puts their soul in jeopardy.

THAT'S what this is about.
The bakers do not believe it would put their soul in jeopardy to bake a cake for a homo. That's total horseshit, and I have demonstrated the reasons why that is total horseshit several times in this topic.

Of course it's bullshit. A lot of them are clinging to that, because they don't understand the First Amendment. The irony is that, while it's not a freedom of religion issue, it is a freedom of speech issue. They're not stoically maintaining their faith - they're protesting gay marriage.

This is why we hate the left, this is why we hate the fag lobby. You're nothing but nazi freaks..only not as smart or as well dressed.

You hate them because that is all you have in your life is hate.

If they were all hiding firmly away in the closet you would hate 'fags'. As far as the 'left'- well again- you have nothing but hate in your heart for anyone you disagree with.

I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.
The bakers do not believe it would put their soul in jeopardy to bake a cake for a homo. That's total horseshit, and I have demonstrated the reasons why that is total horseshit several times in this topic.

Of course it's bullshit. A lot of them are clinging to that, because they don't understand the First Amendment. The irony is that, while it's not a freedom of religion issue, it is a freedom of speech issue. They're not stoically maintaining their faith - they're protesting gay marriage.

This is why we hate the left, this is why we hate the fag lobby. You're nothing but nazi freaks..only not as smart or as well dressed.

You hate them because that is all you have in your life is hate.

If they were all hiding firmly away in the closet you would hate 'fags'. As far as the 'left'- well again- you have nothing but hate in your heart for anyone you disagree with.

I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.
that is sooooo extreme it isn't funny. Dude, you just demonstrated the typical leftist behavior when you've had your ass handed to you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
If these hypocritical bakers stopped baking cakes for people who have divorced and are therefore adulterers, their business model would immediately implode. They'd be out of business.

So their arguments are horseshit. This is about hate. It has nothing to do with the bible or the First Amendment.

The only hate I've seen is on your sides part.
I freely admit I do not like hypocritical bigots who commit sacrilege to further their bigotry.

I'm working on it.

I admit I don't like associating with queers.
Of course it's bullshit. A lot of them are clinging to that, because they don't understand the First Amendment. The irony is that, while it's not a freedom of religion issue, it is a freedom of speech issue. They're not stoically maintaining their faith - they're protesting gay marriage.

This is why we hate the left, this is why we hate the fag lobby. You're nothing but nazi freaks..only not as smart or as well dressed.

You hate them because that is all you have in your life is hate.

If they were all hiding firmly away in the closet you would hate 'fags'. As far as the 'left'- well again- you have nothing but hate in your heart for anyone you disagree with.

I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.
that is sooooo extreme it isn't funny. Dude, you just demonstrated the typical leftist behavior when you've had your ass handed to you.

You just demonstrated the typical contard fascist mentality of believing that some fascist asshole has accomplished anything.

Kosher provides nothing but bile and hate here at USMB and I have no problem calling her out for it.
This is why we hate the left, this is why we hate the fag lobby. You're nothing but nazi freaks..only not as smart or as well dressed.

You hate them because that is all you have in your life is hate.

If they were all hiding firmly away in the closet you would hate 'fags'. As far as the 'left'- well again- you have nothing but hate in your heart for anyone you disagree with.

I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.
that is sooooo extreme it isn't funny. Dude, you just demonstrated the typical leftist behavior when you've had your ass handed to you.

You just demonstrated the typical contard fascist mentality of believing that some fascist asshole has accomplished anything.

Kosher provides nothing but bile and hate here at USMB and I have no problem calling her out for it.
but her post was accurate. how do you respond on fact?
The bakers do not believe it would put their soul in jeopardy to bake a cake for a homo. That's total horseshit, and I have demonstrated the reasons why that is total horseshit several times in this topic.

Of course it's bullshit. A lot of them are clinging to that, because they don't understand the First Amendment. The irony is that, while it's not a freedom of religion issue, it is a freedom of speech issue. They're not stoically maintaining their faith - they're protesting gay marriage.

This is why we hate the left, this is why we hate the fag lobby. You're nothing but nazi freaks..only not as smart or as well dressed.

You hate them because that is all you have in your life is hate.

If they were all hiding firmly away in the closet you would hate 'fags'. As far as the 'left'- well again- you have nothing but hate in your heart for anyone you disagree with.

I hate them because they are fascist, mentally ill and dangerous scum who deserve death.

You hate everyone who disagrees with you and think that all of us deserve death.

Because you are a hating, hateful fascist asshole.

What do you mean hate.?

She has never tried to bankrupt a hard working baker because he wouldn't sell them a cake. That is vile vicious butthurt hate by filthy ass queers that do that.
The homo marriage thing has never been about getting equal rights.

It has always been about eliminating the rights of Christians and bringing the churches under state control. Always.

What does recognizing the right of LGBTs to legally marry, either in a civil ceremony or in a ceremony conducted by according to the customs of their religious faith, Christian or other, have anything to do with eliminating the rights of those Christian sects who oppose same-sex marriage? You folks still end up having whatever ceremonies and rituals you want. Dance around the altar naked or dress in purple and do back-flips on the church lawn if you wish. And nobody is telling you that you can't have sex, take tax deductions, will your property to whomever you wish.

We're sitting here, talking about a Christian business owner being dragged all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States, spending God knows how much money on legal fees simply to defend his ability to stay in business, all because a homosexual couple demanded that he view their relationship as a "marriage", and you seriously are obtuse enough to say, "What does recognizing gay marriages legally have to do with eliminating the rights of Christians?"

Just how big WAS the rock that fell on your head and scrambled your brains? Because if you are asking that question, you're either one of the most dishonest, fascistic pieces of crap to ever befoul this message board, or you are brain-damaged to the point of needing life support.

The couple didn't "demand" anything. They came in to order a cake for their reception. That's all. How would they know that they would run into some jackass from a religious cult? There is nothing that I said that was either fascist or dishonest. This whole anti-LGBT thing is an attempt by this guy's cult to undermine the integrity both the Christian faith and our public-accommodations laws. What will the cults think of next to tack on to what is supposed to be a great religion? The couple didn't "drag" this shithead to the Supreme Court or anywhere else. In no way is this their fault. And I think that his fellow cult members paid his legal fees.

You people are mentally ill. A bunch of drama queens.
You are trying to deny people who want to Marry more than one person at a time, or those that want multiple licence from doing so, using the same methods and reasoning that you claimed to detest in the pre legalized same sex marriage debates.
I am? Really Cowboy? Please show the audience the post(s) where I spoke out against group marriage. You are shooting from the hip with you appeals to hypocrisy. Just because I have not been actively advocating for it, it does not mean that I'm against it.

The fact is that I have no moral objection to it, and although there may be some pragmatic considerations, they could probably be overcome. However, it is a separate issue from same sex marriage with different legal and societal implications. But, if there emerges a movement for plural marriage, they are free to pursue it through the legislative and/or judicial process and I might well support it.

Getting back to you clumsy appeal to hypocrisy, even if I were dead against plural marriages -it would still be a logical fallacy :

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."
Yeah, negroes and whites aren't equal. Why would they be?

A Black child has no control which color he will be born. We know this and it is scientifically verifiable, even after death, and without testimony of those that knew them.

A gay person has no control over which sexual orientation he or she will be. Ok?

We don't know this. There certainly have been well documented cases of a Homosexual somehow becoming Heterosexual, and also the opposite. It sometimes happens multiple times.

There is no evidence to support the contention that a person can change their color as they wish.

Can you say" bi- sexuality?" Can you say " continuum of sexual preferences"?
can you say overly horny?
Can you say willful ignorance of human sexuality?
A Black child has no control which color he will be born. We know this and it is scientifically verifiable, even after death, and without testimony of those that knew them.

A gay person has no control over which sexual orientation he or she will be. Ok?

We don't know this. There certainly have been well documented cases of a Homosexual somehow becoming Heterosexual, and also the opposite. It sometimes happens multiple times.

There is no evidence to support the contention that a person can change their color as they wish.

Can you say" bi- sexuality?" Can you say " continuum of sexual preferences"?
can you say overly horny?
Can you say willful ignorance of human sexuality?
or they're so fking horny, they'll do anyone.

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